Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 03:18





Beloved Gaiadon Heart,
The winds of change are sweeping this planet now, as the entire human race is awakening to a quickening of consciousness, into a seeking of a new world by all beings, as one being.
It is time now to come together, as never before, our hearts uniting, to witness the dawning of the Age of Truth. 
The light that is blazing through your heart is connecting with the light that is blazing through the hearts of all beings, and gathering in its divine essence to light up this whole planet, lighting up the densest areas of the 3rd frequency so matter begins to spin at greater light energies, and begins to rise into the new reality that is waiting to be-come, here, and now. 
The Gaiadon Heart's role is in assisting the New Genesis, and the Great Plan of New Creation is in full swing now.  Know you not, with your inner heart, dear Gaiadon Heart, what the Gaiadon Heart weaves in silence? May Spirit scatter the wisdom of the Gaiadon Heart through the ethers, so it reaches all who are ready. Let us align with the will of the Divine... and do what we are called to do... Know that we are to do still more...and shall be attentive to the call of Source Heart, to complete our tasks of harvesting the light for the planetary ascension taking place now.
Activating these frequencies at the time of this Equinox shall open great inner doors to higher consciousness and prepare the way for the New realms of Light to manifest upon the Earth. 
Our earth is safe in the hands and hearts of the countless awakening beings around the world. We can sense there is a sea change happening in the consciousness of all physical beings, and this change is gentle and subtle. 
What is changing is that no longer are we prepared to be controlled or limited by any force outside of us. What is changing is that we are as one asking for a new reality and that indeed is manifesting right now, all around us.  
No more can we accept an ordinary life when we honor the special-ness and the uniqueness of the Earth and her beings. We ask for the great inner doors to open and for consciousness to expand and evolve and allow the New Earth to manifest as the Dawn of Gaia takes place, taking the Earth to her special new journey through the Realms of Light. 
This Equinox is special as it opens the dimensional windows into the Realms of Light, Now. 
Prepare for these moments of profound activation by moving gently into the core of your heart-soul, and breathing into the stillness of the Source Heart within the deepest core of your being. 
As you enter more and more into the deepest silence of all, you can sense your heart pulse synchronizing with the pulse of the Sacred Gaiadon Heart, and you merge with the silence of all silences. 
To achieve the divine goal of receiving into the planetary grids the subtlest light of all, you prepare to receive the sacred encodements of Equi-light.
Your heart seeks the new rhythm of creation cycles and light pours in through the dimensional fabric to be woven into new tapestries of the ever-changing, evolving, dance of life. 
The initiations of the earth experiences have constantly polished the rough stone of the self into the radiant diamond of the divine self. As you have crossed so many milestones in your spiritual path, now you have only the last few steps to take. 
The dawning of the Age of Truth asks of integrity in all facets of human experience, no matter what you do or who you are, it is the last initiation to give yourself before you enter the new age upon Gaia.
Let the dawning of the Age of Truth bring you into closer communion and union with the Divine One that you are. Move gently through the continuums of light, absorbing the new pulse frequencies of love that shall transform the very cellular matrix of your being, lifting you into sublime union with the Highest Source of All That Is. 
The swirling and ever expanding Source Light that pours in through your heart, sweeps your consciousness in seamless unfolding, movements through the fields of time and space, through the realms of the Great Void, into the Heart Womb of the Divine Mother and Into the Source of the One.

Pulse of Light Codes:



The Pulsing wholograms of Light spin into a delicate matrix of ascension and your light body delights in the joyful dance of light... creating new geometries of light that shall assist in the process of triggering, awakening, and firing the new consciousness grids of New Earth. Observe as you understand that the new symbology shall be beyond fixed design, evolving patterns of great light codes that immediately encode the meditator with the supreme wisdom of the multi-verses. These Light Codes are alive, animated and vibrant in their nature, continually changing and morphing. Each time you activate these Light Pulse Codes, you receive a new heightened awareness as you continually shift in your consciousness and you begin to receive the gifts of the greatest knowing.  
From within this space, a core pulse starts to spin, and pulse in gentle strobes, sending divine light to every cell of your being. Immediately this same pulse of divine light starts to be activated in every cell of your being.

Pulse of Love Codes:



Now the Pulse of Love codes activate deep within the heart of each cell of your being, the most profound love frequencies that once again lift you into the highest experience of Divine Love. Once again, your heart expands beyond all known limits, and the pearl-o-grams of love and wisdom transform you completely to a state from which you can never return to your earlier state of being. The intricate weaving of the animated and alive geometries create a momentum in your journey of ascension, and your brain and your heart respond with an inner brightening and an illumination that is accompanied by a keen alertness and a super-activated state so you may absorb all the energies that are being received into your cellular matrixes, now. 
From within this space, a core pulse starts to spin, and pulse in gentle strobes, sending divine love to every cell of your being.  Immediately this same pulse of love starts to be activated in every cell of your being.

Pulse of Life Codes:


The Pulse of Life Codes are stunningly vibrant and alive frequency wholograms that move in myriad paths of possibilities as you understand the potential for unlimited growth and evolution. Life as it existed within the third dimensional realms, shall be no more contained within the linearity that affords limited growth, and shall be liberated into the spiral continuums of endless and infinite possibilities and potentialities. This infinity has indeed always been available to the human race, but the physical life realities occupied the focus of the physical beings who could access this infinity only by opening to that possibility within as without. Now the time has come to allow consciousness to spring from the 'boxed' state into the spiral ascension pathways, to which the walls between dimensions offer no resistance.

From within this space, a core pulse starts to spin, and pulse in gentle strobes, sending divine life to every cell of your being.  Immediately this same pulse of life starts to be activated in every cell of your being.

Pulse of Creation Codes:



The Pulse of Creation Codes emanate from the Core of Creation through the Heart, and are of the Highest Spiritual Science received at this time for those who are ready to receive them, to activate the sacred science of the New Earth Spirituality. 
Know that these codes are higher dimensional frequencies that lift all of the physical energy into the highest light. They are given to us by the Light Masters overseeing the New unfolding and the significance of these geometric codes will be revealed to you as you are initiated into the mysteries of New Earth. These codes when instilled within your consciousness shall be arranged into cellular matrixes alongside the ancient ones as they correlate to each other and become dynamic power symbols of new ancient wisdom. 
From within this space, a core pulse starts to spin, and pulse in gentle strobes, sending divine creation to every cell of your being.  Immediately this same pulse of creation starts to be activated in every cell of your being. 
From within this space, a core pulse starts to spin, and pulse in gentle strobes, sending the pulse of manifestation to every cell of your being.  Immediately this same pulse of manifestation starts to be activated in every cell of your being. 
As you complete these initiations, you sense a great sense of peace and you are drawn deeper into the core of your heart. Within this Source space, there is a sense of fulfillment of knowing and an overflowing of Divine Love.



Pulse of Healing Codes:



From within this space, a core pulse starts to spin and pulse in gentle but great strobes, and continues to do so, sending healing energies to every cell of your being. Immediately this same pulse of healing starts to be activated in every cell of your being. 

Enjoy this exalted state of consciousness where perfection becomes you, for as long as you are guided. 

Stillness now beckons you. You are drawn into the core of this silence, until this stillness becomes you. 

In this blessed beingness, Love is All... as All is Silence. 

Simply... be...

The Gaiadon Heart

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