~Yeehaw~ High Energies Incoming~ JOY~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/19/2012 - 11:12


Greetings Love Beings.. High Energies of Love and joy are Coming IN..... This will Defintly Put a Spin on things, LOL~~~ Stay tuned for more about this In Today's Update~ All our Love, Your Earth Allies

Aliens from Inner Earth


Metaphysician Drunvalo Melchizedek recounts a strange tale of documented ETs recently sighted in Mexico - and the response may surprise you!


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Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 19, 2012


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The Magnetic Change of the Global Brain REPOST




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Conscious co-creation - March 2012


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Dianne Robbins -Messages from The Hollow Earth


Listen to an excerpt read by author Dianne Robbins about the existence of these evolved civilizations that live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our...


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UFO Over East Hampton-Wainscott Long Island New York March 2012


This was a bright orange colored orb that sped across the sky at approximately 6:23 a.m., this morning. It appeared from the treeline from the west, and went over my head heading east, before disappearing over the tree line. I saw several others earlier, but could not capture them on film. This was very pronounced, and it appeared orange to me, it did not flash, or make any noise. I am so happy to finally have filmed one, despite the clarity and my freaking out a little in the end. I implore you, do not take my word for it.

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Two amazing daytime UFO´s seen in broad daylight over Sävedalen 2012.03.14


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Archangel Uriel – Bless And Release – 19 March 2012




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Sister Venus



Sister Venus

2012 MARCH 18



By GLR Suzanne Lie, PhD

March 2012


I AM your sister Venus, come to you at this time to assist you, Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants, in your transition. The last time you were in the energy of the Galactic center


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Mary Magdalene Speaks




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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 19 March




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One minute for Mother Earth=Heart and for Love=All=Us


I thought I would share this email I received from my brother



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Congratulations! Hu-Man 4.0 Is Ready For Conception



19 March, 2012
Spring is mere hours away and good news -the new version of us is ready for conception!
You will see signs of this everywhere. Birds pairing up, tender blossoms on trees, little green shoots peeking from the soil. At Ostara or Easter time we use eggs as reminders of this oh-so fertile season. I hope you see yourself as an active participant in Spring, no longer a casual observer.
Feel your light heart dance to the exciting beat. Hear the birds singing in rejoicement with us. Consider the rustling of new leaves to be Cosmic applause... we are ready!  So dance and rejoice! A beautiful miracle is about to happen and you're it!
Your new umbilical cord is attached firmly to the crystalline core of Gaia. It's now an effortless symbiotic relationship. You breathe in deeply and absorb all Gaia's love. You breathe out and give all your love to her. 
Grounded, you can now let your soul fly wherever it needs to go. Like learning to fly a kite, some days you can let out more string and fly higher, while other days you may need to pull in some string and stay a little closer. But you never have to stop flying, those limitations are over! We are FREE!!
Oh! one last thing. Your Birth-date:
9 months from now
December 21, 2012



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings


There is a perticalur video going around which we will not post or give any more information about other then its trying to dicredit the GFL, we would like to say if you believe that we are not real, this is the experience you will have.  We are not here to save you or convience anyone that we are real. Love does not require Proof Love Just is. The ego for humanity is like Judas was to jesus.


Listen the Planet is going to do what the planet is going to do and we are not going to stop this, even if we wanted to we would not stop this. Mother Earth is shifting into Love consciousness, Unity consciousness and we will allow her to take care of those that would not like to exist in this, because she will.


The ego's pout there are trying to postpone what is ahppening. the planet could care less about the ego



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Vatican Makes Money Laundering List Of U.S. State Department ~ by Reuters



Vatican Makes Money Laundering List Of U.S. State Department



Vatican Money Laundering

First Posted: 03/ 9/2012 10:40 am Updated: 03/ 9/2012 10:40 am


By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY, March 8 (Reuters) - The Vatican has for the first time appeared on the U.S. State Department's list of money-laundering centres but the tiny city-state is not rated as a high-risk country.


