~We Have Pushed the Accelaration Button~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 10:43

Greetings Love Beings, As Promised we successfully broke through all the resistant energies last night. We have now pushed the acceleration button. What this means is All is a Go and Here we Go. Synchronostically, during these same moments of our Breakthrough the Sun sent 3 blasts. We are still waiting the results to see if indeed these are earth directed. We will have to See. We will have more about all of this in our Next Update. Keep your Hearts open and Stay tuned In. Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff~ We are Your Earth Allies


~SCIENTIFIC PROOF~ We’re Not From The Milky Way Galaxy! We’re Sagittarians, Say Scientists! What Of Earth's Future




The New Star Map showing our Solar System (yellow circle) to be
at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.
Univ of Virginia


"This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way," Steven Majewski, U.Va. Professor of astronomy said. "Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."

It came as a shock when…..


scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!



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UfO/News team


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Don't Blame Me! Another Msg from Sisters of Stars


On the strengths of the connecting vibraitonal love between the Pleiadians and earth loves at this time, herein lies another picture. The sisters offer this one vision which, they say will touch many, not to push buttons, loves, but to help you see...  the veil has been very thick and you don't need to blame yourselves.


The first vision is a tool you can use if you run into chaos within your family groups or other extended families.  It will work with any size group, even 2. 


A veiled hu-man "protection devise" has been a thing called BLAME. The use of blaming others has been the most solid illusions which has kept love separated for eons. Peoples of various cultures, even today, use this technique to transmute the powerful energy block by the use of blame. This is also true of blaming yourself... you keep yourself from loving yourself.  


So now that you can even accept that I am going to talk about blame, and you haven't shut off the site, let's move on as a scenario is presented.  Because, what you can bring into your awareness here and if you choose to take a stand for harmony it is an easy thing to do. 


There might come a time soon where city blocks are out of electricity for an extended period of time. Imagine all different personalities, old and young, men and women, scared, frustrated, maybe hungry and now, not able to fall asleep at Facebook. We know personalities who are in your tiospaye (group) who would more than likely fit this descriptiion.   Now suppose you are the only lightworker in the group... how would you bring others to a center of harmony so that plans can be made, constructively. You need them and they need you so you cannot just run away... in fact for a few days, no one can use the electronic gas pumps. 



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Sananda~One Who Serves ~ Changes Now Imminent



Sananda~One Who Serves ~ Changes Now Imminent

Brilliant Repost



I am Sananda.  The time that you and we have been waiting for such a long time is now fast approaching and upon us.  We have been waiting and preparing a very long time for these moments to come.  All is in readiness, and the great plan of the creator for this planet and mankind is about to be realized. All that has been planned, is now coming to fruition and all the pieces are coming together.  All of this has been orchestrated and you each one, are now ready to play your part and have been playing your part.  Your main focus is soon to come into play.  All that you have planned and prepared for over these many lifetimes and certainly in this life also, is now here.



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~THE ESSENCE OF THE ALL WHICH IS DIVINE~ How We Got to The Milky Way Galaxy~



~How We Got to The Milky Way Galaxy~













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Everything we think is so important may become merely amusing in Spirit, so when we are in Heaven, we may hear a humorous chuckle inside, at all our former thinking and devotions. Yet giving fully expands out, within, and receives from infinite love inside limitless gratitude, so it may seem that every life treasure may become a forgiveness blessing to experience outside love limits for the sake of turning in.




One in the Middle of Three Times Three Times Three   



To Come to; Come to; Come to; From Come from; Come from; Come from; To


Rest in the middle of To; From; To


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A common vegetable cures skin cancer



A common vegetable cures skin cancer



NaturalNews) When it comes to skin cancer, Big Pharma offers only topical chemo creams and surgery. The chemo creams often don't work but often do cause ugly, painful side effects. Removing skin cancer tumors surgically usually results with tumors resurfacing sooner or later. Surgeries often leave ugly scars.

However, there are inexpensive, effective, safe cures for curing skin cancer that are banned by the mainstream medical monopoly, which are not publicized by the mainstream media.

A relatively new remedy, BEC5, is a spin off from an Australian folk remedy for farm animals. It is available to anyone online. It uses the phyotonutrients extracted from eggplants. Clinical trials and anecdotal testimonies confirmed BEC5's efficacy and safety on basal cell and squamous cell cancers.

