~Let the Good Times roll on in~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/22/2012 - 09:48

Greetings Love Beings.. WOW... Since Our Council Meeting the Light has Grown Exponatially on the Planet in just 24 Hours. The work that we are accomplishing as those in resistence, saying which way do I go now? LOL.. More about this In Today's Update. Stay tuned. We Love You, Love Your Earth Allies~

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~21~12 A Series of Events are Just about ready to Burst Forth ~





Today we had such a wonderful weekly council of Transitory Government and we introduced truly magnificent being called Brendan Cox to rest of US... It was magical 4 hours conversation...



If you inclined to join US, Earth Council and Galactic Free Press and Earth Allies in Unified Conciseness Field please act upon it... This is not invitation... This is wake up call for all of ones who think and feel that separate groups of Light workers, that different nations and languages can be a barrier, that different approach to FatherMotherGod are possible, that love is just a word that separate you from your partner...


[video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dCbZnXspI4&]



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I am ready to come aboard Captain! All Aboard!


I am ready to come aboard Captain!  All Aboard!



by Galactic Love Reporter blueskygal


Last year around this time, we lived in fear. Fear of a quake along the coast or the new madrid.  We released enormous fear and suffering and life from Fukishima.  Here we are again.  I got a call from a friend last night.  She was sounding the alarm. She said, "we shall all perish tonight!  188 days - March 22 - It is happening!  Revelations is playing out!"


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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-21-2012...



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-21-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media




by ANdReA



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Message from the Ashtar Command 3/21/12



Sorry we have left the lights out. Tomorrow we will turn the outboard lights of our ships on so many of you can see us for yourselves and take as much photographic and video evidence as you wish. We of the Ashtar Command are joining with our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light in allowing more sightings of our ships as well as much clearer sightings to act as icebreakers to our presence in your world. Our command is also here in great numbers, and we have ships stationed above many different parts of your planet.


We would like you to also understand that although our ships may differ in appearance from some of those of the Galactic Federation of Light, when you see our ships you will not be seeing ships of the forces controlled by your dark Cabal. Our ships can be rather large in size, and our ships differ in their appearance somewhat from Galactic Federation of Light ships as our ships utilize light technologies as a source for their propulsion and operation and may differ greatly due to this these properties. When you see our ships you will be seeing light that differs in color to the background of the sky or space. You will still be able to photograph and videotape our ships, although what will appear on your 3rd dimensional film will not be clear outlines and depictions of how our ships truly appear and look like to us from our perspective. Nonetheless, we feel it is important that we begin to make our ships known to the people of your world as we are here and you will be seeing our ships in your daytime as well as nighttime skies.



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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas calls for breakup of "Too-Big-To-Fail" Banks


Now a branch of the federal reserve itself is calling for breaking up the huge banks.


"Capitalism requires government to enforce the rule of law. This requires maintaining a level playing field.The privatization of profits and socialization of losses is completely unacceptable.TBTF [too big to fail] undermines equal treatment, reinforcing the perception of a system tilted in favor of the rich and powerful."


You can see the full report here: http://dallasfed.org/fed/annual/index.cfm




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188 Days, March 22


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Adronis – Cloud Ships, Inner Earth & Incognito Extraterrestrials




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Heavenletter #4135 The Sun Always Comes Through


Heavenletter #4135 The Sun Always Comes Through March 21, 2012 


God said: 


The sun always comes through. You can rely on it. You do not worry when there is no sun on a cloudy day. You know the sun is there behind the clouds. You know that the bright sun will always show up, just as you know that spring follows winter. You can rely on much on Earth, and you rely on it. You trust. You have had experience with this trust.

In life, when you are disappointed, and you feel that I am not here for you, remember the sun that shows up. The sun may show up quietly, almost unnoticed, and yet the sun always shines brightly again.

Know that you can rely on Me too.


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~ This Is Love's Moment NOW~ Thank You For Choosing Love~


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~ Always and Forever Now~ Love is Here~


~ There are only 2 choices on this Planet, one is Love and the other is fear. In The No Matter what, those choosing Love are stuck with Love`


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~From this Moment On~ Love has Captured Humanity~ Only Up from Here~


~Real Life Has Begun~ Yeewaw~ Humanity's Destiny is with Love, and Love is Here On this Planet~ Thank You for taking our hand, we truly are all one. All Promise's are and Dreams of Love are coming True~ Enjoy~

Love Mother and Father God and Humanity's Earth Allies~


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Message from Yeshua ~ Let Go ~



Message from Yeshua ~ Let Go ~



 by GLR Fran Zepeda ~ 3.21.12





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Greg Giles – Message From The Ashtar Command




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It's High Time to Legalize Hemp!


