~ We are in a Period of alot of releasing~ Be Aware

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 10:14







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SKETCH: Time running out for Al-Blankfein as Wall Street spring arrives early...




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Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves



Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves

The Vatican-Led Illuminati Matrix and U.S. Constitution

The hidden truth behind the formation of America

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThe following article presented in three parts, starting today, was written by a former judge.

He doesn’t reveal his full name, but the information contained within the writing is well-worth reading and digesting anyway.

It is worth reading because it should stimulate your pursuit to understand the truth behind the formation of America.

This is important since Americans have long been deceived by the likes of men who followed in the footsteps of despicable characters like Ben Franklin, men who have hidden their Illuminati and Vatican connections behind a false veil of freedom and Christianity.


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BOLE: Taking a Break from What You Are Doing - A New Approach


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~20~12 You Have Come to Earth by Assignment~


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/20/12 You Have Come to Earth by Assignment~





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Ben Fulford (Mar. 20 2012) ~ Rival Emperor Stakes Claim To Japanese Throne




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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-20-2012...



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-20-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media




by ANdReA


~Beloved ALL, I’ve been asked by someone why we post these daily Earth=Heart updates, if we try bring in fear… well, I guess that those who asked the question know little about what we do.

This is not to scare, it is to tell the Truth.



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~Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light~ An exquisite future is forming, which we will all partake of in joy and in harmony with all of Creation.


~Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light~


Artwork by Father God


The divine grace and mercy of Heaven have brought us all to the prophesied point where we return to who we truly are.....

.....An exquisite future is forming, which we will all partake of in joy and in harmony with all of Creation.




12 Chiccan, 18 Ceh, 8 Manik



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/20/12



As the power continues to shift over to those of the light, you will see more changes all throughout your society. Be aware of these changes and continue to be a source of information for your brothers and sisters who will have little idea of what is transpiring around them. You have come to earth on assignment to assist, and you are now about to move into the thick of things as the changes that we have talked about are set to begin. Be a pillar of strength for others in this time of great change as many will be confused and some frightened at these proceedings. We will keep you abreast at all times of updates throughout these events, and we will inform you of anything we feel you should know as these arrests continue throughout your world.


Stand by your convictions and continue to spread the news of these arrests that will begin shortly and sweep through countries all over your planet. We have advised you that all will see that your words were truth, and we assure you this will be the case. Have confidence in yourselves and of your work. Know that you are doing the work of the light by sharing this information as it is very important for as many as possible to understand and recognize this event for what it is and what it will mean to the people of your planet. Try to understand that not everyone thinks like you and that there will be those who see these arrests as bad news and signs of more negative things to come. Do your best to offer them an alternative view to these proceedings and see that these changes are very necessary to the upliftment of all the people of your world and your society as a whole. These changes were well overdue and their time has now come.



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Lee-Anne Peters ~ Times Of Turmoil Bring Opportunities For Growth! Sent With Love



Lee-Anne Peters ~ Times Of Turmoil Bring Opportunities For Growth! Sent With Love

Temple Of Balance | March 20 2012


We have all been there at some point – reaching the bottom of the pit or the edge of the cliff in our life – not knowing what to do next or how to move forward from this fragile space. You are not alone with your struggling as I don’t know anyone who hasn’t felt this at some point, and sometimes just knowing that you aren’t the only one struggling can take a lot of pressure off you.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~20~12 Happy Equinox~ The Shake Up has Begun


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~20~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Happy Equinox~ The Shake Up has Begun




Greetings Love Beings, Happy Equinox~ The Shake Up has Begun. Several Major Earthquakes today shook the Planet and some of the Built up Pressure from the stored density has now been released. We are not done Yet, so please be aware. We have very Unique alignments in the next couple of days, paired with the New Moon In Aries~ Aries is Fire Energy~ This Energy will ignite some very powerful events. These events are truly to Get Humanity's Attention, that something is Happening on this Planet and it requires their attention.


