~Major Events Unfolding~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 10:21



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2012 ~ REBOOTING THE SYSTEM The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy


The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy
Sedona AZ - 
Original Post February 29 (leap year), 2012



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Loss and Loneliness During a Spiritual Awakening Process


Loss and Loneliness During a Spiritual Awakening Process

Loss and loneliness are common during the spiritual awakening process.

At some point in time we each begin to awaken to who we really are, beyond the physical, beyond the conditioning and programming, and beyond the many games we play as humans on this ever evolving planet.


We chose to come here, knowing we would lose ourselves in the density of unconscious, knowing we would play and struggle with limitation and control, and also knowing that the challenges, suffering and insights we experience would support us to awaken from this illusion of separation.



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Disclosure starting in mainstream media: Viking robots found life on Mars, scientists say


Disclosure starting in mainstream media: Viking robots found life on Mars, scientists say



Friday, April 13, 2012

Disclosure starting in mainstream media: Viking robots found life on Mars, scientists say


Viking robots found life on Mars in 1976, scientists say 




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JOY IS IN THE AIR: Цекало и Puttin` отожгли на Воробьевых горах


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PEACE IS IN THE AIR: Флешмоб в память Майкла Джексона


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – WE’re ONE Consciousness and it’s All Here for You to See ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – WE’re ONE Living Planet and it’s All Here for You to See ~


DNA's Vibrational pattern


In the beggining was the Word, and the Word Was God”... all is sound, sound is Vibration... vibration is an aspect of light, which is LOVE... vibration/light/Love takes shape... You=All=Us are vibrational shapes of consciuosness. How does it sound? How does it feel to be Perfect Vibrational Geomerty Paattern of Consciuosness?


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/13/12



Media channels receive their messages from channels who also receive messages sent to them from media channels as well. When this chain of information is broken for any reason, messages delivered through our channels to the people of your world are temporarily interrupted. This has been the case as of late here, as other pressing matters have superseded our regular duties of sending messages through this channel. Much is transpiring behind the scenes, and we wish you to know that here on our side we are very busy with last-minute details before a rush of activity begins in your world.


You can be always assured that we are here and we are always with you even if there are a few days where we cannot share our messages with you. There will not come a time when we were ever to leave you without our plans being fully explained to you. As we have said, we have been very busy finalizing details that will bring to your world the many changes we have often discussed with you. It is always quietest before the storm, and this rule certainly applies here. Be prepared for a flurry of activity to begin, and for all that we have discussed to now begin to take place.


As we have advised you all along, there is no need to fear as we have your well-being clearly in mind and we will make every effort possible to see that no harm comes to any of you. With great change often comes a certain level of turmoil and we do perceive this throughout these events, but we also see the people of your world handling very well these changes, and we are here to assist in our way see these changes proceed as smoothly as possible.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~13~12 The Announcements to Begin Shortly~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~13~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ The Announcements to Begin Shortly~





 Greetings Love beings, Love is in the Air~ Love is everywhere. Vibrating through this entire Planet and all on her. If you are connected to the Planet you will be able to feel this. This energy is available to All. You will Feel this as a Vibration of Joy throughout your entire Being. What has occurred is Time has now officially stopped and the Portal of Love Has Opened for All to enter into Eternity. This is the Divine Intervention energy as a Gift from US to All of Humanity. This Energy will climax around April 21st, 2012. True Freedom is Here, Love is Here and exists in the Unity Consciousness that is spreading contagiously like wild fire across The Planet. Nice Planet, this is the Daily Planet.



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4/13/2012 -- More Possible tornadoes = Oklahoma City & Tulsa -- Be ALERT in TX, OK, MO, KS, IL


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Crazy Weather down in California.


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4/13/2012 -- SEVERE weather outbreak underway = TX, OK, KS, MO, AR, CA, ID, MT


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Fran Zepeda – Sananda – Open to Truth




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~The Mount Shasta Solar Eclipse Event of 2012


The Mount Shasta Solar Eclipse Event of 2012



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Visionkeeper – Stay Headed Towards The Light




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Why Doesn’t the Media Report on the Triumph of Democracy in Iceland? What Are They Afraid Of?




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Mike Shedlock/ Mish – Massive Jump In Bank Of Spain Borrowing From ECB: Bank Of Spain Balance Sheet Shows Spain Deep In Trouble, LTRO Is Essentially Useless – 13 April 2012




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Fractal Universe, we are all connected


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Golden Codes of Creation


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~Astrology Report~


"I am the Love that I am seeking in the outside world" Big changes this week as Mars goes direct and Pluto goes retrograde. Maybe wrap up some of those relationship issues that have resulted from some bad communication recently? Patience with the other and feeling over judging is the key this week. Best of all to you.


