~Happy Equinox~ Bringing In Balance

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 10:51

Iranians respond to Israeli Facebook initiative: Israel, we love you too


Numerous posts by Iranians start popping up on 'Israel loves Iran' Facebook page, in response to Israeli messages of peace.

By Oded Yaron


The 'Israel loves Iran' Facebook campaign has begun to receive numerous responses from Iranians, who stared responding to the Israeli initiative that calls on people to announce their love for the Iranians by posting pictures on Facebook.

Up to Saturday night, graphic artists Ronny Edry and his wife, Michal Tamir, who began the campaign, were still trying to persuade Iranians to respond to the dozens of Israelis that put up posters of themselves with the words, "Iranians, we will never bomb your country, we [heart] you."

On Sunday their labor bore fruit, as more and more posts by Iranians started popping up on their Facebook page, in response to their Israeli counterparts.


“My Israeli friends, I do not hate you; I do not want war. love, Peace,”...


Full Article Here


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/19/12



I hope these readings that we will perform amount to the data we wish to collect in order to better understand the development of the human psyche at this time. We are conducting these readings in order to better understand the human mental processes and their function. Please bear with us as we develop these tests to perform better our tasks of reading your collective, as well as individual, levels of consciousness. We feel this is a very important area in our research to more clearly define your development as a species and as individuals, and we believe we have made great gains in understanding the people of your planet better.


Please be advised that many of you have agreed to participate in these tests, and that we would never invade your privacy without your prior consent. Many of you agreed to these undertakings before your current incarnations as part of your duties as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we thank you very much for your cooperation as we continue to read your consciousness levels while you read the messages sent through our channels. We are conducting tests to better our mental and telepathic connections as well, and through these tests we are able to identify areas of strength and of weakness that can be improved upon. Readings indicate the human psyche development is proceeding very well, and we see a day when telepathic communication will become common place between yourselves, and other dimensional beings as well.



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by Love Reporter Predrag/Saint Germain



My dear beloved Mr. Ed,



I am addressing this letter and comment to you, as well to all the naysayers of this grand project of full awakening for all the Humanity...


And I thank you for grand work you do as chef editor of this quite amazing and informative site...


I would like you to do search on my name before even responding... as I do not need any response or reaction from you... Only thing I would like from you is to hear me from your heart... Not your logical mind, not your very analytical mind... BUT YOUR HEART...



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Default? What default? Carry on. Everything is fine. ~ Nigel Farage on the Euro - 13th March 2012


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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-19-2012...



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-19-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media


by ANdReA


Sun is calm… Mother Earth=Heart is going on cleaning and so do All of US… and Energies are High and Clean today! Big breackthorugh of Love… well, nothing can resist to that what is True so we can enjoy the moment by… increasing LOVE! You did not think it was all over, did you? Nope! See, Love=God… cannot stop. Creation cannot stop creation… and Love cannot stop expanding Love… especially when the Call for LOVE is so high and so many brave souls stand tall and say I AM LOVE! YEEHAAWWW… That’s it!

Enjoy and Be Blessed in All Love that IS NOW HERE PRESENT. And Share… share, share, share… for the more you share… the more you get!


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~It May be Our Time to Prepare~ Steve Beckow


~It May be Our Time to Prepare~

2012 March 19
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I’ve been asked to contextualize something that might be occurring for us at this moment and to make recommendations. I also think it may be time to do so even if I were not asked. I’d like to do it with some sense of urgency but without anxiety or even concern. I’d most prefer to have a conversation with us as balanced lightworkers and responsible adults.


There seems to be a sense of fear mounting among us. It’s indicated by the posting of such materials as recent videos from Alex Collier, Kevin Manon, George Kavassilas, Kerry Cassidy, and others, numerous written posts which express mistrust of the galactics, the recent re-floating of old theories about marauding Greys, reptilians and Nordic Orions, etc.



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March 22, 2012 Press Release WARNING!!!


