Message from meredith

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 05:43


Message from meredith
March Equinox, 2012
Hello my friends, 
On behalf of us all, I acknowledge that 2012, this much anticipated year, has not come without fanfare and titanic blasts of energy.  We are opening to new possibilities for humanity and life on Earth, so it ought to come as no surprise that the pathways are steep, relentless and at times the challenge seems gargantuan. Nonetheless, we persevere.  Such is the nature of remembering...
Like you, I've experienced very difficult energy lately.  I've been floating in a neutral space and then I'm irritated and angry, physically tired, emotionally positive and confused by the overall mix!  I discovered that as long as I stay with myself, my well-being arises reliably like the sun.  Today, I share some ideas for working with these energies.
What I share here illuminated my path, perhaps it will light-up some a passages for you too. 
In reflecting on all this change, it strikes me that the playing field has changed and I had not fully acknowledged this.  It seems much of what is bringing me into wholeness lately continually returns to this experience of acknowledgement.  For much of our lives, we have been focused on raising our frequency and on anchoring enough light to support our collective and planetary aspirations to ascend, as One to a new band of frequencies.  To shift with the Earth and to support, rather then detract from that effort with Gaia, and to experience a new earth--the 5th earth, as we are told by many traditions, one based in ideals of love and harmony and one residing in 5th dimensional energies made manifest.
What I had not really and truly taken in, is how the landscape changes for us individually once this is essentially a given.  Although I channeled a validating message last July, The 5th World Prophecy is Fullfilled, I don't think I realized the implications to me personally of this, until the last few months.
There are many choices now for how we will participate in the coming times.  Some will ascend to the New Earth once it's manifest and others, like myself, will go back and forth--head in the clouds, feet on the ground, so to speak--acting as Ambassadors to the New Earth. I don't know how to explain this literally, but I do sense this is real, even if I don't know how to exactly to talk about it.  Some are here just to gather energy and others are planning to ascend to higher dimensions or other experiments.  Some are as we well know, still sleeping and others have chosen to participate further in a duality construct to discover their pathways.  I'm sure there are many more probabilities in play.  But what I've remembered for myself, is taking the Boddhisattva Vow years ago with his holiness the Dalai Lama.  And knowing that I will not be going anywhere soon, that my role is to assist those who resonate with me and the pathways I've remembered, sharing these so they might use them on their own journey and passage to the New Earth.
Living in these amazing, dynamic times, is beyond mysterious!  Be gentle and loving with yourself as you continually discern your truths, your way and the function you wish to play in the scheme of things.  All pathways are beautiful and filled with love.
I'm very much looking forward to the Equinox Alignment which I'm already feeling--as probably many of you are too.  This time of balance is SO very relevant to us now.
I revisited my Equinox post from September, Alignment and Balance Allow for Beauty.  It's filled with incredible images from the Pilobolus Dancers, that demonstrate the amazing potential of collective balance.  I hope it inspires you to re-consider the way you relate to yourself and to everything in your life.
Lastly, if you'd like to participate in a Live, Global Event to Celebrate the Equinox, and receive a live channelled transmission of the current energetic landscape, and with guidance and inspiration for the coming days, please join us tomorrow.  (Or via the audio recording, if that's more convenient for you!)
It's a perfect time for a vast planetary attunement to 
the harmonic balance of our new states of being.
The LIVE event will take place at 4:00 pm pacific daylight time on Tuesday, March 20.  Click here for details and to register.
However you choose to absorb the energies of this powerful alignment, I invite you to extend your focus to your planetary colleagues of light and love and tap into a communal presence of shared focus.
It's an amazing time to be alive...HERE!  ha ha ha.
Peace + Love

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