~The Truth is The Truth~ Victory is Our's~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 10:14


Greetings Love Beings, We are Happy to report that Indeed Victory is Ours, now we wait patiently for this Next Phase of the Divine Plan to roll on out. We could care less how many ego's want to question us, as the events that are about to occur are going to clear away all remaining Doubts. Truth is Truth and is not a belief system. Welcome to Spring Cleaning. We are heading for a Huge Energetic Day on April 21st which is also the New Moon In Taurus. We will have more about this in our Next Update~ All Our Love Your Earth Allies

~The Next Galactic Free Press Update~ Will Be Monday April 16th, 2012



~ We will not have a daily Update today, as the energies align for our all of the events. Our Next Update release will be Monday April 16th, 2012.~


~Thank You for Keeping Your Hearts Open And Staying Tuned IN~


WE are Indeed In Some Very Intense and Exciting Energies which will Propell us ALL~


~Love Your Earth Allies~


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Poof for April 15, 2012: Shakin’ and Bakin’




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FREEDOM PROJECT: IMF Urges Authorities to Consider Debt Forgiveness to Restore Growth




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Posted on April 12, 2012 by Nancy B. Detweiler




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Poofness 4~15~12”Shakin’ and Bakin” The sun is rising in the east, balance is being restored in the world”


Poofness 4~15~1”Shakin’ and Bakin” The sun is rising in the east, balance is being restored in the world”


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader The Sun is Rising~

Posted on April 15, 2012

Highlights By Kauilapele's Blog



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4/15/2012 -- Severe UPDATE = 24 states -- Midwest , South, North, Southwest, West Coast


Full website post with screenshots of current RADAR plus the links you can use to monitor this ongoing outbreak:


Current states effected and that will be impacted in some way by this system over the next several hours from now 730pm CDT 4/15/2012 are listed below : The current large storm is pressing ENE towards the great lakes...

The back end of the storm is pulling down cold air / strong cell thunderstorms / damaging winds and SNOW into Texas, New Mexico --- I don't know if the NEXT LINE of storms being pulled down from the pacific northwest (currently over colorado ) will produce additional severe weather, or if it will spin up ITSELF into a new small low pressure system.

Also, on the west coast.. Washington State, Oregon .. .another storm is peeling off the very large low pressure system parked out off the coast of Alaska... I think we will see this NEXT line of storms in a few days when this west coast system finally comes ashore. Possibly a repeat situation next week at some point.

Watch these states :

Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigian, South Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama , and Possibly Kansas, Nebraska again.... Also out west... California, Oregon, Idaho --- the next storm will be coming ashore soon.


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Dear Sisters and Brothers, if you find this information and videos included here inspirational for you as it was for me than I am so happy to share this wonderful example of pure courage and illumination that I feel in Victoria's voice and in her standing tall posture... Wow... wow...


What a surprise and what an honor receiving this video from my beloved Andrea, who did not say a word, just sent me a link and observing me from her couch corner... She know this will be the most enlightening moment of my Sunday 15th of April in Year of Ascension...


This wonderful girl of only 12 years of age in this life, gave me chills that are still lasting... This wondrous being show me what courage means... This luminous angel showed me that We are safe... We, as Humanity are safe because we have beings like Victoria who are not afraid to take a lead in our New Earth...

This angel of truth gave most elaborate yet so smooth speech about what is not working and how she will fix it... And She will, as she operates from her heart, not analyzing is it possible, or is government allowing truth to surface...



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Grace Energy~All Karma, past actions are Now Forgiven In God's Love


~Thank You for Being Present in the Moment of Now and FREE~

Love The Earth Allies


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~Victory of the Light is near, we will all win together!~


~Victory of the Light~


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Victory of the Light


Victory of the Light will happen with mathematical certainty. There is a law in hyperdimensional physics that is called syntropic inequation. It states that total entropy of the universe decreases with time because the universe is not a closed system. Actually decrease of entropy defines the time vector as always pointing from past into future. All this means that at a certain point in time total entropy of the universe decreases to a point which ensures absolute victory of the Light over all darkness.



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~WOW~ Great Capture of Our Craft over Cyprus~ Amazing


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Victoria Grant on Press For Truth TV (a 12 year old Canadian patriot)... DO YOU NEED ANY MORE ENCOURAGEMENT?...




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Angelic Assignments with Sharon Taphorn ~ Shield Yourself


This week your mission – should you choose to accept it is: practice how you feel when you work with a shield. Play with it and see what works for you right now.