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A msg from Mother Gaia ~ 2012 ~ The Event Horizon Awaits


A msg from Mother Gaia ~ 2012 ~ The Event Horizon Awaits




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HUGE ROTATING SYSTEM! Is this all one storm? Good Grief!


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10 ominous facts about Spain – Please note: This story was released on April 10th. Today, Spain is imploding! ~J




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Steve Beckow – Just In Time Ascension



Steve Beckow – Just In Time Ascension – 13 April 2012


I was saying yesterday:“It very well could be that we’ve entered a time when the really big changes are coming to an end – the cabal is banished, war stops, we are awakened. And now begins the really hard work, the slog, of turning the attention inward and tackling all the low-grade perpetrations, weaknesses and vices that the necessity to fight to free ourselves allowed to remain hidden.” (1)


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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-13-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~



Greetings Love Beings,

 still waiting for disclosure?

Waiting for more sights?


Ok... and... should the ships land in your backyard is it ok then or will they have to go trhough another test, mybe to see if they’re real and not holograms kind of...

I know... many still doubt... I know... see it every day... thus I also see many that go together and spread the truth that we’re here. And won’t leave. For Family won’t be separated anymore.


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RT: Assange show premiere: Time to watch ‘The World Tomorrow’ (PHOTOS) Published: 13 April, 2012




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Today is/was Friday The 13th... not the one we get use to watching silly sequels of some duds in masks and massive knifes, or midgets dolls with no heart, yet with very little creativity using spoken word in these scripts...


I am not judging them in any way, as they found that constant fear from the screen is the only way to keep you imprisoned within your own mind... So you would not dare to stand up for truth starting early as teenagers or even earlier...

Silly techniques they used on us and our children, knowing intentionally that when they put rating 13+ or 14+ or 21+ or GP, GDP, or XXX or triple AAA... They knew they have our attention: where all forbidden was so much more desired, simply by stating this in the beginning of the show or movie...


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~Love will keep us alive~


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Begin where you are… ~ Michael through Ron Head


    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese


This morning we shall talk about the financial situation on your planet.  First let us state that, except for its influence upon your state of consciousness, we simply have no interest in such a thing.  We do recognize, however, that in your societies, as they have been constructed, it is inescapably entwined with your well-being.



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"Make a U TURN, if possible!" by SophiaLove




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April 16-22 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading


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Djwhal Khul ~ Mars Direct in Virgo



Djwhal Khul ~ Mars Direct in Virgo

Mag 6.1 Earthquake Drake Passage


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MT. SHASTA Solar Eclipse Event-s


   ~The Mount Shasta Solar Eclipse Event of 2012
By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 13 April 2012

a message from Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
•• A pre-note from Yojman (Yoj Chase), Mt. Shasta is—of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere—what could truly be called “Headquarters” , Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
Regarding Aluna Joy’s letter below, Please know that many “events” will be underway during the 3 or 4 days around the Eclipse.
Many will come just to sinply be moving around this sweet gathering spot. Some outdoors some indoors. Some charging a fee some not charging.
Listen to Your God Presence ~Your Self I Am~ if your guided to show-up here. As much will be going on up the mountain and in town. Cheers.

I  was in the path of a solar eclipse when I was a young child . . . I remember it clearly. The sky slowly darkened. The birds sang their evening songs and then they all went still. I heard the crickets begin their chorus. That is when I looked up expecting clouds; instead I saw a shadow crossing the sun. I was alone out in nature, but I was not alone. I was one with the Earth and sky, and the distance between the two had just shrunk to the point that I felt one with everything. There was a deep stillness overlaying a potent raw power of the universe. I could clearly feel my place in the scheme of life. It was a powerful and life changing moment in time for me.

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It Was the Twinkle in His Eye




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Natural Remedies: Take A Mental Break With Eucalyptus




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14 April: Iceland Forgives Mortgages / IMF Urges Authorities To Consider Debt Forgiveness


14 April: Iceland Forgives Mortgages / IMF Urges Authorities To Consider Debt Forgiveness


(editor's note: Wheeee!!! Here we go! I'm sending out immense energies of Love to these events; may they become the catalyzing dominoes that begin a world-wide financial event of prosperity for all! All my Love, Boo)


Iceland Forgives Mortgages

The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused 






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HIGHLIGHTS from the David Wilcock article, “Major Event: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks”




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Dana Mrkich: Re-booting, Re-wiring and Recalibration




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F R E E D O M ! Love & Light West Coast Tour