 Mother Earth=Heart is waiting no longer. We are On a Divine Timeline, in which we are right on schedule.


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Warning video !! March 22, 2012 Next MEGAQUAKE Axis Shift by 9Nania


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Strong earthquake shakes Surigao Philippines


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Warning for USA !!! Major Earthquake in North America Imminent' - YouTube.flv


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3/20/2012 -- Tornado watch zones expanded -- South and Midwest hit tonight


Uploaded by on Mar 20, 2012

We are dealing with multiple earth changes severe scenrios today --- the severe weather is expanding North by Northeast -- heading from Texas and Oklahoma into Louisiana and Arkansas. Eventually moving further east (through the southern states).. and North east through Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri.

Severe weather will continue into tonight for sure . Stay up to date on the situation using the weather monitoring links at my website (bookmark for future use)...


In regards to the current unrest that exists / earthquake threat along the NMSZ (new madrid seismic zone) .. also west coast CA, OR, WA --- have a plan and be prepared JUST IN CAS


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7 Quakes in Mexico Today! 3/20/2012


Intellicast open link, click on Overlay, click on Earthquake


USGS isn't up to date, but the Europeans are! They record all BUT US quakes, what's with that? Here's the link. Click on Magnetude, like you see in the vid to view all of Mexico's 7 quakes so far today. 4:34 PM



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Wacky WARM TEMPERATURES & Weird Water Vapor Report




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Weather Update/6 to 8 Inches of Rain.Flash Flooding


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A message from Kelly M. Beard



A message from Kelly M. Beard



Sunday, 18 March, 2012  


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with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!

First Transmission ~ New Moon ~ March 22, 2012


During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.

Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. At the end of each shamanic program, mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.

Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.



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From now on, see every circumstance as an opportunity. ~ Michael Through Ron Head


(A personal message to me.  I share it because I see things which probably apply to many.  Namaste.)


Now it is time for us to talk about the best way to process the negative reactions you are bound to encounter as we move forward.  The reach of our messages has begun to expand and they will, as a matter of course, draw comments which are less than salubrious, shall we say.  There is no point in trying to convince the senders of anything.  Their own lives are for the purpose of doing that.  But they can serve a purpose for you if you let them.  Look hard at the reaction they bring up in your emotions.  Ask why you feel the way that you do.  You will find an opportunity to learn about and correct things in yourself that you probably would not have known about. 



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An Hour with an Angel Transcript of Conversation with St. Germain



An Hour with an Angel Transcript of Conversation with St. Germain 

March 19, 2012

posted by GLR Graham

Steve Beckow returns to host this week with guest St. Germain.


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Whale & Dolphin Cosmic Pulse March 2012


Sunday, 18 March, 2012 



Dearest Light Family,

Welcome to my March 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. Today during my review of the energy for March we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.



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3/20/2012 -- 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Mexico


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A message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Tuesday, 20 March, 2012




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3/20/2012 -- Presidents daughter Malia in OAXACA MEXICO for spring break = Earthquake epicenter !


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Melchizedek: Stay True to Your Heart Promptings Follow Your Inner Guidance


Melchizedek: Stay True to Your Heart Promptings Follow Your Inner Guidance

 Through Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana



March 20, 2012

Beloved Ones,

At this juncture, it is very important to stay focused on your ultimate destination and to remember that for which you are incarnated on the Earth. Let the Love that you are prevail over all else. Go deep within if necessary and practice chanting, mantras or whatever method works best for you.


Connect each day to the Earth by your grounding cord and send your Love and your light to her crystalline core. There is much movement taking place and all is moving deep within. Your energy of Love at this time will help the Earth tremendously.

Remember too, those around you, who require your utmost patience and forbearance, for many are experiencing the changes taking place within them without conscious understanding of what is occurring.



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Indeed, you will excuse me for very short and dry report for today, as no major news and Universe changing events are transpiring...


Not much is happening in our Universe, if you watch MSMedia... Really nothing... even rallies on Markets are so predictable and 'boring', that investors are simply taking all their money in Las Vegas or simply buying real-estate in California or New York...


