~Yeehaw~ Energies Increase~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 11:05

Bonus Video "Sphere Deflects Solar Eruption! May 25, 2012"


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News from Earth Allies: Manchester Police Given Reality Smackdown by Love Police


IF you want some more chill... look closely to the officer... FEEL how his Feelings are crumbling... See him... Feel how his beliefs are crumbling and how much he tries to stick on them... though he Knows it's True. And then... Oh YES, we'll have lots of more CHILLS!




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The Case Against Competition


Dancing with the stars by crystalin


The Case Against Competition

By Alfie Kohn


"When it comes to competition, we Americans typically recognize only two legitimate positions: enthusiastic support and qualified support.

The first view holds that the more we immerse our children (and ourselves) in rivalry, the better. Competition builds character and produces excellence. The second stance admits that our society has gotten carried away with the need to be Number One, that we push our kids too hard and too fast to become winners -- but insists that competition can be healthy and fun if we keep it in perspective.

I used to be in the second camp. But after investigating the topic for several years, looking at research from psychology, sociology, biology, education, and other fields, I'm now convinced that neither position is correct. Competition is bad news all right, but it's not just that we overdo it or misapply it. The trouble lies with competition itself. The best amount of competition for our children is none at all, and the very phrase "healthy competition" is actually a contradiction in terms.

That may sound extreme if not downright un-American. But some things aren't just bad because they're done to excess; some things are inherently destructive. Competition, which simply means that one person can succeed only if others fail, is one of those things. It's always unnecessary and inappropriate at school, at play, and at home."


Full Story: http://www.alfiekohn.org/parenting/tcac.htm


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Ignorance is the greatest source of fear on Planet Earth



Ignorance is the greatest source of fear on Planet Earth



The divine plan for awakening is being achieved – right now – as you all continue to release unloving attitudes and behaviors.  Enough of you are doing this to swing humanity forwards into the new age because you are also getting enormous help from many other loving entities who have had their own struggles, understand what you are going through, and wish only to help you to reach your divine destination as they did.  And so you will, as many of us in the spiritual realms keep reminding you, because it is unavoidable and inevitable.


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Heavenletter #4202 What If You Could Leave Your Burdens to God


Heavenletter #4202 What If You Could Leave Your Burdens to God, May 27, 2012 

God said: 


What if you could leave matters to Me? What if you could let go of all that you hold onto so tightly? What if you could? What if you would?

What a weight would fall off your back. How relieved you would be. How light you would feel when you leave your burdens to Me. Leave them at My door, or leave them at My feet. To Me, they are as if nothing. To you they are everything. Burdens are weights you carry. Don't carry them. You don't have to carry them.

I do not mean you pretend them away. I mean that you take that knapsack of burdens off your back. Take that knapsack off. Carrying it around doesn't solve anything. Taking your burdens off your back will undo them. At the very least, you will feel lighter.


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Larry – Twelve Insight – The Twelve Insight Journal – 27 May 2012



Larry – Twelve Insight – The Twelve Insight Journal – 27 May 2012

Question from a reader: How can you learn to recognize that you are making the right decisions… When you ask for a sign, is that silly? I honestly don’t know what to do and how to remove all the other “stuff” to see the truth.

Well, first of all, most of your decisions are not irrevocable; that is, your decisions do not carry the kind of impact that you think they might. There must be a great deal of pre-intention, thought, and vibrational alignment in place before a decision you make will become sticky enough to take hold.