I am so thankful someone who used to work for the gov't can actually see the benefits of this most wonderful, miraculous plant..Benefits from this amazing plant far outweigh the the stereotype hype pasted on this plant...Years ago, I wrote the Governor of Michigan, who at that time was, Jennifer Granholm, a seven page letter detailing some of the benefits of this plant..Paper, our Constitution is written on hemp paper, clothing that doesn't wear out, fuel, medicine, and the list goes on...They've even made a car made from hemp!!..I chickened out back then and didn't send the letter, but, seeing more and more research data on this plant and the healing benefits of CURING CANCER and other illnesses has convinced me to not be quiet any longer...For states experiencing extreme financial difficulties such as Michigan and many others, I'm amazed it's taken so long to see the commercial uses for this plant...

This is a quote from Rev:22...(in the holy city)  "On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse..." I believe the negative stigma this plant has received from our govt and gov'ts worldwide, will finally be removed and the benefits of this plant will bless our nation as it should have been allowed to do for humankind for decades. As far as marijuana being a "gateway to other drugs", this may be true in isolated cases, but, it is a Gateway to higher consciousness... and ultimately to God!



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John Ward – Greek Default – The US Undermining Strategy Is Still In Play


John Ward – Greek Default – The US Undermining Strategy Is Still In Play – 21 March 2012

Electron storm in progress


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Sunspot 1429 blasted another CME


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The Front is Crossing Central MS.


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A season of growth by Sophia




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The Astrology of April 2012 - for Everyone


This is a two part video. The first part is my explanation of why I think we need no longer fear a global economic or political meltdown. We are fast entering a new, more stable period. There are significant challenges and risks ahead, to be sure, but we need no longer fear a global meltdown.

The forecast for April begins at about 26 minutes. April is another Neptunian blowout. We will, once again, be overwhelmed with Neptune's mists and fogs and fuzziness. As so often in the past, Neptune's targets are our collective finances, our key relationships, and our psyche. This time, thought, it goes after all three at once. 

Having knocked our Humpty Dumpty world off the wall, the planets are going to let us try to put it back together, just not the way it was before. Not at all.


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~ All of this is so incredible I could just BURST! ~




 If you follow all of the channelings and messages, you are totally informed.  I have been reading this for several years now and in the last 12 months, things have heated up!  I am excited and continue to keep working on raising my conciousness through daily meditation and reading.  I am very excited because I have no idea what my contract is!  I dont know where I am going next and I believe it is so exciting to be here to experience this Earth shift from 3D to 5D.  And this time, it will not end like Lemuria or Atlantis - We will raise with the Earth.



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EQ 2012-03-21 22:15:04.8 14min ago 6.52 S 145.99 E 83 6.9  



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Steve Beckow – There Will Be No Nuclear War With Iran



Steve Beckow – There Will Be No Nuclear War With Iran – 21 March 2012

Posted on March 21, 2012 by  


In light of the recent campaign by Israelis Ronny Edry and his wife Michal Tamir to rally Israelis to communicate to Iranians their refusal to back a war with Iran, I’d like to revise and reissue a post that I did some time ago on the subject of the likelihood of a war with Iran.

David Wilcock reported in his “Financial Tyranny” series that:


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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Light Involution and Evolution



Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Light Involution and Evolution



Light Involution and Evolution

By GLR Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

March, 2012


Posted by Vina



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Ruthless means having no compassion or pity; merciless. Perhaps no word better describes politcs and the domain of the elite controllers. As we face the world honestly, we MUST recognize what we are dealing with here. Then, have correctly identified the nature of the beast, it is up to us, the lightworkers, to provide what is lacking: understanding, compassion and, when certain criteria are met, forgiveness. Who is willing to rise to the occassion?


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2MIN News Mar22: NWO, Solar/Geophysical Updates


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UFO portal in the sky seen all around the world 2012


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Earth Allie Michael E Genova Overview of the Earth Council~Transitionary Government Meeting #4 March 21st 2012


Earth Allie Michael E Genova Overview of the Earth Council~Transitionary Government Meeting #4 March 21st 2012



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Oracle Report ~ Thursday March 22 2012 First Day of Astrological and Natural Year



Oracle Report ~ Thursday March 22 2012


Oracle Report | New Moon Phase

First Day of Astrological and Natural Year


Happy New Year! The degrees of the Sun, Earth, and Venus tell us that this is going to be a wonderful year.


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Australia's climate warming at alarming rate


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Be Right Back - Transitionary Governemnt Council Meeting




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with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!

First Transmission ~ New Moon ~ March 22, 2012


During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.

Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. At the end of each shamanic program, mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.

Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.