Not much is happening in our Galaxy from our very earthly point of view.... Not much from point of couch view...

Yet, there are some indices if you watch RT Today, Max and Stacey Keiser Show, there is something fishy with our 'wondrous' markets and fixing price of gold and silver markets... Yet, who cares for US who do not need any gold... for US who only need some food on table and some compassion from Government...

Who cares that Obama issued executive order and that He will arrest and remove 3/4 of Congress and Senate with big Top 500 Corporate executives.... Who really cares...



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Storm Updates/High Winds


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~A Vision for Humanity~



It is our Intention that we are seeing Humanity in its Highest Light. Accordingly, we intend and envision a world
where our children, no matter where they live, are nurtured and cared for as if they were the most precious gems on the planet - for, indeed, they are;   where the elderly are treated with dignity and the honoring they deserve as their right of birth in this world;  where the sick are comforted and healed, the discouraged find new heart, the downtrodden find new strength, the lonely are befriended, and the lost find their way home;where our leaders are true leaders, worthy of their position, where our teachers prepare others to respect all of life;
and where our businesspeople, everywhere, have taken a stand, firm and strong, for the Highest Good; where soldiers and fighters are a thing of the past because all of Humanity has finally, without any equivocation whatsoever, seen that fighting and violence have never given them the results they were looking for.


We see a world where all debt has been forgiven and we have started over with a new system of exchange that insures equality and a high standard of living for all people everywhere;  and where, as true stewards of the Earth, we have risen up and out of our old ways into the light of a new day where people - each and every one of us - is helping, honoring, loving, and caring, deeply, for everyone else.


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3/20/2012 -- Be ALERT -- Global earthquake activity = 7.6M , 7.9M in Mexico PLUS 6.2M in Indonesia


This is a time to be alert and prepared for eventual sizable compensation movement as a result of this large central america earthquake ... already , we see the movement in south california (a series of 4.0M) and a 6.2M in the west pacific (indonesia).

Be aware that further movement WILL OCCUR as a result of this Mexico earthquake.

New Madrid Seismic Zone, Puerto Rico, South California, Central California, off the coast of Oregon, north to Vancouver Island BC... be prepared just in case !

Website post with links and the screenshots of these events:


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HAARP STATUS & So Cal Quakes - Coincidence?


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God Sends the Light!



God Sends the Light
In the bleak, darkness - where ever you look you have a little hope, trust or belief. This is when God sends His promise.

The Lord God, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
The Creator of Heaven and Earth sends us a message,


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Spring Equinox Shift Energies for 2012 'Ignition'!


Spring Equinox Shift Energies for 2012 'Ignition'! 


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Australia's climate warming at alarming rate


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Enlightened Beings ~ Giving to Get Versus Giving to Give



Enlightened Beings ~ Giving to Get Versus Giving to Give





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~Space Weather Update~ Farside Cme Blast~ Wind Speed 366


FARSIDE CME: A coronal mass ejection (CME) blasted away from the farside of the sun on March 21st at 0740 UT. SOHO photographed the cloud expanding at 1550 km/s (3.5 million mph). The source of the CME is probably old sunspot AR1429, still active as it transits the farside.


FIRST AURORAS OF SPRING: It's a well-known scientific fact that equinoxes favor auroras. True to form, March 20th began with the vernal equinox and ended with this outburst of Spring-green over Tromsø, Norway:



"It was an absolutely magic moment in a magic place," says photographer Ole C. Salomonsen. "The temperature was -13 C and I was almost alone: The tracks in the snow are from a fox which was there just before me. The auroras were mostly moderate, but at times they burst into strong lightshows, as shown above. It was a beautiful display." Aurora alerts: text, phone.



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Mississippi Tornado Warnings


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The Mask & The Self - Initiation


The Mask & The Self


Thaken from Elisabeth Haich





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SaLuSa 21~March~2012 The Earth is the Jewel of The Crown~







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St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community



St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

Saint Germaine delivers a message of hope to the Lightworker community, and warns that the Venus Transit has the highest potential for chaos.