All the major news outlets are being sent a copy of this March 22, 2012 Press Release WARNING stating that everyone living in or near a seismic zone should be warned to brace for one of the top five earthquake events in recorded history on March 22, 2012 at 4:58:34 UTC. Earth axis is expected to shift five+ inches with the world aquifers, when our planet passes 66,000 miles per hour through a gravity trough connecting the Sun and the inbound heavy-mass object (HMO). I have been sending warning messages to the media all along and nobody has responded with a single word. We shall see very soon if the next 'event' on the 188-day cycle is for real or not. My hands are clean and everyone has the opportunity to be warned ...
Press Release Link: http://terral03.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=369

My website: http://terral03.com/

Some Media Outlet Links: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=111

Download Paltalk Messenger (free): http://www.paltalk.com/

Terral's Research Group (Education/Other): http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1388121500/

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~The Death of the Ego~ Humanity Healing~


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Italian Police Arrest 16 Judges, Sieze $1.3 Billion in Mafia Bust ~ 2012 MARCH 20



Italian Police Arrest 16 Judges, Sieze $1.3 Billion in Mafia Bust

2012 MARCH 20
Posted by Stephen Cook


Italian Police Arrest 16 Judges, Sieze $1.3 Billion in Mafia Bust

By Oliver Tree

March 19, 2012


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Let's Birth a New Earth: Join Me For Conception Day 2012- this THURSDAY!‏



Let's Birth a New Earth: Join Me For Conception Day 2012- this THURSDAY!‏

Conception Day 2012 - with Barbara Marx Hubbard


Dearest Fellow SHIFTERS,

Imagine 100 million of us gathering in a shared commitment to birth a healthy, sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous world.  We can achieve this goal with your participation! 

March 22nd
 will be THE biggest moment yet for the whole Shift Network to activate Barbara Marx Hubbards’ and the Network’s shared vision of hope for humanity, helping to make the highly anticipated year of 2012 a breakthrough time of positive change!



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Message from meredith




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Sacred Breathing



Solar Friends of Earths Freedom,

as we move ever deeper into our Solar
being, the awareness and use of

the Sacred Breath becomes ever moreimportant.

Today may be a perfect day to practice the

Power of Conscious Breathing.

Choose, if you will, a breathing statement,

said silently, thatwill benefit all other life.


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SEVERE Weather Outbreak across Great Plains, U.S.


Severe turnderstoms are heating up on the central and southern Plains, producing the threats of damaging winds, large hail and tornados...



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Jermaine Jones ~ Dance With My Father Again


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Ask the grandmothers and the grandfathers. ~ Michael through Ron Head


  Spanish   Portuguese


Now we will speak of your new abilities that some are already finding the use of.  All of you are capable of these things, but you each have some that you have brought with you into this life.  Those will, of course, manifest first for you.  They will prove very useful in the coming times.  As your soul groups come together, you may find that many of you have the same talents, but it is the one that makes you stand out which may be the most valuable.  Think in terms of a Native American village.  There may have been many hunters, but a skill at arrow making or flint knapping would have been highly valued.  All voices were always heard and considered and nothing moved without a large consensus. 



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2012 We're Already in It - HD Trailer


Offering a rich medley of interpretations of the Mayan Prophecies blended with ancient wisdom and scientific probabilities, well known experts and druids share their predictions and perceptions about 2012. This positive and illuminating movie may inspire your thoughts about our evolution through the 2012 timeline.
Bringing to light the mysteries of our shifting realities, they highlight many aspects of ET life such as communications from other worlds, the Crop Circle phenomena, and other intriguing wonders we are experiencing at this time. Addressing the obvious challenges we face as a species who has lost their balance with greed, they suggest we focus more on the New Reality of higher consciousness, mental telepathy, and world peace. They also suggest we stop participating in those (greed) aspects of life altogether; one person at a time.
Beautifully crafted and filmed in the UK Crop Circles and ancient stone formations of Southern England by award winning film maker Patty Greer, the film is visually stunning and deeply thought provoking. You are offered a brilliant array of information about the 2012 phenomena: the Mayan Prophecies, polar shifts, solar flares, changes in the electromagnetic field, messages coming through the Crop Circles, UFO visitations, financial collapse, tsunamis and earthquakes, and ultimately spiritual evolution for our precious planet. 

