~The Christ Consciousness is Awakening Within Humanity~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 13:10

Ode to Mary and Sananda



Allow your mind to ponder
Mythos of Yore Yonder,
When what transpires how-now
Not the same no more!
Returning in Balance, this Day Forward
The Coming of Two, not 1, Imagine!
To Land and Skies truth, I Implore
Vessel I AM of both...
Inside, outside, 
Denial of feminine grace no more...
To wholely, completely, fully, gracefully, powerfully,


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I Know You're Out There Somewhere!-The Moody Blues


This is my LOOKING UP song...a blast from my past.  To my Twin Flame.....


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~ I Believe I Can Fly ~


~Thank You To Cole Bradley~ Honor to be in your Presence~ You shared that Humanity Could Fly into Love, you believed without a doubt this was true. Now this Is Manifesting~ Thank You For Feeling and Believing that Love Is Real. Thank You for Holding the Space for Humanity~s Freedom so they too could understand they could fly. With Loving Gratitude


They are arriving. Let's Fly~ Love Humanity's Earth Allies


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The Swiss Government’s Exceedingly Positive Report on Homeopathic Medicine



The Swiss Government’s Exceedingly Positive Report on Homeopathic Medicine

Posted on April 8, 2012 by Pat Donworth

The Swiss government’s inquiry into homeopathy and complementary and alternative (CAM) treatments resulted from the high demand and widespread use of alternatives to conventional medicine in Switzerland, not only from consumers but from physicians as well.”

Natural News | April 8, 2012

The government of Switzerland has a long history of neutrality, and therefore, reports from this government on controversial subjects need to be taken more seriously than other reports from countries that are more strongly influenced by present economic and political constituencies.

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GALACTIC FREE PRESS Welcome to Now, Enjoy the Day! Divine Comedy



Welcome to Now, Enjoy the Day!

 Origiinal Post 4/8/10



The Oneness is filling Everything with it's Being Present, and the Oneness doesn't miss anything at all. It's bigger than their little understandings of what they think is going on, far Bigger, for it includes Everything. It even includes 2-dimensional thought, but Everything's much Bigger.


What is it? in order to create an illusion you have to believe so strongly in the illusion that the illusion is all you understand? Ever seen what Love does?


Love is not something you think you know. Love is something You Are. When You're Being Love, You know Love.


How in the world can you respect ignorance? Ignorance wanted to teach Creation how to be ignorant. We just laugh.


We've seen many people with a blank look in their face, their eyes far away, distant. Next thing We saw was heels and elbows. Not sure who they're running from,WEI hope they catch them.


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Cobra ~ Compression Breakthrough ~ 8 April 2012


Cobra ~ Compression Breakthrough ~ 8 April 2012


What is Cobra?

COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.


The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program. They can not dig holes and bunkers deep underground and hide there. They can not even hide on lower astral plane anymore.


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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 04-08-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Greetings Love Beings and Happy Resurrection!



This one was here yesterday night, I only have a cell phone so the image is quite far away. It actually staid in place for about 15 minutes, appearing and disappearing every minute or so. In the end, before cloaking again, he moved a litttle bit, that’s why the image is not so still anymore, I tried to follow him. This is one of our Scoutships. Love you, ANdReA




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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – ‪Happy Resurrection ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – Happy Resurrection ~




Greetings Love Beings,

and happy Resurrection to ALL of You=US. Today is a day of Joy and Happiness... it’s a day of Freedom. You walked your path till the Present Moment of NOW to BE All=Love, to finally leave the cross you crucified yourself on for so long and enter into the Freedom of Eternal Love.

Welcome to All=Us=Love=Joy.

Got it? YEEHAW!


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Beautiful Weather Phenomena in Canada


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The Truth Birds


To see us now, we are never the same!

To glide, to soar, remembering our name


While hostage, no shame do we take on our wings

'Fore we snake it, we fake it, we deliver the pain.


Without wings tremendous how can we soar....

We talk about it, stalk about it... but nowhere we know


Take me, shake me, get my wings grown!

Brother and Sister, I know you know torn.


