Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 12:03



Crystalai (c) 2011 cosmicdolphinmagic.com



The final twelve years of chaos on Earth that began in 2000 AD, is in its final stages. This period of time was the Earth's Star Gate opening cycle.

This is the time that our star gates would open to realign Lower Earth into the Higher Earth. Our Higher Earth contains our true families and true families of consciousness. These families are about 6000 years more advanced than we are and they are living in the true Christ State of Immortality.

The Illuminati plan was to block us permanently from our transmigration to Higher Earth through our natural angular rotation of particle spin. This is the reason why the Illuminati have planned for the past 13,400 years to block those star gates. Not only did they block the star gates, but they placed magnetic wobbles and reverse spin rates and frequency blockages to the grids of Earth that would allow them to literally suck the Earth into the Black Hole of the Milky Way in 2012. The Illuminati placed an electromagnetic harness that is called the NET through the Van Allen Belt area and into the Earth's crust and mantle in the place where the Christ Grid exists in the Earth. That Net would allow the Illuminati to pull us into their net of the Black Hole.

This is not going to happen, however. There have been thirteen Light Councils who have been creating a plan to over power the NET since the minute it was created. The gate keepers of those star gates that run between Higher Earth and Lower Earth have always been watching over those sacred alignments.

Our Starry Families have been streaming their Consciousness of Crystal Light Energy of Christ Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness that will realign us back into our proper alignment with Higher Earth so that we can Ascend into the Higher Earth Consciousness field. This will be accomplished by realigning the Junk DNA that holds the world's imprints of the third dimensional reality that the Illuminati has placed in our brains into the True Reality of our true Angelic Families who live in Higher Earth. The etheric strands of DNA have always existed within the soma of our neuron cells. That DNA looks like a harpstring. Our 12 Angelic Families will progressively sing and strum their reality into our DNA.

We have allowed the Illuminati World to be woven into our 3 DNA. That is why it is and should be called JUNK DNA. We have allowed the Illuminati world to be programmed into us. We have allowed them to be our family and our gods. Those Illuminati have arrived on Earth over and over again, each time there was a star gate opening. Each time the Illuminati arrived on their dragon ships, the tribes that they had formerly created worshiped them and became their slaves.

This time, the Illuminati will not be allowed to come through our star gates. This time there will be enough light consciousness fields surrounding and protecting us that they will not be allowed to enter in. This time there will be a great war in the sky that will remove them forever. This time, only the great starry families who are preparing our true Ascension Star Gates will be aligning into our Consciousness. These are the Crystal River Starry Families that include the Adonai Team and the Aquafarian Team. Adolphino and Crystalai have been members of these teams of ascension for millions of years.

Our starry families include our Aquafarian Mother, Cinderella, our
Starry Brother, Zorak, our Sisters Shajinka, Tinker Bell, Winefred. Our Great Brother from the deepest realms of the Liquid Light Realms, Zigfried. Our Team member and co-creator, Markus who was also on the team of creation of Jesus Christ Avatar 12. These families or teams are what many call our higher selves because the live on Higher Earth.

Our teams approached us and told us our names. They told my husband, Joe that his name was Adonai. We later learned that Adonai was the name of the team that Markus had created. We learned that I was sent to Earth as Zadkiel's Angelic Human to bring the highest frequency to Earth through music as I represent the Crystalai Council on Earth. As we met more and more of our family members, we learned that we had both come to Earth on this Ascension mission many times before, and that we were together once before as Mermaids and Dolphins. It was during that lifetime that we had the names aDolphino and Crystalai.

That lifetime is us now in our Higher Earth reality. That reality of who we are in our higher realm is as real and will become more real than this present reality imposed on us by the Illuminati.

