Submitted by Lia on Thu, 01/27/2011 - 07:38

~Your Spark of Divinity
Is Immortal and Eternal
Archangel Michael~

Beloved masters, never forget that your reason for
being is to become a conscious cocreator and that
our Father/Mother God is the life-giving force of
your existence. You must let go of the straightline,
linear time concept whereby your choices are limited
and influenced by the past. A self-master functions within
the law of the circle and the concept of the infinity loop—
a horizontal figure eight. the infinity loop that continually
flows forth before you is filled with divine potential; however,
the infinity loops around you in your personal creator wheel
must contain the thought forms of harmonious frequencies
to support your vision.
You are assured that your desires and visions will manifest in the perfect
way and perfect time if you stay centered in your sacred heart and maintain clarity of thought and action. remember, the human spirit cannot
be defeated, for it is composed of God-stuff and is therefore
indestructible. The spark of divinity that has been allotted
to each of you is immortal and eternal.

The world you now live in is not a reflection of the world
that was planned for you. stored within your DNA are
etheric time capsules that hold the memory essence of all
your past lives. You have separated and refracted yourself
thousands of times; however, you have memory cells of your
divinity waiting to be accessed and incorporated into your
being. these memory cells are the building blocks of your
lightbody. Now is a time of attuning to the consciousness of
your elemental body, and you must make time for introspection
in order to develop spiritual sensitivity. You must make
a habit of continually monitoring and controlling your state
of mind as you move deeper and deeper into the process of
ascension and the expansion of your conscious awareness.
Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will
begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual
brain/mind into the realm of the higher mind.

Over time, humankind has become sense-conscious
instead of remaining God-conscious, thereby gradually losing
the opportunity for self-expression. the inspiration and guidance
of the higher self and the soul were gradually replaced
by the nudgings of the ego desire body. Original thought
became a thing of the past as humanity became stuck in the
illusory collective-consciousness realm of thought. Your
beliefs and concepts of truth became rigid, structured, and
often distorted. As you gradually lost the connection to your
internal guidance, you began to focus on the outer world, and
you became mostly a reactor rather than an initiator.
those who are functioning within the frequency environment
of the discordant third and fourth dimensions rely
on their subconscious and conscious minds to store information
and knowledge. some are better at retaining and
retrieving information than others; however, it is ineffectual
and distorted in many instances.

Remember, knowledge must be integrated and used in an
appropriate, efficient way in order to be retained as wisdom.
the chakras are subconscious mind centers. in the beginning,
these centers worked in perfect harmony; however,
gradually over time the spectrum of duality became stronger
and more prevalent, and your vibrational patterns became
more discordant. As the chakra system is balanced and harmonized,
the power centers of the chakras begin to work in
unison for the greatest good of the host instead of warring
with each other for supremacy.
When you exist in the first four inner-dimensional levels
of the brain, you are in an earth-bound state of consciousness.
Your focus is on “self,” your personal interests,
and the bodily sensations of the five outer senses:
sight, sound, smell, taste, and feeling. this is the realm
of the ego desire body and the personal self, since the
greater portion of your soul consciousness has withdrawn
into your soul star within the eighth chakra, approximately
eight to ten inches above the crown of your head.
there is a strong, narrow-minded focus on others and the
world, with rigid, self-serving opinions.

In order to effect change, you must consciously choose
a positive alternative to negative, habitual responses. You
must diligently strive to release and clear old, impacted
thought forms that are keeping you stuck in limitation.
Many of you have made great progress in the process of
balancing and clearing the imperfections within your
auric field. it is imperative that you clear the destructive,
distorted thought patterns of the past so that you
can create the new, empowering blueprint of the future.
During your nightly review of your day, envision a positive
alternative to negative situations in your life, and
then focus on that vision unerringly. You must keep the
channel of communication open between the soul and
the brain via the mind. this initiates the slow reactivation
process of the pineal gland and the opening of the
portal to the sacred mind, which is located at the back
portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head.
Gradually, as you progress into the higher, semi-balanced
third dimension and lower sublevels of the fourth dimension,
awareness begins to expand to include select others—those
who fit into your accepted realm of thinking and being. Your
acceptance and love for others have conditions, for your personal
needs and desires are still foremost. However, your love
and compassion quotient begins to expand to include those
who fit comfortably into your picture of reality.
You begin to listen to the small voice of your consciousness
or your soul-self; however, you do not always follow
its guidance. some of your deep-seated habits become burdens,
and you begin the process of attempting to change
or release them. thus, the battle between the ego and the
higher self begins. Gradually, the ego takes a secondary
position as the servant of the soul. Your personality slowly
begins to change, for the ego no longer controls your emotions
and your desire impulses. Your viewpoint of others
gradually changes as well, and you begin to see situations
from a higher, broader point of view. Ascension is mindexpanding,
a process of passing from one state of consciousness
into another. Your awareness gradually expands to
include all humanity, the earth, the solar system, and the
higher universal laws. No longer is your focus on the little
self. the ultimate goal is to become a galactic being and to
eventually attain a universal consciousness.