Tr. Sean, Ed. Sandra, M

JKM 3-12-12 Message from St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

Judith in Denver and Sean in Kelowna 5:15 am PST


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The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


I knew, due to the intensity of Light wind within the field from March 15th thru March 17th, when we were able to read again, things would be very different… again!!  But yesterday was wayyyy beyond even my imagination of different.


I pray to God I can share this information outward with the clarity, detail and strength I understand it within.


The way I look at today, well really yesterday…but I am typing today (smile)… it is truly a new year, a new energy, a new earth in her first completed phase of change.  Two more major completions will be coming up as we move thru this year.


What I once called “The Field” is now a massive orb of reflective energy.  This orb is now the new magnetosphere of the earth.  That protective field of energy that surrounds the earth o filter out the high radiation from the sun to the earth.



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Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are


Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are

March 20, 2012 


God said: 


How can there be darkness when I AM? How can there be darkness when I Am Light, and I shine? Only in perception can you feel submerged in darkness. Only in misperception, beloveds. You misread the map you hold in your hand.

Your heart is light. If you see darkness, you are not seeing. You have closed your eyes to Truth. Light is Truth. Darkness is a slip. Perhaps the speed of light has been too quick for you to grasp it.


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What will you change? ~ Michael through by Ron Head


You are rapidly approaching a major change in the consciousness of mankind.  Along with this you are about to receive the first of the prosperity packages.  Make yourselves ready to live a much different life.  Allow yourself to think now of that life.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Kind


Have reasonable expectations for yourself and give yourself some much do praise. It is easier to be kind and see the beauty and goodness in another than it often is to be kind to yourself. Listen for any negative self talk or thoughts of less than within yourself. Nurture and care for yourself as you would your dearest loved one, and always cherish yourself. As you begin to honour and cherish who you are, the world begins to take on a different light and everything seems possible and probable. Treat yourself with loving kindness today.

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“Careful Navigation Required.” …Part 1


“Careful Navigation Required.” …Part 1

GLR Lisa Gawlas



Well Happy Spring (and Fall, depending on where you live) Equinox to you! For me, spring started out just strange in my world. First, I was awakened by a cat hissing in my face. I am not sure at all whether I dreamt that, or if the cat I am sitting for actually hissed in my face… either way, it was a startling way to awaken. I drifted back to sleep for what felt like only moments when I dreamt I was outside walking and stepped on a goat-head (here in New Mexico, they are the pickiest things I have ever experienced… like natures land minds…ouch!) I decided to just stay awake.


Once I got up, I realized that, dipsy-do-little me, left my laptop and the cooling fan underneath it on my heater… and my cooling fan melted to my propane furnace! Geez!


Not to mention the absolute, pure exhaustion I woke up with, even tho I slept for close to 8 hours.



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The chicken or the egg?


The chicken or the egg?
<span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.5; margin-top: 0pt; margin-right: 0pt; margin-bo</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" chicken-or-egg"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/chicken-or-egg">Read more


Tropical Flooding in the South, 8 More Inches Expected!


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March 21, 2012 - Quake News Edition


BigBytes' [dcsymbols] Video: http://youtu.be/d0tU-qVb9iM

5T4RSCREAM233's Video: http://youtu.be/dGlNtTh3LG8

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UFO near the Sun - Review of the activity of unidentified objects at March 20, 2012. (HQ)


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Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are


Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are




March 20, 2012 

God said: 


How can there be darkness when I AM? How can there be darkness when I Am Light, and I shine? Only in perception can you feel submerged in darkness. Only in misperception, beloveds. You misread the map you hold in your hand.

Your heart is light. If you see darkness, you are not seeing. You have closed your eyes to Truth. Light is Truth. Darkness is a slip. Perhaps the speed of light has been too quick for you to grasp it.