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Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 in under 5'


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Lucas ~ NEWS UPDATE ~ On The Prosperity Packages And Reevaluation Of Currencies ~ 19 March 2012


Lucas ~ NEWS UPDATE ~ On The Prosperity Packages And Reevaluation Of Currencies ~ 19 March 2012


In my recent post with link http://wp.me/p1H4zR-2uf  I told about the news I received in various e-mails about a probable NESARA, abundance program or spreading of prosperity packages now going on.



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The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


I knew, due to the intensity of Light wind within the field from March 15th thru March 17th, when we were able to read again, things would be very different… again!!  But yesterday was wayyyy beyond even my imagination of different.


I pray to God I can share this information outward with the clarity, detail and strength I understand it within.


The way I look at today, well really yesterday…but I am typing today (smile)… it is truly a new year, a new energy, a new earth in her first completed phase of change.  Two more major completions will be coming up as we move thru this year.


What I once called “The Field” is now a massive orb of reflective energy.  This orb is now the new magnetosphere of the earth.  That protective field of energy that surrounds the earth o filter out the high radiation from the sun to the earth.



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Dr Quantum explains flatland


When you look to this video, then assume flatland as 3d and dr quantum as multidimensional being. You can already act, live and work in 3d. But you are multidimensional and you can look above the full 3d, collect and handle higher dimensional informations, understand the all that is. This is the viewing angle for the multidimensional consciousness, the new state of being is switching as required. Live in the old 3d world, or position yourself above and be the silent observer for all that is. The more often you are the observer, the more often you understand that acting with thoughts in the brain is unneeded for most living conditions. 3d is a part of 5d, you got and see more directions for your moves.


Kohanim Emor


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Making sense from ego holds onto things that need to burn away, so not thinking from either mind of ego gender can say anything that comes to mind like sunshine flowers. Can the same flower then, speak of men that speaks for woman, and can we think of women without perceptions held by either man or woman. Sunshine flowers are free from rules to think or speak of either without holdings, as freedom comes from abundance of both like Sovereign sunshine flowers growing in our hearts toward our innate freedom.


Since we are Spirit and Spirit is in everything we see, then inside us we include a touch of the divine within everything inside us. Enlightening flowers are at least twice as abundant inside as any duality mind of man and woman, and pretending less is just disease that comes from fearing limits and guilt demanding judgment of separation. Freedom is the Sovereign mind of inclusive abundance so when we sit still we don’t have to move because everything comes to each of us from inside the whole of us, as sunshine flowers opening, shining more receiving light and giving love, not withholding.



Fully Conscious Being


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I Took An Oath To Defend The Constitution Of The United States So Here I Am!




‎{http://www.facebook.com/pages/OccupyMARINES} {http://www.facebook.com/OccupyAirForce} {http://www.facebook.com/pages/OccupyARMY} {http://www.facebook.com/OccupyNavy}

................. look at the comments on each photo ... related links provided


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STRONG WOMAN - Empowering Feminine Energy



Empowering Feminine Energy

What makes a woman confident is her to call upon her feminine wisdom.


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Tornado Warnings For Texas


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Dear world… this cartoon is a beautiful depiction of what the drug companies do for many other plants…. they turn God’s medicine into a frankinchemicalmix that has dangerous “side effects” on human health, while bankrupting us as a society, financially and physically too… genetically…. oh yes… genetically.  Meanwhile marijuana is proven to cure cancer, but it’s illegal… yup…


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Whitney Houston: Hold On, Help Is On The Way


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ML King here, dear Brothers and Sisters...




Does Disclosure and First Contact with our Galactic Brothers and Sisters sound like a Dream to You?...  What do you think about This wondrous offer?... Does it sound real?... Or, you think it is just another galactic 'scam'?


Exactly... Just simply asking you these questions I put you in doubt and suspicion... Right?... 

Well, this invitation is for the ones who do not doubt... This is for only ones who KNOW, who We are... This is for the Ones who had been ridiculed, judged, accused, laughed at, prosecuted, killed, sacrificed....


