Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-21-2012...

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 03/21/2012 - 16:57


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-21-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media




by ANdReA


Oh WOW… how Blessing it is to Connect the Planet in LOVE. Did you ever have this Feeling? No, I’m not joking! That’s what happened today! From Australia, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, Canada, all over the USA… and this is only the Beginning! Getting together as the Family WE ARE… Connecting LOVE from one corner of Mother Eart=Heart to the other… Together… as ONE=HEART=LOVE=TRUTH. Did you Feel it? Well, don’t worry if you felt something quite BIG… like a Big Loving Warm Hug from HOME, because we sent it out to EveryOne and All. From our deepest Heart, as One! We created, melted uplifted unified Earth’s Consciousness in the Love of All that is. For Mother Earth=Heart, for Humanity All. This is our biggest Gift to Gift Love to All. That’s the reason why we’re here! To SHARE. ALL. Openly, freely.

If you're still holding on to ego be conscoius about it and simply let it go, for these LOVE energies will quake the uncosncious deeply to its roots. Energies are High and they'll shake out all that's not Love=Truth.

Be safe and be All Blessed in Love.


Solaris Update

Sunspot 1429 blasted another CME


FARSIDE CME: A coronal mass ejection (CME) blasted away from the farside of the sun on March 21st at 0740 UT. SOHO photographed the cloud expanding at 1550 km/s (3.5 million mph). The source of the CME is probably old sunspot AR1429, still active as it transits the farside.


Electron storm in progress







6.6       2012/03/21 22:15:06    NEW GUINEA, PAPUA 

5.0       2012/03/21 11:36:16    GUERRERO, MEXICO

5.0       2012/03/21 02:54:40    GUERRERO, MEXICO



March 21, 2012 - Quake News Edition







March 21, 2012 - Quake News Edition



Light Flash Up Close/Very Bizzare!



Leo/Mars Light Flashes on Video!!!



UFO hiding behind the Clouds in Megion, Russia. March 21, 2012











Multiple States Under Flood Warnings.



Mississippi Tornado Warnings



Tropical Flooding in the South, 8 More Inches Expected!



The Front is Crossing Central MS.



Coldest, Deepest Ocean Water Mysteriously Disappears

The coldest deep ocean water that flows around Antarctica in the Southern Ocean has been mysteriously disappearing at a high rate over the last few decades, scientists have found.


This mass of water is called Antarctic Bottom Water, which is formed in a few distinct locations around Antarctica, where seawater is cooled by the overlying air and made saltier by ice formation (which leaves the salt behind in the unfrozen water). The cold, salty water is denser than the water around it, causing it to sink to the sea floor where it spreads northward, filling most of the deep ocean around the world as it slowly mixes with warmer waters above it.


The world's deep ocean currents play a critical role in transporting heat and carbon around the planet, which helps regulate the Earth's climate.


Previous studies had indicated that this deep water has become warmer and less salty over the past few decades, but a new study has found that significantly less of this water has also been formed during this time.


Oceanographers examined temperature data collected from 1980 to 2011 at about 10-year intervals by an international program of repeated ship-based oceanographic surveys in the Southern Ocean. Link:


Super-bolt rumbles in skies over Oklahoma   

March 21, 2012OKLAHOMA - It woke up sleepy Tulsans, set-off car alarms and freaked out the family pet. Many people thought it was an earthquake that hit Tulsa at 3:33 this morning. Instead, says National Weather Service Meteorologist Steve Amburn, is was a “Super Bolt.” Amburn says a super bolt is a positively-charged cloud-to-ground stroke of lightning. Computer records indicate a single “super bolt” struck in the heart of South Tulsa just after 3:30. No damage from the super bolt is reported. -KRMG