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multiple topics covered...


for a very long time, we have been dealing with living on a planet where the inhabitants live out their cellular
conditioning, by contract. some understand reality , some do not. this again, by contract. the challenge there in
is dealing with the experience of being that which was not tolerated by the conditioned thing, the egomind.
this also includes those who by contract remain unaware of this, and act it out. there is strength in knowing
what ones contract is, when it comes to dealing with others who do not know that they even have one, and what
that experience entails for not only them, but you. so there is strength in knowing ignorance as it is, both within you,
and in others, along with the varying perceptions contained within and projected outwards. the variations of awareness
on this planet are just like the alphabet. our bodies are precisely tuned truth detectors. anyone who disagrees with you
is expressing their unconsciousness. one example of how good the body is as talking to us, is when you get those "puke"
feelings. and another way of noticing the egomind within you, is when you feel those feelings of nooooooo ,towards
puking. this is the resistance of the egomind towards the inevitable that YOU know is going to happen.

another challenge that arises, is the inner struggle that has arisen within you, whilst you are on your path
of self realization. this is you dealing with you resurrecting and having to move through all the resistance of the
conditioned thing, the egomind. another challenge is all the talk about "the illusion of reality." what also arises from
that talk, is tied to the inner struggle of freeing the self from the shackles that you  perceived were placed upon you.
theres a difference between perception and perspective by the way, the ego = perception, the heart = perspective, the

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K i n g o f K i n g s !




There is so much love



~ peace ~


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5/26/2012 -- 6.0M in Japan -- 7 days of movement shows areas to watch


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The Galactic Federation of Light - DNA Frequency Change 2012


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Motherships in the Mother City – Back Page | IOL News |



Motherships in the Mother City – Back Page | IOL News | IOL.co.za

Thanks to Steffie – Laura

SA Time: Friday, 25 May 2012 8:41:14 PM

May 25 2012 at 01:24pm


The truth is out there – and it could be closer than you think.

Cape Town residents have been experiencing close encounters of a spooky kind in recent weeks.

Hundreds of UFO spotters have reported fresh sightings just off the coast of the Mother City.

And others have reported sightings of “ascending orbits” – better known as angels – directly over the Cape Flats.

One 34-year-old UFO expert who calls himself Jack Bauer, says our night-time skies have become a hotspot for “alien fly-bys”.


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Galactic Free Press Update~5~25~12 The Energies are Intense and will Be Increasing


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/26/12


Secret underground boring equipment possessed by the US military.



There is a high-speed rail system that has been built by the hands of your labor and your tax dollars at work that connects many major cities and ports of destination all around your globe. This high-speed system of transportation has been designed and built for the pleasure and the luxury of those of your world who call this world their own. It has not been built for its use by the people of your world who have paid for it through their labor and the money that is taken from them through taxation and other means to strip you of your wealth.


This system connects the rich, the famous and the celebrity to anywhere and just about everywhere they wish to travel. This rail system travels to high speeds reaching Mach 6 or 7, even some parts of the system reaching speeds of Mach 8 or 9. This is an incredibly high rate of speed compared to the snail’s pace that you the people have been permitted to travel by those who call the shots in your world.



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~Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~ Will Be Sunday May27th



~Greetings Love Beings, We successfully Accomplished our task today in Our Internet Love Party. WE will Post the Next Update On Sunday May 27th, 2012, With a Report on the Effects of what we collectivley accomplished. We Love You!!


Love The Earth Allies




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News from Earth Allies: Bank Of America Returns Foreclosed Home To Dirma Rodriguez And Disabled Daughter



Bank Of America Returns Foreclosed Home To Dirma Rodriguez And Disabled Daughter – 27 May 2012

Link to video


After being evicted from their house, with the help of the Occupy Movement they can stay! It has been shown the the Bank did not act according to "law"... another brick in the wall! 


There’s finally some good news for Dirma Rodriguez and her three children.

Rodriguez had reached out to Occupy Fights Foreclosures (OFF), a group that’s affiliated with Occupy LA, when she was being evicted. OFF says that Bank of America violated state laws when it made the foreclosure sale.

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Volcano Fuego in Guatemala Erupts


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Living As God


Lilou interviews Zoe Johcheere from Belgium, who has some insights on living the life in the One....


Love is All...


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Where's the plane? Who's writing this? Last chance!


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The True Thank


This is about gratitude. Saying thank you. For me it's like there is two 'thank you'.