MaAlaea, Guardian of Sacred WisdomKeepers






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~Ready to Fly Humanity? ~


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~In Honor of Truth~


 In Honor and a Big Thank You to Aidan Patrick for Feeling the Love and Truth that is Unfolding. This is your favorite song, we honor you with today~ You knew Humanity would Reach the Impossible. Thank You for Trusting Love.  We Love You, Your Earth Allies


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Message from Yeshua ~ Be The Divine That You Are ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~4.8.12


Message from Yeshua ~ Be The Divine That You Are ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~4.8.12


Greetings beloveds. I come before you on the eve of this glorious day, to all those celebrating this day, a time of renewal, but mostly of acknowledging your Divine Self. This has been a day of rejoicing, in preparation of greater things to come. Love abounds. The significance of today is not just of resurrection of one being, but of a new beginning for all.


Take a moment now to ponder your essence, your True Self, dear ones, which is Divinity. Yes, each and every one of you is Divinity. Some of you are not in complete awareness of this fact; some of you are only allowing the awareness of it to bubble up occasionally from your consciousness. In whatever way you may want to look at it, through whatever eyes you may want to look at it, it is your True Essence.


More and more of you are beginning to grasp the complete weight of it, beginning to dance to the full chords of its celestial song. Your Soul Song is harmonizing quite well now with others’ Soul Songs, and what a beautiful symphony you are creating. Behold the wonders that the notes are creating in your outer world, dear ones, my comrades of Peace and Love. What a joy you are to behold!


Embrace the Joy that is bubbling up more and more from your depths, from your consciousness, as you dip into the Reality you are creating. “The Wonders never cease”, as they say. You are not letting it. You are creating more and more Miracles as you try out your wings and your powers of Creation.


You are on the precipice of many more Wonders, and all will see the effects before much time has passed. And time is relative, as you know, so consider it a done deal, as it really is, for you are just to reveal the effects of its manifestation as you uncover the Truth.



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~Love Has One~ Won~ Incoming Codes~


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~Love is Real and Manifesting On Planet Earth=Heart~ No Kidden'


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~Going Deep~


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~Love is Picking Up All Passenger's~ No Baggage,~~


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~Dreams Really Do Come True~ When You Choose Love


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Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 8th 2012.


Greetings Cheryl.

Thank you for your continued support with assisting us to get the word out about what is happening, as your planet progresses forwards on its ascension course.

There is relatively nothing new to share with you at this time, but we still like to offer our continued support, and continue to let the inhabitants of your planet know that we are here. Always observing and always willing to assist in any way that we can. All you ever have to do is ask. As the roundup of the members of the Dark Cabal reaches its end, we can turn our focus now on to what we deem as our next item of importance. That of initiating contact with you all.

Some of you will have by now received messages from us, via some form or another - through dreams, hearing our voices, or the written word - about what we have in store for those of you we wish to initiate first contact with. As we stated in an earlier message, remain alert for our continued communication as to the where and when that first contact will occur. Many of you are growing excited about the possibility of this occurring very soon. We would just like to assure you all now that this possibility will very soon become a reality.


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~Here We go, into the Garden of Reality~


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~In The Southern Cross All IS Forgiven~ Love is The Law


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amazing rays of light shining throughout humanity !



There's something blessedly amazing happening right now throughout all of humanity ... an uplifting and a rising that is breathtaking and contagious. Right this moment, we are transmuting our fears - years of abuses - betrayals - all of these things that we have carried with us and that are lodged deep in our chakras are clearing. These memories that have transcended generations are now asking for release. We are remembering who we are ... we are doing this, truly! We are waking up and telling one another it's okay to love and to speak about love - and to spread it far and wide ... to forgive ourselves and one another for our transgressions no matter how deep. Thank you beautiful Mother Earth, thank you Beings from around the entire galaxy and those inside our beautiful hollow Earth ... thank you stars, and animals and trees and all that is in the purest of love and light. May each day herein see us step into our true selves. We are brave and strong. And we will and we are making this great leap. This is the greatest evolution in the history of humankind. Love & Light to all who reads these words now. There is so much love for you here. There is so much new knowledge for you here. Use your best discernment, but do take that great step into your path of truth and enlightenment. Thank you ! Dawn.