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Shelter Me


I've been hearing this song all night long, it's one of my favorites and pretty darned appropriate for the days ahead. Stay calm and stay in that sacred place of Love~




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Captain Helena on Becoming Liasons of Peace ~ Through Zilanthrah 20 3 12



Captain Helena on Becoming Liasons of Peace ~ Through Zilanthrah 20 3 12



I just love Zilanthra’s channels,like The Federation of Lights so positive,full of unconditional,unjudgementle love.


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What if those who have been saying that Obama is a good guy are right? What if his Executive Order to proclaim martial law was, in fact, a ploy to have the military participate in the arrest of the real criminals in this nation and have them taken to the concentration camps they have prepared for true, patriotic citizens? What if that is the manner in which the Republic gets launched? I'm not saying any of this is true; I'm only asking: What If...?


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The Weather Vane by Sophia



The Weather Vane
by GLR Sophia
  What becomes clear in these days of massive change is the necessity for inner peace.  

This era is swamped with news and opinions, channeling and videos offering their version of the truth.  Some days, today being one of those days, I feel sort of like a weather vane, rapidly turning and pointing in a new direction with each broadcast and every article.  “Is this latest executive order a sign of hope or of tyranny?” “Are the spaceships good guys or our own guys out to stage a fake invasion?” “Is fluoride a good thing or a bad thing?”  “Who are the good guys?” “Is everything we have believed and been told, a lie?” “Who is telling the truth?”


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March 22, OUR PRESS and DECREE




Hi everyOne, remember the lead character in
Robert A. Heinlein and his famous greeting? : “Thou art God”
What’s up is: There’s a large volume of press release stating
emphatically that there is going to be a 8+ ‘mega quake’ ...,
tomorrow (which begins in New Zealand over the dateline
 at around 2:00 pdt.) It is the keeping of the past 188 day cycle of occurrences.

 There are 6 youtube vids and several websites with knowledgeable folk proving
this discussion. (Just google ‘March 22 warning’, and see what I mean.)

Hello again, I Am the Ascended and Free being you know as Yoj  I say to myself
in the mirror and to You, my beloved self out there. “That I AM” and “I” have
chosen that which “I” now speak. There will be no large earthquake anywhere
on this sweet Earth on March 22, 2012. I and the Host of Many have chosen to
break, shatter, dissolve and consume this former cycle with Our Sacred Fire
and our Sacred Sound and Fragrance.

At this never before experienced Cosmic Now Moment, it is Wise that all
of your blessed Decrees have the constant or ending thought and feeling ~

that ... “I AM, the Mother~Father God reclaiming this Sweet Earth.
or,   I AM, the Power of Love acting that life on this planet seeks”


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Earth Council Embassy Trust ECET


Earth Keeper 1.0

Welcome to the Earth Council Embassy Trust (ECET) Communication Team;


  • You have just become part of an international peace team united in their desire to bring peace to the planet; peace between humans, and peace between humans and other life-forms.


  • We are also united in this blueprint for peace which offers a realistic and achievable plan, as well as offering a pathway to implementation.


  • By uniting our voices we become exponentially more powerful, and will succeed in in our mission (refer ECET 2 objectives following).


  • When you communicate the ec2012 blueprint; there are a few points which need to be covered so we have continuity of expression, no matter where we are in the world.


  • Every time you communicate this blueprint make sure you  cover the 3 main  points of ec2012, and the 2 objectives of ECET. May your path be cherished and protected at all times.


Three main points of ec2012; a blueprint for peace:


  1. Following the work of the United Nations Environment Program and Earth Charter, ECET devised an evolution of the UN (refer Regions of Earth Council Map). The earth is divided into 12 geographical areas, and from these regions they each send a man and a woman to Earth Council, a 24 seat council. This design is about creating equity of region and gender.



