Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/24/2012 - 10:01


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

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 Beloveds, I AM Sananda!
I AM here today to bring you the message of peace and its implications. Peace is not only showing its first frail signs in your world, but is appearing now foremost in your hearts.
When you recognize this peace at first, you will perhaps be moved to consider this feeling as a sense of emptiness and you are striving to regain your familiar state of  disquiet of your mind again. This is because you are not yet at the point  where you can understand this new quality that has entered your world and your hearts.
Know that with growing acceptance of this peace or stillness in your heart, also the possibility of the ending of all wars and conflicts will grow stronger.
Now I will more closely discuss the subject of Peace.
What exactly is happening when your world seems to end in this feeling, you perceive as emptiness?
What is it empty of?
Indeed, it is empty of thought chatter, of the usual waves which constantly are wandering through your brain  which itself exists in the greater thought field.
Until now most of you were used to focus on this kind of thinking process, whereby you often are not aware, that many thoughts, crossing through your electric brain, are not “yours”.
But in fact, also this is not quite correct. In reality none of the thoughts are yours. It is only that you have chosen over time to identify with certain thought patterns which then you thought were "you", while you gave them power through repetition!
While you identified with this personal collection of thought patterns, you created a sense of yourself. You said “I” am this! But you did  not know that this “I” identity was merely a construct of deliberate choices what you wanted to think and thereby what you wanted to be true.
But notice, that this kind of “truth” is a very superficial one and has in reality nothing to do with the real “you”. It derives its identity from the worlds created by thought waves and your intention to live a life according to these thought pattern, while thinking that your world was real.
But what it truly is, is a movie that  is not different from the movies you are liking to watch on your TV! This all is an unreal world, but you never understood this. Hence so much suffering, as the Divine Reality was not contained in this artificial world of mind.
Now, when you start to feel, what you call emptiness, you experience that your usual world is fading away. And so your familiar identity. The excitement you were searching for in this movies of your life, suddenly is not fed anymore and is empty of your familiar experiences.
But what is happening is something new and Divine and something wonderful, which you will more and more come to appreciate and finally dearly desire to continue and never to leave you again, once you have felt deeply in your heart what it really IS in the depth of your very being.
This emptiness appears as emptiness and ceasing of your usual brain waves and thought patterns only, because the fields in which they appear, are consumed by the blessings of the new light and energy which has already started to invade your world.
These new waves of light and consciousness are the messengers of this peace which is nothing else than the essence of love and pure being, a feeling that reflects the reality of infinity, timeless and space-less. It is the frequency of your own soul and Divine Inheritance. The frequency of a world that is born from the Heart of God, The-All-That-Is.
If you inquire your heart truly about this new (but ancient and always-already existing) reality you will find that the “emptiness” is the door to a satisfaction you never have experienced so far in your life.
Know that a World will be created from this new place, empty of the old thought projections, which is the depth of your heart, and which is the true and Divine World, in which you participate as soon as you no longer grieve for a lost, false identity.
Because you have never been your thoughts, you have always been your heart, the to be seat of your soul and the doorway to The-All-That-Is.
The grounds of this new world are based on indestructible Divine Conscious Light and Divine Love, it is eternal and free of the illusion of short-waved thoughts and  shadow worlds you mistakenly took for truth.
So do not regret and do not grieve and do not feel sorry, when you start to feel this emptiness, which is, as I explained,  nothing but the beginning of your rebirth in the Divine Reality. All emotions based on what you perceive as emptiness, such as depression, anger and fear, are nothing but the search for a world that does not exist, and has been always unreal. Now you are awakening to the real world, my Beloveds, so I desire to see your emerging happiness because you understand.
This is, what I longed to bring to you, my dearest ones, so that you do not stay unmovable in your unhappiness, which is merely based  on false presumptions!
Understand this and be free!
Be happy!
I AM Sananda, at the threshold of the Galactic Center

Message conveyed by Ute

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