Excerpt from the book "Secrets from Mount Shasta"

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 10:52


Earlyne Chaney
Excerpt from the book "Secrets from Mount Shasta"



The Master Jesus Speaks 1951 (pg 63):

It would be a grave mistake to indicate that the Master himself stood there, for He did not. However, he did stand, at that moment, somewhere on some higher plane and spoke the words which he spoke to us. We were privileged to hear his words and see the reflection of his image, much as we view television in our homes today. Do not ask me "how". I think the process we call holography might explain it. I only know it was through some cosmic "hook-up" on the spirit planes of life. We were told that many other groups were gathered together in other temples throughout many planes of life to hear him. Thus millions- perhaps billions - heard his voice and saw his regal form. This I did learn...and that he spoke often by this means, teaching and guiding his people.

He began to speak. His words flowed from the entire "mirror", it seemed, and not just from his lips. The voice itself, was like a wondrous melody. He spoke of many things which would take too long to tell, nor would I be allowed to share some of them. Although his coming was not connected in the slightest with our initiation, still he seemed to be aware that we were present, because, ever so fleetingly, he once focused his splendid eyes directly upon us, as he spoke of grave conditions existing on Earth today (1951).

He spoke of the chaos and the turmoil, and the holocaust which we perchance face. He said that the planet Earth was leaving behind a certain field of expression, the Piscean, and entering a new one, Aquarius. The new field of Aquarius would gradually increase in rarified ethers, and many types of souls expressing on the planet today would not be able to withstand these higher vibrations. Therefore when they met their physical death, their souls would be left behind in the old Piscean field of etheric and vibrational expression to wait the coming of another planet entering that field. On that Piscean planet they could again take up bodies of flesh and continue their evolution in ethers compatible with their degree of inner light.

The Earth planet would move slowly out into the Sixth Dispensation. Souls in the realms of Spirit who were abiding in the Aquarian field of expression into which the planet was moving would be waiting to take upon themselves bodies of flesh and express once again on Earth. One by one they would incarnate again. However, since they were more highly evolved than those left behind in the old Piscean field, little by little the chaos would die away. Little by little inspired and advanced souls would come forth as leaders. Little by little nations would learn to live together in peace; little by little, the law of love would begin to manifest, and man would begin to realize that he cannot hurt his brother without likewise hurting himself....and although this is a selfish way to love, nevertheless, it is a beginning.

He said the planet as a whole has created for itself much adverse karma, and that this cosmic debt has to be discharged before the planet can enter fully into its new field of expression. Therefore, there must be what men call "destruction", but what the Masters call "change". There is, he indicated, no such thing as "destruction", only a passing away of the "old" and a coming forth of the "new".

And then he said something many Americans will want to hear. He said, and this is when he focused his gaze knowingly and directly upon us, he said that if America continued to produce "children of light", it did not face total destruction, but an everwidening power for good over the planet. For many of the souls now incarnating in America are the advanced souls of Aquarius, the new field of expression. He said that America was the destined cradle of the coming race.

He spoke of ever-increasing currents of magnetism over the western part of America. He did not say so in exact words, but we assumed he meant that we should not flee to some other part of the nation in the hope of escaping turmoil. He said that there are methods we know not of to protect those who "abide under the shadow of His wing". He said that prayer and devotion to good works built about the soul an "armor of light" against which no evil could prevail. He reminded us that although "ten thousand might fall by your side, it shall not come nigh thee, for we shall give our angels charge over the children of light."

He said he had come when the planet was entering the Piscean Age two thousand years ago. The planet was immersed in the clouds of darkness created by the mass consciousness of the human race, the condensed thought forces of hatred, wars, greed, jealousies, lusts, violence. To make it possible for the lifewave of souls to pass with the planet into the field of Pisces, he had taken upon himself the dark karma of the entire race. His sacrifice had purified the ethers of Earth, giving the evolving souls a new beginning. Thus he had "died for our sins," our karma, so that we might have a new opportunity to apply the laws of love he brought, taught and demonstrated.
Now, he said, the planet approaches once again a "new birth". And once again it is immersed in the shadow-thoughts of hate, war, greed and fear. The clouds of karma are heavy and dark about us. But, he said, there also radiate forces of light, much more than was evident when Earth entered Pisces two thousand years ago.
Rising among the karmic clouds of darkness are the streams of light force, dispelling the darkness. Although the planet has created the possibility for destruction, it has also created the potential for salvation. Thus, he said, humanity faces a struggle between the children of darkness and the children of light, not vague invisible forces battling in etheric realms for victory over human souls, but on the Earth plane itself, between the souls who dominate the destiny of Earth through their selfishness and greed, and the souls who have found the light. He said the struggle itself could result in some devastation and destruction, and, as in all struggles, the dark forces could appear to be victorious.
But, he said, enough light is now being disseminated to warrant aid from cosmic forces. Destruction of the planet will not be allowed, he promised. But it will require, he warned, supreme effort on the part of those who disperse the light. Their efforts must be untiring. They must not only enter the light themselves, but must show others the way, rather "the WAY".
In the end, he promised, "the light from the prayers, the petitions, the service, the sacrifices of the children of light will enable the Cosmic forces to bring the planet and the "saved" of humanity into a "new heaven and a new Earth." He was not speaking of "saved" lives. He was speaking of the souls "saved" for this lifewave, those who would pass with the planet into a new and better Age, a new and better etheric atmosphere, a new and better spiritual radius.
You must interpret this part of his words as you so choose. There will evidently be chaos and destruction, there will also be opportunity to be elsewhere when destruction occurs. But if those of us in the Great Work find ourselves in the path of some destruction and lose our physical forms, what matter? We shall simply take up our Work on higher realms and continue serving him there, assured that wherever we are at any time is where we are needed most.

Then he dropped the subject of "destruction" and spoke of the wonders waiting ahead for the souls of Earth's lifewave. He spoke of many coming discoveries which would be part of the coming new age. He spoke of the birth of highly advanced Teachers. He spoke of the coming of the Temples of Learning in which these Teachers would teach, so that man might learn more of cosmic laws and how to use them.

He spoke of the return of the "space people", bringing to Earth once again their advanced knowledge. Some would come from distant planets and others from etheric realms.

Ah, indeed, there is a Great Day coming. Let us learn to think not in terms of "destruction", but of light force and love force. And become aware that no matter what comes, on whatever plane of life you find yourself, you will continue to do the very best you can for GOOD. With such thoughts flowing among us, we can counteract much of the dark karma and much of the destruction can be avoided. To the degree we do good, to the degree that we disseminate light and love, to that same degree will the clouds of karma be dispelled and never come upon us. This is know, for He spoke it.

This book was written in 1951, and can be found through Amazon, and Astara publishing. This is one of many exciting reads. She talks about being initiated by Fire in the Cosmic Cathedral in the City of Telos at Mount Shasta, stunning drawings and amazing recollection.

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