Mysterious rumblings bring down a barn in Vancouver Island, BC, Canada


March 21, 2012CANADA - A barn on the 4000-block of Otter Point Road collapsed after a series of unexplained tremors rumbled through the region on Thursday, March 15. Barrie Hanslip, owner of the 35-acre property where the barn was located, said the steepled barn tumbled downward after a large “boom” and rumble at 11:30 a.m. The large tremor was preceded by two smaller shakes around 9:00 a.m. Hanslip wasn’t home at the time of the collapse, but her niece, Sandra Richardson, said two seconds after the large third rumble, she heard a creak and the barn collapsed. “I thought my aunt was underneath it and was screaming for her, but I ran up to the barn and saw her car was gone,” Richardson said. Richardson, whose residence is located adjacent to the dilapidated barn, said the earthquake-like rumbles shook the stove pipe in her home. Hanslip said although the barn was 50 years old, it would’ve stood erect if left undisturbed. “It’s fairly old. It was due to come down, but it certainly wouldn’t have fallen down on its own. It was well-braced,” she said. Alison Bird, seismologist with Natural Resources Canada, said there were no earthquakes in the region during that time, adding there were calls from other residents who reported shaking. –Sooke News Mirror


Intensifying forces of nature: Townsville begins clean-up after freak storm and powerful ‘mini tornado’

March 21, 2012AUSTRALIA – SES crews and the Army will help the clean-up in Townsville after a freak storm ripped through the city, as the weather bureau warns of more heavy rain for the region. Residents have described terrifying ordeals of being forced to huddle in their hallways and bathrooms as the storm tore open their homes early this morning. Premier Anna Bligh and LNP leader Campbell Newman have flown into the city, putting election campaigning on hold as they assess the area. Ms Bligh has declared the region a disaster zone and says the storm was akin to a “mini-tornado,” packing winds of up to 130 kilometres per hour. About 60 properties have been badly damaged and some buildings have collapsed, with much of the devastation centred on a one-kilometre radius around the suburb of Vincent. Shane Fayers, his wife and their two children were forced to take shelter in their toilet as the storm destroyed the top floor of their two-storey home. “Front kitchen’s gone, living room, dining room and just the front porch that was all roofed that’s gone. It’s just smashed everything,” he said. Further down the street Tracy Thomas lost part of her roof and fence. Erin Matinca said, “The whole house was shaking. The whole upstairs was just shaking. The sound was quite horrifying. It was very scary, but it was all over in a matter of a minute or two minutes. It was just unbelievable,” she said. -ABC



Flash Flood in USA on Wednesday, 21 March, 2012 at 19:58 (07:58 PM) UTC.

Base data

EDIS Number:       FF-20120321-34605-USA

Event type:            Flash Flood

Date/Time: Wednesday, 21 March, 2012 at 19:58 (07:58 PM) UTC

Damage level:       Moderate

Geographic information

Continent:  North-America

Country:      USA

County / State:     MultiStates

Area: States of Louisiana, Arkansas and eastern Texas


Snow Storm in USA on Wednesday, 21 March, 2012 at 18:30 (06:30 PM) UTC.

Base data

EDIS Number:       SS-20120321-34603-USA

Event type:            Snow Storm

Date/Time: Wednesday, 21 March, 2012 at 18:30 (06:30 PM) UTC

Damage level:       Unknown

Geographic information

Continent:  North-America

Country:      USA

County / State:     State of Oregon

Area: Government Camp, Mt. Hood


Drought in Pakistan since Friday, 16 March, 2012 at 04:11 (04:11 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:       DR-20120316-34539-PAK

Event type:            Drought

Date/Time: Friday, 16 March, 2012 at 04:11 (04:11 AM) UTC

Damage level:       Moderate

Geographic information

Continent:  Asia

Country:      Pakistan

County / State:     State of Punjab

Area: Mangla and Tarbela reservoirs


“Super sandstorm” over the Arabian peninsula

Super sandstorm is whipping up winds and dust across the Arabian Peninsula. On March 20, 2012, a giant dust plume stretched across the Arabian Sea, from the coast of Oman in the west to the coast of India in the east.  This extensive plume followed days of dust-storm activity over the Arabian Peninsula and Southwest Asia.

Gulf News reported that several meteorologists had characterized the late March dust activity in this region as a “super sandstorm” with effects reaching as far as Southeast Asia. The dust storm resulted from two different storms converging. The first front carried dust from Iraq and Kuwait, and the second front stirred dust in southeastern Iran. “For many it was the worst dust storm in recent years,” Gulf News said. The news report cited desertification in Iraq as a factor in the severe storm. (MODIS)




Love Youself and Love as ONE. ~We are Family ~


With All The Love I AM~


~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


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