This is for BRAVE ONES, who stand TALL ALL these years of disclosure dates moved around, postponed, delayed, avoided, played with their faith... 



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~The Joy of Doing What Makes Your Heart Sing~


The Joy of doing what makes your heart sing!
from The Crystal Team through Lindsay


“The joyousness of doing what makes your heart sing: this is our message to you all the time. These feelings automatically send out ripples of joy, of lightness and of love into your aura. You then walk around spreading this joy and lightness with you wherever you go.

For it is difficult for us to comprehend that some people have what you might call a guilt trip, at doing what they enjoy, they struggle manfully to conform to what they feel is expected of them but who is imposing those restraints? We would like to offer another thought for you to consider.



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Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Controversy... ~ JP Morgan involved again?... ~ 2012 MARCH 20



Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Controversy

2012 MARCH 20
Posted by BZ Riger

Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Controversy

Thirty years after it was entangled in a scandal involving the mafia, money laundering and the mysterious death of the man nicknamed “God’s banker”, the Vatican bank faces fresh controversy.

By Nick Squires, Rome

9:01PM GMT 19 Mar 2012






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UFO over Sofia, Bulgaria, makes the News. March 19, 2012


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Australia's climate warming at alarming rate


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Angela Peregoff ~ What You Do Today Can Improve All Your Tomorrows



Angela Peregoff ~ What You Do Today Can Improve All Your Tomorrows


The Morning Blessing | March 20 2012


Do you get that your environment comes in response to your thoughts? So often people play it backwards and their thoughts come in response to their environment. That’s why we are quite often wanting to control everything in our world. The basis of life is freedom; you are so free that you can choose to direct your thought anywhere! And your freedom will truly come when you learn to exercise the power of your own focus. Reorient yourself with the consciousness that is individually best for self! And remember you cannot NOT stay connected to Source, and to the Whole. Well-being abounds and it is simply your joy to focus on it. Become the path that allows….the thought path, the words, the imagery, the picture, the memory, the projection of thought, the process, the tool, the operation of the Universe!

Ohhh yeah,


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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 20 2012 First Day Of Spring



Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 20 2012

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

On this first day of Spring, the Sun moves into Aries and brings new energy to move forward. Aries rushes headfirst, so we need to counter this by thinking things through before we take action. The position of Venus adds an element of conflict to the day’s blend. This energy is called “might versus light.” Forces are in contrast, with old structures, beliefs, and mindsets struggling mightily to hang on, and new structures, beliefs, and mindsets trying to burst out.



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Space Weather Update~ Quiet~ First Day Of Spring~ Wind Speed 434


ELECTRON STORM: The number of energetic electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt is significantly elevated. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the enhancement is caused by the aftermath of recent geomagnetic storms mixed with a high-speed solar wind stream. "Spacecraft at GEO, MEO and other orbits passing through or in the vicinity of the Earth's outer radiation belt can be impacted," they say.


FIRST DAY OF NORTHERN SPRING: The seasons are changing. Today, March 20th, the sun crossed the celestial equator heading north. This marks the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere and Autumn in the southern hemisphere. At this time of year, day and night are of nearly equal length, hence the name "equinox" (equal night).


Good news for sky watchers: Spring is aurora season. For reasons not fully understood by researchers, the weeks around equinoxes are prone to Northern Lights. "With the exception of one cloudy night we have now seen the auroras 16 nights in a row," reports aurora tour guide Chad Blakley from the Abisko National Park in Sweden. "What a season!" He snapped this picture on March 19th:


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Veronica ~ Appreciate The Journey



Veronica ~ Appreciate The Journey



April Crawford March 20  2012

In the decision to incarnate, it is important to maintain the ability to “like” yourself.

Everyone has moments in their lives that they are not extremely proud of. Learning to be aware of the impact those moments have upn your soul defines who you are.