We can either say thank you in a sense of giving credit to someone for something. This gives a sense of separation, servitude, bondage, ultimately enslavement. We have been programmed to think like that for long. Taking credit is the first step in abridging free will.

If we really believe, be live, that we are One, that all is God, that it is the very same essence flowing through all, as all, then nothing, noone, is to take credit for anything except the One, except All, except Everything.

For me this is a very important aspect in our evolution right now. I experience it personally as when i discard all taking credit, then those very things, blessings, flood in and flow out through me. They flow out as they're not mine. It is beautifully said in the Tao te ching :
"[The saint] produces without appropriating
He acts without expecting
His piece achieved, he does not attach to it
And since he's not attached to it,
His piece will flourish"

See how the water you drink does not take credit and becomes you.
See how the fruit of the trees, the air you breathe, the earth and the sun all do the same.

True gratitude is acknowledging the essence of the One and your appreciation for it. What you see and love in other people, in the sun, the trees and everything, is yourself. Do not fear offending them for not giving them credit. This is all but an offense. This is a liberation, a realization of divinity for them and yourself and All. This is why we can 'co-create our reality'. Because we see the creator in ourselves, other selves, and everything.


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The Starting Point


Life is continually up for renewal or reinvention...which will it be today?

More of the same?

Or revision and reinvention to expand your joy.




Life at the Ideafrontier.


Expect Wonderful by Meredith Murphy


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5/27/2012 -- What is near the sun?


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❤ Searching For Signs Of Our Own Divinity: My Visits From Mother Mary.



❤ Searching For Signs Of Our Own Divinity: My Visits From Mother Mary. By, AuroRa Le. May 27, 2012

A painted pig is just a pig. ~ Michael through Ron Head


We will speak today on the subject of usury.  Many in your country remember when there were laws governing the maximum amount of interest that could be charged.  Anything higher was called usury.  Today’s charges often exceed twice those allowable amounts.


You are told that such high rates are necessary for the economy.  They are necessary in order to keep the wealthy in receipt of more and more of the world’s resources.  More than a few of those whom you admire and fawn upon spend more upon a week’s short vacation than you earn in a year of hard work.  You are told it is because they work harder and produce more.  Many of those wealthy persons even believe that.  We find it unsettling that anyone could spend many thousands of times the price of a good meal for things totally unnecessary when millions of souls have nothing at all to eat for that day.  We find it unsettling that anyone would feel justified in then demanding more recompense for making less contribution to the whole.



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Lightening, Fires of Passion Leads to the Strawberry Moon!


Lightening, Fires of Passion Leads to the Strawberry Moon! GLR~ Lisa Gawlas


Every day this field of life we live in changes, morphs, becomes something more and something less.  For someone who reads this field daily, it can be very frustrating.  Imagine going to work and every time you show up, the rules changed and the layout is no longer the same as it was the day before.  Grrrrr!


There were three consistent themes to yesterdays readings.  Every single person was tiny.  If I can give you a scale for my vision, the energy silo’s are about 15 feet tall, every single person who showed up near their silo… about 3 inches tall.


How many of us feel so small in relationship to who we really are?  Even the amazing energy and harvest we have available seems much more than we can process or use.



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My Experience the Past 4 Days… There is an Immense Energetic Shift Occurring in All, for All… Right Now…


My Experience the Past 4 Days… There is an Immense Energetic Shift Occurring in All, for All… Right Now…



The past 4 days and nights I have mostly spent in the place called, “bed”. Temperatures up, nose running, body aching. And I knew it was all okay. I knew a “condition” name could be laid on that whole experience (cold, flu, fever, etc.), but I somehow felt it was much more than just a “condition” that “came over” me, rather it was a massive transformation occurring within me, right before my eyes, and right in front of my runny nose.


I knew it. I knew it.



