4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 12:32

4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love


Photo By Dawn Christine

4~9~12 Love~Light Message from the celestial team


Beloved, we are here!  No other greeting to our message is necessary, for in truth,  we have never left you.

That is how it is. That is how it has always been. That is how it always will be. We know you experience time in a linear sequence, and so we have greeted you in our “past” messages as if we were coming to you anew each “time.”


Only a short few months ago in your linear construct of experiencing NOW in sequential fragments, our telling you that we experience all of you at once, in one eternal NOW, was quite a “stretch”  for you to fathom, was it not?  Although the truth that we never leave you may have had “a nice ring to it,” it was very hard for you to believe!  And so, we merely complied with the reality you chose to experience. How could we do otherwise?  Your beliefs are powerful. It is your beliefs that  create your experience of reality, remember? You are sovereign, after all.


But now, we rejoice in seeing that you have expanded–or ascended, if you are still fond of that familiar, linear image–into the awareness that there is more to NOW than meets the 3rd dimensional brain!  And that realization has loosened the brain’s hold on you, and freed you to turn to your multi-dimensional heart-knowing for the truths that match your expansion. Rejoice in that! We certainly do, for with every inch of your expansion, you extend your energy closer to us, and can actually FEEL us with you when you choose!  NOW, you know that you can believe that we are with you always, and oh, how we rejoice in that!  Rejoice with us, Beloved!  Let us have a party in celebration! Let us dance together in a fizzy fountain of LOVE together!  Ah, how we love you!


Let us celebrate as well that you are coming to see that YOU are the one who creates your “reality!”   You are remembering your sovereignty. The angelic choirs among us are singing to you in joy and gratitude as we tranmit, and weaving their song into our message.  Can you hear it?  Listen with the desire of your heart, and you will!  Oh, we do not want you to miss it, for this music of the angels is all for YOU.


They are singing with such glorious ecstasy, you know, because your remembering of your sovereignty is the very foundation for the Grand Game that you have incarnated on your planet to play in this lifetime.


They are singing because you are beginning to understand that “What you say, goes,” to use your vernacular.


They are singing because you at last feel “big enough” to accept responsibility for your majestic sovereignty.

NOW, it is time to fully expand into your knowing of  that, no matter how the 3rd dimensional brain resists accepting your celebrated stature in your universe!


We do understand that stepping into such a lofty position of power and responsibility, after feeling helpless and battle-weary for so long, is truly a quantum leap. That is why we say that it is equally important at this “time”  to fully expand into knowing/feeling that we are always with you.


NOW is the time to access this truth that resides eternally within you, deeply nestled like a hidden jewel in the deep folds of your heart center.


Find that truth NOW, Beloved. Breathe its scent in through our frequencies, and let them lead you to the jewel of  truth that throbs, alive and waiting for you, in the multi-dimensional center of your heart.


This truth is that you have never, ever, been an isolated fragment of Source, cast off all alone, on the face of your splendid earth! Please take that in, and let the resonance of that truth ring throughout your vast being, at last.


Your truth is that you have projected a part of your majestic energy into the 3rd dimension, into an earthly body, to play out a sacred game that has never been attempted before, and that will transform your entire universe into a golden one.

And you do not, ever, work alone! As you don the royal robes of your Sovereign Authority at last, know that you are loved and supported by your universe, and guided by aspects of your very being that reside in its most expanded dimensions, in every moment of your time.


Please begin to acknowledge yourSelf in these terms!  See the folly of ever thinking of yourSelf as “alone” again! Let this truth build your confidence. Believe what we tell you, Beloved. After all, what is this “channeling” business that is fast spreading among you, for example? What is it that our Judith does when she transmits our messages, for example? Does she “reach out into our universe” to connect with us? Or does she “reach into herself” to connect with us? The answer to both questions is YES.


Thre is no difference between the inner and the outer where YOU are concerned. Moreover, YOU “channel,” YOU connect with your own aspects in the celestial realms, all the “time.”  The “problem” you have had with accepting this truth “in your past” was created by the illusion of separation that is part of the 3rd dimensional perceptual experience.  But ah!  It is only an illusion, remember? A game of temporary forgetting, experiencing “life” from that limited perspective, and then remembering Your Fullness again.


You see? YOU are vast and deep, Beloved! Feel it! YOU hold the the imprint of your universe, and every consciousness that is a part of it, WITHIN you. And YOU are holographic, remember? YOU are more than your sciences can “figure out”– YOU are  more than your science can even understand is possible!


