Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 2 April 2012

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/02/2012 - 04:54


Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 2 April 2012


There is an air of buoyancy and exuberance as the waves of celestial motion begin to wane. We should all be feeling a nice slow down from the celestial rapport that just took place. As always when we receive an energy surge and are sent soaring and bumping into another layer of photonic expansion we eventually are granted a rest period. With the absence of looming cosmic challenges this week we can get back to what truly gives each of us pleasure. This week is about integrating the creativity, the multidimensionality, the oneness of our nature, and larger truths of existence that came in during March. And while the Higher Nature of us does that we get to play. You will find yourself subjectively moving into activities that you enjoy – recess has been called and we get to forget about our ascension schoolwork for a time.

Play and bliss are states that will allow us to fully integrate the fresh quickening energies of Spring.  Play is an act of power that lightens up inner rigidity, centers us when we are feeling overwhelmed, and connects our chakras to the Universal energy flow. It is not stupid or silly or a waste time. When we do it, we are literally moving the life force within us from a stuck position to a new heightened state of consciousness. While you are going about your daily chores and work assignments, allow a sense of play to shine through your consciousness. We have just been on a cosmic roller coaster ride which had us open our minds, be in our bodies, and expand our spiritual perspectives even further. Intending to remain in a pleasurable mood for the day will give you a well-deserved boost and sense of balance and optimism.

Some might still feel a little queasy or light-headed from the last week’s ride sosit until your composure returnsWhen you are ready, get back to the task of invigorating your human light field with peace, harmony, beauty, and gratitude for all things. Balance your joyful intakes of Life with sending out healing thoughts and prayers to mankind and the kingdoms of nature for this is how we anchor the powerful ascension process in the here and now. Meditate for peace of mind, strength of body and dig a little deeper into your metaphysical studies while waiting for the green light of restoration.

I believe everyone is feeling the rumblings and stirrings of a New type of conscious awareness that has emerged to replace old, worn out concepts, beliefs, and attitudes. We have returned to a time when the people of Earth will once again enjoy greater perceptual acuity and a far superior use of their minds and memories. The third-dimensional mind has become hypnotized by specific beliefs and agreements supplied by education, religion and television to the degree that the innate spiritual abilities and life experiences of our ancestral ways has faded to incomprehensible. To rectify this shortcoming current energies and events of the ascension are compelling all of humanity toward a maturation of awareness and a reclaiming of our Trueness.

Our recovery from recent cosmic jangling of Light also means that you and I are not the energetic being we were before March. Because of the latest and greatest metamorphic alignments and activations everything that lives within your realm of thought is now projected louder to others. You are now conducting an orchestra of energy via your own Light transmissions that has a powerful ripple effect. Each angry thought that you conjure reverberates throughout the Universe; each heartfelt blessing that is uttered is also felt throughout the Universes. When you are in a situation and those around you are complaining and in unrest and you can sense the bigger issue, you can now easily become the gift and fill yourself with the holographic image of what you feel their soul needs. By you becoming what you feel they need in their heart for a moment, as they pass your desk, your car, your home, etc. then you give them the gift of a non-invasive blessing and healing takes place — balance returns.

During these swiftly changing times we are helping others to heal, to see joy, to find love, to cure what ails them by every thought we generate. Yes, it is true we are releasing and eliminating the unnecessary aspects of both personal and collective reality. It is also true, every previous letting go has created astounding leaps into new vibrations of Trueness; what we now wear energetically is sent to each person we interact with. We have emerged into a climate of consciousness in which we can deliberately create auric fields that benefit the world as well as ourselves. Imagine someone next to you in a store who is sad of heart — you sense they do not see a reason to live, life is too hard. As you psychically pick up on this you can begin to create the essence of heartfelt love in your own energy field, as you do they begin to shift. Aware that the emotion is lifting you are able to determine the level of joy that is filling their heart and you know they have refreshed their agreement with life. What a blessing you have just given!

As the new week allows you to settle peacefully remember the holiness of your Being. You are the very spark of Divinity opening the heart of a new time and space. Know that every thought is a prayer and every prayer is something that is energetically fulfilled. Do your best to honor who you are!

Open to all possibilities as we unwind into something more beautiful than we have ever been–

©2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff, All Rights Reserved.


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