From one Human to Another

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 03/17/2012 - 03:54


From one Human to Another




by GLR Kelly MacInnis


I have been meaning to write for some time. I have seen you struggle with all the changes going on. Trying to make sense of it all. Trying to figure out what might happen. I have seen you reading every post looking for answers. I have felt your pain and frustration as things don’t seem to be going as expected. I have watched you struggle with the increased energy flowing into and around you, not knowing what to make of it our how to fully integrate it. I have heard your call and I am here to help.

What I am offing you now is a rare and precious gift. Something I have fought many battles to acquire and wish to freely give. I know you will not understand it in the traditional sense but it is my hope that you will feel it and that it gives you some relief. This is not a channeled message. It is from my personal experience as a fellow human. It is current information about what is happening now and how you can experience it with grace and ease. It is ultimate freedom but it must be experienced not just understood.

The foundation of everything I am about to tell you (how I got here) is Trust (faith). This is step one and it is most important. What I am talking about here is the feeling of Trust.  Knowing, without any evidence, that something is.  I am not talking about trusting me. I am not talking about trusting angles or ETs or what other people say. I am talking about Trusting you.

Try it now.

Stop reading, close your eyes and feel the energy of Trust in your own body……..

“You are a creator.”

This is not a metaphor.

It is a fact.

Lots of channeled messages say this.

Science is even starting to understand the mechanics of it. You have even experienced it yourself. The problem is, you haven’t felt the Trust of it. You have written it off as coincidence and a lofty thought aboutsomeday maybe. If you felt the power of this statement you would not be worried about what might happen or which ETs have your interest at heart. You would totally relax. The energies you feel would become a welcome friend instead of overwhelming.

Here is how you as creator works.


You are here not to leave and go higher. You are here as a conscious vessel, a container, for God to find physical expression and experience in the realm of time and space. Remember, I am talking from personal experience here. Ascension is not about you going higher. it is about higher coming to you. The way you create is by aligning yourself with the Divine and allowing the force of Love to move through you. You can not know, or control, this with your mind. Your mind hasn’t got a clue. That is why Trust is so important. Stop now and feel this information….

The teaching of Abraham is correct. You must control your thoughts. They are the basis of everything here. But Abraham is teaching to the lowest common denominator, ego. Here is how this works on a deeper level. You have free will. This is given to you not as some divine blessing or curse. Free will is required because without it your potential as creator would be limited. Because you can function within the realm of all possibilities, the responsibility falls upon you to manage your thoughts and keep them aligned with light (Love).

here is the formula.

thought (T) plus feeling (F) plus Love (L) equals manifestation (M). T+F+L=M.

The reason your powers have been so limited thus far is because the Force of Love (God) can not flow through the random chaos of an unrestrained mind. Stop now and feel this….

No being in the universe knows what is going to happen here. Anyone who says they do is hoping, or trying to control outcomes for their own benefit. The only way anyone could possibly control what is happening here is by attempting to control you. That is why your Trust in your own ability, even though you don’t yet know what that is, is so important. You must know without any doubt, That it is you, beautiful creator, that has the power to make this work in whatever way you choose. Please stop and feel the truth of this now….

You do not need ET technology or protection unless you say you do. You do not need a more altruistic leader to tell you what to do or a more far financial system to work within. If you want those limits placed on you, so you don’t have to be responsible for your own thoughts, then you can have that. It is not your design though, or your intended purpose. You can not create your vision by hoping, or wishing, or waiting, or fearing what could be. Your mind alone can not figure out what to do or how to do it. You have to think, feel, and Love all at once, while Trusting that what you intend is, no matter what your ego tells you about how it should look. Stop now and feel this…..

Everything that happens in your experience, everything, is leading, by the shortest possible route, to what you want. No mater how it looks. Not mater how much it seems otherwise. Your conscious mind, as you know it now, has no way of knowing how this is so. You have to Trust and relax into thefeeling of this truth. Try it now…..

No entity, human or divine, can save you because you don’t need saving. The only one who can effect your outcome is you. The only way you can do this is by controlling your emotional environment. The only way you can do that is by controlling your thoughts…..

What we are doing here, now, will truly change the face of all of creation, in ways no one can imagine. We are the game changer of all. God is entering creation, not from the outside but through you. God created the door and it is you. It has taken millions of years to finish the project. Only you can open that door and led God in. The only way to open the door is by allowing Love to rule your mind. The only way to do that is by feeling Love fully. Trust that you are the lock and the key. Trust that you can not be stopped. Trust that you are all the evidence you need to know that what I say is true. Trust.


in Love,


Kelly MacInnis



Sat, 03/17/2012 - 06:10

Good morning Kelly,


Thanks so much for your lovely, heart felt words of wisdom!


I am agreement that we are the conduits through which Divine Shakti flows!  We are the creator of our world! 


I often say to my clients that they are already connected to Source and just need to ground and connect to our Dear Earthly Mother!  We are the vehicle

through which Great Spirit and Earthly Mother become manifest!  AHO!


Blessings and love,


Bonnie Lou

Yes, we are to trust in our own selves. It is not about trusting that the Universe (or some beings)  will do it for you, it's about trusting yourself to create the outcome you desire. This doesn't mean the Universe will not provide. The Universe will provide you with what you need when you follow your inner guidance. You do your part (follow your inner guidance) and the Universe will do its part (provide you with favorable synchronicities, opportunities for growth and new insights, more flow, etc.) and this is what will create the outcome your deepest self desires.


It's all about reconnecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance so that you fulfill your higher purpose---because doing this helps contribute to the Great Shift in the world, and the Golden Age.


Please check out my blog about this topic!


Thank you!

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