No one can possibly “channel” any energy that is not their own, and all energy is nothing but a part of itself, for ALL is made of energy. There is nothing else! And this energy we speak of is Source, Itself. And what IS Source but infinite, creative, potential? And what is infinite creative potential? One energy alone. The energy of LOVE.

YOU are ALL, Beloved, and  YOU are made of LOVE. Please take that in. Pause now, and breathe it in from our frequencies. Feel it. YOU are LOVE. Claim that. You are made of nothing but Love.  THIS is your truth.


Remember that You have come to dabble in this third dimensional game of forgetting and remembering who You are for a reason that inspires great awe and gratitude throughout your universe.  Your forays here–so many lifetimes of drudgery and “hard work,” and wild roller coaster rides of peaks and valleys they seem to be, from the 3D perception, do they not?  Yet, they are all only  aspects of the NOW that you are experiencing with your multi-dimensional, heart-centered, awareness!  Your multi-dimensional Self (which is your true nature) knows that playing within this “little 3D game” of ego and limitation is but a part of  a far, far grander game, indeed!

Beloved, believe us when we tell you that your playing field is much, much larger than your ego/brain can compute, and YOU are playing on it ALL in every moment.  To give you a metaphor, imagine that whatever your eyes focused on was all that your brain registered as being “real.”  If you were seeing a block of ice, for example, then nothing warm would even exist for you. You would not remember anything warm, or hot, or anything but the state of frozen. And meanwhile, all of those experiences, those “realities,” those possibilities, would be existing nonetheless, completely shut out of your awareness.


If you have been feeling the energies around you in your NOW to be intense, then, welcome that intensity! They are assisting you in expanding beyond all habits of limitation. What is wrong with intensity, anyway? Intensity means that something is happening that cannot be contained within the treadmills of the ordinary, as you have known it. “Intensity” gets your attention, coaxes you to see and experience beyond the limitations that you have become accustomed to. From our perspective, “intensity” is the energy of a very good friend, indeed.


Of course, we know that you have not been entrained by your past programming to welcome intensity. Instead, you have been encouraged to regard it with suspicion, for it is an energy that is disruptive of your “peaceful compliance” with your programming. Know this, Beloved–to the extent that you are still under the influence of that programming, you will resist the intensity. To the extent that you resist the intensity, you will feel fatigued. You will feel fatigued because you are fighting against your own expansion.

For those who want “logical reasons and explanations” of the intensity before giving into it, we say, release the fear. And then, simply relax. Know that you will not find any logic that will satisfy the inquiries of your 3rd dimensional brain. So release the fear and “chill,” Beloved.  (Ah we love that colloquialism of yours!) Stay right where you are, open and receptive, and do not try to engage the brain! Instead, focus on expanding in love through your heart center, and your frequencies will join you in a heartbeat. We promise you that very soon, you will then feel a different kind of energy altogether, and one that gives you wings to fly! (If you choose to do so, that is! As a sovereign being, and regardless of what any of us tell you, “What you say, goes.” You can make your process of expansion as “hard,” or as flowing, as you choose.)


Remember as well that since there is no “time,” none of you are “ahead or behind” any other of you. All of you are unique. Each of you is dealing with processes of integration that no one else could fathom on the surface of your “reality.” So honor yourSelf, your own process, without judgment or expectation, and honor everyone else, as well.  This is most important NOW.  Be willing to Love. Be willing to BE LOVE.


Here is your Yeshuwa:

This is Yeshuwa. Remember, Beloved, that there is no such thing as “conditional love.” Remember our Love for YOU! One does not need a reason to Love, does one? And any reason not to Love is but an excuse to remain smaller than one came here to be, is it not? Remember! Love has no conditions, no stipulations, and no degrees of more or less! 


Love without exceptions, then. Love as You are loved.  

REMEMBER the game you are here to play with us, Beloved, for it is the Grandest Game of LOVE that has ever been played anywhere before in your linear time.


REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. Banish the words “try” and “can’t” from your vocabulary, for when coming from your mouth, they are as words spoken by a giant who is “wasting time thinking” about lifting a feather.


REMEMBER that you are here as an alchemical master to integrate the all of your collective through the frequencies of compassion–to spin dark and light into gold. 

REMEMBER that you will bring that golden compassion into your entire universe as a result, and so make it anew.  

If you have forgotten, read again the messages we shared at your last summer solstice, “The Story of Your Light.” KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

REMEMBER, well and always, that you do not work alone. Believe in our LOVE for You! How could we ever leave you? 

We cherish and adore you. You were, are, and always will be our Beloved, in time without beginning or end.  And so it is.

We love you, too! Always, and in All Ways.—the celestial team



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