You decide how easy or difficult this will be

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 02:52


It has been a very active week of energetic cleansings taking place in all forms and on every level of our beings. So deep and so true are the essences of this that one can be left feeling exhausted and not quite sure what has happened. Thus if you’re feeling drained or “fried” there is a good reason for it.

As time continues to accelerate, all issues within the self that hold on to the old ways and old limits of love, communication and interaction with the self are popping out to the surface faster and faster. I don’t even think that there is a place where one could bury their head deep enough in the sand to not somehow be affected by our inner call for freedom.

This means that if there is fear residing in you or a belief that you are less than you are, then your environment will show it to you over and over again in different ways and at a faster rate so that you can simply see it and purge it. If it (they) are held on to past this point they begin to fester and cause undue pain and that never does anyone any good. So it’s time to really let go.

The fear of letting go comes in because we’ve believed that we were separate from everything and everyone. That’s the crux of it. What this belief has created for us individually is a need to have “things” around us, whether emotional or physical that basically cause us to feel safe in an unpredictable world that we have had to react to. The world has seemed unpredictable to us because we didn’t know why “bad” things just happened to us and so we looked for a cause outside of us. We have been living in darkness to the truth of who we were and are, moving slowing and feeling our way through the unlit tunnels of our lives.

But that time has passed now. We are emerging into the lightness of self, truly whether we want to or not. The choice then, is one of your own free will to decide whether you’d like for this adventure to be a difficult one or a graceful one.

When you let go, you don’t lose anything. But the fears inside say to you that you will, therefore you hold on for just a little longer. Here’s the trick…You’re not letting go of the “thing”, you’re letting go of the attached energy you have inside around that “thing”. If you are having trouble making your car payment, for example, you will have some things to let go of. The first thing that happens is that you stress that you may have to let go of your car when that is probably not the case at all. What you will want to let go of are your attachments, your holdings, those repetitious thoughts and feelings that say “oh no…another car payment!”. It is your environment telling you that you have something to see and love within yourself.

If you simply look at the feelings you have around the “car payment” as an objective observer and unattached to them, you will see that they have nothing to do with the car. They will be around self-worth…they will say that there’s not enough because you feel separate from your own source. Love these feelings like you’ve never loved anything before – love them authentically and openly as the gifts they are. The car…it may stay, it may be replaced, you may really want a bicycle…who knows. The promise (and it is an unbreakable one) is that in the clear space of what you’ve just saw, acknowledged, loved and balanced, you will then get to consciously choose exactly what you want and it will always be the best suit for you and your happiness.

In other words, focus upon what is taking place on the inside of you. That’s all you need pay attention to. The outside experience that you have will then adjust appropriate and gracefully and "things" will not be ripped from your grasp because you couldn’t see to let go of what it represented.

Let go! My Heart is One with Yours,



The Gathering

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