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Solar Update/New Magnetopause Link


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COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~Say Goodbye to Apathy... ~ 17.03.12 ~ by Aruna



Saturday, March 17, 2012

by Galactic Love Reporters Aruna & Saint Germain

Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home. ~ Michael through by Ron Head


My dear friends, we must talk now about something we take quite seriously, ascension.  At this time you are feeling changes happening to your bodies, your lives, and your emotions, which should confirm for you that you are indeed on that path.  These will continue and accelerate.  A great many changes have been promised to you, and we assure you again now that they are all coming.  Not everyone will experience the same things at the same times, but they will all manifest those which are meaningful to themselves.  Not everyone displays the same characteristics and talents now, and that is how it should be.  It will be the same after ascension.  But after ascension, if you should need or desire to learn something new, it will be taught to you easily and joyfully.  The only qualification is that you be desirous of it.  Describing to you what your lives will be like is not possible, but the things we do tell you about are true and serve to motivate your actions.  Most importantly you will find will be your freedom from limitations of any kind.  All of the attributes that you have dreamed of in your current lives will be easily attainable. 



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EARTH ALLIES REPORT: 17.3.12... The Ripples in the Sky...




Read this with Joy and happiness that truth is coming out of the darkness...

Even this truth looks quite a shocker, this is what we need... No more lies, no more deceptions, no more control over our knowledge...


The Head of the Beast will be cut with this single move of massive arrests and resignations... This single move it looks like happened suddenly, yet this was planned and executed for years they just pass...


This event will be using analogy in Lucas's Star Wars legendary movies... when the head of the snake is cut, not much use for big and 'strong' body of hers... When control used entities loose controlling mechanism, here it comes time for awakening... Here it comes time for shift paradigm... Here is time for everyone taking control of its own life and actions...



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Italy's Mount Etna Erupts Today, 2012-03-18


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20,000+ extra resignations that no one is reporting ... yet... but Galactic Free Press



Comentary from GFP: 


Read these with joy and knowing all is Well in our Universe... 
Love, Predrag/Saint Germain







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Montague Keen ~ 18 March 2012


Montague Keen ~ 18 March 2012

As the Irish all over the world celebrate being Irish on what they see as their day, most of them are blissfully unaware of the decisions that were made at the Council of Nicea, to destroy the people of Ireland and their religion of love, preached by the Druids. The Cabal stole the real history of Ireland and its language, and they made slaves of its people. Though the indoctrination that followed was barbaric, it failed to break the Irish Spirit.


It was at this time that plans were made for the take-over of the world. It is all there for those who take the time to research it. Until you research this period of history, you will not understand what is happening in your world today. For that is when they wrote the Bible, carefully following a formula, making slight changes here and there, to make it seem authentic. The Bible has been used to create fear of a Hell that does not exist, and the God, who is LOVE, has been changed into one who you need to fear. You have to hand it to them, they thought of everything !



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3/18/2012 -- Tornado watches , hail detected = South and Midwest --- BE ALERT !


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~18~12 ~ The Energy is Building like a pressure cooker~ Prepare for Lot's Of Movement~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~18~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Energy is Building like a pressure cooker~ Prepare for Lot's Of Movement~


Fractal By Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings, We have Wild shifting Energies out there today. Even the weather has been interesting for us, it was sunny, then all the sudden it began sleeting pretty hard, and then 30 min later the sun came back out....then 30 minutes later it began snowing, then 30 minutes later the sun was back, then it was snowing and sunny... LOL. Shifting 123  ...Yesterday, we shared that indeed the Gates of Heaven Energy were released upon the Planet. Today, this energy is building like a pressure cooker and will be aligning quickly to bring us the events, that are required for us to continue to move forward.



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Tornado Warnings/Texas Oklahoma




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Focus on the Sun ~ Shifting the Frame of Consciousness of Humanity on the Venus Transit (June 6) and the Winter Solstice (Dec 21) of 2012


Focus on the Sun ~ Shifting the Frame of Consciousness
of Humanity on the Venus Transit (June 6) and the
Winter Solstice (Dec 21) of 2012
Carl Callman


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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-18-2012...



