Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 22:15


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon is high voltage, exciting, electric…. while bringing us profound transformations and changes that happen with the swiftness of a lightning bolt.  Awakening us to what in our own world and the world itself …..needs to be released….so that we and our planet can evolve. The energies of the Full Moons and the New Moons over the last few months and for several months (most of 2020) coming up are so powerful that you will feel the energies for several days before and several days after the actual peak of the moons.  This is very important to understand as we head into a very energetic, powerful and transformative 2020! 

We will start with the fact that yesterday we had a rare alignment of Mercury retrograde transiting (Eclipsing)  the Sun!  Mercury is our voice…how we speak and how we think.  The Sun is our life force.  The last time this happened was in 2016…the next time it happens will be November 13th 2032.  It always happens when Mercury is retrograde and in the Taurus/Scorpio signs. It took about 7 hours for Mercury to transit over the Sun (you may have seen photo’s of it on the news or at Astronomy clubs that have special telescopes that can look at the Sun).   During that time new thoughts, ideas, intentions etc. were planted in our minds.  This really intensifies the internalization of thoughts that you are naturally processing during this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio time. 

Because this Taurus Full Moon is ruled by Venus (our Love and attraction) and the Sun is in Scorpio (the sign of the Soul Mate) it is time for a major review of all your relationships including your relationship with You!  This is not an easy process. As we need to break old patterns that are no longer working….with people, places and things that we, as well as our leaders and country’s etc., are in relationships with… that are no longer vibrating where we are now vibrating.  It is time to release them…move away from them in the kindest way possible. With Mercury so powerful in this Full Taurus Moon...the need to observe and maybe upgrade the way you communicate in all relationships…is really emphasized.  With this Taurus Full Moon/Scorpio Sun and Mercury sitting right with the Sun….remember all relationships (or how we relate) are involved…relationships of all kinds…Lovers, friends, people at work, those from the past, casual ones, family etc! 

This Full Taurus Moon has a lot of aspects that are making things a little uncomfortable, quit chaotic, and challenging…. as we start releasing around our relationships…not only our own stuff…but that which includes our community, the world, and all humanity. No matter how uncomfortable it may feel….radical transformation is being activated in all of us when it comes to all relationships! ALL Relationships!  Changes need to be made….now.  This is an essential step in our evolutionary journey.  This Full Taurus Moon is a powerful one….it can either move us forward (including relationships in the working world and relationships with leaders and countries) or hold us back…..the choice is yours!

WITH ALL FULL AND NEW MOONS….what ever is activated in your chart  by the Full or New Moon (Taurus and Scorpio)…continues to stay active as you embody it….even after the Moon fades away.

FULL MOONS ARE ALSO A TIME FOR  releasing, a time of letting go.  With this Taurus Full Moon (Moon opposite a Scorpio Sun) we are asked to confront our fears, even those that are deep in our Soul, and release what no longer serves us. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  Look very deep at what you are holding onto…… and what you need to let go of.   Think deeply and meditate on areas that are hard to let go of…..involving people/places/things.  Try to get a clearer picture of what needs to be let go of…..what is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating…..and let it go…in the most compassionate way.  Give it back to Source…so you can continue to move forward. 

THIS TAURUS FULL MOON IS RULED BY VENUS  and Venus is about beauty, love, money, relationships and creativity.  Taurus which is Earth energy loves comfort, food and the beauty of nature… and is quite creative.  Taurus wants you to have a healthy and spiritual relationship with the physical world.  Taurus is also about your core values and living by them.  Taurus is about your self-worth including security, money and how you obtain money.  On the gray side…. Taurus can be quite stubborn…..materialistic…. and there is a tendency to be reclusive and/or the hermit.  In what areas of life do you tend to withdraw and become stubborn about…..that you now need to release?  What areas do you need to look at that are no longer vibrating with your value system…..your core….your Soul……it is time to release with Love…….

WE ALSO HAVE THE FULL MOON SUN IN SCORPIO  which is a water sign, and is very intuitive/psychic and intense. It is drenched in emotions and insights. Scorpio is also about power, natural shamanism, the taboo, natural healing, Earth spirituality, psychic gifts, other people’s money, sacred sex and Trust.  Scorpio represents the transformation of our Soul’s and the Soul of  Humanity and the Earth.  It is the seductress or seducer and it is very hypnotic and magnetic.  There is not much in the middle with Scorpio.  Your either the “good witch” or the “bad witch”  J   The Good witch is very spiritual….Earth spirituality, natural healing, using crystal’s and stone’s to heal, natural shamanism,  hospice, and the sign of the “Soul Mate” etc.   

Scorpio is about intimacy.  It is about sharing with another….on the deepest levels possible, in the most sacred areas of the Soul.  The biggest issue in Scorpio relationships is often trust.  The deep Soul sharing and deep Spiritual sharing….can leave the Soul shattered if trust is broken.  You may also find that your attractions to others….their magnetism and your consuming emotions are stronger during the period of this Full Moon.

