~Arcturian Transmission For Transformation~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/16/2011 - 06:01

~Arcturian Transmission For Transformation~

Exciting are these times of Activation!
Exciting are these times of Acceleration, Of Rememberance, and Expansive Synchronisitic Creativity.

No Longer the Search for, "Where Is It?" permeates your moment-to-moment existence.
Now are the moments of “There I Am, Fully As I Am, Where I am.”
More and More of Who You Are is Funneling Faster and Faster into your Multi-Spectrum Selves.
Invigorating it can be.

Like A Temple You Are, Every Expanding Step Leading to Every Ascending Step.
It is as if The Temple Re-Constructs Itself through Recognizing Its Function, Its Purpose, Its Parameters, Its Geometry, Its Scale, Its Sovereignty. Growing, Building, Becoming Greater, Grander, Reaching Higher From Its Foundation In-Layed so Formidably Deep. As You, As this Pyramid, climb & self-construct the Steps of Yourself, You Continually Re-Turn to the Understanding, that it is, You Are, All One Pyramid. All One Pyramid, Many Steps, Ever Changing, Ever Reaching, Ever-Realizing, It is, You Are, Still One Pyramid.

Grand is this Cosmic Cycle Unfolding now. Powerful Your Resonance is Becoming in manifesting The Reality In Your Lucid Likeness.

We Re-mind you now, Transformation is an active process of change, optimally matched by the personal willingness to change with it. Although Auspicious Dates Loom with Eager Anticipation, Stagnation, In-Action and Waiting is the Least Affective Means of Bringing Forth the Impact You So deeply Seek.
By No Means Are We Discounting your Current Efforts.
Quite contrarily, We Congratulate, Appreciate, and Celebrate Your Success...
We, ask you then, if you Wish, to take this Energy of Excited Accomplishment to Pursue Further Creating More of Who You Are In the Ways that Excite You Most
Invigorate, Elevate and Demonstrate Yourself to Yourself through your Projects, Art, Words, Dance, Expression and Stillness...

If you have not yet done so, begin establishing a relationship with Galactic Center, Hunab Ku. Make a Link, a Lifeline of Light, from the center of your Milky Way Galaxy into your Heart. Talk to Hunab Ku, Feed it Your Thoughts, Your Prayers, Your Visions, Your Wisdom. Fill the Void With Yourself, and then, Surrender, Sweet Ones, and let the Void Fill You.
As this Relationship Develops You will Find an Increase in Your Acceleration. You will also find a Decrease In Your Resistance... as you Will Be Communicating From Center with Center, in the Most Efficient Mana-Fest-tat-I-On Co-Creation A-Veil-Able to you at this time.

Open the Gateway of Your Expression, Sweet Ones! Give Yourself Permission to shout at the top of your lungs, cry without reservations, run full speed, climb high peaks, kiss tall trees and walk with bare feet. Quite Literally, Draw from the Void, Dance from the Void, Act from the Void and Breathe Into the Void...
You now have the opportunity to loosen your Illusion of Limits by constantly Re-creating yourselves, In-Venting yourselves and embracing yourselves as all you are and all you desire to be.

The more and more you step through the door of fully being here, now, with all of who you are, the more you will meet others just like you, ready to support and elevate together in this Moment-Us Energy of Evolution.

Be aware, if you wish, that surrendering takes knowing and not knowing what you are surrendering to.
Align Now, Breathe Deep...
You Have Made "It,” You Have Found “It” and “It” is right Here.
Congratulate, Elevate, Liberate, Invigorate and Demonstrate...
And First and Foremost, Make All of Yourself At Home...It is Your Temple After-All
Blessings From On-High! We Love, Love, Love You!

Arcturian Emissaries of Light


Hallie Angel

Sat, 04/16/2011 - 22:06

These words resonate with me . I have made it. I have found it . It is right here.

Thank you for enlightening me. Love and Light Wink

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