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-18-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Blessing to All.  Quite day for most of our Planet… taking another day of break to settle down. Energies are moving all over at High rate and this means All’s on schedule. No matter what, Divine Plan is unfolding. More unexplained happenings are going on around our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart, magnetosphere inversion, obscured NASA videos, Solar Maximum approaching… WelCome to the new Energy! Keep up with the stream and let go all fears… for the choice is One.=Love. No more time to think, time to BE. All that’s not… will simply fade.



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Time Line of Nibiru? Possibly



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are posting this information, however, we are unable to verfify all of this for you to be accurate. The editor here say's it was from a Scientist~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff



EDITOR: This information was gained from the internet from a PDF. I was originally published by a scientist and then taken down and repost elsewhere. I searched for it and found it in its original content.

The only information I want to add is that these events are said to take place around JEWISH FESTIVALS and not only that but the three days period spoken of in Revelations which is said to happen in the last days of Earth stopping and all darkness upon it, is also speculations given by scientists surrounding these coming celestial bodies… and I find it quite intriguing how people that for thousands of years people didn’t believe in the Bible or its prophecy but now the the SUN AND PLANETS are producing STRANGE effects, many are questioning their original ideas of GOD….for religion was made by man but GOD is TRUTH, the LIGHT, and the only WAY.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/18/12




I guarantee you we are going to step up the number and quality of the sightings of our ships. You can count on this procedure as we feel it is important to the people of your world to begin to see us in earnest before our self-made disclosure announcements commence. You will see us in your skies all around your planet, and we will increase the number of sightings in the United States as well, as this is an important area in your world to focus on at this time.


We ask you all to share the video and photographic evidence of these sightings throughout your Internet, as this will stir many people's curiosity about what is going on in their skies. They may look for answers, and when they do, they will have the opportunity to be exposed to much more of what is transpiring around them. Continue your service as a source of answers for these individuals by sharing what you have learned about who these ships belong to and why we are here. It is important that these individuals understand that we are not here to conquer, but we are here to assist you in the many changes necessary to allow your ascension into the higher realms proceed as smoothly as is possible. This is the reason we are here, and your words will be proven to be truth once we can get underway with our many projects together.



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Extreme unprecedented heat wave reaches 5th day


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~Space Weather Update~ FARSIDE CME: Sunspots Quiet~


FARSIDE CME: A spectacular CME rocketed away from the sun's northwestern limb during the early hours of March 18th: movie. The probable source was old sunspot AR1429, still active as it transits the far side of the sun. Earth will not be affected by the cloud.


NORTHERN LIGHTS: For the third day in a row, a high-speed solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. The jostling is not enough to cause a full-fledged geomagnetic storm, but some nice intermittent auroras are flickering around the Arctic Circle. In the northern village of Ivujivik, Quebec, Sylvain Serre photographed an outburst on March 18th:

"What an incredible night," says Serre. "The Northern Lights weren't there when I first went outside, but after 5 minutes they were so strong that I had to try new settings for my camera."


NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of geomagnetic activity during the next 24 hours. High-latittude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras as the solar wind continues to blow. Aurora alerts: text, phone.



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Australia's climate warming at alarming rate


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UFO/ET Disclosure ~ What, Where, When, Why and How?



UFO/ET Disclosure ~ What, Where, When, Why and How?

2012 March 18
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

Reposted from July 8, 2011


What is Meant by Disclosure?

“Disclosure” is the name given to the announcement by various world governmental leaders that we are not alone in the universe and that, in fact, many races of galactic human beings are here around this planet and have been for some time. They are here on peaceful missions, a fact which governments have generally kept hidden from their people until very recently.



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Ann Albers ~ Live In The Moment



Ann Albers ~ Live In The Moment

Visions Of Heaven

Messages from Ann & The Angels ~ My dear friends, we love you so very much.  Your earth is abuzz with anticipation. She is growing too, getting ready for change, and she loves you very much. Understand when she goes through transitions so do many souls who are ready for the next phase of their journey. So when you see events on the news, instead of saying, “Oh my goodness, this is horrible, what is this world coming to,” know that although we understand change is extremely challenging for those left behind, there is a great celebration in the heavens as we welcome home the souls who have graduated from their lifetimes here upon your planet earth. So although this is not coming immediately, dear ones, can you ready yourselves for change – not by worrying and falling into fear, but rather by trusting God, knowing that all is in right order, and that everyone upon your planet will be exactly where they should be at the time.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Bright Future



Whatever you desire and allow



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This only apply if you recognize that you have an ego, and if you truly want and be brave to get rid of it... than this part is for you to read... otherwise skip to next chapter about 10,000 arrests and removals..


