Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 12:35






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Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas


On wings of love do we enter into the heaven world's of your hearts as we bless and caress the purity that is to be found therein. We embrace the vitality of your wondrous 'wings' that furl upwards to the stars with such sparkling animation in the winds of change in motivation. Blessed indeed we are to be with you all once more, this fine eventide and convey to you all our deepest joy and immense pleasure of sharing in these sacred moments of true 'holy communion,' one with all! These windows of communion and opportunity are so special and are loved profoundly by we of The 'A Team,' as we enjoin and merge within the 'Universal Mind,' for these vibrant energetic inputs and likened energy exchanges. Blessings abound as love flows and emanates from each waking heart and souls here gathered in the name of All That Truly Is. So, be still and know that I Am God for we are at- One- ment with you all. 


Time as an illusion, weighs noticeably upon the shoulders of many dear souls whose light is shining ever keenly yet with hastening fluctuations as the incoming Solar Flares are creating energy shifts and electromagnetic waves and change that can be, at times, a little varying or unbalancing. Simply hold the space that you are in, and hold the light that you beam forth from in somewhat magical momentum, despite the turmoil or agitations that are par for the course whilst these Solar flares or emissions are now in evidence. These things shall surely pass, and yes, these words are often utilized when such allowances are made for such as this! Light is truly beaming earthward at a far greater speed than ever before, and your own roles as light-workers, pressure release valves, and as 'earthing points' are being surely and profoundly tested during these busy and hastening times. We watch and we smile for the collective force-field that you are creating, in your quite majestic roles, is truly amazing!


Winds of change, wings of love, winds of caressing currents co-creating eddy's and spirals of light wheels carrying those incoming energies world wide and especially to those places that are more in need of same. God moves in mysterious ways his/her wonders to perform, for so it truly is. You are they who syphon out - as energy release valves - whom are being used to channel the dross and mis-qualified energies off the planet, to be transformed and transmuted. You are the pristine clear channels whom are also utilized to in-take the vital new energies flowing into and onto the planet. You are also the radiant beacons of light that can direct the new energies either direct to beloved Mother Earth herself, or to any area you so choose, that is in highest good, as ever for the sake of one and all. 


You are the Christed Beings that are daily quantifying and qualifying the roles of all Lightworkers, of the Starseeds, and of way-showers as each one is melding and merging more into her/his own divine mission upon the planet, blessed with the divine hosting by Lady Gaia. You are the chosen ones who were selected as the clarion call resounded through the heavens and you chose with honor to be one of these many de-light-ed beings on Mother Earth in the now. There are times when we see the out workings upon the planet as a mighty jigsaw or puzzle being meticulously positioned, caringly honed and truly polished as each piece begins to fit into the bigger picture and the stage is being set for the final stages to be played out over the years to come. 
Time is a misconception and or an idiom that is further collapsing in on itself as the day gets 'shorter' and the pace seemingly 'speeds up' exponentially. There fast becomes a time of nil time or a null zone as we maneuver within the universal math of true geometries in magical momentum. These echo forth as intonations heard within the depths of planet earth. These notes of vibrational change are issuing forth in multi-varying sounds as tectonic plates within the bowels, energy grids and ley-lines, seabeds, mountains and hills all utter their intonations as the 'New Note' of tone is being measured and re-layered. It will become then the 'tone of the times' as these notes will set the tune for the new earth.


We are of they whom we call 'The A Team' and we work closely with he/she which you call God, and whom is also known as 'The Universal Mind' or overseer for this particular vector of Universes. We are an amalgamation of varying benevolent energies who have but one role in The Creation, and that is to serve all beings with unconditional, unadulterated Love, endeavoring to en-Light-en All with purest love, true light, and ever highest divine intent. We choose to enjoin energies into a 'collective' purely to enhance the focus of en-Lighten-ment and ever in highest divine good. We are here solely to serve and have worked with the 'scribe' on numerous journeys, both on planet and within the Omniverse. We are as One. We do not separate from Source or Supreme Creator, nor Ultimate Being. We are one.


Twelve in number we stand as in days gone by, for there is a mystical melody of loving light that issues forth from they whom have served Source from within the Magic of The Twelve! One such master of miracle makers was the one Jeshua ben Joseph, and he with his dear beloved Mary Magdalene made much pure music and at-one-ment, as this was surely so to be. The way for one and all who sought firstly the 'kingdom of heaven' as all other indeed is added to! Beloved Jesus and Mary fulfilled their magnificent message to mankind while in Jerusalem and the Holy Lands. They then traveled to the continent of India as man and wife and spent their remaining years in northern India, namely Kashmir and Nepal spending their lives, yes, talking to the many who would listen, but also bringing up their 4 children and at last enjoying their married life together, royally blessed indeed by our Father / Mother God.


They returned to 'spirit' when Mary had reached 68 yrs. and Jesus followed very soon after her transition when he was 69 yrs. Mary went first and Jesus followed just weeks after her! We thank you for sharing these moments with us and we look forwards to renewing these magical moments in the very nearness of time. May your Good God go ever within you, and whatever he or she is called, simply accept and know that there is the divine spark of pure essence in each and everyone.. in the Oneness of All That Is....

Namaste,  Shalom.


(c)2012 Alec ChrIstos Gabbitas for the A Team & Universal Mind, and an ever United Kingdom. "Dear God, I know that I know everything, but sometimes I forget to remember." Please copy and share affording full credit to the source.   gabbitas1@aol.com * 



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