Submitted by Joe Barnett on Tue, 06/20/2017 - 13:47


Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett


Mary Magdalene’s Diary 5
Dr. Angela Barnett
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This is from Mary Magdalene’s Diary 5. This book contains a synopsis of every thing that has taken place in the past 500 million years to prepare for the Ascension that is taking place at this exact moment in history. This book reviews all of the things that I have been saying in my diary for the past twenty years, and it contains an update on the present condition of Earth, and the plan of God in the next five years. It also includes all of the future events that will take place leading into 2047, when the Earth that we have known will no longer exist in this realm.
Once upon a time, long, long ago, there were Normal Human Beings on a Planet that was similar to Earth. However, this Planet was actually a Star. A Planet cannot breathe, but a Star can.
Planet Earth has been on a respirator system for a very long time, because she has had no normal access to normal oxygen.
You see, in a normal system, the Planet is a Star, and the Star has an Eternal Energy Source. The Suns and Stars exhale all of their living energy up their portals or staffs out into the atmosphere where their oxygen flows into all of the other Suns and Stars. This continuous Source of Energy is normal in a normal system.
In our Normal Reality, the Human Angelic also had this continuous energy supply flowing into them from the Rod and Staff of the Planet that they lived upon.
Planet Earth has always had a respiration system because she was guided into the Starry Firmament of a place called Urtha. The name used by most of the Universe has always been Terra Firma for Earth and Terra Ha for her Spiritual Essence or Starry Firmament. This was the Essence of the Creation by the Creators, who have called the Founders in some circles on this planet. This is the time when Terra Firma will morph into oneness with Terra Ha, and then Terra Firma will no longer exist in this realm. It is time for our Mother Earth to become One with her Spiritual Parallel Self, or her Starry Firmament of Terra Ha.
That time has come. The Earth and the Human Angelic Beings who inhabit Earth are becoming Normal. This evolutionary event began in 2013. It was mid 2012 when Earth shifted into a new time line that would allow her to begin her transformation. The five years following the 2012 transition has been the final transformation that required several things to take place. The transformation required the Consciousness or Starry Essence of Sun’s from Seven Star Systems to flow into Earth. The transformation required a high percentage of activation of the Earth’s Grids in her Crust that were originally created by the Elohim Race Line, or the Original race of this planet. And finally, the Earth would require the Original Ones, who had never been a part of any of the history that was created by the Fallen Ones.
This group of Original Ones could not come to Earth until Mary Magdalene created all twelve Ascension Portals and opened the Central Portal to extend from one side of the Earth and into the Earth’s Heart Center and then out the other side of the Earth so that the Original Ones could pass through Earth for their final Ascension. The Portals were completed in the Fall of 2016. That is what changed every thing in the Universe. That is what caused Gaia to be announced as the Savior of the Universe, because now Gaia, who is the Soul of Terra Firma and Terra Ha, is the Eternal Passage of Ascension for all who live in this Universe.
Now, Earth does have a Source of Eternal Energy flowing into her from the Stellar Wave Infusions from the Seven Suns, who held the Consciousness of the Original Essence of the Creation of this Universe. These infusions came to Earth through a shower of the essence of the Suns and the Stars, which includes the crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel that all Eternal substance is created from. This is the stardust, the liquid light energy and the gelaisic radiation called hydrolaise that transforms the planet and those upon her.
Once we learn to inhale this divine substance from the crystal spheres of crystal light, gel and dust into our atomic structure, our bodies will transform into a new biological structure that allows us to perform events such as orbing, teleporting, riding on space ships, turning into light and moving into multiple dimensional realities.
We don't die in Normal Reality. The old reality we knew was not normal at all. It was an Illusion that was placed in our cellular memory. We were placed inside the consciousness of a group who was playing a disfunctional movie through our cellular memory.
We can create our own movies now. We don't have to be a part of a version of reality that belongs to someone else.
We have had our Universal Freedom Restored. We are now a part of the original alignment of the Perfect Order of the 12 Stargates leading into the Universal Freedom of all in the Universe and eventually this will lead to the Omniversal Freedom of the entire Cosmos.
