Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-23-2012...®evolution day today!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/23/2012 - 17:19


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-23-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Here we are again beloved hu’manity… another day on the path… you ready yet? It’s  ®evolution day today! The one you’ve asked for. The one that’s going to Change Everything… ready to Change? Yep! We Are! Ready and in place. Love’s our shield and our messanger NOW… And that’s it. Can you See the New Blue Star Planet? Can you Feel Gailighastara? It’s everywhere… it’s talking to you, to your Heart… it’s the thing you cannot get out of your mind anymore… It’s The Thought… for it comes directly form Your Heart. It’s hu’man’s ®evolution… It’s YOU! Thank you… you’ve almost done it! We’re almost at the finish line ready to start! En’Joy! Love! Share! Be Happy! Be YOU! Dance!


~Want a ®Evolution? Got it! Look in the mirror, that’s where you can find it! ~




‪‪Solar Wind Will Increase Tonight.


‪New Nasa Data/The Fourth Angel


‪ScienceCasts: The Surprising Power of a Solar Storm


Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon alignment this week

On March 24th, 25th and 26th, Venus, Jupiter and crescent Moon will appear side by side again in the western sky at sunset. Best time for observing the sky show is before the sky fades completely black. These bright objects are extra-beautiful when they are framed by twilight blue.




Returning Sunspot 1431 produced moderate M1 solar flare

Old Sunspot 1431 is now rotating back into view off the southeast limb and is also producing solar flares. So far this afternoon it produced a minor C6.5 flare, followed by a moderate M1.0 event at 19:40 UTC. Various small sunspots did form including regions 1441, 1442 and 1443, but each are magnetically simple and stable. There is now a chance for further M-Class flares around returning sunspot 1431. Stay Tuned as solar activity looks to be increasing. (SolarHam)






‪‪UFO near the Sun - Review of the activity of unidentified objects at March 22, 2012. (HQ)



UFO over DALLAS - Filmed from Plane - 03/21/2012



‪Orb maneuvering + 2 more interesting shots



‪UFO-OVNI Rimini, Italy 22/03/2012



‪avvistamento ufo marzo 2012



‪UFO Sighting Shrine Circus Incident



‪UFO, from Russia, Moscow March 22, 2012



‪3rd Close Up of UFO's Checking Me Out Again. 22-03-12 King's Lynn UK



‪Deep UFO Research Result


Translucent Cylinder UFO over Indiana 3-22-2012 9:30 am



Old but… if you missed it on the Press page…





‪3/23/2012 -- READ BELOW ! Yellowstone Supervolcano + strange 'rumbles' in Wisconsin


Strange sounds in Wisconsin – Mysterious booms plague Clintonsville

Unidentified booms, rumbles, shakes and sounds resembling explosions were reported by residents in the City of Clintonville on the evening of Sunday, March 18. Five loud, mysterious booms thundered through the town at approximately two-hour intervals starting at around 8 p.m. They occurred again the following night, and, much to the sleepless residents’ relief, finally stopped Tuesday night. The town thought it was over, but then it started again Wednesday night. Accompanying the sounds are vibrations that have shaken homes and household objects in the northeast corner of town, city manager Lisa Kuss said. There are indications from witnesses that the booming is spreading to areas south and west of the original locations, reported WTAQ. The original area of the booms was in the northeast part of the city.





‪2MIN News Mar23: US Tremors/Serious Weather, Solar Activity


Climate disarray: skipping spring and going straight to summer

March 23, 2012 – CHICAGO – The United States and parts of Canada have come out of winter to find a lingering ridge of high pressure inducing summer-like conditions. The map above shows surface temperature anomalies during March 13-19 compared to averages for those dates over the last 10 years. More than 1,054 locations set new daily high temperatures records and 627 saw new record lows. “Records are not only being broken across the country, they’re being broken in unusual ways,’ reports NASA’s Adam Voiland. “Chicago, for example, saw temperatures above 26.6° Celsius (80° Fahrenheit) every day between March 14-18, breaking records on all five days. For context, the National Weather Service noted that Chicago typically averages only one day in the eighties each in April. And only once in 140 years of weather observations has April produced as many 80°Fahrenheit days as this March,” Volland wrote. “Meanwhile, Climate Central reported that in Rochester, Minnesota, the overnight low temperature on March 18 was 16.6° Celsius (62° Fahrenheit), a temperature so high it beat the record high of 15.5°Celsius (60° Fahrenheit) for the same date,” Volland added. –Discovery News



