You're the Fire

Submitted by Brenda Hoffman on Mon, 03/19/2018 - 16:28

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 16, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Until recent energy surges, you hid your Superwoman, Superman (Superperson) abilities from yourself and others. You’ve completed your related physical update and are now concentrating on your spirituality which will culminate within hours to fulfill your dreams of true power while of the earth in this lifetime. 

“Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

It is with much joy we proclaim that you are on your way. Even though that statement likely feels anticlimactic after enduring the shifts from 3D to 5D, we wish to mark this way-point as much more dramatic than you realize.

For you are now fully of the Universes as you dreamed of before this recent energy surge. Even though the Equinox will solidify your capabilities, you are new you.

An apt analogy is your first job after college graduation. You have the interest and skills required for the position, you merely need to realize you do as you immerse yourself in your new responsibilities. The first day, you feel tenuous with thoughts of, “Can I do this? Will I meet my employer’s expectations?” All of which are answered within days as you transition from college student to young professional.

So it is for you now. You are having difficulties believing you are different from last week much less last year and yet that which once seemed difficult or impossible you are taking in stride.

Granted, you are adjusting to your new status as does a young professional from living in a college dormitory to working and living on your own with all that entails.

The past few hours you have shifted dramatically culminating in a more 5D adult you. As a result, you are honing your interests and skills in ways not imaginable when you followed the dictates of 3D society.

You are now a radical which can be defined in numerous ways including you are new you in a new body. You are no longer 3D normal, but instead, 5D radical. For you are now creating and/or finding your path with intent and assurance. Assurance that will be further displayed after the Equinox. For each burst of energy has strengthened your being and drive.

You are no longer a 3D follower. You are a 5D leader – not of others, but of yourself. Which might seem wrong. Are you not meant to be a light beacon, a leader? Yes, but as is true for so many parts of your new life in New Earth, the definition of a leader is altered.

Unlike 3D, 5D leaders will not attempt to gather as many as possible to meet their needs and desires. Instead, 5D leaders will prove to others that manipulation is not necessary. A convoluted concept for you, the first generation of 5D leaders, but easy for future generations to comprehend and fulfill.

You are not meant to be a follower in 5D for your assignment before entry to earth in this lifetime was to break the leader/follower or better stated, master/slave physical, mental, and spiritual entrapment.

So it is you are a renegade negating the shoulds and have tos of 3D society – even your 5D expectations. For until you lived and thrived in 5D as you are now starting to do, you could only model what you expected within your 3D framework.

Perhaps this renegade status is not what you dreamed of even though it is your new reality. For if everyone is to create a unique path, there can be no leaders other than leaders in the knowledge that all are unique and consequently will create the path right for them.

You are likely limiting your activities as you feel your way in this totally new arena. For you have experienced similar activities in other places and dimensions but never before while of 3D earth.

You are no longer the you that you were before these recent energy bursts. You have become radicalized to you. Of course, the word radicalized may feel frightening but is really little different from the changes you made from a teen to young adult.

Perhaps as a teen, you wanted to be in favor with someone, so you tried to replicate their clothing, popularity, or party habits. But when you moved to a different community or work environment, you no longer cared about what that person thought of you.

So it is now. The difference is there are no role models. Which will likely feel frightening at first, but glorious once you accept your new freedom.

There is no one to follow for they are not you and never will be.

Granted, you will likely continue to receive information to enhance your individuality for it will spark pieces within you. But those sparks are not the fire. You are the fire. The wind of change. For no one can live your life or create what you are now free to create. Nor can anyone direct you to be new you.

You are a unique individual who no longer requires coddling, babysitting, or even direction. Such will seem a frightening at first just as was true your first night away from home whether it be for a new job, college, marriage or any adjustment that required you to think and act for yourself without input from friends and relatives.

You are free. And you will adjust rapidly for that freedom is the essence you dreamed of before entering earth in this lifetime.

Some of you will proclaim that you have always been antisocial or a renegade. We beg to differ for whatever you achieved as a 3D renegade, you did so within the confines of 3D society. You were proud of your renegade status as a comeuppance to 3D society – being so to irritate or ignore that society.

What we are speaking of is a complete break with 3D expectations. It does not matter what is or is not 3D society for you are no longer of that society. And 5D society will never exist except in the need not to follow or be like anyone.

That thought is uncomfortable for many given that you have been trained for eons to be like someone in your society – whether positive or negative in 3D terms. Your new role is to be you without expectations of anyone following in your footsteps other than a willingness to claim their freedom.

Does this mean political or personal anarchy? Of course not, for you are not fighting against a system or society, you are merely finding your true being. By doing so, you will join the harmony created by millions of different songs just as is true for birds and other parts of nature that cannot be tamed by humanity no matter how diligent the effort. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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