Sitting with this Scorpio Sun at this Taurus Full Moon is Mercury!  We talked a lot about Mercury eclipsing the Sun yesterday on the 11th ….but it is still sitting with the Sun at this New Moon…and is opposing the Taurus Moon that is sitting with Vesta!  With Mercury there, the knowledge that comes to you during this Taurus Full Moon…will be worth sharing (talking, writing, teaching) with others.  Vesta will bring you the passion to bring this knowledge forward.  With Mercury retrograde sitting next to the Scorpio Sun at this New Moon…be sure and watch what you say and how you say it…and be extremely careful with all your communications!  You don’t want to “sting” (Scorpio) someone with your words (Mercury) and especially…you don’t want to end up stinging yourself.

WITH THIS FULL TAURUS MOON we have the ability to release lots of old emotional baggage….to forgive ourselves and to let go of what no longer serves us. During this Full Taurus Moon we have the opportunity to bring into balance the higher Scorpio (Sun) energies and then ground them into our everyday lives (Taurus Moon).   Watch out for the gray side of Scorpio during this Full Taurus Moon....which is…jealousy, manipulation, control, judgment, lies, secrets,  possessiveness etc. 

We are being asked to clarify what we cherish in our lives, and what we need to transform.  We are learning to balance security (Taurus) with evolution and change (Scorpio).  We are learning to not become reclusive with our resources, but to share them in community.  We are being asked to balance the Male (Scorpio) & Feminine (Taurus), the Yin & Yang energies etc..  We are being asked to look at our values.  We are being asked to see through our awareness, that what has form (Taurus) is based upon the unseen but deeply felt (Scorpio).

This Taurus Full Moon challenges us to get really clear on what’s essential, and what has value to that particular person or situation.   There is beauty to create.  There are things to do for comfort. There is stability to obtain. There is sensuality to share and embody.  Take responsibility for making your own life and surroundings beautiful.”    Take a moment and realign yourself with these responsibilities.   This is a time to take a meditative pause and let your thoughts and wisdoms from your mind and body…..ignite your will to think for yourself and question authorities in all areas of life. 

TAURUS IS THE SIGN OF THE BUDDHA….it is a wonderful time to Meditate!  It’s a wonderful time to relax and Zen!  It is a wonderful time to Manifest and bring things into reality! It is a wonderful time to manifest PEACE!  Be like the Buddha and enjoy nature and beauty….relax…and Meditate!

THIS TAURUS FULL MOON IS ALSO SITTING WITH VESTA which was an Asteroid that now is classified as a dwarf planet giving it more emphases!  Vesta is known as the “Goddess of the Hearth”…she keeps the fires burning strong and represents sacred sexuality.  She also represents selfless service and a devotion to service…especially Spiritually. 

URANUS IS ALSO IN TAURUS and is helping the stubborn Taurus energies to move forward and to take a step…any step…just move!  Uranus isn’t in the orb of the Taurus Full Moon ( it is 16 degrees away), but is still in the sign and therefore activating the Taurus energies.  Uranus is sudden things happening and is the constant of change…looking out for the community/humanity.  Taurus likes home and it doesn’t like change….Uranus is helping all things that are effected by Taurus to make some changes…for the good of everyone and everything alive including the Earth!

WE ALSO HAVE SATURN/PLUTO  in harmonious aspects to this Taurus New Moon which can be a good thing at it could bring in a little bit of stability to this powerful Full Moon.  This will help us manifest (Taurus Full Moon) and bring into form into reality (Saturn/Pluto)…the messages, thoughts, knowledge that comes to us at this Taurus Full Moon as we meditate and manifest. This will also work and bring into reality…in a good way... the thoughts etc that were planted in our minds while Mercury transited the Sun.  It also will help bring up to us and put right in our faces….the things we need to look at and change and transform….as we continue reevaluating while Mercury is retrograde.  

JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS IS SITTING ON THE GALACTIC CENTER during this Full Taurus Moon.  Jupiter (master teachers, international law, travel, joy, optimism etc) is an important planet to have sitting on the Galactic Center at this time in history.  The Galactic Center is a portal to the Universe and the center of our Galaxy. Through it we receive downloads of information. We also receive a lot of energetic support from the Universe through this portal. Some of this information coming to us can be quite advanced…meaning that we might have to purge some old thoughts, old ways, of doing things for the newer…that is coming to us.  Master knowledge….Joy and optimism….all things that are very important at this time. We have probably been receiving these energies all ready as Jupiter has been in the orb or the Galactic Center and expanding its energies… and will continue for a while.

THE CARDINAL T-SQUARE is the back drop of this Taurus Full Moon!  The Cardinal T-Square consists of Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn – Mars in Libra – Eris in Aries!   This is a very powerful Cardinal T-Square (Cardinal energy is: birthing of new, change, and urgency!  This T-Square is also bringing in the Full Taurus Moon as Pluto rules Scorpio.  Adding even more change, urgency, transformation and birthing of new…energy to this Full Moon!   I have talked about the Cardinal T-Square many times in the past so I will briefly describe the energies as they are very chaotic, transformative and can be volatile at times.