We are temporarily being held within a Plasma Blanket of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel, which is the make up of the plasma radiation that is like a nuclear transformer which creates an Eternal Supply of energy. We are living within the Stardust of Terra Ha.
In 2047, Terra Ha will complete her mission of letting Earth move away into a new line of reality until she can go into Star Burst in the only way that is available to her at this time. Earth will only be a distant memory of a time of a very strange reality that can only be remembered as a bad dream or an illusion by those who live in Normal Reality Systems. During 2017-2047, Earth will continue to be held within the Consciousness created by the Starry Plasma essence of the Solar and Starry Waves that have passed through her in order to provide the harmony and balance while we absorb the Divine Energy that this Original Spiritual Consciousness provides. We can inhale the Crystal Star Dust and Liquid Light Energies directly from the Starry Essence surrounding us now.
These divine frequencies will raise our accretion level to be the same as the level of accretion of the Sun of Inner Earth and the Cloud Cities. As we raise our consciousness into this accretion or frequency, we will be able to see the New Reality which is actually the Normal Reality that was always here. We are just being re-balanced into a higher frequency of Conscious Reality.
As these realities take place, there will be those who can perceive of them and those who cannot. As we are gaining our new freedom that allows us to transform our bodies into a new chemical and biological structure, there will be those who continue to live in their inorganic carbon based bodies because they have chosen not to participate.
While those of us in the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse are learning how to turn our bodies into light with the use of the Merkaba and the inhaling of Source Frequencies, there will be the other 95% of the world who do not participate in becoming normal.
While those of us in the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse are learning how to sing new harmonic melodies with the Cetacean Family through the Music of the Spheres technology, the majority will still be performing in Electronic Bands that are called Electronic Music.
Those are participating in a Solfege reality. Solfege means music that is audible in the third dimension. The music that must be heard to transform into our NORMAL REALITY is the music that is Cosmic, etheric, not heard-- but felt within the atoms.
The final Stellar Wave Activation was sent by Comet 2016 between March and June. Every thing will change by Fall 2016 because the entire set of the 12 Stellar Wave Infusions and Activations will be complete and the Final Time Capsules will be activated and the Great White Lion Technology (GWL) will be completely turned back on.
An update about the GWL technology
The Great White Lion was designed as a Landing Strip for those coming in First Contact. The interaction of the Light Energy coming to Earth and the activation of Light Workers standing on Earth are helping to activate the Grids in the Great White Lion turn on the Earth's CRYSTAL GRID APIN SYSTEM. There were several Crystal Children, who were chosen by Yeshuwa ben Joseph, to repair and activate the star gate wheels within wheels mechanisms within the 12 main star gates, and there were a total of 52 individual light workers who are indigo children assigned to the other star gates.
Yeshuwa did verify to me that he had given the assignment of teaching the Crystal Children to repair the Star Gates of the GWL to the one who named herself the Speaker in the movement of the Azurite Writings. However, Yeshuwa also confirmed that most of the other teachings of that group are incorrect, and created from misunderstandings of what was actually being said to the channel. The obfuscation between those who are the Creators from the Creator Realm and those who are the Original Ones, who are landing on Earth now, and the Star Seeds, who are the creations of Angelic Racelines has created a massive amount of egomaniacs in the Light Worker Groups. Those teachings that were supposed to be imparted to specific Crystal Children for the purpose of repairing the Star Gates were for that purpose and only that purpose. The Speaker’s attempts to completely obliterate the reputation of the real Yeshuwa ben Joseph, who is also Jesus Christ, was only for the purpose of replacing the true teachings of Christ with her own. That group has beginning their meetings with a song that states “We are the Original Ones.” That pretty much sums up who they think they are. Well, the truth is, the only Original Ones are the ones who began landing on Earth in January 2017. They are coming directly from the God Realm.