Melanoma is the least common but most dangerous skin cancer with the highest morbidity rate. It can metastasize into internal organs. The maker and distributors for BEC5 make no claims for curing melanoma so far. But at least one person who made a homemade version that anyone can make claimed it cured his melanoma.

The homemade remedy involves a solution of vinegar and eggplant that extracts the same phyotonutrient glycocides and glycoalkaloids contained in BEC5 directly from the eggplant. The glycoalkaloids penetrate cancer cells selectively and destroy them. Normal cells are left alone.



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The Grand Alignment: Part 2


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-05-2012 – ‪Sing your way to Heaven on Earth



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-05-2012 – Sing your way to Heaven on Earth ~





by ANdReA


Greetings Love Beings,

ready to sing your way to Heaven on Earth?


Can you feel the Love tonight?



Imagine Heaven on Earth?


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Rev. Nancy Detweiler: A One-Time Letter to Ministers of All Religions




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Note: This is Mr. Comet Watch's new site (he still has the old one)


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Ben Gilroy, Irish government served summons


On Tuesday 27th March Ben Gilroy, John Squires and 'People for Economic Justice' served a summons on the Irish government to answer charges of illegal activity over the bank bailout. The bailout is illegal under Bunreacht Na hEireann, the Irish Constitution.
It is also illegal under international law.
An injunction was applied for to prevent the payment of a €3.1 billion euro Anglo bond due to be paid this Saturday 31st March 2012.
The judge has given two weeks for the State to respond.

Please support Ben and John and People for Economic Justice in any way you can. The economic situation in Ireland has been caused by illegal activity. Those responsible must be held responsible, and the payments must be stopped.
Fine Gael were elected on the promise of stopping this madness but have not done so. 

Constitution halts sheriff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpUjl4LvQM8&feature=relmfu

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Italian Northern League Leader Umberto Bossi Resigns ~ 5.4.12




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EARTH ALLIES REPORT: 5.4.12... Latest News … Miracles & Inspiration … Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life



GFP Commentary:

Today the greatest surprise directly came  from hearts of  these wonderful souls: Scott and Dan from their site : http://miraclesandinspiration.com/index.html


I felt this report was written with utmost love and joy, which is so freely shared with all of US... 


Give it a try, read to the last paragraph and You will feel the truth coming from these words... 


If not satisfied, money return guaranteed!... or not to worry, you will get something from this that is much more valuable than any currency or precious metal presently on fake money markets...


This article is written by pure heart, and I am so honored that I AM posting it as full EARTH ALLIES Report for today...



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Won't You Please Help Charles? (Got Time For A Giggle?)


Won't You Please Help Charles? (Got Time For A Giggle?)


While we have a bit of a lull in the energy flow this evening, I thought I'd share some humour with you~ enjoy! LOL :)




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Scott Mowry: Epic Paradigm Shift Poised to Unfold Within US and World Imminently




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~5~12 Love's Law is the Only Law on this Planet~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~5~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Love's Law is the Only Law on this Planet~




Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday we began the Broadcast Transmissions from our Starships, which are placed, Cloaked across Earth's Atmosphere. This is a Divinely Planned Event, through our Divine Intervention and A Great Gift we are sending to All of Humanity. However, if they are not connected to the Planet and The Oneness Energy, they will be unable to experience these Gifts.


~Artwork By Father God~ Here is Love Looking at You, Incoming~



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YOU have to watch this.. TELL PEOPLE.. REMEMBER THIS! (SHARE)


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~Your Multidimensional Operating System~


~Your Multidimensional Operating System~


By Dr Suzan Caroll

April 4, 2012


To function as your full Multidimensional SELF, you must become the Master of Your Energy.

In other words, every thought, emotion, intention and reaction must be love-based in order to maintain a state of consciousness that is high enough to read your Multidimensional Operating System. If you cannot read this system you will not be able to maintain your conscious perception and interaction with the fifth dimension and beyond. This is not a punishment, but merely the Law of Resonance. You must consciously calibrate your attention to a higher frequency in order to consciously perceive that which was formerly known as “Spirit.”



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NYSE Liffe chair to step down next month



NYSE Liffe chair to step down next month



LONDON, April 3 | Tue Apr 3, 2012 4:27am EDT



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Zen Gardner – NASA Mystified By Enormous Energy Field




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The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ April 6




Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions

Full Moon - Friday, April 6  


 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Manifestation


New opportunities are available now

What do you desires? You have asked your angels to help you and we are working with you now to create the opportunities you desire. Look for them, for they are there in your feelings, your dreams and your visions. This is the perfect time to focus on whatever you want to create, be it material things, health and healing, answers and guidance.

