WILL THE PROTECTORS OF THIS EARTH PLEASE NOW COMPLETELY COME FORTH AND DEFEND HER? I am asking. The information about the military & police escalation at Sacred Stone Camp came across my news-feed yesterday. IT's UNACCEPTABLE. I purposefully did not watch any videos about it yesterday because even though I know I am very strong, I am also simultaneously very fragile right now. I cannot watch those videos or see the photos from it without having PANIC ATTACKS and going into COMPLETE RAGE, which is what just haPPened since I just pushed play on this video. "WE HAVE NO WEAPONS! WE ARE UNARMED!" VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FThomasH.JosephII%2Fvideos%2F10210794487923484%2F&show_text=0&width=400
BIG OIL: You've already been told. YOUR TIME IS UP. We have clean and renewable energy that is taking over now. MOVE OVER.
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Standing Rock Dakota Access Pipeline Opposition Red Warrior Camp Oceti Sakowin Youth & Allies Earth GuardiansThe White House+RT +Truthout +NPR +Democracy Now! +Amnesty International USA +The White House #noDAPL#PEACE https://goo.gl/xoHGWj