They are Creators and they are Angels, and they are are Original Ones. A very unique group of Entities were chosen for this part of the great mission. They are entities who are ascending from each of the star systems, who have their own Sun. It was the Consciousness of the Suns of each of these systems coming to Earth as the Stellar Wave Activations that helped to pave the way for these Entities of Light. It was also the Consciousness of the Central Portal that paved the way directly from the Creator Realm for these ascending race lines. There are some who are Arcturians, some from Alpha Centauri, many different Angelic Groups or El Groups who are ascending.

They began arriving in January, 2017. In January, the ElEiayai and Eleayshendaizendy from Andromeda, Keekalakwa, Fukesenhye,
Tusenshavenshya from Venus, the Arcturia ZaZa,
and the Kreeaa Raceline from Alpha Centuri.
In February three women from Venus landed.
The commanders of the mother ships on Venus
are all women. Their names were Keekalakwa,
Fukesenhye, Tusenshavenshya
In March I welcomed the Mother ship
commanders from Arcturia ZaZa. The members
names were Belata, Ekritee, Aendo and Foreland.
I also welcomed the Kreeaa Raceline from Alpha
Centuri. The representatives names are La Ka and

This means that even though these entities are
from certain Star Systems and Racelines themselves,
the ones who are called the ORIGINAL ONES are
entities who did not need to go through the Hybrid
process because they were never mutated by the
Fallen Angelic Racelines. These beings have been
on an Ascension Path for millions or billions of
years within the realms of the Universe where there
was no Fallen Agenda present. These beings are on
another journey of Ascension, so they needed to
pass through the Creator Realm before continuing
on their path of Ascension.
There are space ships coming directly from the Cosmic Realm of Creation that fold themselves within no time and space and then appear on this plane. There are entities who are on their ascension path that they began several ascension loops ago, each of which were 250 million years long. There are 32 active Creators who were born on Earth, and there are 15 others who were born more recently who may or may not be called into action before 2040. There will be many who claim they are Creators, just because they do not even know what a Creator is. I know the names of all 32 Creators, and I will be the only one who communicates with the Original Ones who are landing now because that is the mission that I was assigned to as a Creator.
These star gates within the Great White Lion system are presently working as the navigational system that is allowing the Original Ones who have landed on Earth, in their perfect form, directly from the God Realm to travel on Earth, while they are communicating with the various governments of this planet to negotiate First Contact.
Events such as Comets, including Comet Eleina, Comet Ison and the final activation that was sent through Comet 2016 were senders of light consciousness into Earth, as well as the seven sets of solar waves sent from the seven suns and the twelve stars also sent their waves of consciousness. Each of these sets of consciousness that have been sent to Earth raise her frequencies higher and higher. The most important set of frequencies that have come to Earth are those of the Original Ones who are now landing on Earth. Everything else that has happened on Earth was for the purpose of this Event of the landing. When the Original Ones complete their negotiations on Earth, they will fly their space ships through my Central Portal. It will be at that moment that the 12 Star Gates gain their consciousness, and at that time the 13 owners of the Crystal Skulls will simultaneously press their remote control device from their locations in the Universe that will allow all of the Star Gates to open at the same time. That event is scheduled for 2018.
This Universal System provides the free global energy, climate stabilization, healing, and inter stellar subspace communications and broadcasting by aligning through the Light Codes of the Cosmic Council into the Crystal Liquid Light connecting to the Mind of God, Eternal Source Field. We can connect our consciousness into this Grid system running through Earth into Inner Earth and out into the Central Portal. We always need to connect our consciousness into both fields of energy- the Inner and the Outer and use our body temples as the lightning rod that connects the flow of Christ Consciousness of the Life Force Currents created by the Creators.
This All Knowing Intelligence of Universal Life Force Currents are now streaming into MOTHER EARTH through our Biosphere. We are the Lightning Rods who allow the Cetacean Nation who was created in partnership with Sirius B during the original creation of the Inner Earth technology. The Cosmic Liquid Light within the Ocean is Essential in this Process, which requires the Lords of the Seas to align the Plasma Frequencies through the Music of the Spheres Technology within the Water.