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We are The One~ GLR~ Kris~Won



We would like to take advantage of this opportunity given to us to write a few lines to you, to publicly express our profound gratitude to our Stellar Brethren.

Hello, friends from the surface!


Once again, I am contacting you within the framework of a close communication between the underwater world and the surface world.


Those of my race are brimming with happiness and an indescribable joy for the way the new ocean and sea water situation has developed. And we owe all of this to our beloved brethren from outer space, who, with the help of their amphibious ships and impressive technology have worked very hard - almost without a rest, I would say - in order to help all the inhabitants of our dear blue planet, especially those of us who have the ocean as our natural habitat.


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Ringing our own bell by SophiaLove




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Common Dreams Report ~ Worldwide Opposition to Monsanto Growing




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Galactics Now Authorized To Stop War




Steve Beckow – Galactics Now Authorized To Stop War – 5 April 2012


SaLuSa’s message of April 4, 2012, is interesting from a number of vantage points and I wanted to explore one of those with you. In it, SaLuSa stated that the karmic restraints on the galactics preventing them so far from stopping all warfare on Earth have now been lifted. SaLuSa say that here:

“Already the different countries and their governments have been made to understand that aggression must stop, and that we are authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure there is peace. Hitherto, our intervention on your behalf was curtailed for karmic reasons, but now by Divine decree we are able to enforce the plan for your spiritual evolution.” (1)

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Kauilapele Message…”Message for this Moment of Time”


 Kauilapele Message…”Message for this Moment of Time”

This one (Kp) has recently not been in the “channeling” mode, or even in the message-receiving mode. Not sure why. But just at this moment I heard, “We are sending you something tonight. Be ready to write.” So here I am sitting here before my computer, waiting to scribe what comes.


Message for this Moment of Time

[4-3-12, 2353 HST]

We welcome all who read this message, given through this communicator that lives on the island called “Hawaii”, in Hawaii. We are not saying precisely where we are from, as that is irrelevant to this message. We will say that we are from a group of Higher Dimensional beings that has collected here around your planet to assist in the final crustal adjustment for your planet.


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4/5/2012 -- LAVA HITS THE BACK SIDE ! LARGE eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano in Japan


April 2 - 4th 2012 --- Sakurajima Volcano in Japan..... we see a series of LARGE explosive eruptions --- covering the mountainside with a thick layer of ejected lava.... launching projectiles thousands of feet through the air... plus a heavy amount of static discharge lightning. Notice the BACK SIDE of the volcano (the upper right hand screen).. gets a large chunk of lava thrown down on the forested mountainside.. possibly starting some fires in the trees. I've never personally seen lava hit the backside of this mountain.


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Galactic Federation Of Light Saul Apr 04 2012


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BAD SLAVE 144,000



If we merely be kind to each other and especially be kind in a way that reverses social norms and reverses our normalcy bias, then what better way can we know just what to do to do the next best right thing? Really being kind in a secret way so we cannot even take any credit for our renewing compassion is a way to really be kind with only a motive of love to learn to love and learn to live loved. Like how about looking inside at the thing that looks just like the ones we seem to dislike the most and embrace that precise equality thing about ourselves and ask for help to take that exact bite right out of our fake smile.


My nemesis is all about my parent’s inequalities and until I embraced their disrespects of me in them, I couldn’t even begin to love again with equality of myself and that same seeming inequality in all others. It seems that my narcissism in me that made me a slave to my mother this life kept me from embracing the mother in me that comes from way back in a life as another mother myself like my mother in this life. How sweet it can become when we forgive our mother that we also forgive over old canvass as a mother ourselves without paying the ultimate price for any regular old famous painting.



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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 04-05-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Greetings Love Beings!

Did I not know... I would smile. Thus, I Know... and smiling becomes difficult when you see how hard some try to fight against Love. As soon as there’s an increase in Love energy those that don’t want to let go think they can in some ways fight back. Well, I have news for you: it’s impossible. The only thing that can be obtained is raising your own difficulties... what for? Did you not have enough of difficult times that you’re still looking for more? You all knew what’s coming... you knew that for centuries. And you also know that there’s no such thing like “fighting” against Love. Love IS. Love is ALL. Love is not something that can be fought against. You can only fight against yourself... and loose, in pain. It’s what you create for yourself...