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Visionkeeper ~ A fragile reality falling




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Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 20, 2012


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~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~


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Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



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~In the Coming Days and Weeks~



Many things are now set to occur. How we deal with these things will be the crown in glory of our personal achievements as well as our collective advancement into the higher levels. Each one of us has the ability to help or assist others and will do so based upon our own levels of frequency and vibration. It has always been my opinion that a "leopard does not change his spots", And the coming times will show if this is correct. Those of us who are loving will assist in loving ways. Those who are not loving, will seek to save only themselves..., unless they are moved by something within to change their behavior.


The Earth has already been saved by those of a pure and highly loving attitude which is all inclusive. The suffering these beings have endured is legendary in all of the Universes, and they are about to be set free! All beings on the Earth, (and they are about to realize it), have benefitted from these loving ones and their prayers, energies, and high moral intentions. Indeed..., how many living here really comprehend what it would have been like without their energies mixed in on the planet for their sake?



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Lucifer: I stand here before you Feel my heart... ~ by 141 ~ 10.3.12




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March 19 – 25 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading



4 Angel Therapy | March 17 2012


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This only apply if you recognize that you have an ego, and if you truly want and be brave to get rid of it... than this part is for you to read... otherwise skip to next chapter about 10,000 arrests and removals..


Ego is washed simply by acknowledging it.. simple as that... When you become aware that your actions are coming from ego monkey brain [my apology to monkeys for this analogy...], than and only than you can start working toward cleansing part...

If you interested how to get rid of ego, go to 3 part of this egoless post...


What means: to be aware?... To know there is other ways of seeing and being and existing... Not to blindly believe in words from your anchors, priests, polititans, corporate bosses... Not to take all for granted: My grandpa was living like this, my dad did same thing, so I suppose have to do same...



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12 The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


Photo By Will Harader Cloudships Landing on the Earth Grid waiting to decloak


Greetings Love Beings... WOW, The Energies are Truly amazing today and in the last 24 hours we have ignited Energies for events to unfold very quickly. Yesterday, we could feel these energies building and then Today, WOW~ These next 2 weeks are going to be like one unfoldment after the other and there will be no denying that We are Here, We are Real and we are The Ones Guiding and Supporting Humanity through these changes. AS We Now stand at the Forefront. All On this Planet are welcome to Join US on the Front Lines! By Being Love in every moment and sharing the truth of our Imminent Arrival.



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Veronica ~ Appreciate The Journey



Veronica ~ Appreciate The Journey



April Crawford March 20  2012

In the decision to incarnate, it is important to maintain the ability to “like” yourself.

Everyone has moments in their lives that they are not extremely proud of. Learning to be aware of the impact those moments have upn your soul defines who you are.


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Space Weather Update~ Quiet~ First Day Of Spring~ Wind Speed 434


ELECTRON STORM: The number of energetic electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt is significantly elevated. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the enhancement is caused by the aftermath of recent geomagnetic storms mixed with a high-speed solar wind stream. "Spacecraft at GEO, MEO and other orbits passing through or in the vicinity of the Earth's outer radiation belt can be impacted," they say.


FIRST DAY OF NORTHERN SPRING: The seasons are changing. Today, March 20th, the sun crossed the celestial equator heading north. This marks the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere and Autumn in the southern hemisphere. At this time of year, day and night are of nearly equal length, hence the name "equinox" (equal night).


Good news for sky watchers: Spring is aurora season. For reasons not fully understood by researchers, the weeks around equinoxes are prone to Northern Lights. "With the exception of one cloudy night we have now seen the auroras 16 nights in a row," reports aurora tour guide Chad Blakley from the Abisko National Park in Sweden. "What a season!" He snapped this picture on March 19th:


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Syria: Leaked Documents Reveal Bashar al-Assad’s Role in Crushing Protests ~ 2012 MARCH 20



Syria: Leaked Documents Reveal Bashar al-Assad’s Role in Crushing Protests

2012 MARCH 20
Posted by Stephen Cook


Syria: Leaked Documents Reveal Bashar al-Assad’s Role in Crushing Protests

Documents leaked by Syrian defector show that Assad personally signs off security crackdown plans

Ian Black, Middle East editor, The Guardian

March 19, 2012

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