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Tim Bravo’s Extraordinary Year Blogtalkradio Show – Tolec And The End Of The Space War



Tim Bravo’s Extraordinary Year Blogtalkradio Show – Tolec And The End Of The Space War – From Andromedan Council Perspective – 8 April 2012

Who Says We’re Not All Awakening?



Who Says We’re Not All Awakening?




2012 APRIL 8


Posted by GLR Stephen Cook


Someone asked me the other day: “Do you think most people around the world are still asleep?”

It didn’t take me long to answer: “No, I think many more people than we realise are actually awake. It’s just that we – and in many cases they – don’t know it”.


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On Platitudes And Reassurances




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Settling Accounts


"This is a period where we must find discernment to exercise “tough love” over “idiot compassion”, as many desperate beings will attempt to destroy what you are creating in order to consume it, from their blindness or judgment to the larger overview."




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COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Giving Up Eating ... ~ 4.04.12 ~ by Aruna



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jesus: The Resurrection Signifies Humanity’s Awakening From the Illusion



Jesus: The Resurrection Signifies Humanity’s Awakening From the Illusion



Jesus: The Resurrection Signifies Humanity’s Awakening From the Illusion

 by GLR John Smallman

April 8, 2012



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Saul – Be Prepared For Mighty Life-altering Events To Happen



John Smallman – Saul – Be Prepared For Mighty Life-altering Events To Happen – 8 April 2012

April 9-15, 2012, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Cards


It's a week of "Out with the Old, and In with the New," which is fitting for Easter's energy of ressurection and rebirth. Let go of the old, and trust in changes that are occuring.


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Heavenletter #4153 The Tree You Want to Climb


Heavenletter #4153 The Tree You Want to Climb , April 8, 2012 

God said: 


Be open to life. Let life show up. It may not be as you expect. It may be quite different from what you expect, yet life appears, and life is to be welcomed. Love life, and yet not hold on to it. Life is a chimera. Life depends upon the filter you see life through. Accommodate life. Everything that occurs or does not occur is expanding you. You are not exactly a rubber band, yet you expand. Sometimes you feel stretched. Feeling stretched is also part of life.

You want a sunny day at the beach, and it rains. Enjoy the rain then. What is to stop you but an idea in your mind? An idea in your mind limits you from joy. Have other ideas that will not limit you.


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The White Hats Report #39 – 8 April 2012




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Together We Shall Rise From The Ashes And Rebirth This World!




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COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ The Fresh Food Diet ... ~ 8.04.12 ~ by Aruna



Sunday, April 8, 2012

~Space Weather Update~ ANOTHER ERUPTION:


ANOTHER ERUPTION: For the past few days, magnetic filaments have been rising and snapping all around the sun. The latest eruption occured during the late hours of April 7th, shown here in an extreme UV video from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:


A CME hurled into space by this eruption might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on or about April 9th. Like a CME observed two days ago, this one was visually confused by two other clouds leaving the sun from other blast sites at about the same time: movie. Stay tuned for updated analyses.



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Arcturian Group 4/8/12.



Arcturian Group 4/8/12.


APRIL 8, 2012

We come today to wish you a very happy holiday–that is holy-day, for Easter represents the journey each soul must take as they move into enlightenment and out of the lessons of the third dimension.

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Double CME


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~ Easter with Bill Hicks~


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Lisa Renee: Settling Accounts


Lisa Renee: Settling Accounts


Photo By Dawn Christine


April 8, 2012


Dear Family,

During the course of entering the current Astrological year, which commences around the Equinox on March 21st, we have been host to a variety of explosive energies and important shifts in the planetary body and its relationship to the Solar, Galactic and Universal bodies.


The result of that change in the planetary architecture has a great impact on the future of humanity and the ongoing management of various resources, such as “energy” or power sources at many different levels of usage. For those of us paying attention during this Ascension shift, we are remembering how to return to inner balance and to place a priority on personal and inner spiritual development.


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~All of Creation, Let us Sing Together Now~


~ Today is a Magical day in Heaven On Earth, it's D Day~ Do you Choose Love or do you choose the illusion?


