~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-04-2012 – ‪Love come back as Love, fear as fear ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 15:44


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-04-2012 – ‪Love come back as Love, fear as fear ~





by ANdReA




Greetings Love Beings.
Love energies are coming in as announced. This means everyone that’s connected to Love in the Oneness Energy is now Living intense and wonderful experiences.  Those who are not connected in, will find themselves struggling even more. This is because Love won’t accept anything that is not Love to manifest in Love. So be aware of the fact that every thought, action, direction that is not coming from Love will return to the sender immediately. This means that those that try to create fear, rage, separation, isolation, lies... will face exactly what they were trying to create. Time is up and noone trying to hold on on illusion will be allowed to do so as Love has taken Back Her Planet. They’ll have to face their acts immediately. Lessons have to be learned Now... or leave. No place for anything but Love. For Love is the only Truth Present Now.
Share Truth=Love and you’ll get back Truth=Love. Share illusion=fear and you’ll get back illusion=fear. Love’s here for you=all to enjoy.
Why not take the chance?








Updated 4/4/2012 @ 14:10 UTC

Solar Update
Solar activity remains very low with only B-Class X-Ray activity detected mostly around Sunspot 1450 and region 1451. The leader spot located within 1450 did show some growth over the past 24 hours. There will be a chance for C-Class flares.

Possible minor CME impact

A magnetic filament connected to sunspot AR1450 erupted on April 2nd, hurling a faint CME in the direction of Earth. This CME has a northerly trajectory and is not expected to be geoeffective. However, a weak impact is expected sometime on April 4th as it can be seen on CME forecast. NOAA forecasters estimate a ~25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives.

Southwest Limb Prominence (Tuesday) - Ron Cottrell





‪‪Hot and cold: A Britain of two halves as heavy snowfall covers Scotland in white - while England still enjoys unseasonal warmth

Snow is predicted to fall in northern England and Ireland and possibly in the Midlands and Wales, after around eight inches (19cm) came down across parts of Scotland.

© Gordon Jack / Scotimage.com

Treacherous: The driving conditions became dangerous as more than six inches of snow hit parts of Scotland, forcing emergency services to attend a number of accidents, including a seven vehicle pileup on the Newmill and Canthill Road near Shotts

It is very much a 'Tale of Two Britains' today, as Scotland and England bask and shiver respectively in very different weather.

While England continues to enjoy warm spring conditions, Scotland is facing sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfall.

England should not feel too smug - the icy weather is likely to forge south, bringing an end to the burst of unseasonal warmth that has lit up the country over the last week.

But this will not be enough to alleviate the much-publicised drought in England. A hose-pipe ban is still set to be introduced on Thursday.

After a week of record highs north of the border, where temperatures were hotter than Athens, Bermuda, Cairo, Lisbon and Rome, Scotland has been plunged back to winter.

The Met Office has issued an amber severe weather warning for snow in four areas of central and northern Scotland, advising the public to be prepared for transport disruption with ice developing on untreated roads.

More than six inches of snow fell in the space of four hours in parts of Scotland overnight as an Arctic weather front bore down on the UK.

Today it was revealed last month was the third warmest March on record and was only outshone by 1938 and 1957. It had an average temperature of 7.7C, compared with March 1938, which had an average of 8C. It was also the fifth driest and third sunniest March.

But now forecasters are warning Britons to get their jumpers and scarves back out with temperatures set to plummet to as low as -5C tonight as the big chill moves south.

Around 10cm of snow has carpeted most parts of northern Scotland overnight, with accumulations of 17cm recorded in Aviemore in the Highlands and temperatures of close to -2C in Glen Ogle.


Update: Storm Lashes Japan, Killing 4, Grounding Flights


A powerful storm lashed Japan with heavy rain and strong winds, killing four people and paralyzing air and train traffic in Tokyo, officials said Wednesday.

The spring storm swept across Japan's main island of Honshu on Tuesday, with winds of more than 144 kilometers (89 miles) per hour -- typhoon strength. The Meteorological Agency said the storm had left the region by Wednesday, but it urged caution as strong winds would persist in parts of northern Japan.

Two people were killed in separate warehouse collapses in Toyama in the north and Kagawa in the south on Tuesday. Police reported two more deaths overnight -- an elderly man who fell off a roof in Iwate and a woman crushed to death by a fallen tree in nearby Miyagi.

Officials said hundreds more were injured across the country.

The storm had brought commuter train service to a halt and grounded more than 500 flights in and around Tokyo. Train service returned to normal Wednesday but about 70 more flights were canceled.

Cooling of a spent fuel storage pool each at two separate nuclear power plants in northern Japan temporarily stopped when pumps stopped due to power failure, but resumed in about 30 minutes without affecting safety, their operator Tohoku Electric Power Co. said.

The Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant that suffered meltdowns at three reactors after last year's tsunami was unaffected by the storm.

