Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~20~12 You Have Come to Earth by Assignment~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 14:59

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/20/12 You Have Come to Earth by Assignment~




As the power continues to shift over to those of the light, you will see more changes all throughout your society. Be aware of these changes and continue to be a source of information for your brothers and sisters who will have little idea of what is transpiring around them. You have come to earth on assignment to assist, and you are now about to move into the thick of things as the changes that we have talked about are set to begin. Be a pillar of strength for others in this time of great change as many will be confused and some frightened at these proceedings. We will keep you abreast at all times of updates throughout these events, and we will inform you of anything we feel you should know as these arrests continue throughout your world.
Stand by your convictions and continue to spread the news of these arrests that will begin shortly and sweep through countries all over your planet. We have advised you that all will see that your words were truth, and we assure you this will be the case. Have confidence in yourselves and of your work. Know that you are doing the work of the light by sharing this information as it is very important for as many as possible to understand and recognize this event for what it is and what it will mean to the people of your planet. Try to understand that not everyone thinks like you and that there will be those who see these arrests as bad news and signs of more negative things to come. Do your best to offer them an alternative view to these proceedings and see that these changes are very necessary to the upliftment of all the people of your world and your society as a whole. These changes were well overdue and their time has now come.
We see new doors to fly open all over your world upon these arrests, and as we have said, this event will merely be the beginning to a wonderful new start for your world. So much of what you only believed to be possible in dreams will now be as real as everything you have ever known. Without the obstacles of the dark ones in your path, your journey will take on a remarkable new look and feel, and new roads will take you to great places and great heights many of you have never even dreamed of. All that you have ever wanted, needed or desired will now be yours, and you will be free to do with these gifts whatever it is you would like as long as you respect the boundaries and rights of others. This will be your creed. This will be your law. This will be your new golden rule. When one respects this law, so many other laws that are on your books today can be taken down and done away with as they will no longer apply to your experience.
You are about to experience true freedom, for many of you for the first time throughout all of your incarnations into the physical, and we are here to make sure all that has served to keep you down and keep you repressed is removed from your new lives forever. Please be patient with us as we proceed with these many changes as they number greatly and can be very complex, but we assure you all the changes will proceed according to schedule and there will be no delays permitted of any kind. Once the obstacles of the dark ones are removed there shall be no other reasons to slow our progress in any way. You are now about see what real change looks like.
We will begin with a restructuring of you governments once the Cabal is removed from power. There has been a corruption of most of your world governments, in many cases leading all the way to the top of a hierarchal structure. We intend to tear down this pyramidal structural one block at a time and rebuild your governments with those of integrity, honor and a sense for justice and fair play. These men and women will uphold your new law, and your new law will be based on love. This is the way it will be and there will be no toleration or exceptions to your new law, and all who try to stand in the way of your new system will be removed and taken to a place that more accurately matches their vibrational and consciousness levels. This is the way it must be as no one or nothing can be permitted to stand in the way of your newly forming world. As your new society is taking shape, it will be as a newborn baby that needs love, proper care and nurturing, and each and every one of you will be the parents of this newborn and it will be each of your responsibilities to raise her with love and give her what she needs.
Many of you have shown your worthiness to be the leaders of your new society and will, in the days ahead, be offered opportunities in your new governments. This is how it will be in your new world, where each of you will earn your positions within your society through your good deeds and your actions, and no longer will positions of power be filled through cronyism, influence peddling, or coercion in anyway. Your society will be free and clear of any corruption on any level, and there will be no reason for any of you to ever have to stray from the path of light in order to survive as all you will ever need for you and your families will be yours. Your new system will be a system based on abundance, and so many of the ills of your society that were symptoms of its cause of lack and scarcity will disappear forever.
It is now the time for what many of you have waited a very long time for. The show is about to start and we ask you to continue to be participants in your show and not spectators. There will be enough spectators to these proceedings and what we are asking for is performers to take their places center stage. We will act as directors for this production and suggest to you where your talents can be better utilized, but always keep in mind, we will only suggest our ideas to you and the final decisions for anything you do will be up to you as it is your world and you will call all the shots.