This present reality that was created in our junk DNA will dissolve away permanently. That reality of the Lower Earth will become completely translated into the higher DNA harpstrings as we continue to sing and breathe in harmonic resonance with the frequencies of that Consciousness. We see more evidence of the removal of the junk DNA each day as we breathe more and more of the harmonic alignment into our harpstrings. Our soma inside of our brain's neuronet flashes the movie of our new reality onto the frontal lobe and that higher earth movie is playing in our quantum field now. We live and move and breath and enjoy the grand realities of our immortality in this quantum field of higher consciousness that is the aDolphino and Crystalai from the Aquarius Matrix and Aquafarian Team who were sent by our great friends of family who include Zadkiel, Zorak, Merlin, Raphael, and many Marys who are over looking our re-birth into our Christ hood.

There has always been a parallel Earth or Higher Earth that is supposed to be aligned into the exact location that we seem to exist upon, yet at a different angle. The only thing that will be separating us from our Higher Earth after the NET is completely removed and the Illuminati can no longer enter our star fields is our own Consciousness. The sooner we can realign our Consciousness into that Higher Reality, which has never seized to exist, the sooner we will become a complete part of it. Our Cosmic Dolphin families and inner Earth families have told us for many years this secret: They said when you raise your frequencies in consciousness into the highest realm we will then sing in harmony the tone of home and the symphony of love.

We are creating the Symphony of Love with our Angelic Families now
in our music studio in their presence. As the tones resonate and sing into our etheric harpstrings of our soma in our neuro net we transform our reality out of the netted Illuminati world of control. We have stepped into the parallel reality where there is no time or space because the quantum is a space that cannot be measured. It is a place where we can paint our own movies on the canvas. It is a place where the movie doesn't exist until we create it. We can sing the reality of immortality into our harpstrings as we realign our consciousness into the highest realm.

The frequency tools for aligning these harpstrings of your DNA into the higher Earth realms of our Future Selves, our Christ Selves, our real selves, our Angelic Consciousness of Co-Creation with our Divine Mind are all available on our website cosmicdolphinmagic.com. You might like to begin the transmutation of your DNA with the Ascension Kit that can be found on the purhcase mp3 button. The Cosmic Consciousness Kit including the Dolphin Magic and Cosmic Consciousness CD's that are songs that were sung by my Aquafarian Mother Cinderella directly through my mouth to describe to you the visual reality of the higher realm that they live in. I am sorry that the words are hard to understand or hear. That is because when the Cosmic Channelings are sung the breaths of consciousness are as etheric as a spark of light. Each voice needed to duplicated hundreds of times to get it to the volume that could even be heard by the human ear. However, the magical reality always exists as much in the frequency itself- that is the feeling, the tingling, the vibration that you hear in your mid brain section between your ears.

The individual Immortality CD is created by your own family of consciousness in higher Earth. I connect to your family of consciousness through my Crystal River Team and my Aquafarian Family who knows your Cosmic Families very well indeed. Each strand of your junk DNA is transmutted up into higher frequencies and woven into the harpstrings of the Cosmic Consciousness of your higher families and the woven through the highest light bands of Source consciousness and into the Zero point where your new co-creation will begin. The transformation caused by this realignment can cause your life to begin to change immediately. You will become more intune with a higher realm. You will begin seeing the infra red of a higher realm, you will see the ability to create the quantum world around you through a new movie screen. This is the beginning of the transformation process into your Christ self of immortality.

These are only tools that do the alignment for you. You can do this yourself of course. We are just here to help you because that is the mission that we signed up for. Our mission was to bring the highest frequencies to Lower Earth from the Breath of God. These frequencies arrive as music because it is the music of the spheres of the Source Creation that weaves our entire reality together. However, if there are certain frequencies that are out of tune because they were pulled into the darkness of the Illuminati World, they need to be retunned into the higher resonance of Cosmic Frequencies and the keys that align us into Zero Point where the Co-Creation with the mind[HEART] of God will open the doors into a heavenly reality where we create our Quantum Reality as our heart's desire are those Frequencies of the outer bands of light and sound that wrap us all within God's Divine Love and the Holy Spirit. Those Frequencies lift us out of this Lower Earth Dream forever.

Crystalai (c) 2011 cosmicdolphinmagic.com






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