Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/05/2011 - 07:42

What does Courage look like when you’re dancing between worlds? You’ve been holding a portion of your consciousness focused on the Real through the vortex of your Twin Flame heart. But, you also continually allow yourself to be drawn into the play, sometimes inadvertently and sometimes with intent. And, each time you enter the play, you’re magnetically attracted to the fear that has been created by the mass consciousness of little minds believing they could be separate from God.

You, who’ve been drawn to the truth of your infinitely powerful Twin Flame atomic creative abilities, are awakening right this minute because you came here to serve humanity with that power! You’ve been jumping across the divide between ego’s paltry definition of love to the Truth of Love; to the remembrance that Love is All There Is, the Only Begotten[OFF SPRING~REAL REALATION AND THE CHILDREN] of the Mother~Father God.

If anything less than the Perfection of God appears before you, it means your perception has slipped to the lens of the little mind instead of the lens of the heart. Let such an appearance act only as a signal to drop your consciousness back into the vortex where you can access pure, unadulterated love/light from the SOURCE, magnify it through your Twin Flame Heart Womb, and bring it across the bridge of consciousness into this dimension. Then you can BE the emanation of Love that magnetizes and re-attunes every electron back to its true identity as love.

If this love has the power to affect one kind of electron, it can affect all! That means you, as an individualized expression of God, have the right, power, and authority to anchor this pure, unadulterated love into anything upon which you hold your attention. Rather than allowing the “news” of what’s happening upon this planet to magnetize you to the condition and energy of fear, utilize it as a trigger. These events, (from civil unrest, economic realignment, upheavals in the Earth, threat of nuclear contamination, and all the personal events that are rising in your own lives to be dissolved and consumed)…all of them, no matter the appearance, are simply aspects of our creation calling out, begging us to set them free.

When your mind accepts and agrees with a thing or a condition, you decree it into your world. Wherever your attention is, you are agreeing with and accepting that appearance as truth, because in that moment you have allowed the mind to become one with it!

Courage while dancing between worlds means

·         overriding the little mind’s fear by taking your attention off the play, the illusion, and

·         focusing it entirely, absolutely, unequivocally upon the God within you, your I AM Presence.

Courage for you will now be taking the necessary Action to free every aspect of God that has been evolving in the third and fourth dimension from the illusion of Duality Consciousness and Separation from God. Courage is standing by your I AM Presence, so your I AM Presence can stand by you.

God is the giver, receiver and the gift, the only thing that is. There is not God and something else; there is not Love and anti-love. These are the illusions of Separation and Duality Consciousness. The I AM Presence within you is a hologram of God, individualized as you. All that you are, all that is, is contained within God. Within your I AM Presence is the perfect balance of the Twin Flame atomic creative principles, which are responsible for all creation. Place your attention upon the truth of your identity and then decree only that perfection into your world.

Your I AM Presence already knows all things in what we consider the past, present, and future of this limited time/space continuum. Embrace this great Presence as your true identity, contemplate it, know it is all Love, Wisdom, and Power, and when you focus your attention on something to be accomplished, know this Presence is the All Powerful accomplishment that cannot fail! Give no power to the outer activity.

This Great God Presence within you can, through its Twin Flame heart, achieve the creation of what you require with a speed and certainty far beyond what any outside effort of the little mind ever could. Command silence from the outer self, the little mind which always questions the ability of this Inner Self and hold the focus on what is Real.

We’re not here now to rescue humanity  – we are here to REVEAL the truth of our at-one-ment with God and All That Is and to take RESPONSIBILITY for dissolving and transmuting the remnant energy forms that we mis-created through lifetimes in the schoolhouse of duality.

We are literally re-writing the great mistake. In the field of duality we were intended to utilize the dramatic extremes as a means of attaining a given end. When the end was attained and fully recognized, the lessons were to be discarded and the attainment to be followed. As soon as the goal was reached, we were intended to give up the lesson (the energy form that was created).

Instead, we’ve been carrying those discordant energy forms in our four lower bodies and also in the body of our beloved planet. We have, lifetime after lifetime, allowed our attention to be given to those forms, hence magnifying their discordant energy, and creating irresistible magnetic attraction to the same lessons repeatedly.  It’s like carrying a massive weight up each step of our attainment and those forms loom so heavy that they’re about to crush us. All the while, we had the ability to transmute and recycle the energy back into its pure, unadulterated state of perfection so we could create something new with it.

Through the use of the Violet Consuming Flame you can dissolve and consume the old energy forms. Then, by accessing True Love through your Twin Flame heart and emanating it, you REVEAL and MAGNETIZE love’s highest vibration in every electron contained in the condition, person, place and thing where you FOCUS your ATTENTION. It alters not only the discordant misuse of love, it then restores love to it’s highest frequency within that given form. And, as we join together, we will not only create a pathway for others to follow, but will quickly reach critical mass to shift the consciousness of all humanity. Our Action Now has the potential to rewrite the story.

When the Native Americans declared, “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for,” they understood that we would send aspects of omni-dimensional selves back to this trajectory of time and space to rewrite the story of a people who lunged headlong into self-destruction. It takes Courage to step outside of the illusion and take Action in the Real. But, you came here, not with faint heart, but, with the true heart of God to meet this challenge with absolute victory.

We are the Creators in this sandbox of ever changing forms. So, let’s create as we were always intended to through our God Perfection and let each creation expand God in new and wondrous ways that inure to the benefit of All That Is!

My heart sings with gratitude for the magnificent Twin Flame Creator beings you are!

Only Love is Real.

Angelina Heart   


For those who are learning to access the vortex of your heart and call in your Twin Flame, I recommend  both a brief education about Twin Flames and an instructional meditation to achieve connection:

Attracting Your Twin Flame

          $12.99  MP3 download only

Click here for more information or to order


For those who are desirous of learning more about the use of the Violet Consuming Flame

Using the Violet Consuming Flame to Dissolve Energetic Impediments to Love

            $12.99 MP3 download only

Click here for more information or to order


If you are new to the Twin Flame understanding and wish to access a more thorough education, I offer a full twelve module course:

Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soul Mates – From Ego’s Fantasy to Romancing the God Within

       $144 (CDs) -  $120 (MP3 download)  

Click here for more information or to order

© Angelina Heart

Author, teacher, researcher - twin flames, twin souls, soul mates

To learn more, visit: http://www.twinflametruelove.com

PO Box 790038, Virgin, Utah
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