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What Oneness looks like


The climate right now is radically shifting – hot to cold, wet to dry.  As we realize our unity what first occurs is that the sharpness of definition between things becomes crystal clear.  There is no question of a middle ground.  You’ll see either black or white.  Unity does not mean everything is gray.  Oneness is not a compromise, it is a fact.


So how does this work?  First it must be understood that nothing will be given up as our consciousness shifts.  We will still enjoy contrast as individual expression becomes the order of the day.  Conformity will not be expected or taught to our children.  We will experience freedom and inside of freedom there exists an infinite number of possibilities; fast, slow, hot, cold, black, white and a thousand shades of gray. Diversity in physical appearance will explode with possibilities as we open our eyes to our galactic brethren.  Energy sources, modes of transportation, types of clothing, food and lifestyle include a host of possibilities we’ve yet to witness.


As we shift we will not become homogeneous, but like a bunch of gumballs in a glass dispenser – made of the same stuff yet distinctly, beautifully, colorfully different and all headed in the same ultimate direction. 


We will not lose our identity but discover who we are – who we are without the rules and shoulds and separators.  It will all be okay, in fact, it is okay right now.  You are everything you came to be.  Whether or not you passed the test or satisfied any expectation has never been the point. The direction you are headed is awareness, and you can get there from anywhere. Until you are free to experience every facet of your being, you will remain in the dark.



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Meredith Murphy – Message From Sanat Kumara



Tuesday, 3 April, 2012  

I, dear ones, am Sanat Kumara and I speak to you with great love and with great resonance--for Venus, my home planet is near to you on Earth and the empowerment of this transmission is greatly amplified by this presence, so resonant and infusing of my own energies.

Transmissions such as these empower you. They empower you because they validate your innate sense of your true nature, and they illuminate pathways of realizing this, noticing this, remembering this, so you might come forth into fullness in this lifetime, as you intended. Aho!

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Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Slams Media for Libelous Coverage



Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Slams Media for Libelous Coverage

- Common Dreams staff

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange said today that he’s made 75 official complaints over shoddy reporting of his extradition battle.

Assange claims he has been subjected to inaccurate and libelous media coverage. Assange itemized the complaints in a written statement to Britain’s judge-led inquiry into media ethics, which is examining the standards and practices of the UK’s scandal-ridden press.

Assange said in a statement released Thursday that he had been subjected to “ongoing, widespread inaccurate and negative media coverage.”

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New York Fed: Brian Sack Is Out – One more resignation!...




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Obama and Nichelle Nichols Pose for ‘Star Trek’ themed Picture (PHOTO)


President Obama meets with Nichelle Nichols, also known as Lieutenant Uhura of Star Trek.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Perfect Time


Now is the perfect moment



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Say - Grandmother's Back - Mad Love with Nate Stevens


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The Fingerprint of God


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Calling all dreamers and optimistic fools
Don't let go of your dream make it now make it all come true
If you believe in a brighter day
I know we can find our way

To this island, in a starry ocean
Poetry in motion, this island earth
Spinnin' like a dancer, gravity is the answerRead more

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 6 April 2012




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Lenny Kravitz - I Build This Garden For Us THANK YOU LENNY!!! I WANT TO PLAY MUSIC WITH YOU!!


Written by: Lenny Kravitz

In this garden
This lovely garden
I build a temple of love
Walk with the Father
Won't be a bother
The Christ Energies of love, gratitude, graciousness and honour of the experience you are having on this earthly plane right now. It may be difficult for you and we know for some it is a painful time, but we invite you to sit quietly and link into the glorious golden, shining, sparkly, shimmering light of the Christ Energies, feel yourself enfolded, supported, loved and held in these magnificent energies and see your aura aglow with the brilliance of this light.


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Magnetic Acceleration = Earth Events. A Message From The Guardians


Magnetic Acceleration = Earth Events. A Message From The Guardians




A message from the Guardians and Pleiadians:

In this super accelerated time on earth, every thing is changing rapidly.  Altho it is amplified most especially within this month of April, the acceleration truly started on 11/11/11 and has been building ever since.