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~ Times Of Turmoil Bring Opportunities For Growth! Sent With Love ~ Lee-Anne Peters



Lee-Anne Peters ~ Times Of Turmoil Bring Opportunities For Growth! Sent With Love

Posted on 


March 20, 2012

 by GLR 


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3.21.12 Your Springing of 2012! The Celestial Team



3.21.12 Your Springing of 2012!


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Moving Forward


It is time to move forward



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Visionkeeper ~ Calm before the storm




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3/22/2012 -- Severe system stalls -- South / Midwest tornadoes, hail, flooding continues


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Harmonic Signature Frequency by Suzan Carol


 Harmonic Signature Frequency



Harmonic Signature Frequency

 by GLR Suzan Caroll

March 18, 2012




Dear Ascending Expressions of our SELF,


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Weekly LightBlast Visit Crystalline Soul Healing



Weekly LightBlast Visit Crystalline Soul Healing


MARCH 22, 2012




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Invocation and Worship Prayer - Japanese Radiation Cleanup Information!



Japanese Radiation Cleanup Information!



Posted by GLR Peter Melchizedek on March 15, 2012 


Invocation and Worship Prayer


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March 22, 2012

Beloved Ones,


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What will you change?



What will you change? – Message from Michael 

March 21, 2012  


by GLR Ron Head



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~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~


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Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



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~In the Coming Days and Weeks~



Many things are now set to occur. How we deal with these things will be the crown in glory of our personal achievements as well as our collective advancement into the higher levels. Each one of us has the ability to help or assist others and will do so based upon our own levels of frequency and vibration. It has always been my opinion that a "leopard does not change his spots", And the coming times will show if this is correct. Those of us who are loving will assist in loving ways. Those who are not loving, will seek to save only themselves..., unless they are moved by something within to change their behavior.


The Earth has already been saved by those of a pure and highly loving attitude which is all inclusive. The suffering these beings have endured is legendary in all of the Universes, and they are about to be set free! All beings on the Earth, (and they are about to realize it), have benefitted from these loving ones and their prayers, energies, and high moral intentions. Indeed..., how many living here really comprehend what it would have been like without their energies mixed in on the planet for their sake?



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Lucifer: I stand here before you Feel my heart... ~ by 141 ~ 10.3.12




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March 19 – 25 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading



4 Angel Therapy | March 17 2012


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This only apply if you recognize that you have an ego, and if you truly want and be brave to get rid of it... than this part is for you to read... otherwise skip to next chapter about 10,000 arrests and removals..


Ego is washed simply by acknowledging it.. simple as that... When you become aware that your actions are coming from ego monkey brain [my apology to monkeys for this analogy...], than and only than you can start working toward cleansing part...

If you interested how to get rid of ego, go to 3 part of this egoless post...


What means: to be aware?... To know there is other ways of seeing and being and existing... Not to blindly believe in words from your anchors, priests, polititans, corporate bosses... Not to take all for granted: My grandpa was living like this, my dad did same thing, so I suppose have to do same...



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12 The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~19~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Amazing Energies are Coming IN, to Prepare Humanity for the Decloakings~


Photo By Will Harader Cloudships Landing on the Earth Grid waiting to decloak


Greetings Love Beings... WOW, The Energies are Truly amazing today and in the last 24 hours we have ignited Energies for events to unfold very quickly. Yesterday, we could feel these energies building and then Today, WOW~ These next 2 weeks are going to be like one unfoldment after the other and there will be no denying that We are Here, We are Real and we are The Ones Guiding and Supporting Humanity through these changes. AS We Now stand at the Forefront. All On this Planet are welcome to Join US on the Front Lines! By Being Love in every moment and sharing the truth of our Imminent Arrival.



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The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


I knew, due to the intensity of Light wind within the field from March 15th thru March 17th, when we were able to read again, things would be very different… again!!  But yesterday was wayyyy beyond even my imagination of different.


I pray to God I can share this information outward with the clarity, detail and strength I understand it within.


The way I look at today, well really yesterday…but I am typing today (smile)… it is truly a new year, a new energy, a new earth in her first completed phase of change.  Two more major completions will be coming up as we move thru this year.


What I once called “The Field” is now a massive orb of reflective energy.  This orb is now the new magnetosphere of the earth.  That protective field of energy that surrounds the earth o filter out the high radiation from the sun to the earth.



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Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are


Heavenletter #4134 Light You Are




March 20, 2012 

God said: 


How can there be darkness when I AM? How can there be darkness when I Am Light, and I shine? Only in perception can you feel submerged in darkness. Only in misperception, beloveds. You misread the map you hold in your hand.

Your heart is light. If you see darkness, you are not seeing. You have closed your eyes to Truth. Light is Truth. Darkness is a slip. Perhaps the speed of light has been too quick for you to grasp it.


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Warning video !! March 22, 2012 Next MEGAQUAKE Axis Shift by 9Nania


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