~Angel of Emergencies~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 10:27

~Angel of Emergencies~



You Are Safe, For I Am With You & The Love Of The Divine Is Surrounding You Now & Always

Sometimes we all get hit with things in life that seem totally crushing or more than we can bear. It may be a series of events that land one on top of another in your lfie, or one major blow that sends you reeling and wondering how you will ever possibly cope! Yet know that there is an Angel whose purpose is to be of support to you during these times and is there for you, with protection and what ever solutions or comfort you may need.

Even for those of us who feel strongly connected with our Guides and Angels, there are moments and events when we feel we can no longer hear their comforting words and we feel very isolated and alone. We may feel we have no one who can really understand or may fear burdening those we love with our problems. This Angel comes to remind us that there are always those "Angels in disguise" who truly want to help and support us with what ever we may be going through and that if we reach out, we will find many hands reaching back to us to help us carry on. And backing them up, is this lovely Angel who hears all of our fears, our pain and our questions as to how things could have gone so terribly wrong. 

It does not matter what situation you are facing or how it was created. Don't blame yourself for what is happening! The Universe and life are not seeking to punish you (though I know sometimes it certainly does feel that way!) and you certainly do not deserve what is happening, no matter what you did or didn't do that may have created this situation. Please know that this Angel is right at this moment trying to convey to you words of love, support, comfort and peace! The Angel of Emergencies wants us all to know that no matter what is happening, we all deserve right and good outcome! Maybe you have lost your job and don't know how you will pay your bills. Maybe a friend has done something that really hurt you and now you feel disconnected from people you once relied on. Maybe you have lost a loved one through death and you feel your heart is breaking. You are not alone with what you are feeling! This Angel is with you right now to help you find a new and better job. This Angel is with you to bring about reconciliation or a new, healthier circle of friends that are truly friends for you. This Angel is with you right now to help you understand that death is not an end, and that the love you have shared with the person who has crossed is still very much alive and well, and that it will help you to feel this connection you still share with them. It may appear to you right now that your situation is hopeless, that nothing good could possibly come out of it. This Angel has appeared to let you know that there is an unlimited number of solutions, an unlimited amount of support, an unlimited amount of healing available to you right now. All you need do is feel your heart open to it, even a smidgen of opening will do. This Angel will sail straight into your life and begin to help you put all the pieces of the puzzle back together! 

Your Life Always Flows Better When You Love Yourself

It may also be that currently you have nothing major happening in your life and you may be wondering why this Angel appeared for you. It may be a "head's up" that a situation is looming that can be averted if you pay attention to the signs and signals around you now. Maybe you have not been feeling very kindly towards yourself, and need to be more loving towards the most important person in your life, YOU! In my own life experience, I have found that emergencies and problems are created in my life when I neglect to do what is good and right for me in favour of helping someone else when my own intuition is sending up red flags. If this is true for you as well, this Angel has come to say that it's okay for you to look after you and in that process, you are truly helping others learn how to stand on their own two feet as well! Not being good to yourself is saying to the Universe that you don't deserve to have good. You DO deserve only the best in life, no matter who you are or what you may have done in your life! The Universe only knows love for you and wants you to feel that same love for yourself! 

Another reason this Angel may have appeared is that you have been hearing warning words that your employer is not doing well financially and it may be that you need to start looking for a new job. Start now, don't wait! Practical actions taken early on can prevent larger problems down the line. Or maybe you have not been feeling healthy and fit, what can you do to help your body feel better? Do you need more rest? Drink more fluids or eat healthier foods? Do you need to exercise? All of these things can help stave off potential problems.


Think about what is happening in your life right now and ask yourself, what have I been sensing or feeling that I do need to change? Please be very honest with yourself on this! Neither this Angel or the Universe is going to judge you for the answers that come to your mind. They are hoping you WILL come to these answers so that you don't need to suffer over events later on. Some of these answers may be very uncomfortable for you and you may even be afraid of hurting someone else if you are honest with yourself. Yet you also need to know that what is really for your Higher Good, is also going to be for the Higher Good of everyone else around you, even though you can't see how. This Angel can see how and will do its level best to show you if you will allow it to! 

What to watch for with this Angel's presence: 

You feel something is trying to get your attention, that there is a sense of a problem on the horizon. Try tuning into the energy of this Angel and ask how you may avoid an emergency by heeding it's advice and wisdom now. 

When facing an emergency, you find that there are people that appear who truly want to be of help to you. Let them! You may be able to return the favour or help someone else later on by learning from these "Angels in disguise" what someone can do to be of support. 

You may have a strong sense even in the midst of total chaos that things are really going to be okay. Hang onto this feeling as much as you can for the lifeline it truly is! 

Seek out individuals or support groups, folks that understand what you are going through. Searching via the Internet is a wonderful place to start, and will help you to understand that you are not alone in any of this. Other folks have been through it too and made it, so will you! 

Other ways to work with the energy of this Angel is to sit quietly and ask for advice and guidance as to what you can do to help yourself through this situation. Some of the ideas that come through to you may not make much sense initially, please just trust in where you are being led though as this Angel see's the whole picture where we only see a small portion of it. Ask yourself, what good can come out of this situation? How can I use what is happening to create more good in the world for myself and others? How I can be totally here for myself right now? What do I need to do for me in this situation? (and don't feel selfish about this, it's really okay!) The most important thing you can do right now is ask for help. If you don't know where to turn, turn to this Angel and soon you will find that there is far more help and support and solutions that you may ever have dreamed possible!




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