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Sweden SINKHOLE Keeps Expanding


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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-15-2012 ~What this all means for All



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-15-2012 ~What this all means for All ~


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FREEDOM PROJECT: David Wilcock Update on Disclose.tv: Shutdown Was a Hoax


Join US in the process of spreading the Truth...


Do not judge anyone, not even self if you were concerned or scarred...

Use this as beautiful oprtunity to see through the lies that were surrounding US for hundreds of years... 


Spread the truth, and trust only your heart... 

Know the truth cannot be shut down any more... 




[same as our beloved Jim: they  cannot lie to US any longer...]




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All events will now work to produce the divine order ~ Michael through Ron Head


All events will now work to produce the divine order ~ Michael through Ron Head

April 15, 2012

    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese

Now it is time for us to speak to you about military matters.  You will see almost all of your star brothers and sisters wearing a uniform of some sort.  During your long history of conflict, you have learned that to mean conquest.  In more peaceful societies, it means service.

We wish to inform you again that no one who wishes you harm has been able to enter your atmosphere for more than ten years.  Those who had been invited by your governments and then used the permissions for ill have been evicted from your world.  Those who had lived in secret colonies and fed off your fear and misery have been removed.



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Montague Keen ~ 15 April 2012 Know that Your Space Family os Here and Around You


Montague Keen ~ 15 April 2012 Know that Your Space Family os Here and Around You


Yes, my dear, you are all ascended Beings of Light. You chose to be on Earth in these days of change so as to ignite the Divine Light to rescue your fellow man from the clutches of the Cabal. The energy they use to keep you down is fading. They are losing their grip on control. Of course, this is when they are at their most dangerous; after all, as they see it, what have they got to lose that they have not already lost ?


We, along with your friends from other planets, are preventing the wars from escalating further. The Cabal is at a loss as to how they can overcome this problem. I always said that they will go down fighting. Now you are seeing this happen. They had managed to convince the world that they, alone, were in control, and that you were subject to their commands. They actually believed their own propaganda. They foolishly believed that riches, alone, would win the day.


Now they have to face the fact that you enter the world with nothing and leave it with nothing. They systematically destroyed all that was pure and good. They created the disaster in which you now exist, where GREED is the order of the day.



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2 people hurt as softball-sized hail, tornado pound NW Oklahoma


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Apr 6, 2012 by facing42

This is my daughter. She gave this speech at a businees meeting in front of 600 people. Her eyes have been opened to a scam that is being perpetrated upon Canadians and the rest of the world.

I am the owner of this video.
Please copy the following
and add "Corrupt Canadian Banking System" to the description if you choose to re-upload
Feel free to use it freely without altering the content in a manner that would draw conclusions unintended by the speech but please redirect people back to the original post.

Please also see these great resources for more information and people who are trying their best to enact the necessary change in our country and the world:
Documentary (really good)

Bill Abram;'s mini documentary (really good)




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Planetary/Lunar/Solar Geometry April 15 ~ June 19 Update~


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4/15/2012 -- OK, AR, MO, IA, MN, WI, IL, KY, TN, TX, LA, MS, OH, MI, WY, CO, NM = SEVERE WEATHER


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Sananda ~ Open to Truth ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.13.12



I come before you today to speak of the Truth that is in your hearts, dear ones. No one can deny that you are waking up to it. The depths to which you are reaching are astounding and unequalled. The expansion of your energy has contributed to this and you are just beginning to see the ramifications of it. Your bravery in opening up to consciousness that you have not perceived for eons is applauded and cherished by all of the Company of Heaven. We thank you for this.


Be prepared for even more widening of your energy fields. This may cause a discomfort in your physical bodies, a kind of opening that you may be unfamiliar with. All openings seem unfamiliar at first, dear ones, as you attempt to understand it from a point of reference from your third dimensional experience.


We ask you to let go of that urge or tendency to define it based on what you have experienced in your un-awakened state and be open to just being with it, without engaging your mind. With this, you will begin to activate the memories you all carry within you.  Be aggressive with this to the degree of abandoning your tendency to control your frame of reference in attempting to understand.


Waking up your memories has begun with the new influx of golden energy from the Central Sun. Your DNA are becoming fully activated and you are making the rapid changeover from carbon-based structure of your physical bodies to crystalline substance.


To experience this in complete safety and confidence, it is necessary that you frequently ground yourselves into Mother Earth, with your beloved Gaia. She will hold you in Love as you share your Love with her. Becoming fully committed to ascending with Her will insure your development to a greater degree and increase your abilities to keep raising your vibration in your Ascension with Gaia to the 5th Dimension.




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Large CME


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Exclusive: Assange on 'The World Tomorrow' premiere (full version)


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Living the Butterfly Effect and the Beauty of it/US All!!!