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~A Prayer for Easter Sunday ~


Easter Sunday prayer
by, Sister Patricia Geary of the Gray Nuns of the Sacred Heart


John 20: 1-9
They did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead."


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Creator Infusion Underway: Integrity, Honesty, Interaction Required!!


Creator Infusion Underway: Integrity, Honesty, Interaction Required!!



On April 5th a brand new element was added to our field of life; a pure energetic rainbow waterfall.  I suppose it took me til today to really understand the full breadth of this new element.  So before I share all the amazing information that came thru yesterdays readings, I must talk about this rainbow energy.


First let me set it up as it appears in my field of vision.  It flows directly from the top of the Mesa cliff and cascades in a free fall over the side and touches (not splashes) the ground.  It is not very wide at all, maybe 10-15 feet wide (3-5 meters)


There is an energetic movement to this waterfall… but not a watery one.  That is to say there is no “force” of flow associated with its stream.  It is a constantly changing blend of radiant colors streaming down together onto earth.



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Benjamin Fulford ~ Reader Updates ~ 8 April 2012


Benjamin Fulford ~ Reader Updates ~ 8 April 2012


Extra-info for your new entry

Below are links to information compiled by a reader of this blog. It is evidence for those who still refuse to believe the fact that top leadership ranks of the West have been infiltrated by Satanic murderers who sacrifice children in horrific ceremonies.

Dear Benjamin, my entry was old and I had no idea I had not updated it, I thought I had.

Thank you for reposting the info on your blog(the more people become aware of this the better).


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On this special morning ~ Yeshua and Michael through Ron Head


On this special morning ~ Yeshua and Michael through Ron Head


Michael and Yeshua

On this special morning, we would like to bring all people a message of joy.  Make every effort to find that place in yourself which is happy and cheerful.  Make as great an effort to find peace within yourselves.  Share love and laughter with all those around you.  Make this a special time for your children.  In this way will the true meaning of the day be most honored.


We love the natural joy and innocence of children so very much.  If you can retain or regain a bit of that for yourselves the entire world will change overnight.  The experience of joy will not be a stranger to you any longer.  Our message to you is that just such a world is waiting for you, and you are fast approaching its birth into your reality.



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~Welcome to Heaven Everyone~


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~Straight from The Heart~


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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 9 April 2012



Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 9 April 2012

Posted on April 9, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

I hope you landed in April with both feet on the ground and not too much residual effects left over from March’s wild ride. Gaia’s grids were infused a bit more than originally anticipated last month, and anchored with the recent Super Full Moon. As the universe revved up to deliver generous doses of photon-boosted multi-dimensional frequencies it was discovered that human consciousness was on board and ready to support the upgrades. The result of that support was that Gaia was able to open and receive more than her scheduled helping of evolutionary waves and we got to sit in “uncomfortability” and “process” as we integrated the actualization of the super-sized energies.

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Yeshua: Be The Divine That You Are



Yeshua: Be The Divine That You Are




by GLR Fran Zepeda

April 8, 2012


Greetings beloveds. I come before you on the eve of this glorious day, to all those celebrating this day, a time of renewal, but mostly of acknowledging your Divine Self. This has been a day of rejoicing, in preparation of greater things to come. Love abounds. The significance of today is not just of resurrection of one being, but of a new beginning for all.


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Openhand: Being IS the Change


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Renewable Energy Meets 35% Of Scotland's Power Needs



By Bob PetzApril 4, 2012

New estimates from the Department of Energy and Climate Change reveal that 35% of Scotland’s energy consumption last year came from renewable energy sources, surpassing the government’s goal of 31% for 2011.

Environmental groups welcomed the news as a sign that Scotland is on the right path to achieving its ambitious goal of generating 100% of its electricity from renewables by 2020.

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Animal Planet - Mermaids - US Navy Cover-Up of Intelligent Life Found in Ocean


Well well well... it appears that too many people are interested in the Truth these days! The original video is now "mysteriously" unavailable.  Thanks to everyone for leaving comments about not being able to see it -I wouldn't have known about its dissapearance.

I was able to find the same video with Japanese subtitles (the speakers are in English). 

I highly recommend watching this before this version gets pulled too!


All my Love, Boo


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U.S. EPA Sued Over Toxic Coal Ash Disposal




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A W A K E N !!