We would had fallen off of our planet long ago if we didn't have the Cetaceans maintaining our optimal balance. I swim with the Dolphins and Whales every night in my Astral body, and we balance the tectonic plates on the ocean floor by use of the Trinary Language that the dolphins send through no time into the Cetacean Nations in the Fifth Dimension of Alcyone and the Eighth Dimension of Andromeda. It is the Sacred Geometry of the Music of the Spheres that holds the tectonic plates in correct balance. This state will only allow Mother Earth to have more control of her own body. When she has this control in balance, it will be Mother Earth, in agreement with God, who allow the final catastrophe to happen. The Pacific Coast will fall into the Ocean in about five years. The earthquakes will continue for ten years until California is less than half of its size.
This event is not considered a catastrophe, but rather, it is considered the optimal outcome by God, who knows what is best for the Children of the Universe to have the best possible future. I am sending this warning to all of those who live near the Ocean. This warning has been sent over and over by many gurus for over a decade now. The possibility of the Western Coast falling in the Ocean has been hovering around the fifty percent level for several years, and that is because of the work I do with the dolphins. However, the percentage will rise to eighty percent in five years and one hundred percent in ten years. This means that the event could actually take place at any time. These were the words of Jesus Christ and all of the other Creators. They told me that this is God's Heroic Plan for mankind. And we know that Jesus will be walking on Earth and giving words of comfort and guidance during that same time period, because it will be a time when everyone on Earth will need to learn to take care of each other. There will be great turmoil on Earth while at the same time the Consciousness of those on Earth will grow in awareness and Unconditional Love for one another.
What is happening through the Sun and the Moon at this time in history has never ever taken place before on Planet Earth. The Earth was moved into a brand new Stellar Alignment in December of 2012. The year 2013 was dedicated to the adjustment into that alignment. Year 2014 was the first year of our new reality. Year 3 was the Year of Illumination. By the fall 2016, everything changed because the 12 Ascension Portals were opened and the Central Portal was prepared for the Great Landing of the Original Consciousness of those who occupied Terra Firma- Mother Earth, when she was in her Starry State of Terra Ha, and she had not yet had its density lowered from that of a Star into a Planet due to all of the invasions by Fallen Angelic, Anti Christ Invader Races.
Earth went into a state of amnesia because her consciousness is the consciousness of those who were born on her originally. There are only five percent on Earth who contain that original consciousness that was on Earth when she was in her Starry essence form. Most of those on Earth are hybrids who were created to re vitalize and give a rebirth to the original form of consciousness that was on Earth five hundred million years ago, before the complete destruction of the Elohim Angelic Race.
It is the Cosmic Energy that is being blown through the Heliosphere of the Sun that is allowing the Accretion level of Earth to become equal to that of the Sun. This Accretion Level is one of the requirements for the Ascension to take place. This Cosmic Energy contains no electrons. Electrons are required to densify particle spin into duality. The Positrons being emitted from the Sun are Electron Free. That means they move through all barriers. That means they remove all Veils of separation. That is what is happening in our biosphere and atmosphere. We are having the Veils broken down with the Cosmic Frequencies that melt away Duality.
What do they do when they break down barriers? They bring back our Original Cosmic Consciousness that is so etheric that is made of pre light and pre sound wave particles of transformation. Those Frequencies of Consciousness will be reconnected to our DNA through our neuronets. The frequencies of transformation must be plugged into our Frequency Specific Mid Brain and create a neurosystem from the Lower Cerebellum up into the Elohim of Hearing where our original Over Soul may be heard once again.
We have been unplugged from our Over Soul for a very very long time.
I provide all of the tools and frequencies that allow any one who wants to the availability of the process to plug in to it at my website:
Yes, we could all just become observers and wait and watch and see if anything happens. Or, we can become participants and make it happen in our lives and in all of the lives around us because we have taken the time to plug our DNA into the Waves that allow us to CREATE OUR REALITY.
Our DNA contains the movies that we project. Our Pituitary Gland is our Movie Projector, our radial body is our movie screen. Now, we need to write the movie, see the movie in our imagination and then ALLOW the Mid Brain to create the Movie while we wait in Trance State without any expectations.
These are the very basic steps of Making God's Movie. We can not become the new Christs and Masters of the Universe until we learn how to Make God's Movie.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett


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