~Yes, It’s Happening Now~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 14:45

Yes, It’s Happening Now

Posted May 21, 2012 by opalescentwords

doorway open from Pleiades


Being in the earthly vibe these days is hard for everyone and impossible to sustain for many. I have heard of lost hope and no future before, but this is serious business to consider right now. In the recent weeks, the social structure has imploded all over the place, the ones with power are enclosing those without, and hard times are getting harder in every sector of society. It doesn’t matter if you work hard or are out of options, it’s getting near impossible to get ahead and feed the hunger that wells up all around. Meanwhile, those with the goods are getting greedy, and it may well prove to be their undoing at a critical point ahead. For now, the suffering for so many is more than I can bear thinking about, mostly for the innocents, the children, and the beaten dreamers of yesterday.


Yet, there is light coming through the darkness, legitimate forays into hope in the form of shifts of power and rationality taking the reins of leadership. You are in for some surprises, I think, and I’m eager to see what could unfold in the coming months. It feels like it’s time for the card house to fall and a new world to be built up, but it has to be timed just right so no one gets misplaced. It’s already started. Once it gets up to full speed, we’ll see the kind of change that has been promised and hoped for for eons of time.


One of the big flashing signs that’s lighting up the way to change just happened over the weekend, in the new moon solar eclipse. The energies it opened up were ready to pour through and we were ready this time to receive them. They will keep coming in and no amount of intentional manipulation of weather, atmosphere, news or anything else can keep them from anointing everyone on this globe. You can refuse them but they will nonetheless soak you. It is time to talk about the future in tones of hope, letting fear have its brief flash in the pan and be gone, and for life to re-establish itself among us and within us. The door is open and it’s staying that way. Home is on the threshold. Sanity has arrived.


There is no point in letting the daily news have more than the moment of grief that the inability of mind to comprehend the bigger picture allows. I feel grief and it is real, for every story that grabs my heart and wrenches it from fiery worlds of Hell into the reality of this world’s insane overlay of heartlessness and waste. Yet this grief doesn’t consume like I expect it to. It burns out some sense of separation from those who are suffering and brings me closer to knowing that it must change, it has to change, there is no option but for everything to change. In that moment of pain from someone else’s entry into loss, I grieve, then grab the energy of that and throw myself into the totality of the consciousness that is love and comfort and peace, taking with me the pain that has touched me. It’s all I can do, but perhaps there is nothing else that we can do but to act in this way, to bring pain into the open heart of the creative mind of divine source itself.


You have my sincere wishes for peace to find you and for grief to evolve into pieces of light, the pure thoughtform energy of light that is the basis of life. May bright mornings come soon to dissolve the dark of doubt and freedom lead us each to the field of a new dawn. I sure am ready, and I know you are too. Grand awakening for the whole planet is almost arrived. In love, I wish you well.



grailheart magi

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 15:12

Thank you for posting this article. I am going to use it to explain to help see what has been accepted in 3D. Now more responsibility must be taken with writing articles of such.

Obviously from reading the first paragraph the auhor first is describing very strongly how "bad" life is. (S)he is not only describing her own life, but is ALSO CLAIMING IT TO BE TRUE FOR EVERYONE ELSE.  In 3D to take such a position as such has had little effect.... yet, of course, has been obvious to those from other star systems and all indigenous life. We have seen this and let it go because it didn't really have that much power to it.  


Now that a foot has entered through one of the portals, it becomes necessary to really look at the truth of what is happening - looking at the energy as well as feeling it.  You must understand that words now are more powerful than previously understood and can cause harm coming from the negativity in the context of one's experience on auto-pilot. 


Again, you must understand you are powerful. A good ascension path would be to gain more control of that power and only direct it for good.


Don't claim negativity any more for others. That first paragraph is NOT the experience of many people... but power behind it has the ability to weaken reality while it attempts to stay "safe" in 3D.  The author is obviously unaware that the intention of that first paragraph is to remain in a better 3D and have it changed. Otherwise, if she was totally willing to move into 5D wouldn't be attracted to describe the darkness in 3D at all. What would be the purpose?  Common sense, ya? I realize these lessons are new... but must be taught and learned. No one told you it would be easy.  On the other hand, it will be as difficult as you wish.  As far as my life, I lie on a beautiful beach every day... so I don't identify with all of your horrors. My lying on this beach is my life because it is the reflection of the peace I hold within myself. Like attracts like in the spirit realms. 


There is more... but I think that's enough... 



dechen (not verified)

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 14:17

 Thank you,I feel new hope now.I have felt lost,I had been in "the spiritual business " since 46 years and at the moment I found myself at the brink of survival possibilities.I have lost everything and now I am systematically being destroyed by the people monsters without any reason.I try everything to survive but however I look for a job for 10 months I didnt find any.I am educated but they say "too old for any job".My country is against the common people anly the rich ones count .I received even the notice to leave my tiny flat and I have 10 stray animals..And reading this I take a moment of hope.Maybe I will not die and survive to ascension...Here there is nobody to help.They even dont want to listen.They only see the money,I havent so I am not the one to deserve any respect and is a shame I am still alive...

Thank you for writing in the first person... how you feel.... the phoenix will rise....

give all that you are and what you know without looking at who is there or what comes back


on the wings of the dove



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