Photos taken on Canon EOS Rebel T3 on Monday morning, April 9, 2012, Telford Lake, Leduc, Alberta, CANADA. All images appear as they were taken without editing.There is great love for us all ! Thank you. 
Dawn Ford,
Editor, Galactic Free Press
L O V E & L I G H T !

p.s. still having trouble turning this default music off on my MacBook Pro. If anyone can help, please advise. thank you!



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Getting the cake to rise


This is your moment.  You have come here now so that you would actively participate in this global awakening.  Those of you reading these words or those sitting next to you on the train while you do so, all came to co-create this shift.


We’ve all seen the recipe and thrown our specific ingredient into the bowl. Some of us have taken a turn at stirring things up; others of us are waiting to see what else is needed.  Each of us is ready, yet we’ve forgotten what was on the menu.  In our usual fashion, we are going for the big ending – we want to be surprised, amazed, thrilled and ultimately satisfied.


It is time for us to bring the full force of our multidimensional capacity to bear.  We can be a mom and a healer, a doctor and an intergalactic being, a dad and an ambassador to the stars, a school teacher and a channeler, or a consultant and a first contact team member.  In fact, we are all of these things.


The realization of our divinity and the actualizing of our true power are both happening right now.  We exist in an intensely stimulating and visually mesmerizing world.  It is easy to fall back to sleep, hypnotized by our own creations. Yet we are awake for good now. 


So, how do we stay awake and aware without falling into the abyss of fear?  How can we remain aware of the arrests, the galactic federation and this consciousness shift with calm and control; while managing lives, children, jobs, relationships and households? These are not skills we’ve had to master until now; it’s a bit of a challenge. 



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The Big Case – Michael Tellinger vs Standard Bank – New Economic Rights Alliance




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The Situation In Greece Seems To Have Entered A Violent New Stage Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/greece-bomb-athens-vourhas-2012-4#ixzz1r…

Posted on April 9, 2012

Adam Taylor

Source: Business Insider 

April 9, 2012

Athens Bomb Blast

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JP Morgan & Co killed Greek pensioner


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Papers Prove UK Initiated Rendition




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My Spiritual Toolbox


What a glorious spring day this is! As I type, the birds are singing with pure joy...I am so grateful for thier divine songs. I am here to share my tricks for staying in the center of the Heart. It is simply a matter of dipping into my spiritual toolbox when necessary. Over the years, I have aquired many tools...some I still use and some have been replaced with new ones. These tools come in handy when there comes a pothole in my path or just a day of intense energies overloading me and making me overly sensitive to others...which can be in many forms. So many are trying to dictate and/or direct us to their way of thinking or to be swayed by their opinions. This I am speaking of is in our 'spiritual communities'. I have seen many become upset by others' statements, judgements and other postings over the net. I have found one of the best ways to navigate these waters is to let your heart rule. That means, if you feel good when you read something, ie-channeling, teachings, musings....if these words truly enliven you and bring you joy, then it is probably a 'truth' for you on some level at that moment. However, with things moving so rapidly, this can change in the blink of an eye. What you may feel is good today, may totally feel not good tomorrow. These energies that we are in, fluctuate and ebb and flow, in and out...all around. Choosing what you read is important, keeping curiosity, ego out of it will help. I ask myself, 'what do I need to know today that I cannot know on my own?' And I go from there. So it really cuts down on the 'stuff' coming at me that is of no use, or abusive in one way or another. My heart speaks loudly to me and I hear her clearly as I always give her the lead. I have told curiosity to 'sit down and be quiet....thank you'.

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Freedom Reigns 4-5-12 Drake update and Wil Spencer's Natural Health(1/8)April 5, 2012


April 5, 2012


Drake gives his update.
Dr. Spencer is an author, researcher, lecturer, as well as the resident Naturopath at BodyElectrician.com. His work extends into many areas regarding human and environmental health. Raised in a Minnesota farming community, Wil saw first hand the carnage that today's "Agribusiness" is causing. Wil speaks at seminars across the country on many topics from Sustainable Farming practices to Human Health - including Diet, Spirituality, and even Consciousness. Over the years, Dr Spencer has worked with many organizations including the Organic Consumer's Association, the Institute for Responsible Technology and the Western A Price Foundation. 