When you attain and maintain some of the frequency
patterns of the higher fourth dimension and the entry-level
vibrational patterns of the fifth dimension, a soul merge of
the facet of your higher self that resides within your soul
star begins. the higher soul self gradually sends down the
essence of a portion of your higher self into your sacred heart
center. this action, in turn, will ignite the three-fold flame(divine love, divine wisdom, divine will and power) within
your solar power center, which encompasses the heart, thymus,
and throat area.

When this process is completed, you will have integrated
the attributes, qualities, and virtues of that portion of your
soul self. thereafter, the next higher level of your etheric
higher self will descend and take up residency with your soul
star, awaiting its turn to merge with you. this process will
repeat itself over and over again as you merge with greater
and greater facets of your divine self.
the earlier in life you begin to listen to the nudgings of
your soul and higher self, the easier it is to bring the ego
and the personality self under control. Your soul-self, which
has an inborn sense of right and wrong, will grow stronger
and stronger if you take heed—or it will gradually become
silent if you do not. As the power of the soul expands, sensitivity
increases, and your thoughts, desires, and actions
become more refined and loving. the light of the intellect,
the light of reason, brings wisdom and understanding, for it
supplies the mental nature with the fuel that enables you to
comprehend and master the world of form.

Be aware that forgiveness means to release or resolve
imbalanced frequency patterns you have created between
yourself and others as you strive to return to center. Forgiveness
means freeing yourself from negative emotions so
that you may continue to receive the adamantine particles
of divine light. remember, the pure essence of the Creator
that you draw forth into your sacred heart must be
ignited and activated through the frequencies of unconditional

The 2,000-year Piscean Age was ruled by the emotional
nature and the astral planes of the fourth dimension. The
next 2,000 years, the age of Aquarius, will focus on the science
of spirituality and the mental nature as humanity gradually
moves into and becomes acclimated to the highest levels of
the fourth dimension and the lower- to midlevel frequencies
of the fifth dimension. With you, the star seed, leading the
way, humanity will gradually adjust to a new, expanded selfawareness
that will become the accepted norm. An aspirant
on the path must traverse the subplanes of the astral plane and
gain control of the emotional and astral body and the lower
nature, thereby balancing the three lower chakra centers and
initiating the activation of the sacred fire of the kundalini
stored within the root chakra.

In the future, it will also be normal to live within the
aura of a master, a distinguished being of light, or on rare
occasions, an Archangel. You, the aspirants on the path,
are building a bridge between the material world and the
world of spirit. You must be diligent in your search for the
truth, and you must have an intense desire and willingness
to serve if you are to join the ranks of the masters.
You are now in the process of adjusting to the higher frequencies
of electromagnetic light currents. The soul self
encourages you to become consciously aware of the universal
laws so that you may take full advantage of your
God-given creative abilities. All facets of manifestation
begin internally, and any concept or abstract idea to be
birthed must go through an incubation stage before it can
become a reality in the world of form.

You must take back the power you have given to others.
Also, consciously releasing the energy everyone has placed
in your auric field or attached to your solar plex is a primary
phase in the process of returning to balance and harmony,
which is required for once more becoming a master of self.
the path to higher consciousness will eventually result in
directly the energy everyone else has placed in your auric
field or attached to your solar plexus is a primary experiencing
your God-self or I Am presence and the splendor and
majesty of the Creator in one of its many forms.
Allow us to give you a few more thoughts to contemplate
until we come together again.

• The light frequencies of knowledge become the light
of wisdom: knowledge equals personality light, wisdom
equals soul light, intuition equals heart light.
• You may deny the source of all, but our Father/Mother
God and the supreme Creator will never deny you.
• remember, just because you believe something to be
true does not make it so.
• Loneliness is an illusion. turn inward and you will find
the loving companionship you seek.
• It is vital that you remain in the protective custody
of a golden-white sphere of God light, where you are
assured security, inspiration, and guidance.
• You qualify your breath with the energy of your intentions.
Your sacred breath and intentions add fuel to
your visions.
• The human spirit cannot be defeated, for it is composed
of God light and is therefore indestructible.
• You must build your own light center in order to claim
your sun-ship. the triad of sun-ship is the brilliance
of your diamond core God-cell plus the light of your
soul and the glow of your sacred heart, which creates
the radiance of your auric field of light.
We emphasize again that there is an urgent need for
trained, dedicated world servers. initiation is now a group
event, not an individual attainment. As you strive for selfmastery,
you must be willing to assist those on the path
behind you in some way so that, as you are lifted up, so is all
humanity. The soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness.
it is your soul that is seeking reunification,
not the personality.

My brave ones, be very sure that our primary focus at your
present stage of life is that which you desire to experience
in the future years of dramatic consciousness expansion and
the world changes now in progress. Be mindful and aware
every moment so that your focus becomes one-pointed and
clear, for you are creating your new world of tomorrow—
one thought at a time. We are ever near to guide and direct
you. I Am Archangel Michael.

KeY PointS
• “In order to effect change, you must consciously
choose a positive alternative to negative, habitual
responses. You must diligently strive to release and
clear old, impacted thought forms that are keeping
you stuck in limitation.”
• “The earlier in life you begin to listen to the nudgings
of your soul and higher self, the easier it is to bring
the ego and the personality self under control.”


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