Ego is washed simply by acknowledging it.. simple as that... When you become aware that your actions are coming from ego monkey brain [my apology to monkeys for this analogy...], than and only than you can start working toward cleansing part...

If you interested how to get rid of ego, go to 3 part of this egoless post...


What means: to be aware?... To know there is other ways of seeing and being and existing... Not to blindly believe in words from your anchors, priests, polititans, corporate bosses... Not to take all for granted: My grandpa was living like this, my dad did same thing, so I suppose have to do same...



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March 19 – 25 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading



4 Angel Therapy | March 17 2012


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Jury Finds Occupy Seattle Protesters Not Guilty of Locking Down Chase Bank March



Jury Finds Occupy Seattle Protesters Not Guilty of Locking Down Chase Bank

March 16, 2012

By GLRs Occupy Seattle Media


On Thursday, March 15th, five Occupiers who shut down a Chase Bank in the city of Seattle on November 2nd of 2011 heard their verdict: not guilty. When the unanimous decision by the jury of six was announced today the shock and elation, of the five occupiers and their supporters swept the room. “This sets a totally new precedent,” said one young woman.


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~Say Goodbye to Apathy~ by Aruna



Politics is mandating your attention away from economic issues. More than twenty countries are actually bankrupt, including the United States. Most of these continue to meet their obligations by printing money. When this comes to more awareness, there will be one of the biggest downturns ever in human conditions. Air transport, except containers for world management and personal air carriers, will totally cease. No travel overseas will occur except by sea. Are you able to live without international travel? If you are considering a move to another country it must occur before this happens. There is a most demanding need for joining a community. Are the lights on in all countries? No.


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You’re worth it.



You’re worth it.





You read it right.

You Are Worth It.

Didn’t get it?



You Are Worth It.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/17/12



All throughout your many incarnations, you were attracted to and were pulled towards other souls of like vibration. This is as true today as it has always been, and at this time many of you are being directed towards souls of a like and higher vibration. You may call this the Law of Attraction. Allow the properties of this law to steer you and motivate you towards those whose vibrational levels more closely match your own. In the days ahead, many of you will be meeting and congregating as you will have been pulled towards one another. This will be for many reasons, and you will understand better these reasons at that time. If today you are feeling pushed or pulled towards a certain direction, go with it, and allow the unseen forces of your reality to take hold of you and deliver you to where it is you are meant to be. We see so many of you doing just this, and we are very pleased to see so many of you that should be together at this time connecting in so many ways. Continue on this path and it will lead you to others and situations that will be beneficial to you at this point of your journey.


There is much work to be done and much of your lives will change as we begin to make the many changes for your society. Connecting with others of like mind and who you may have prior contracts with to work together throughout these last days before ascension will be paramount towards our shared goals together. Seek these individuals out. Allow the Law of Attraction to work for you and lead you to new areas and new friends and connections. There are many changes and many surprises in store for you, and many of you will have to leave your comfort zones to arrive at your new destinations. When you get there you will find others who have been driven there as well, and who just may be awaiting your arrival.



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The manuscript of survival ~ part 106 ~ You are Free Spirit's~


Today we would like to delve deeper into the unknown world of your tomorrow, or rather, the forgotten world of tomorrow, as in your heart of hearts you are already so familiar with the concept. You see, you harken from shores where what you dream about today has been a fact of life for eons, and as you have once trodden upon shores where love prevails, you cannot wait to get back to that reality. A reality that stands in stark contrast with what you can observe on all sides at the moment, and as the veil is getting ever thinner, your recollections of days gone by in a much more paradisiacal environment is coming ever further to the surface. Hence, frustration and disillusionment is rampant, as you can only see too well the deep divide that separates you from this existence today.