Source: The Associated Press


Tornado-Wrecked Dallas Begins Assessing Damage

© ABC News

Click Here to Watch Video

US: Dallas, Texas - The tornado hurtled toward the nursing home. Physical therapist Patti Gilroy said she saw the swirling mass barreling down through the back door, after herding patients into the hallway in the order trained: walkers, wheelchairs, then beds.

"It wasn't like a freight train like everybody says it is," said Gilroy, who rounded up dozens to safety at Green Oaks Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. "It sounded like a bomb hit. And we hit the floor, and everybody was praying. It was shocking."

A destructive reminder of a young tornado season Wednesday left thousands without power and hundreds of homes pummeled or worse Wednesday, after the National Weather Service said as many as a dozen twisters touched down in a wrecking-ball swath of violent weather that stretched across Dallas and Fort Worth. Despite the intensity of the slow-moving storms, as of late Tuesday no fatalities or serious injuries had been reported, though there were several less serious injuries.

The exact number of tornadoes Tuesday wasn't expected to be known until surveyors fanned across North Texas, looking for clues among the debris that blanketed yards and rooftops peeled off slats.

The Red Cross put a preliminary estimate of damaged homes at 650. In the southern Dallas suburb of Lancaster, where damage was especially widespread, around 150 people remained in a shelter Tuesday night.

"I guess 'shock' is probably a good word," Lancaster Mayor Marcus Knight said.

Tornadoes raked the region just as the usual peak of the tornado season is kicking off. April is typically the worst in a season that stretches from March to June, said National Weather Service meteorologist Matt Bishop. He added that Tuesday's outburst suggest that "we're on pace to be above normal."

An entire wing at the Green Oaks nursing home in Arlington crumbled. Stunning video from Dallas showed big-rig trailers tossed into the air and spiraling like footballs. At the Cedar Valley Christian Center church in Lancaster, Pastor Glenn Young said he cowered in a windowless room with 30 children from a daycare program, some of them newborns.

Ten people in Lancaster were injured, two of them severely, said Lancaster police officer Paul Beck. Three people were injured in Arlington, including two Green Oaks residents taken to a hospital with minor injuries, Arlington Assistant Fire Chief Jim Self said.

Gilroy said the blast of wind through Green Oaks lasted about 10 seconds. She described one of her co-workers being nearly "sucked out" while trying to get a patient out of the room at the moment the facility was hit.

Joy Johnston was also there, visiting her 79-year-old sister.

"Of course the windows were flying out, and my sister is paralyzed, so I had to get someone to help me get her in a wheelchair to get her out of the room," she said.

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport canceled hundreds of flights and diverted others heading its way. In one industrial section of Dallas, rows of empty tractor-trailers crumpled like soda cans littered a parking lot.

"The officers were watching the tornadoes form and drop," Kennedale police Chief Tommy Williams said. "It was pretty active for a while."

About 12,600 homes in Arlington alone remained without power late Tuesday, said Tiara Ellis Richard, a police spokeswoman for the city.

Most of Dallas was spared the full wrath of the storm. Yet in Lancaster, television helicopters panned over exposed homes without roofs and flattened buildings. Residents could be seen walking down the street with firefighters and peering into homes, looking at the damage after the storm passed.

American Airlines canceled more than 450 arriving and departing flights at its DFW airport hub by late Tuesday afternoon, and 37 other incoming flights had been diverted to different airports.

DFW Airport spokesman David Magana said more than 110 planes were damaged by hail. It wasn't clear how many belonged to American Airlines, but American and American Eagle had pulled 101 planes out of service for hail-damage inspections.

Flights also were canceled at Dallas Love Field, which is a big base for Southwest Airlines. That airline canceled more than 45 flights in and out of the airport by Tuesday evening.

Meteorologists said the storms were the result of a slow-moving storm system centered over northern New Mexico.

Source: The Associated Press


Flash Flood in New Zealand on Wednesday, 04 April, 2012 at 04:45 (04:45 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:  FF-20120404-34765-NZL

