Full Moon Workshop Feedback ~ Deeper and Deeper We Go!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 10/13/2019 - 07:50

Dear Readers,

Friday’s LIVE Full Moon Workshop was phenomenal! Daniela started off by welcoming Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, and their helpers who led us through an intense clearing before they activated what Archangel Metatron referred to as the “Lemurian Templates”. These are ancient 5th dimensional templates which contain the basic elements of a 5th dimensional light body. As these templates were activated within us, Archangel Michael assisted with the integration aspect of these light codes. Within these light codes rest the original blueprint of the 5th dimensional galactic human that the Lemurian civilization were hoping to achieve in status prior to their demise 14000 years ago. These key codes, when fully activated will completely transform our 3d reality here on Earth. We cannot say more about these codes as more information still has to be revealed, but we have ascertained that they are fundamental to what is coming up in 2020.

Archangel Metatron and Michael have asked that the recording of the Workshop be listened to at least 7 times to ensure that the codes are fully integrated on all levels of our being.

As far as we can tell, these codes will also help with the integration of the 11.11.12 (2+0+1+9=12) and 12.12.12 gateways, and the Solstice energy on the 21st and 22nd of December.

After Daniela’s energy work, we learned step by step how to use the Nadhi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) exercise to enhance stillness within the mind by balancing the right and left hemisphere’s of the brain – and also balancing the feminine and masculine polarity. This breathing exercise is also a great way to expand in consciousness as it activates and expands the Pineal gland and assists in strengthening (or awakening) the telepathic channel. It also sets the stage for perfect stillness and peace of mind, thus creating the perfect energetic atmosphere for deep meditation with the I AM Presence and Higher aspects of Self.

We , Archangel Michael and myself, also explained in detail how to form a deep connection to the highest light within you – The I AM, and how to maintain this connection, as well as amplify it and why this is such a beneficial practice – actually crucial practice, at this time.

If you would like a copy of the live workshop recording, please place your order here for only $11. This includes the Mp3 recording and also the PDF Notes (48Mb). Your support and financial contribution helps us to cover our financial costs and allows us to continue building our portals of Diamond Rainbow Light here on our beautiful Mother Earth. So Daniela and myself thank you from the depths of our ONE hearts!

Enjoy the fantabulous energy that is coming your way Beloveds and remember to keep LOVE in your hearts always!


~ Deborah Faith



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