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~Fear is Our Only Obstacle~


~Fear is Our Only Obstacle~

2012 March 18
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

Hollywood has on occasion played on our fears and on occasion tried to quell them


On March 12, 2012, the Galactic Federation through Greg Giles told us that “one of the challenges for many of you at this time is to find a way … to overcome the fear that you are experiencing about us and our reasons for being here.” (1)


“Much depends on our working relationship together,” the GF said, “and it is dependent upon you to move past fear, to move past doubt and distrust and see us not as an invading force, but as your family, for indeed that is who we are.” (2)



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Magnetosphere reversal 12-13 march 2012



Caricato da  in data 19/mar/2012


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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 19 2012)



Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 19 2012)


The Week Ahead | March 12 2012


The cosmos are in tune with our human psyche as it continues to gear up with an energetic momentum that puts us through the shenanigans of arriving in a new land of multidimensionality. Since the beginning of the month we have been adjusting to the universal reformulation and filtration of planetary grids and ley lines. These naturally occurring magnetic conductors of upwelling energies are delivering powerful currents of Light codes that have not been available to Gaia (earth) or her inhabitants for approximately 25,000 years.


The authorities and protectorates of this realm have remained diligent in their commitment to have this infusion made as harmoniously as possible, however, many of us have found ourselves in precarious positions energetically and perceptually. If you are one of those who have been coexisting with spectacularly strange, up and down energies then at least you have the consolation prize of knowing everyone is being relentlessly shaken as we journey within these cosmic torsion (a powerful spinning energy field that mirrors the spin of the galaxy) waves.



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Visionkeeper ~ Time To Grow Wings



Visionkeeper ~ Time To Grow Wings

One World Rising | March 19 2012


We are nearing the end of this epic journey I believe and the chaos may well begin. I like to believe it won’t, but in all reality it probably will for a short while. People’s worlds are going to get rocked to the core with the great truths and the mind bending possibilities of the new world coming. It will challenge us deeply and we must stand firm in our trust that all will be well. We must now begin to grow our wings with which to rise above the chaos and remain in our frequencies of unconditional love. We grow our wings by lightening our loads by eliminating our old issues and releasing our mind controlled ways of perceiving life. We must hold tight to our positive thinking and continue to exude love to all and even have compassion for those of the dark, in hopes they will grow wings as well and rise out of their evil into the sunshine.


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Ground Control to...


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Laura Bruno ~ The Tower Card



Laura Bruno ~ The Tower Card

Laura Bruno’s Blog | March 19 2012


A few days ago, I mentioned how the increased militarization and decreased rights of the US all feel “very 9 of Swords to me,” as in “Awakening from the Nightmare.” Some people dread that card, yet emphasis and attitude determine how the card plays out. Do we choose to focus on the Awakening or the nightmare? Do we look around with an intense sigh of relief, feeling so grateful for the contrast between the Real and what only seemed “real” in a fear-based dreamscape? Or do we continue to scare ourselves by fixating on the nightmare? Tarot cards offer glimpses of our current possibilities. Ultimately, we decide what we do with any given energy or opportunity.


The Rider-Waite Deck



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Oracle Report ~ Monday March 19 2012



Oracle Report ~ Monday March 19 2012

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

On the last day of Pisces, we feel the approach of an energetic shift. Balsamic Moon Phase is the “in-between” phase, not part of the last lunar month, but also not exactly part of the next of the lunar month. It is the time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and our connection to higher spiritual forces is greatest.



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Very Interesting E-mails Coming In – Still Not Confirmed – Something Great Happening – Is Nesara Or The Abundance Program, Prosperity Packages Or What Name It Has Been Given Starting?




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Lord Melchizedek ~ You Are A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly



Lord Melchizedek ~ You Are A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly

Mercedes Kirkel | Into The Heart | March 17 2012



Greetings Dear Ones. This is Lord Melchizedek, and I come to talk to you today about this magnificent transition that the earth and its people and beings are in the process of making. As you are aware, the Melchizedek Order is the group of beings who support these transitions throughout the worlds as they are occurring. Whenever a body or a group of beings is transitioning to a higher dimension, it is our mission to support that process. So we are very much engaged with this process that is going on with the earth and the people of the earth in making this transition.



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~THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT~A brand new start to a brand new week. Ground control to Major Tom … anyone home?