Flash Flood in Australia on Friday, 23 March, 2012 at 03:51 (03:51 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:        FF-20120323-34616-AUS

Event type: Flash Flood

Date/Time:  Friday, 23 March, 2012 at 03:51 (03:51 AM) UTC         

Damage level:        Minor

Geographic information

Continent:   Australia & New-Zealand

Country:      Australia

County / State:      State of Queensland

Area: Sunshine coast



Increase in seismic activity at Montserrat volcano forces zone closure

March 23, 2012 – MONTSERRAT - A “noticeable” increase in seismic activity at the Soufirere Hills Volcano has resulted in the closure of the Zone C area near the volcano, which had been reopened for daytime entry in December. Dr Paul Cole, director of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory, told a radio station Friday that it was a precautionary measure as authorities continue to monitor the volcano. “Following two volcano-tectonic swarms on the March 22 and 23, 2012 involving 49 and 54 events respectively, mild ash venting began at Soufriere Hills Volcano at around 8:00am local time on March 23,” the MVO said in a statement. “The venting was sourced from the floor of the Feb. 11, 2010 collapse scar, immediately south of the old English’s crater wall and to the west of the long-lived hottest fumarole previously identified.” The Zone C area, which is comprised of Cork Hill, Weekes, Foxes Bay, Richmond Hill, Delvins and extends 500 meters out to sea is part of the island’s exclusion zone. It reopened in Decebber 2011, after the hazard level in the area was lowered. The level will likely not be lowered, however, despite the area’s closure. According to the statement, the ash venting was “clearly pulsatory,” and sent ash 6,000 feet above sea level. It sent black jets of ash rising a few hundred meters above the floor of the collapse scar. The activity was described as “phreatic,” meaning activity formed when superheated rock meets groundwater, causing the rocks to fragment and generate ash. “[Volcano-tectonic] earthquakes are related to fracturing rocks probably as a result of increases in pressure,” the statement said. “It is likely that these increases and the resulting earthquakes are related to uprising magma below the volcano.”Similar types of activity have apparently occurred at the volcano up to several months prior to magma extrusion, both in 2005 and 2008. –Caribbean Journal



‪3/23/2012 -- 5.6 magnitude earthquake Central Australia


5.6      2012/03/23 09:25:17     SOUTH AUSTRALIA


Expert says minor earthquakes have become frequent in Armenia

March 23, 2012 – ARMENIA – The number of earthquakes has recently increased in Armenia and the region. The National Seismic Protection Service (NSPS) of Armenia on Wednesday registered a magnitude-3 tremor, whose epicenter was 13 kilometers southeast of Martuni city. Thirteen earthquakes measuring 3 magnitude or higher have occurred in the region. In an interview with Armenian Ashkhen Tovmasyan, representative of the National Seismic Protection Service, said According to her, seismic risks are growing with urban development and with population growth. Risk increases in Armenia when new buildings are built and population grows, if there was no urban development there would be no risks. As Ashkhen Tovmasyan mentioned, currently there are no serious anomaly indicating earthquakes, so there is no need to worry about any earthquake. There are often all the indicators of an earthquake but no quake happens. The expert advised to build buildings in safe places and avoid blocking the main entrances. –


Growing seismic unrest in Middle East: Earthquake hits Dead Sea region, felt in Jerusalem

March 23, 2012 – ISRAEL – An earthquake measuring 3.7 on the Richter scale shook the Dead Sea area and was felt as far away as Jerusalem on Thursday morning. The quake struck at 6:17 a.m. with an epicenter near Masada, according to the Seismological Institute. There were no reports of injuries or damage from the tremor. MK Zeev Bielski (Kadima), the head of a Knesset subcommittee for Home Front preparedness, used the event to lament the country’s lack of readiness for an earthquake, Maariv reported. Not enough of the country’s buildings have been quake-proofed, as is called for under National Master Plan 38, he said. “NMP 38 is not being implemented and there is a sense of complacency in the government over anything concerning an earthquake,” Bielski said. “This is a matter that should be at the top of national priorities. We need to learn from other countries that invested budgetary and other resources to protect the home front, and not wake up one day and discover we are too late.” Two weeks ago another 3.7 quake rattled the Galilee in the north of the country causing alarm but no injuries or damage. The epicenter for that quake was just over the border in southern Lebanon. In February, a 3.1 earthquake struck the Tiberias area, also without injury or damage. –Times of Israel




‪ Love Youself and Love as ONE. With All The Love I AM~


ANdReA &

~MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


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