Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-26-2012 ~ Ready for the Truth? ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:09


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-26-2012 ~ Ready for the Truth? ~



by ANdReA


And what if… what if you suddenly found out that what you know is still only a little part of it. What if the story did not finish by simply seeing Ships decloack… did you ever asked yourself that question? Because… I mean, the knowledge Hu’manity has so far is quite a lot, but you do not really believe that all of its HIstory has come to the light? The Planet is still divided into so many countries, religions, believes systems… all based upon a different scale… now we’ll face the Truth! The Truth of Hu’man evolution… the Truth of how Hu’manity got here, evolved, fall, raised, and fall again… Are Ships enough to be prepared to embrace the Truth? Or will you run away... again? Many of you did not believe in ETs and Starsips not long ago, many had to change their believes many times during this path toward Truth... and many will be challenged much more in the days to come. So much will come to the surface... you’ll have to face so many lies that have been told to you over centuries and millennia. And I’m not talking only for those that will see Spaceships coming out of the blue, that maybe never even thought of them as real... I’m talking about All of You, Lightworkers... Starseeds... and any awakening and awakened BEings. So few have allowed themselves to really clear themselves to the point they can See... only Love, and so many still need to believe things are in such way they can fix them into their old believe system... arranged maybe... but still fixed. So much has been done so far, you’ve worked hard to fade all illusionary believes, still, there’s a bit more to do. That is because those who have kept you in slavery have done a good job by mixing truth and lies, in such a thin way... Be prepared... For their time is over, clock is running FAST... and the attempts they are making to stop US are a clear signal that they are at the bottom line. And so it is, for so it has been decreed by Mother and Father God. Be in Love and BE LOVE. That is indeed the best way of Going Home to Real Freedom and Heaven on Earth.


~Fly with the Eagle… Fly with GOD. ~






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Updated 3/26/2012 @ 12:20 UTC
Solar Update
Solar activity has been fairly quiet with only low level C-Class flare detected. New Sunspot growth appears to be taking place on Monday in the vicinity of region 1442. This is located just to the south of AR1444. A couple of small plasma clouds are seen in the latest STEREO Behind COR2 images and may be the result of prominences lifting off of the Sun. None appear to be Earth directed at this time.




New research cast doubts on accepted Moon origins theory

In the new research, published online today in Nature Geoscience, geochemists led by Junjun Zhang at the University of Chicago in Illinois, together with her colleague at the University of Bern in Switzerland, looked at titanium isotopes in 24 separate samples of lunar rock and soil.

Accepted theory

Most scientists believe Earth collided with a hypothetical, Mars-sized planet called Theia early in its existence, and the resulting smash-up produced a disc of magma orbiting our planet that later coalesced to form the moon. This is called the giant impact hypothesis. Computer models indicate that, for the collision to remain consistent with the laws of physics, at least 40% of the magma would have had to come from Theia.

New research

But, research led by Junjun Zhang and his colleagues reported that a large part of the material that makes up the Moon came from the early Earth. Their findings are in contradiction to numerical models of the formation of the Moon by the impact of a Mars-sized object with the early Earth.

Junjun Zhang and colleagues compared the isotopic signature of titanium in lunar and terrestrial samples, and corrected the lunar signature for secondary alterations associated with exposure to cosmic rays.

They used a mass spectrometer to make the most precise measurement so far of the relative abundance of titanium-50 and titanium-47 in Moon rocks gathered by the Apollo missions in the 1970s.

They found that the isotopic titanium signature of the Earth is identical to that of the Moon within about four parts per million. Because the Mars-sized impactor is expected to have been isotopically different, the measurements suggest that the Moon is either made of material from Earth’s mantle, or that intense mixing occurred after the impact.

Zhang explains that it’s unlikely Earth could have exchanged titanium gas with the magma disk because titanium has a very high boiling point. “The oxygen isotopic composition would be very easily homogenized because oxygen is much more volatile, but we would expect homogenizing titanium to be very difficult.”

Other theories

Other models that merit consideration, Zhang says, include the fission model, according to which the Moon was spun out of Earth’s mantle early on, when the planet’s centrifugal force might have exceeded its gravitational force.

One other possibility is that a glancing blow from a passing body left Earth spinning so rapidly that it threw some of itself off into space like a shot put, forming the disk that coalesced into the moon. This would explain why the moon seems to be made entirely of Earth material. But there are problems with this model, too, such as the difficulty of explaining where all the extra angular momentum went after the moon formed, and the researchers aren’t claiming to have refuted the giant impact hypothesis.

“Our study cannot provide a definite answer to the origin of the Moon yet,” says Zhang. “The message we hope to convey is that isotopic homogeneity between the Earth and Moon is a fundamental new constraint on the evolution of the Earth–Moon system.”