A brand new start to a brand new week.  Ground control to Major Tom … anyone home?




We are always home for we are always in our centred Being of Love. There is no need to ever feel ‘homesick’ as many of you do … when you have the KNOWING that we and your home are just a few breaths away.


That is correct and comforting ... Over ….


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Spread your wings and prepare to FLY!!!


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~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~


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Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



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~In the Coming Days and Weeks~



Many things are now set to occur. How we deal with these things will be the crown in glory of our personal achievements as well as our collective advancement into the higher levels. Each one of us has the ability to help or assist others and will do so based upon our own levels of frequency and vibration. It has always been my opinion that a "leopard does not change his spots", And the coming times will show if this is correct. Those of us who are loving will assist in loving ways. Those who are not loving, will seek to save only themselves..., unless they are moved by something within to change their behavior.


The Earth has already been saved by those of a pure and highly loving attitude which is all inclusive. The suffering these beings have endured is legendary in all of the Universes, and they are about to be set free! All beings on the Earth, (and they are about to realize it), have benefitted from these loving ones and their prayers, energies, and high moral intentions. Indeed..., how many living here really comprehend what it would have been like without their energies mixed in on the planet for their sake?



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Lucifer: I stand here before you Feel my heart... ~ by 141 ~ 10.3.12




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Happy Sunday to all my brothers and sisters! This is the greeting I use now where-ever I go. The only thing that changes is the day of the week, but never the smile on my face when I use this greeting! What can a wish and a greeting like this do for another persons day you might ask? Whether it's a happy Monday or a happy Tuesday..., it is a contagious way to bring immediate joy and good will to the person you have just come into contact with. LOVE knows no bounds and no limits on it's expression! Many people have asked me lately "how" they can possibly love when "no one" is loving them first or loving them back. I say to them..., how can you possibly "eat" when no one is feeding you? "I feed myself" they say.....



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Heavenletter #4132 Dreams Will Come True


Heavenletter #4132 Dreams Will Come True




 March 18, 2012 

God said: 


What you are doing as you grow in life is creating an empty space!

Fullness is emptiness, beloveds.


When you are attached, you are full of expectations.

You are full of more than expectations.


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Thunder and Ice


Frozen over from the fear and the pain

Towards the looking glass of presant past future gains

Beating fresh and new with the wisdom of old

Two hearts beat for his grand march to unfold

Within the ice the gods of thunder can't sound

Only thier vibrations make the journey to the  ice underground

To be felt and not heard being thier purpose to know

The ice can still feel thunders energetic eternal glow

Ice will melt and thunder will roll

The infinite wisdoms of truth is for you to behold


Feel the light that's around ou like thunder and ice

See the vibration of colour that adds lifes spice

Hear the feeling and see life again

Try to love all creation to heal your fellow man.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~17~12 ~ The Gates of Heaven, have Now Opened~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~17~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Gates of Heaven, have Now Opened~


Photo of Cloudships over the Mountain


Greetings Love Beings~ We Are Happy to Report to All of You, that we have successfully broken through the resistant energies. YEEHAW! The Gates of Heaven have now opened and we have intense Energies that are Now Pouring through into the Planet and all of Humanity. These Energies are what dreams are made of, the One Collective dream we all share together.





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Find the Peace within by Kalpully


Find the Peace within 



by GLR Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin



"Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace, to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." 

In the frantic nature of this modern world, how do you find peace? How do you protect your peace from the influence of the world around you?

Tonight as you get ready for bed, imagine your peace. Imagine holding it in your hand, play with it. What does it feel like? Now place it gently in your core. Visualize how you are going to protect it tomorrow and the next day and all the days that follow. Hold your peace within, connect to it every day and protect this precious gift from the influence of the outside world.


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The incredible chartres board


This is a very easy thing to check your awaken state double brain frequencys, take a look for the symbols till a third one in the middle appears. In every blink of an eye you see the left or right colors in the middle column too. With both eyes you should see solid purple, the quality of the solid color shows the shifting frequency of the brain sides. Works best when this was printed on a full page. Get better with training, gives pretty dream effects when used before sleeping.

chartres board


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