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Timing of the Event - Drake's opinion




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Fitting INSIDE ongoing, the Mandalbrot Set


the framework of consciousness (compassion, compression, implosion, BLISS) are the only emotions that will fit in the compression shape of the uni-verse!Like a hula dance, ya?


MaAlaea, Guardian of Cosmic Design



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Visionkeeper – Stop Wondering – 9 April 2012



Visionkeeper – Stop Wondering – 9 April 2012


(picture by www.favim.com)

Posted on April 9, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

I think for many of us we spend a great deal of time wondering if we are doing everything right so we can be a part of the journey into 5D. I honestly don’t believe there is a right way or a wrong way, it is all about being true to yourself and giving that self to others. We wonder if we have cleared out our issues well enough, have I opened my heart up wide enough, what if I can’t do any better than what I am doing now, will I be left behind? Am I staying in my heart center, how do I do it, will I have enough time to get everything done that I need to? Whose standards and rules are you trying to live up to? Who told you that you have to do this and that in order to move forward from where you are? We are all exactly stationed in life where we are meant to be and what we are doing is no coincidence. The people in our lives are there to bring us lessons to learn as are the circumstances happening in every moment of our lives.

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~We are Walking This Together~ Come Take Our Hand~


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A W A K E N !


By the Grace of Gaia ~ Easter Sunday 2012. L O V E  &  L I G H T from the Galactic Free Press and all of us as ONE ! 


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Freedom Now-Tracy Chapman


Freedom Now-Tracy Chapman


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2MIN News Apr9: NASA, WW3, Extreme Weather, Solar/Planetary Update


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~The Impossible is Happening~ All Things In Love Are Possible~


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EARTH ALLIES 8.4.12... Compression Breakthrough ~ What is Cobra?... We Are Done, No Doubt About It...


By two great Earth Allies: Cobra and Poofness... 

We bow you for your courage dear Brothers and Sisters...


Love, GFP


Sunday, April 8, 2012




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~The Breakthrough~


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May Sugarplums Dance over Your Beds... Sweet Dreams




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~Jason Mraz ~ I'm Yours (Live On Earth Single Video) ~ Open Up!


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The Ascended Masters: No Stone has been Left Unturned



The Ascended Masters: No Stone has been Left Unturned

Gaia is beautiful




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Joe Weaver ~ The Turning Of The Tide Is Happening



Joe Weaver ~ The Turning Of The Tide Is Happening


Posted on April 8, 2012 by GLR Gillian


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The Kindness Kronikles – Joy In The Congo – 9 April 2012



The Kindness Kronikles – Joy In The Congo – 9 April 2012

Montague Keen – 9 April 2012




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Hula - Dance of Spirituality and Cosmic Form


The sacred history of the Hawaiian Islands is saved through the ancient dance of Hula... this week in Hilo, on the Big Island is the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival... 

these beautiful women and men are so filled with bliss in their lives one is blessed to have them pass you by.. anytime!

The wristbands, anklebands, and headband is quite similar to those worn by a Native American Sundancer, they keep the dancer in sacred space - to stay in touch with the Divine. The movements are those forms and shapes in sacred geometry - those angles and shapes of the cosmos.




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What is the nature of REALITY? Reality is a collectively created experience (sub-section) of the Father...(who we are all connected to and children of....) It is "we" who are creating what we think of as "REALITY" right here and right now. Because reality is actively being collectively created by all of us together, it can be CHANGED by all of us together. Each and every belief, each and every idea (wrong or right) that every human being on Earth holds and has, helps to create REALITY, or better yet, the reality that we see. This is how it works! Since we did not KNOW that this is how it works..., OTHERS used this knowledge to mis-lead and mis-guide us into thinking and believing in ways that created a DARK REALITY. This DARK REALITY is now being purged from our collective minds with massive INFUSIONS OF LIGHT! This LIGHT erases our faulty ideas and our faulty beliefs which are being used by others to continue the DARK REALITY. Because REALITY is collectively created by all of us with beliefs and with our thoughts, and becuase it can be changed, it could ALSO be called an ILLUSION. ILLUSION and REALITY are therefore two different words for the same thing..., they are NOT OPPISITES. Oppisites only exist in duality! We are moving into UNITY, so our first lesson is to learn that Illusion and reality are the SAME THING. A DREAM is a type of vehicle we each have that can be used to sculpt or to inspire one to change the CURRENT REALITY. Therefore to dream is to create a NEW Reality. GOD HIMSELF is DREAMING all the time..., through out ETERNITY.