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Jennifer Hoffman ~ Message From Archangel Uriel ~ Heal Your Energetic Space ~ 16 April 2012


Jennifer Hoffman ~ Message From Archangel Uriel ~ Heal Your Energetic Space ~ 16 April 2012

Each of you lives in an energetic space that is at the vibration and frequency of your lessons and healing journey. Within this space you attract the situations and people who have two missions. The first is to connect with you at the energetic level of your healing. The second mission is to hold this energy until your healing is complete. While you may blame others for blocking the flow of energy in your life, they are merely part of your healing journey, holding energy for you to complete your healing cycle. This is their commitment to you and they will do whatever they can to maintain it, until your healing is complete.


The soul contract you embody is one of healing and transformation. Its accomplishment is the greatest journey you have ever undertaken, the single purpose of this and of all lifetimes. This is your life purpose and the life purpose of all of humanity. When you allow healing to occur you clear the energetic space that others hold for you and release you and them from that energetic frequency. But without your conscious recognition of this contract, the desire and intention to heal and the action required for healing to occur, you feel stuck and you are, for you are in an energetic space that will not be released until you complete the healing you have promised to do.



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…a short period of turmoil followed by a forever of happiness. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



…a short period of turmoil followed by a forever of happiness. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

April 16, 2012 


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Healing Earth News - A Gift of Bees To The Waldorf-Astoria



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CNN: Massive Sandstorm outside Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


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April Full Moon Transmisson {Siriun Council: Moving from Linear Time to Cosmic Time} ~ Judy Satori


full post view:

Peace & Blessings
Esta Lior


mp3 audio: The Full Moon Transmission for April 2012:

mp3 audio: Stay Healthy Through Earth's Ascension:

 Earth Ascension:  Moving from Linear Time to Cosmic Time

Linear Time was a phrase coined by Sir Isaac Newton three hundred years ago to explain time as we presently know and experience it on Earth.  The Elohim tell us that with Earth’s shift to the fifth dimension this expression and experience of time will alter to become what is known as Cosmic Time.  This transmission explains this process of change and delivers a powerful energy transmission to begin to attune you into Cosmic Time.  This energy work affects the pineal and the pituitary glands slowing down the human aging process that is currently in sync with the past, present and future of Linear Time


This month the Siriun Council begin to share with us information about the Earth's shift from Linear Time to Cosmic Time.  


You probably feel as I do that time seems to go by much faster, as if it is somehow speeding up.   The Siriun Council explain that with the shift of the Earth from the third to the fifth dimension, which will be like the Earth existing within a faster pulsating envelope of light we will experience time differently.  Instead of time expressing the past, present and future Linear Time that we know, time will express as 'now' time, which Cosmic Time has nine time zones.  In a way, nothing will change from moment to moment in our reality in the 'now', but time will express differently and this will alter our experience of time.


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Victory of the Light - It's DONE NOW



Sunday, April 15, 2012


Victory of the Light




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UNMASKING: Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality ~ Children of the Sun


full post view:

Peace & Blessings
Esta Lior


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality    

    Advancing into Multi-Dimensionality

    The Masquerade Ends
    Transcending Free Will

    Bending the Reality of 3D

    Rewriting our Scripts

    Notes on our new Bodily Operating System   
    Meet our April Amazon Expedition Team

The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ New Moon, April 21
as synchronized with The Amazon Transmissions!


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4/16/2012 -- Severe weather UPDATE -- 2 day outlook -- South , Mid Atlantic , and Next storm


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Natural Remedies: Healing With Sound




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Heavenletter #4161 You Are Beginning to Wonder


Heavenletter #4161 You Are Beginning to Wonder, April 16, 2012 

God said: 


I am not hope. I am Truth. I am far more than hope. I am Love, and you are Love, and love meets in a non-space of Oneness. How happy I am to have met you. I met you first in My dream, and then My dream esplanaded into Truth, and so We stand, you the illustrated Truth of Me. How vast is Our relationship. How vast is Our love that it is the very vapor We exist in, or seem to exist in, yet the fact is: We exist.

It seems quite natural to speak of We, does it not? It is much more natural to say We rather than you and I, or I and you, or anything else at all, until a time in non-time appears where the word I alone says it all, and no counterbalance is needed, or thought to be needed. I am I, and there is no you, and, yet, for as long as it suits you, I shall speak of Myself as We, so you will know that you are included in Me.


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Oracle Report ~ Monday April 16 2012 What Seemed Lost?



Oracle Report ~ Monday April 16 2012 What Seemed Lost?