There is always a series of cause and effect that plays out on earth, how could it not?  We feel it first and foremost in our body structures.  Don’t think for a single second earth is not receiving this amplified energy as well.  She is and has been letting us know it for a while.


On 11/11/11 people from all around the world was in focused meditation and states of Being.  This opened the full doorway to the higher light being flooded onto earth.  Look at what happened in the USA alone.  All but one state had record warm winters.  New Mexico was the only state that had record cold.



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UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot



UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot


T-39D Sabreliner

by GLR Lee speigel

Huffington Post
Thu, 05 Apr 2012 15:35 CDT


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Visionkeeper ~ Are You Exhausted? ~ 6 April 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Are You Exhausted? ~ 6 April 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)


It seems like we have a great deal coming at us right now and are trying to assimilate everything. We’ve got the solar activity zapping us with information, you have the dark ones creating new and restrictive laws daily, our old and familiar way of seeing the world is  disintegrating, people are loosing it all around us. Seems like a bit much to take on all at once and it can be exhausting. It is important not to get caught up in the daily drama of our soap opera ‘As the insane world turns’. The more you get pulled in the greater your confusion will get and we need clear thinkers right now. We need every ounce of clear thinking energy we can gather together.



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Radar Rings 4/6/2012 200 AM EST


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You have earned every joyous feeling. ~ Yeshua and Michael by Ron Head


    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese


Michael and Yeshua

(Did I receive that correctly?)  Yes.  We are together now.  (I am honored Master.)  I am honored to be here as well.  Often we speak together, but you have not asked.


At the beginning of this weekend we wish to send a message of love and hope to all mankind.  So much of what is happening appears at first glance to be fearful and disturbing.  We would assure all mankind that it is the necessary prelude to the beautiful lives your prayers of thousands of years have brought you.  Always it has been told you, “Every prayer is answered.”  But in the illusion of time and your feelings of separation, you have not perceived it so.  When you begin to understand the oneness and remember making those prayers, you will rejoice in its truth.



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Waiting Around For Universe To Provide… Still Waiting?



Lee-Anne Peters – Waiting Around For Universe To Provide… Still Waiting? 



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~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun no more~ 3 Blasts~


BEST NIGHT IN APRIL FOR STARGAZING: If you have to pick just one night in April to go out and look at the stars, a NASA scientist says it should be April 21st. This week's ScienceCast explains what makes that one night so special: video.


THREE EXPLOSIONS: Three coronal mass ejections (CMEs) blasted away from the sun in quick succession during the late hours of April 5th: movie. The clouds were propelled by magnetic filaments erupting in various locations around the sun's northern hemisphere. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded this explosion, the most potent of the three:



The movie shows a filament connected to sunspot AR1450 rising up and snapping. In the aftermath of the eruption, an arcade of hot-glowing magnetic loops forms over the blast site as a "canyon of fire" illuminates the empty filament channel.


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Thirsty for More!


What is sizzling is kept beneath the surface, while we move forward with day jobs and holidays, purchases and chores that seem at best mediocre and pale in comparison to what we feel is the real “juice”.  Nothing we do on a day to day basis holds much fascination.  We are having a tough time caring.


What’s the point?


The point is whatever we declare to be the point.  All that we’ve created up until now holds relevance as it is our life; no one forced us to create it as we have.  Yes, we’ve been led to believe things that are not, in fact, true, but we’ve had our hands on the wheel the whole time. 


You chose to be here now and experience life in polarity while being conscious of oneness.  The sensations, frustrations, emotions and impatience are par for the course – you set it up like this for the experience!


Oh and what a ride it is!  Extremes of emotion are delicious examples of this humanity.  At a core level we are emotionally driven – it is our focus that births creation – our desires create our life – our beliefs manifest into our day to day.  Let’s enjoy the extremes going on for us right now, energetically participate in each moment and get all the “juice” out of it we can.  We are at choice.  We can ignore, toss aside or deeply feel each interaction.  What will you do?


I have never really been fond of juice oranges.  Give me a Navel orange, every time.  Juice oranges are thin skinned and too much work.  They may be full of juice, but not real tasty to eat and a lot of effort.  When they are in the refrigerator, I mostly ignore them unless I am desperate for fruit and there is nothing left.



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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 04-06-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Greetings Love Beings!


Even if I told you I love you, your mind wouldn´t believe me, if you didn´t love you from your heart.


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