Mother Earth=Heart’s updates


Giant Sahara Lava Crater Seen from Space


~Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers snapped this photo of a lava crater in Mauritania from the International Space Station.


Forest / Wild Fire in USA on Monday, 26 March, 2012 at 11:01 (11:01 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:            WF-20120326-34651-USA

Event type:      Forest / Wild Fire

Date/Time:      Monday, 26 March, 2012 at 11:01 (11:01 AM) UTC

Damage level: Minor

Geographic information

Continent:        North-America

Country:          USA

County / State: State of New Mexico

City:     Chimayo


Drought in Pakistan since Friday, 16 March, 2012 at 04:11 (04:11 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:            DR-20120316-34539-PAK

Event type:      Drought

Date/Time:      Friday, 16 March, 2012 at 04:11 (04:11 AM) UTC

Damage level: Moderate

Geographic information

Continent:        Asia

Country:          Pakistan

County / State: State of Punjab

Area:   Mangla and Tarbela reservoirs






‪桜島ライブカメラ 2012-03-26 00-02 X1HD Volcano Sakurajima


‪BATU TARA Volcano in Indonesia ERUPTS



Volcano Activity in Mexico on Monday, 26 March, 2012 at 18:03 (06:03 PM) UTC.

Base data

EDIS Number:            VA-20120326-34660-MEX

Event type:      Volcano Activity

Date/Time:      Monday, 26 March, 2012 at 18:03 (06:03 PM) UTC

Damage level: Unknown

Geographic information

Continent:        Central-America

Country:          Mexico

County / State: States of Puebla and Morelos

Area:   Popocatepétl volcano


Seismic activity triples at Chile’s Ilaima volcano – yellow alert

March 26, 2012 – Santiago de Chile – Chilean authorities maintain state of alert in the Araucania region, due to increased seismic activity at Llaima volcano, one of the most active in the country and in South America. The regional governor, Andres Molina, confirmed that a yellow alert continues to be in effect for the communities of Melipeuco, Cunco, Vilcún, Curacautín and Lonquimay, because there are clear signs of “out-gassing in the inner perimeter” of the Llaima. Molina said that on Monday will meet the emergency committee to assess the status of the volcano, then it is found that in recent weeks the number quakes have tripled within the massif, which is located in the Andes, about 600 kilometers south of this capital. In geology, a massif is a section of a planet’s crust that is demarcated by faults or flexures. The regional authority also noted that access was restricted in a radius of four kilometers around the volcano, especially in the tourist area of Conguillío Park, where last weekend, authorities evacuated over a hundred people. According to records provided by the expert technicians Fernando Gil, Volcano Observatory of the Southern Andes, one cannot rule out an eruption and although volcanic activity cannot be perceived by the inhabitants of the towns that are on yellow alert. The Llaima, more than three thousand meters in elevation, is located 76 kilometers northeast of the city of Temuco, capital of the region of La Araucania. The Llaima volcano last erupted in 2009. On March 25, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck northeast of the region at a depth of about 35 km (21 miles) and this may further acerbate the volcanic belt of this region of Chile. –Prensa Latina  (translated)




Earthquakes have increased again today, not only in number but also in magnitude. Again, everything has been decided by yourself, so be at Peace and be the Love you are, in the no matter what. 



5.0       2012/03/26 21:02:24                BANDA SEA

6.0       2012/03/26 18:12:54                NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

5.0       2012/03/26 17:58:28                NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

5.1       2012/03/26 17:48:45                NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

5.7       2012/03/26 16:58:09                SOUTHWEST INDIAN RIDGE

5.2       2012/03/26 10:35:36                EASTERN TURKEY

5.3       2012/03/26 09:30:19                CHUKOTKA, RUSSIA





6.0 magnitude earthquake strikes NE Pacific Rise

March 26, 2012 – MEXICO -  A 6.0 magnitude earthquake erupted along a boundary of the Pacific and Cosco tectonic plates at a depth of 9.9 km (6.1 miles) known as the Northeast Pacific Rise. The earthquake erupted after the region was shaken by double 5.0+ foreshocks. The epicenter of the 6.0 earthquake was 862 km (535 miles) SSW of Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. The region is still reeling from the effects of the 7.4 earthquake which struck Oaxaca Mexico on March 20. The red squares on the tectonic plate map (above) reflect the  earthquakes that have struck tectonic plate boundaries over the last 24 hours. It is a clear indication that seismic stresses continue to mount along some of these high-risk regions. –The Extinction Protocol


One Beat... One Heart... Drums are singing... put your headphones in and enjoy One Beat out of may!




‪ Love Youself and Love as ONE. With All The Love I AM~



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