SATURN is also sitting with Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn rules Capricorn. The Saturn/Capricorn energy is that of the Government, military, Corporate America, the CEO, all our Structures, Banks, etc. etc.

So when you think about Saturn and Pluto they are both squaring Mars in Libra and Eris in Aries.  A growth aspect…growing through fiction and stress.

PLUTO is also sitting with Saturn in Capricorn.  Pluto is the planet of transformation.  Pluto only cares about the transformation of your Soul and the Soul of humanity and the Earth itself.  Pluto is also referred to as the planet of tear down.  In order for something to transform into the Phoenix…it first has to hit bottom…bringing “what ever” down into ashes so the Phoenix can rise (transformation).  If you are doing Pluto work…you are going to feel a little uncomfortable….if you don’t feel uncomfortable….then you are not doing the work! 

SQUARES ARE GROWTH ASPECTS…with stress and friction helping with the growth.  We have Mars in Libra and Eris in Aries both squaring Pluto and Saturn!

MARS IN LIBRA…Libra energy is that of Love, creativity and balance…equal give and take.  Mars is our warrior energy, our passion, our action energy along with pioneer energy etc.   This set up can go either way…it could get quit volatile or you could start a mission for Peace.  It is trying to bring in some balance…some love…some “equal give and take” energies to try and bring some calm to our own lives and to the World itself! However…it is a challenge for the Libra energy to get out there.  So this is an area to concentrate on…Meditate and Manifest that Peace, Love, and equal balance of the Libra energy will be able to surface when it is needed!!  Back to the saying from the 60’s….Make Love not War!  

ERIS IS A NEWER PLANET… a little beyond Pluto and has been classified as a Dwarf planet, along with Pluto and several others.  Remember Dwarf planets are still planets. Just like Dwarf Humans are still human.   Eris’s energy is the energy of Lawlessness, Discord, Chaos and the Wild Card.  In mythology, Eris is responsible for starting the Trojan War!  Eris and Pluto both can get riled up whenever there is injustice..or jealously.  Doesn’t matter where it is or who it may involve.  They both are compelled to do the right thing for all humanity!  So it is time to take some action….action that can lead to transformation through chaos or discord (Eris) or Peace/Love..Mars (take action) in Libra……. the choice is yours!!!!

THIS COULD BE … and is…a volatile and/or explosive time period.    It can also be a very insightful time.   This Cardinal T-Square….is asking us to move towards the responsible use of power and resources.  New adventures are being started and much action being taken in the directions that assists our evolution…individually and also collectively.  Meditate….Manifest Love and Peace!! 

This Full Taurus Moon is about shake ups not only in relationships of all kinds, but also around finances, self survival and creativity.   Even though it can be a bit disruptive….there is a light at the end of the tunnel…. Stability, truth in relationships, and calmness in the future.  But first things have to be put right in our faces so we can see them…before we can let them go…so we can heal them.  With the Taurus energies….Take a moment to align with Mother Earth, give thanks for all the goodness and resources she gives so freely. The Universe is speaking very loudly!!!!   The Urgency is increasing….. Are you listening?

Growth isn’t always easy… and during this growth period we are currently in….it can feel as if we are experiencing radical transformation on a daily bases…with a feeling of urgency and a lot of chaos! However….Remember that when you are working with the transformative energies of Scorpio/Pluto.….if it feels easy, then you’re not doing the work!!

Meditate….especially out in Nature if possible….and ask your Guidance to help you become aware of relationship wounds (past and present) that need healing or that it may be time to move away from those that activate these wounds.   Ask your Guidance to help you heal the wounds, with ease and grace…..that are being brought up during this Taurus Full Moon.  Ask your Guidance to guide you towards loving and healthy relationships of all kinds…..and ask for synchronicities so you know you are heading in the right directions.    Meditate and joyfully connect with the Earth….enjoy her beauty….and let yourself create. 

Over the last few months the energies have been very intense…very transformative…very chaotic. 

Remember that  the Universe is saying .…no lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego, no manipulation etc…….so the Universe is putting things right in our faces (this includes the government and international, corporate etc.) so that we can see them, so that we have to acknowledge them and take action.   We have to be able to “see” them….before we can Heal them. It is not easy….it can be chaotic, stressful, and emotionally draining……but the Universe is also giving us everything we need to make the changes so we can move forward into the “new”.

During this time you may be faced with some uncomfortable things that you may have to deal with, in all areas of life.  However, with the Moon in Taurus, there can be some peace and serenity in the midst of Scorpio’s passionate emotions. There can be opportunities for inspiration and joy.  Release joyfully through the arts, music, community events and the Earth.  A Full Moon in Taurus wants us to get out of our heads and into the comforts of home and the earth. A Taurus Full Moon would like for us to enjoy what we have and be grateful for it. Manifest….Meditate…and Listen to what you might hear!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2019  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 


Cathy Lindsey    AstroEyes@aol.com

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology 

www.AstroEyes.com    515-779-7154



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