Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 12:46

~Archangel Jophiel through Frixos Christodoulou | Athens, 4 Apr. 11~



I greet the family of the Light. Beloved ambassadors of the heart of the Divine, we are happy to communicate again with you in order to transmit the truth of the Light, the new information and the energy changes happening on your planet as we see them through the Angelic Kingdom of the Light.

Loved ones, the planetary work continues intensively now and the energy changes happening on the planetary grids bring about disturbance while the old energies surface now in order to be removed completely. You go through the most transformational phase in earth’s history and this is the transformation of your consciousness. The return of your being back to the awareness of your divine essence.


Beloved, the month of April brings forward the challenge of self-mastery and empowerment. It is about a transitional period of preparation and of deep purification. Subconscious parts of self surface and come on the front stage. Unconscious aspects of self become now conscious in the sphere of your consciousness.

This is giving you now the opportunity to choose on which path you want to move on!

A path of living consciously the unconditional love and self-mastery or a path full of obstacles and victim consciousness and pain? While the traumas of the past and the pain you hold within are coming in the Light to get healed, give space for this to happen and choose with the Wisdom of the heart.

Completing the Karmic Lessons!

Beloved light workers of God’s work, in this month all souls will be called to enter an intensive process of completing the karmic lessons which are related with this evolutionary cycle. The ascension period, in which you are now, asks for the closing of a long course. As souls you have chosen to complete the lessons that relate with this evolutionary level. This is your heritage for the next generations to come. The Divine Mercy embraces your planet and comes dynamically on the grids to establish the new reality of the Light on earth.

Loved daughters and sons of God, don’t seek any more for answers and changes outside yourself. Stop searching anymore outside you. We said this so many times and we will keep reminding you till it establishes firmly in you. The divine reality, the reality of Spirit, the Divine Law is One, and is not limited on any level, within or without.

Love is the only Law, and creates in the universes of the universes. t is unlimited and never ends. See this reality and connect with it. Allow yourself to reconnect with the Divine in you and give the permission to your Spirit to lead you in life.

Beloved family of the Light, the time has come. Changes are happening on many levels and many people are losing many times their “compass” and their orientation. Remain unfaltering and aligned, while the old consciousness gets dismantled, plays its final show in order to remain alive and continue its supposed existence.

Since this illusion collapses, many will keep hanging from it, and they will collapse with her. Loved ones, know that the only truth is Love and only Love exists. Hang on the divine truth within you and the ascension wave will take you high with grace in the new reality you build within; the Christ consciousness which starts now appearing in a more grounded way on the fields of the earth.

Greater Energy Inflow: Divine Power and Divine Will!

Large amount of the energies of Power and Divine Will are anchoring in this period. The quality that will bring about the collapse of the illusions and lower consciousness. The energy that brings the closing and the end of the old.

Loved ones, get empowered now and take the mastery of yourself. The closing of the lessons and the energy support you receive through the Angelic Kingdom are leading you to the freedom of your spirit. Many of you will be called to complete or close situations of the past which have not cleared completely. Lessons concerning games of power and control, situations with people of your environment, co-operations and relations will be tested now, if they are not based on firm foundations. Anything that does not belong to the higher Light, let it go, because it is about to self-destruct.

What we mentioned before, that the cycle is ending, the cycle of decay is closing!

The only thing that exists is Love, and it is eternal. Everything else collapse and destruct themselves, because they are not based on Love, which is the only true reality. The destruction that is happening, either within or without, is due to the reason that the things, situations, thoughts, emotions, collapse by themselves. Essentially are self-destructing in order to give space in front of the Living Presence of Love.

So we tell you, now it’s the time to embrace the truth!

Wake up in the truth of your divine Self and release yourselves from the dramas, the pain the wheel of karma. Beloved, at this moment where there is so much turbulence, so many souls making their transition, so many people are going through their personal collapse; in here the opportunity lies for a leap, a transformation. A little before the dawn, darkness becomes denser. This transition, this change takes place within. Hang on and remain steady to the values of the Light!

Symptoms of tiredness and the games of the mind!

Many lightworkers are feeling tired on a physical level. Loved ones, many procedures are taking place the one after the other. This tiredness is due to the changing of earth’s fields. Many of you assist in this change during your sleeping times in the inner planes. Everybody assists in the cleansing and healing of earth’s bodies, while she releases the lower vibrations and the traumas of the past. She is preparing now for the new that is coming, the new dawn of the Light.

The mind beloved ones, the mind will start pulling more its ties while it sees that it loses control. Bringing forward images of insecurity, fear, attack, abandoning, desperation and depression. Come, follow the heart and see clearly the distortion the mind projects. Now as never before, use the spiritual discernment and the wisdom of your heart.

Each moment going by, each day, is so important and valuable!

Beloved, the Great Spirit is now on the cycle of in-breathe. Inhaling everything back Home, back to the Source, the One. Bringing everything in complete unity. This process calls forth the displacement of the lower consciousness, calling all souls to return now.

Magnetizing all sparks back to the greater flame. This powerful magnetism is becoming perceptible now from each one. The resistance you hold in this reunion, is the tiredness you experience. Let the process of magnetism-attraction of your spark to be completed, and complete your own ascension, grounding your Divine Christ Self.
The shift process of your consciousness on the new grids has begun.

Wishing you all a good transition!

Archangel Jophiel.

Channeling from Arcghangel Jophiel through Frixos Christodoulou | 4 Apr.11, Athens

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