We are here in an advisory capacity and to help you in ways that you are not properly suited for. In the days ahead, you as a society will be fully capable to take care of yourselves in every possible way and we will move on, leaving ambassadors here to observe how your new world is growing and taking shape. They will report back to us, and we will always be there for you if ever you should require any of our assistance in the future. Many of you will be leaving with us as members of the Galactic Federation of Light as we journey to new worlds and begin our new assignments to assist another planet just as we are here assisting you. This is what we do, and we look forward to you joining us on our next mission.
Heightened states of awareness are what we intend throughout our missions to other worlds. We place our personnel within growing societies where they can be themselves and effectively raise the consciousness of others around them as they live their lives. This is a very effective method that we have worked on perfecting for many eons and we will continue this method as it has proven to be very effective in raising individual, as well as the collective consciousness of worlds. When the work of our Lightworkers is completed, it is time for them to rejoin us and move on to new areas of their work. This is the case at this point in time here on this planet, as many of you are completing your assignments as Lightworkers to assist in the raising of the collective consciousness of this world. You will now be rejoining us as we proceed with the next stages of this operation. When all our work is completed here, it will be time to move on to new destinations and new assignments and you, of course, as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as some of you who are members of other galactic commands, will rejoin your crews and travel to the location of your new missions.
Our work is never finished, of course, as there are newly born worlds every moment of every day throughout this universe, as it is an ever growing and ever expanding expression of the Creator’s dream. Each of you are an expression of the Creator's dream as well, and you too are ever-growing and ever-expanding each and every moment of each and every day. We are also here helping you grow into maturity, just as we are here in assistance to your society as a whole.
All throughout our journeys, there are higher dimensional beings guiding us and nurturing us, as this is the way this universe has been designed. None of us are ever alone on our journeys as we are protected, loved and cared for by those of higher realms whose mission it is to watch over those of lower realms and help them on their journey. This is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will always be. We too have higher dimensional beings watching over us, guiding us and protecting us, and once you ascend you too will be called upon to watch over and guide beings from a lower dimension while those of the higher realms continue to watch over you.  This is the way it is in this universe, as we are never left all alone without guidance on our never ending journey.
We are always cared for and protected, and this is why there is never a reason to fear. Fear is an illusion, as is separation, of your lower dimensional states, but as you ascend into the higher realms this illusion will fade away as the mirage it is and you will remember that you have never been alone and unprotected, not for one moment throughout your journey. We are here to help you remember this, and we are here watching over you, guiding you and protecting you, just as we have always been and always will.
I have never met such resilience to the truth before, but we see plowing through these walls of lack of information in due time as we push forward with our mission. Please be advised there will be further obstacles before us before you enter into the last and final stages of ascension, but these obstacles as well will be removed one by one by us together as a team. Looking towards these projects we see a finely tuned working machine consisting of members of your human family and members of our cosmic families. Together there is no obstacle that we will face that can stop us, and we will succeed as we have so many times before and go on to face new challenges and new adventures in this universe of ours.
Tougher jobs we have had, but that is not to say that this particular mission is not without its challenges. The Cabal and their minions have proven a formidable foe, but they have seen their last day as they now recede with the sunset and will not be permitted to see another day. We have effectively neutralized their fighting forces and they are no longer able to mount any opposition to our movements and our plans to install a new societal system on your planet. Every plan, every strategy, every maneuver, and  every wing and a prayer that they have thrown at us has been defeated and they are now out of options and will see no revival of their fighting forces or of their plans for world domination. It is all over for them. They know this, they know we know this, and now you know this. It is over. Victory is ours together as it has always been written. 
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.  






As channeled through Greg Giles


We, through the representation of our leaders, *chose* the leadership of the dark regimes and the cabals, and we have every right to do that. No one from outer space or otherwise has a right to take away that choice. That right there is from one of their own leaders, mentioning the stripping of the personality from the soul as *punishment* for opposing them. Who is benevolent now, hmm?

Fight the good fight, do not believe the lies the Galactic Federation of Light tell you. . they believe in destruction of the personality in punishment for your defiance, the only chance you have for freedom is to fight *back*. This world belongs to us!

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