I can feel the waves rolling beneath me as I sit in this beautiful room. I've never felt it quite like this before ... it's dizzying if you focus a lot of attention on it. It's the first time I recall feeling Mother Earth rumble ... I can actually feel her breathing. There is so much going on that is difficult to describe, but something amazing is on the threshold. I can't say it doesn't hurt to just say to my loved ones I'm taking a trip and zippo - gonzo just like that - I'm driving cross country when it was the last thing I was expecting. I love my love and my brother and my cats/birds/hamsters but this trip just has to be as it is. I do know - absolutely without a doubt - that it is part of an awaking in some way, however, personal, for every one that I have connected with. We are ONE! When one of us hurts, it hurts us all! That is why we have so much emotion - we are compassionate, empathetic love beings and star beings. This is going to be fun so let's just breathe and laugh - and wink! - and have fun with the coincidences: red shoes, titanic, parallel 49, dorothy, blue heart orbs, tree orbs, call to come to the coast, books in my room that I know came from the intentions of either Marie or David .. and so so much love is what I'm filling and giving back.  Ada Annie is a beautiful touch of rainbow brilliance ... but the Tonquin ... now I'm really intrigued.


Description for video:


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Anak Krakatau Volcano in the Sunda Strait


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Happy Friday Evening! So much to do and so little time left to do it. The long climb up the hill is over and Earth and Humanity has reached a level plateau where a CHOICE must now occur. Now is where the fun begins! The express elevator is waiting for those of us who wish to ride it, and the once it starts upwards..., well, let's just hope most of the queazy ones can hold "onto their lunch"! There are of course other local elevators that still may climb, but much more slowly, and still others that will carry you back down the hill where you can be more like the person you used to be. Where YOU CHOOSE to go from here will be up to YOU. Does it surprise you that you would have a choice? What if you realized that every day of your life was lived in a way that was reflective of your own choice, even if you did not realize there were other choices besides the ones you made? The difference between now and then will be that ALL OF THE CHOICES will be made very clear to YOU! LOVE is a CHOICE, not just a feeling. FEAR is a choice, not just a feeling. The "ride up" the express elevator is all about YOU, becoming brilliant! Becoming LIGHT, Becoming LOVE, Becoming a Star Human. How this is achieved is through FREQUENCY. It is all about "vibration". It is about YOU achieveing what many thought would never occur and could never happen. TRANSMUTATION OF DARKNESS into CRYSTALINE LIGHT. Once you enter the elevator and push the "UP" button..., please hold onto your hats, gloves, shoes and anything else that might "fly away" since it's gonna get interesting. What is going up is YOUR FREQUENCY, what is changing is your vibration and the vibration all around you. This "very real" change will take place over the next several months and will culmintate in the most joyous happening ever recorded in history. A change in frequency is not something to be feared or to be taken for granted.

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Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann




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Storm forecasters: "Catastrophic" damage possible in Kansas, Missouri" is it haarp?


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Heavenletter #4159 From the Sound That Arose




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Lisa Gawlas ~ Concentrated Electrical Field + Autism And Obama! ~ 14 April 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ Concentrated Electrical Field + Autism And Obama! ~ 14 April 2012

These days are so extraordinary.  We are participating in the greatest show on earth, and I am so grateful to have a front row seat each and every day to the details unfolding.  Assimilation of each day is not always easy, but there always seems to be a clear message embedded within the field of Light I read from.


Yesterday was the finalization of the massive change started on earth April 11th.  The first reading of the day really showed us what is happening on earth… tho it took me a bit to really understand the message.



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My Brothers, A long time ago, there was a saying that goes like this: BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. Well, I suppose today in order to be gender equal, we could change it to bad things happen when good people do nothing. What we have been seeing and witnessing in our country for many decades now is the complete abdication of GOOD MEN doing anything about the bad they see happening around them. This is not to say that there is a certain "THEY" out there who are mostly culpable while others remain innocent. This by and large has been a societal epidemic which was "constructed" very subtly by the PROGRAMMING of our individual and group mind. We were taught..., encouraged, bribed, and tormented into looking the other way or ignoring what was in front of our face. Sometimes, our own individual desires for a "leg up" and a "good life" was all that was necessary as a promise from those bent on doing dark deeds in order to get GOOD PEOPLE to look the other way. There was a popular movie that coined the absolutely ridiculous and preposterous phrase: GREED IS GOOD! Who with any mind or heart at all could believe such a thing? And yet..., many, many people through out the 80's and 90's and the first half decade of the 2000's were rushing forward head over heals with this idea in hand. Who can possibly point the finger totally at those around them if they are driving a Mercedes Benz when a Honda would have done just a well? Who can say I did not add to the problem if they have a 6,000 sq. ft. home when most people live in a 1,500 sq.

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MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks Report from David Wilcock


MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks Report from David Wilcock

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