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Sun Erupts - April 8, 2012 - SunsFlare


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose


There is no such thing as an accident or Coincidents

Everyone and every situation is placed on your path for a purpose. Co-incidents are carefully planned out events.

Your angel guidance is to ask your angels to help you find the purpose within your current path. It may be to strengthen you, or offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive something from the past. It can be to release old patterns, or simple to bring more happiness and joy into your life.



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4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love


4~9~12 Your Grand Game of Love


Photo By Dawn Christine

4~9~12 Love~Light Message from the celestial team


Beloved, we are here!  No other greeting to our message is necessary, for in truth,  we have never left you.

That is how it is. That is how it has always been. That is how it always will be. We know you experience time in a linear sequence, and so we have greeted you in our “past” messages as if we were coming to you anew each “time.”


Only a short few months ago in your linear construct of experiencing NOW in sequential fragments, our telling you that we experience all of you at once, in one eternal NOW, was quite a “stretch”  for you to fathom, was it not?  Although the truth that we never leave you may have had “a nice ring to it,” it was very hard for you to believe!  And so, we merely complied with the reality you chose to experience. How could we do otherwise?  Your beliefs are powerful. It is your beliefs that  create your experience of reality, remember? You are sovereign, after all.



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Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Preparing Our Loved Ones For The Future ~ 9 April 2012


Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Preparing Our Loved Ones For The Future ~ 9 April 2012


Was talking to my mom last night. The topic turned to the end of the world. Mom, (a staunch Christian) told me she was filled with anxiety and dread over it (she believes the world is going to end). Mom told me she was cleaning up her life so that she would be counted worthy to meet Jesus when he arrived. She was eating better and exercising (lost 50 pounds!) and working on forgiving.


Several thoughts ran through my head as I sat there listening. First, I wanted to change her mind so that I could save her from the fear gripping her. I wanted to interrupt her (she was on a roll) and say, “Mom, the world isn’t going to end; only the systems are and they are just going to change. You have every reason to be hopeful…it’s going to be better!”


Secondly, I reminded myself that it is not my place to try to change her. If I really loved her, I’d honor her right to believe as she wanted. I’d simply act as a sounding board, allowing her to voice the fear without trying to change anything. (Hard but doable.)



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All I Do is Dream (Mar/Apr UFO Compilation 2012)


~GLR Earth Allie Retch E Wretched~


More at UFO Global Reporting Center: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UFO-Global-Reporting-Center/224718644225904
Music is "Oliver Tank - Past Present Future": http://youtu.be/0ZgDtSDNJhg


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You truly are the change makers~ Message from Michael through Ron Head


You truly are the change makers~ Message from Michael through Ron Head


Photo By Dawn Christine


 9 April 2012


We feel, this morning, your need to better understand the emerging changes that are occurring. Many are asking, “Yes, but when? When?”


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Sunset in Florida 12/21/11 Photo By Renea


As April begins, we are on the runway to 'A Mu'a. All the scattered pieces of our lives and of our beings are now spiraling ever closer, moving into their new, true positions. Lots of rerouting is taking place so everything can click into position. There's a buzzing energy in the air around us. It's crackling with electricity and excitement. Some of us even hear a constant ringing in our ears.


When we finally make the decision to release our old lives, it removes a covering that has blocked the doorway to our New True Lives. This creates a new, much larger, opening that enables us to see things that we never saw before from our Past, Present and Future. This is when we realize that we've really wanted to leave our old lives for a very long time.



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The manuscript of survival - part 116




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Benjamin Fulford, April 9, 2012: Bernanke and Geithner Are Still Trying to Cash Bad Checks




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Every 6th businessman in Russia faced prison - research


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