
Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 03/17/2012 - 12:44







Much has been written and pondered over with regard to disclosure and it seems to make perfect sense to sit with the idea of disclosure and see how it FEELS. Do you believe there are other races out there communicating with us? have you sat and asked  yourself if you truly believe this by meditating on this thought? take a moment now and sit in silence with it , take it into the heart and listen, does it resonate?


The reason I ask is manyfold, there is a lot of activity on the internet just now and a lot of excitement around the prospect of it with many in support of disclosure and many who are triggered by it. Those who are in defiant denial are the ones perhaps who should sit there with question for the longest for something about the very concept of not being alone in the universe is unsettling to them. By why? well that question can only be answered by each individual human BEing.


Taking the concept of it happening let us look at the scenario. For when disclosure happens what will happen to all that we have been taught and all that we have absorbed? it will be dissolved. For disclosure will tear apart our deepest beliefs, if you are not ready to embrace the notion we are not alone and to have evidence of this then you are holding on with a closed mind. We are being put through "soft" disclosure daily. This is where the images of alien races are planted into our everyday waking life. For those of us here in the UK the images of the ARGOS advert spring instantly to mind, with the little blue alien family talking about father christmas and shopping. So we as a society then get used to this image and see it as non threatening, it is absorbed into our consciousness unconsciously. :-)


Then there are the myriad of programmes being aired on some of the discovery and national geographic channels and more mainstream ones in the UK where scientist are now "admitting" we "could" find life on other planets. The stargazing programme on the BBC a few weeks ago with Dara O' Brien and Prof Brian Cox and example of again "soft" disclosure, putting in the idea of other worlds to the general populace. This is needed to build up to the full disclosure that will happen at some point.

For those like myself who are able to communicate with other realms and connect to them we already are aware we are not alone, we are honoured to be able to space hold for other humans to be able to connect as well. It is not rocket science, it is merely the dissolving of all the teachings of distortion that we as a society have absorbed and anchored as being true to allow for what we know to come to the fore.


If you are told something often enough then you will believe it, unfortunately this works both ways. For the human race has been contained and suppressed by those who ruled our world for their own needs. Whilst "soft" disclosure can be used to integrate images to help with the processing of information that is coming in it was also used to keep us in fear. For a lot of images used in the media are purposeful when injecting us with fear.

how many of you are afraid of spiders? why? what is it about the humble spider that strikes fear into the hearts of many? like bats? if not why not? there are many races out there who are now slowly revealing themselves but their disclosure of what they look like to us is deterred by the work of those they have taken off the planet. For much was disinformation. There are no forms on planet earth that are not found elsewhere in the galaxy. Think about this for a few moments and allow this to sink in. We have some very strange looking animals and creatures in the sea, all seeded from the stars. Scientist admit there are species within our seas that we have yet to find.


It would make no sense and serve no one for a race to step forward and us to recoil because we were taught that the shape of them is somehow frightening or horrible. Why do you think we are a race that is so preoccupied by our shape and what is determined to be beautiful and what is not? this was implanted into the human race to further contain and suppress us.


We should begin now to look beyond the vessel that contains our spirit and look to the TRUTH that is within. Whilst you look at another human Being and judge them for what they look like you take a step away from being able to cope with another race stepping forward to greet you.


Many will trigger by the words of others who support the disclosure, many of the forums across the internet of "lightworkers" are those who are now actively stating for the realms to show themselves or......... or what?? it is being viewed the wrong way around. Nothing is hidden to us here on planet earth , all is in plain view. The images that are being passed around on social network platforms just now confirming how limited we are in our vision. The pictures asking what is wrong, or can you spot what I can spot sort of thing are showing you that to see you have to SEE.


If you are not open to the idea of first contact, if you are not able to step back from what you have been taught as being true and process TRUTH for yourself then there is no way that another race can even communicate with you, for your vibration will not be at a level they can work with. ALL is vibration and third dimensional vibrations are DENSE. To live your life experience in emotions such as anger, grief and sorrow see your vibration low and you are not able to experience that which is higher and around you. We have stood next to a large group of people and experienced things that others have been oblivious to. We have stepped forward to say hello to people in the street and they have jumped as if we just appeared in front of them stating "oh I didnt see you there".


Whilst the old energies had you wrapped in the disasters of others lives, of the world and moaning about how bad everything was those energies were wrapping you in dense vibrations. To allow these to dissolve is the key to moving higher in vibration. The only person who can change your life experience is you. Whilst you rage against this TRUTH and whilst you maintain that you need "proof" for disclosure then you are in the lower energetic levels of vibration, a race could be standing in front of you but you would be unable to see or hear them due to the screening out that you will do unconsciously of that which does not resonate with your vibration.

To communicate with other realms means raising your vibrational energy signature to match theirs, they can lower theirs a little but to ask them to come fully down into the third dimensional energies is a step too far, how as a race can the human race expand and grow if the default position is always to come to us?


The world is changing and events over the coming days and weeks will see more and more information "released". If you are able to accept that we are seeded from the stars then now is the time to vocalise this and no longer to hide it. There are many people who are under the impression they are the only ones who think as they do yet they are not. Vocalising what you believe is your right as a human BEing, to question everything and see how it resonates with you is another right. For too long we have been passively allowing our lives to be dreamt for us, now is the time to step forward and begin to dream the dream ourselves.


So once more I would ask, are you ready for disclosure and to give up all you have been taught to embrace all that you already KNOW?




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