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James Gililand ~ Buckle Up For June ~ 27 May 2012


James Gililand ~ Buckle Up For June ~ 27 May 2012

It has been an interesting May with the Solar Eclipse and the alignment with the Pleiades, Alcyon. Several CMEs – coronal mass ejections – have also shifted the energies. We are seeing another major time compression where days seem like hours, weeks like days and months like weeks. Many are reporting contacts with Angelic realms, Ascended Masters, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, our ancient ancestors, as well as some of what was thought to be mythical Gods of old. In meditations people are seeing visions of Poseidon, now Prometheus, Egyptian Gods in what seems to be a great reunion. Prometheus the God of fire might just be warning us about the upcoming Solar Flares just as Poseidon warned us about the tsunamis in the past.

On a more scientific note Solar Cycle 24 has fully kicked in and according to NASA it is expected to be 50% stronger than 23; which unleashed monumental flares. I would not have any expectations for the electrical and communication grid to go unaffected or even go down now and then possibly for months. The GPS equipment and cell phones are already having problems along the equator due to massive energy bands forming which seem to reverse direction wreaking havoc on airlines and other modalities of travel depending on GPS for navigation. Earthquakes in areas never before seen are unfolding and with these flares will come and increase in erratic weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, quakes and volcanic activity.


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The True Thank by Antoine



The True Thank

Untwine's picture

By Untwine - Posted on 27 May 2012

This is about gratitude. Saying thank you. For me it's like there is two 'thank you'.

We can either say thank you in a sense of giving credit to someone for something. This gives a sense of separation, servitude, bondage, ultimately enslavement. We have been programmed to think like that for long. Taking credit is the first step in abridging free will.

If we really believe, be live, that we are One, that all is God, that it is the very same essence flowing through all, as all, then nothing, noone, is to take credit for anything except the One, except All, except Everything.

For me this is a very important aspect in our evolution right now. I experience it personally as when i discard all taking credit, then those very things, blessings, flood in and flow out through me. They flow out as they're not mine. It is beautifully said in the Tao te ching :
"[The saint] produces without appropriating
He acts without expecting
His piece achieved, he does not attach to it
And since he's not attached to it,
His piece will flourish"


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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 27 May 2012


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 27 May 2012


Beloved Ones,

This is a time for deep inner contemplation and the discerning of that which still exists within yourselves that no longer serves the Path you have chosen. These times require complete self honesty and the making of further choices that will set free that which has not been resolved to this time. Many times it is in One’s perspective that the change has to take place and when clarity comes, it is usually when One has let go of the need to know the definitive answer and just allow what was and is, in One’s current situation with acceptance.

The road before you becomes ever narrower in terms of what must be done and conversely, it broadens your horizons as to possibilities. Many of you have been juggling your personal relationship issues with your deep desire for greater God connection and this has created inner conflict – for when One is faced with the sacrifice of all that One holds dear in order to connect to God within, it is most difficult to take that step. We say the times of martyrdom are over. It is not always necessary to effect drastic changes in your life in order to progress on your Path of Ascension.



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~Space Weather Update~ Crackling with C Class Flares Continue


CME TARGETS MERCURY, STEREO-A: A dense coronal mass ejection (CME) that left the sun during the late hours of May 26th will deliver a glancing blow to Mercury later today and a direct hit to NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft on May 28th. Earth is not in the line of fire. [CME forecast track]


LIMB SHOTS: The sun's southeastern limb is hopping with activity. New sunspot AR1492, which just rotated onto the Earthside of the sun, is crackling with C-class solar flares and hurling plumes of plasma off the stellar surface. Click on the image to set the scene in motion:

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the movie during the late hours of May 25th. According to the 3D Sun app, another active region is approaching just behind this one and could boost solar activity even more when it emerges in the days ahead. Stay tuned.

more images: from Cai-Uso Wohler of Bispingen, Germany


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The Sun Disk


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Santos Bonacci: This time they won't stop the awakening!



Part II



Part III



Part IV



Part V





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Sailing on the Sea of Mankind...


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