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Power Path: Spring Equinox~New Moon Update 3~19~12 with Pat Liles


Dear Friends,

Spring Equinox is Monday, March 19 at 11:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a solid and earthy time for grounding your intentions and setting things up for the next few months. Be sure you take some time to honor the spring equinox as a powerful time of birth and renewal,and to think about what you want as opposed to what you think you should want or you think others expect you to want. Revisit your life at this point and ask yourself whether you are just going through the motions of your life day to day without truly being present or enjoying the experience, or whether you are present, engaged, grateful and inspired. You may get some practical clarity that will manifest in positive change.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12 The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


Photo By Will Harader Cloudships Landing on the Earth Grid waiting to decloak


Greetings Love Beings... WOW, The Energies are Truly amazing today and in the last 24 hours we have ignited Energies for events to unfold very quickly. Yesterday, we could feel these energies building and then Today, WOW~ These next 2 weeks are going to be like one unfoldment after the other and there will be no denying that We are Here, We are Real and we are The Ones Guiding and Supporting Humanity through these changes. AS We Now stand at the Forefront. All On this Planet are welcome to Join US on the Front Lines! By Being Love in every moment and sharing the truth of our Imminent Arrival.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Light


The more light you have



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~Spring cleaning at the summit~


The spring equinox is coming in on a strong surge of cosmic energy. The scintillating energies will be flowing down to us in the next 2 weeks to help us bring our bodies, minds and spirits back into balance. The energies are here to remind us where we still need to come back into alignment with source. It will be very clear for those who are on this path to awakening what work still remains to get our houses (bodies, minds and spirits) cleaned. These energies are giving us the opportunity to jog our cellular memories in order to help reawaken to our wholeness. We can not come back into wholeness without first seeing where we are lopsided. Take notes- because these gifts of insight will allow us to prepare for the increase in powerful energetic transmissions from the spiritual hierarchy that are in store for us for the rest of the year.


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Meredith Murphy ~ Re-Instating Wholeness In Hard Times




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UFO Formation over Parma (Italy) 2012


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 107 (equinox message)


Today marks another important passage for humanity dear ones, as today your world is once again tilting on its axis and rearranging the balance it has held so precariously for such a long time. Let us explain.



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Change of Heart at World’s Most Valuable Company? Apple to Pay Out Rare Dividend ~ 2012 MARCH 20




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2MIN News Mar20: Tornado Watch, Magnetic Repair, Low Solar Activity




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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012

Watch on YouTube (recommended)


by Galactic Love Reporter Ute

We are the Arcturians!


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Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are


Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are

March 20, 2012 


God said: 


How can there be darkness when I AM? How can there be darkness when I Am Light, and I shine? Only in perception can you feel submerged in darkness. Only in misperception, beloveds. You misread the map you hold in your hand.

Your heart is light. If you see darkness, you are not seeing. You have closed your eyes to Truth. Light is Truth. Darkness is a slip. Perhaps the speed of light has been too quick for you to grasp it.


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As the awakening continues to sweep the world, touching people on every continent in every culture, there are obvious distinctions to be made. Of course most people only feel the tension of the new energy; however, there are those that wish to maintain the old energy of ignorance rather than accepting the new energy of enlightnment. It is important to be able to discern the difference, to weigh the heart so to speak. The head says, "In order to be secure, I must guard against change." The heart says, "In order to be free, I must let go of that which does not work."


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BBC Chief Quits: Director General to Step Down After Olympics ~ 20.3.12




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3/20/2012 -- Severe Weather Continues = Damaging Winds, Possible Tornadoes, large Hail


Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri are currently under the thumb of this current system--- which is slowly heading north by northeast from Texas.

Currently -- 415am CDT 3/20/2012 -- tornado WARNINGS issued for south texas .. heading towards the general vicinity of Houston Texas... coming from just West of Victoria TX.

Damaging winds extending all the way from South Texas to Central Missouri.

Expect the southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee to receive severe outbreaks from this current storm.

Also Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and possibly Michigan again..

Borderline on the east coast as the system presses northeast . Another day yet before we see the east coast major action from this storm.

Out west... pacific northwest states --- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Montana -- another system will be making a push from the PNW to the SE (towards the midwest USA sometime over the next 2-3 days).