Event type:       Flash Flood

Date/Time:       Wednesday, 04 April, 2012 at 04:45 (04:45 AM) UTC

Cause of event:            Tropical Cyclone effect

Damage level:  Minor

Geographic information

Continent:        Australia & New-Zealand

Country:           New Zealand

County / State: Northland

Area:    North-Eastern region





Small tremor rattles buildings in Shanghai

April 4, 2012 – SHANGHAI – A 1.2-magnitude earthquake hit Shanghai Monday night just as a brief thunderstorm struck, causing no casualties but raising public concern online because of the coincidental timing. It also happened to occur a day after the local seismological bureau had dismissed any possibility that Shanghai might suffer serious damages should another major tsunami be unleashed by a powerful earthquake off Japan. A prediction by a Japanese government-commissioned panel of another big Japan earthquake had made headlines in local media, with locals fearing the predicted 34-meter-high tsunami waves, caused by a potential 9.0-magnitude earthquake near the Japanese coast, would inundate Shanghai. Just as locals breathed a sigh of relief reading a no-worry clarification from the seismological authority, many were surprised Monday night to feel several seconds of strong building shaking from the local earthquake. The city’s seismological bureau said the 1.2-magnitude quake took place at 11:27pm, with the epicenter in Minhang District at a depth of just 10 kilometers. Given its shallow depth, the slight-magnitude quake was still obvious enough to be felt by many locals, seismological officials said. “Did I just feel an earthquake? Who else felt the same?” read a post, and many like it, sweeping through Weibo.com, a twitter-like social-networking platform, minutes after the quake. Curious netizens discussed the scope of affected areas by reporting where they felt it. Since the quake hit amid a heavy thunderstorm and gales, many tried to comfort others online by suggesting the quake was really just a powerful thunderbolt. Seismological officials said yesterday that quakes of such magnitude occur about five times a year in Shanghai and are caused by routine movements of the Earth’s crust to release stress. Most local buildings are able to resist shaking from earthquakes measuring up to 5.5 magnitude. Given the current trend of only weak earthquakes in the region, chances of Shanghai being hit by magnitude 5 or more powerful quake is rather low, said the seismological bureau. –English East




Dramatic increase in activity reported at Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz volcano

April 4, 2012 – COLOMBIA - Nevado del Ruiz seems to be getting closer to a new eruption. INGEOMINAS reports that during the last week, there has been a significant increase in the activity of the volcano, which can be summarized as follows: From March 27, there have been phases of volcanic tremor pulses related probably to deep magma movements. Since the last week, there were seismic signals interpreted with rock fracturing, i.e. dike intrusions, located west of the active crater. Similar seismic activity was observed prior to the eruptions in November 1985 and September 1989, although this time it is less energetic. On March 29 at 10:54 local time, for a period of 25 minutes, there were over 135 earthquakes located south of Arenas crater at a depth of about 4 km. From 04:00 am local time on 31 March, there has been a significant increase in seismicity of events associated with fluid movements and fracturing of rock located in the active crater. SO2 emissions continue at high levels. According to the diagnosis made so far, INGEOMINAS expects an eruption in the coming weeks, but smaller in size than those in November 1985 and September 1989. –Volcano Discovery


Ambrym volcano on Vanuatu showing signs of activity

Ambrym (Vanuatu) is showing signs of activity. After a longer period of silence on Modvolc, a strong thermal signal is again visible at Marum and Benbow craters on the MODIS Global Hot Spot monitoring tool from the University of Hawaii (ModVolc). It is difficult to obtain reliable information about the lava lakes of Ambrym during cyclone season (November until March). Often, large clouds cover the island, which makes visual observations hard. Also, our local contacts rarely climb the volcano during cyclone season. (VolcanoDiscovery)

Ambrym, a large basaltic volcano with a 12-km-wide caldera, is one of the most active volcanoes of the New Hebrides arc. A thick, almost exclusively pyroclastic sequence, initially dacitic, then basaltic, overlies lava flows of a pre-caldera shield volcano. The caldera was formed during a major plinian eruption with dacitic pyroclastic flows about 1900 years ago. Post-caldera eruptions, primarily from Marum and Benbow cones, have partially filled the caldera floor and produced lava flows that ponded on the caldera floor or overflowed through gaps in the caldera rim. Post-caldera eruptions have also formed a series of scoria cones and maars along a fissure system oriented ENE-WSW. Eruptions have apparently occurred almost yearly during historical time from cones within the caldera or from flank vents. However, from 1850 to 1950, reporting was mostly limited to extra-caldera eruptions that would have affected local populations. (GVP)





5.5   2012/04/04 20:27:29         NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA


If you missed our last energy update:




‪ Love Youself and Love as ONE. With All The Love I AM~



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at least that's my explanation and experience. i have a sister who tries her best to get over people and lies so much that she believes it herself. my mom has a golden heart and she tries so hard to take care of my sister and me but she covers her eyes when it comes to my sister. i try to show my mom that she is doing wrong when she protects my sister. my mom's oldest daughter died very young and it has made her to be unrealistic when it comes to my sisters resposibilities. so lately i have been doing alot of toughlove. i hope this will stop the draining of my finances, release my stress and make my sister walk on her own two feet knowing if she screws up, she will have to pay the piper or accept the consequences. which could mean no home to live in, no car to drive and ect.


be for the Love of Truth. Love calls a spade a spade. If you behave in a certain way in order to get specific results... it won't work. Behave fro Love sake and the Universe will create the Best outcome for All. Elevate to the higher picture and do not set the outcome. For setting the outcome is wanting to take the weel again and again. The Universe knowe what the best for ALL involved in any situation is. Follow the flow... and All will be in it's best place.


We Love You and thank you for sharing Love.


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