Use this link to dozens of weather monitoring sites I have assembled together for easy Global status updates:

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Caro ~ Busy Like A Head-Less Chicken?



Caro ~ Busy Like A Head-Less Chicken?

<img alt="" src="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQByZErYmecFfkHb4Mj…" galacticfreepress="" content="" caro-busy-head-less-chicken"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/caro-busy-head-less-chicken">Read more

Syria: Leaked Documents Reveal Bashar al-Assad’s Role in Crushing Protests ~ 2012 MARCH 20



Syria: Leaked Documents Reveal Bashar al-Assad’s Role in Crushing Protests

2012 MARCH 20
Posted by Stephen Cook


Syria: Leaked Documents Reveal Bashar al-Assad’s Role in Crushing Protests

Documents leaked by Syrian defector show that Assad personally signs off security crackdown plans

Ian Black, Middle East editor, The Guardian

March 19, 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ It's in the air!



It’s in the air


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~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~


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Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



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~In the Coming Days and Weeks~



Many things are now set to occur. How we deal with these things will be the crown in glory of our personal achievements as well as our collective advancement into the higher levels. Each one of us has the ability to help or assist others and will do so based upon our own levels of frequency and vibration. It has always been my opinion that a "leopard does not change his spots", And the coming times will show if this is correct. Those of us who are loving will assist in loving ways. Those who are not loving, will seek to save only themselves..., unless they are moved by something within to change their behavior.


The Earth has already been saved by those of a pure and highly loving attitude which is all inclusive. The suffering these beings have endured is legendary in all of the Universes, and they are about to be set free! All beings on the Earth, (and they are about to realize it), have benefitted from these loving ones and their prayers, energies, and high moral intentions. Indeed..., how many living here really comprehend what it would have been like without their energies mixed in on the planet for their sake?



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Lucifer: I stand here before you Feel my heart... ~ by 141 ~ 10.3.12




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March 19 – 25 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading



4 Angel Therapy | March 17 2012


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This only apply if you recognize that you have an ego, and if you truly want and be brave to get rid of it... than this part is for you to read... otherwise skip to next chapter about 10,000 arrests and removals..


Ego is washed simply by acknowledging it.. simple as that... When you become aware that your actions are coming from ego monkey brain [my apology to monkeys for this analogy...], than and only than you can start working toward cleansing part...

If you interested how to get rid of ego, go to 3 part of this egoless post...


What means: to be aware?... To know there is other ways of seeing and being and existing... Not to blindly believe in words from your anchors, priests, polititans, corporate bosses... Not to take all for granted: My grandpa was living like this, my dad did same thing, so I suppose have to do same...



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~Note from The Universe~


How'd you like a little peek into the future, Father~Mother God? Oh, I really shouldn't, but, well, you so rock, I figure this indulgence, just once, will be all right.

You're sitting around a warm and cozy fireplace surrounded by friends and boisterous laughter. Early-morning snow gently falling across the countryside is visible from the enormous, ceiling-high windows beside you. Everyone is sipping hot chocolate, and reminiscing about the fabulous circumstances that have brought you together, brimming with excitement for times ahead. And then you chime in, "If only we'd seen it, we never would have been so hard on ourselves. If only we'd had just the slightest inkling that the challenges, lacks, and issues we faced back then were of our own exacting design, and that they'd soon make possible the whirlwind of events that so swiftly followed, we'd have been, well, as proud then as we are now... and every bit as photogenic."

And then everyone starts clapping, smiling, and taking lots of pictures.

Not a word to anyone,
    The Universe

A great "psyche-up" listen for your drive to work or morning walk! The talk that launched it all...

36 minutes to spark your day - Thoughts Become Things on CD

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ®

You're also wearing the most outrageous sparkly tights I've ever seen, Father~Mother God. But then, you always could wear anything.




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Extreme unprecedented heat wave reaches 5th day


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Why So Fantastic?


Why So Fantastic?

2012 March 19
Posted by Steve Beckow

Why is it so fantastic for Stephen Cook to say that the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order may be used by the Obama Administration to beat back and round up the cabal?


We heard SaLuSa say on March 19, 2012:

“It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite.



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