Posted on


April 16, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | Third Quarter Moon Phase

On Friday I talked about opportunities “blowing” in from Spirit. This theme continues today, with the added element of re-vitalizing something that seemed lost. What seems lost? Is it something about you – your confidence, strength, decisiveness, judgment, access to your grander self and your potential, sense of adventure, hope, or your sense of self?



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~Space Weather Update~ Something in the Offing


SOMETHING IN THE OFFING: A potentially significant active region is about to rotate onto the Earthside of the sun. A hot plume of plasma flying over the sun's northeastern limb heralded its approach during the early hours of April 15th:



Extreme UV image credit: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

The eruption hurled a coronal mass ejection toward NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have prepared a forecast track showing the progress of the cloud. No planets are in the line of fire.


Stay tuned for updates as the sun turns to reveal the active region in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.





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2MIN News Apr16


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Message To Off World Beings


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Lee-Anne Peters ~ How Can I Get My Connections Back?




Lee-Anne Peters ~ How Can I Get My Connections Back?






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Like a Hawk


It’s really windy today.


Things are moving quickly, even the air.  The wind outside is pushing the air through the budding trees and growing grass.  Without any other options, they move.  I’ve seen a hawk this morning, coasting for a bit on these currents of air, hunting.  He is utilizing what is in front of him, expanding his opportunities, seeing places he may not always see on his usual path.  Perhaps, by riding this breeze, he can relax a bit and not work so hard to get where he is going; focusing his sights on the goal. 


The tree will grow and the hawk will eat, yet for one today’s gale force winds are a boon, while for the other they are potentially damaging.  The tree, rooted and stationary, is losing branches as I watch.  The hawk in flight is about to enjoy a hearty meal.  Let’s be hawks.


These winds of change are blowing through every facet of our world.  We can ride them or resist, the choice is always ours.  The opportunity before us is clear; fear or love.  The wind will blow regardless.  We can lose branches or rise to new heights, depending on which we choose.


A focus on love will allow us to soar.  We were meant to fly, to see beyond the ground on which we walk, to capitalize on every opportunity.  The wind is only a problem if you are unable to move.  It can be a source of power, unseen yet potent.


View these changes as that necessary force to take you where you haven’t been until now.  This is as you have planned it and the propulsion of energy has arrived right on time.  We are ready now.  Our power is enhanced with this wind and not diminished.  As a collective we will see some branches lost.  We are strengthened by this and not damaged, growing ever stronger.



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 16 April 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 16 April 2012

Posted on April 16, 2012 by GLR  lucas2012infos

When we speak of our allies we generally refer to those who are Lightworkers, at the front of activities that are occurring with our backing. They are the ones who are preparing the way for the greater advancement of our programs, that are restoring your sovereignty and opening up the way to Ascension. Yet in essence every Lightworker unbeknowingly or not is part of the Divine Plan, ensuring that it is successful. What our coming will do is enable us to provide the details of why we are here, and reveal that we will speed up the changes to complete all tasks as quickly as possible. We believe that will put peoples minds at rest as to our intent, and clearly indicate that we come in peace.

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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 16 April 2012



Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 16 April 2012

Posted on April 16, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

In this reality and at this particular time all Earth entities are choosing between remaining in the energetic system of gravity and density, or moving up inside the newly established crystalline matrix of Earth. All of us have been in the midst of transformative changes and many have awakened to claim and unite with the wholeness of the Divine Self. After functioning for eons on decreased resources from our Higher Selves we are finally getting down to brass tacks and regaining direct connection with a stream of consciousness that is super luminal. Now is the best time to be enjoying the adventure of our earthly existence since the last few months have been energetically hyper. A nobility of Soul and Spirit has sprung forth at the atomic levels and is over-lighting our ability to harmonize and retain all knowledge and awareness and still be present in our human realities.

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Visionkeeper – Could This Be It? – 16 April 2912



Visionkeeper – Could This Be It? – 16 April 2912

Posted on April 16, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

(picture by www.favim.com)

After reading David Wilcock’s post the other day it left me wondering if this is finally it. If what he spoke of comes to fruition, I would have to say it is GO time for all of us now. Once this news goes main stream and the truth begins pouring out, many people will be in confusion as their reality explodes in their faces and they are left wondering who they are now and what is to become of their lives. We must not lose sight of the fact those still sleeping have not got a clue as to what is coming their way. Heads will spin and people will be scrambling to hold on to what they thought was their life as it deteriorates right before their eyes. The fact that liens will be placed on the 12 Federal Reserve banks and cease and desist orders issued as well will make it necessary for explanations to be forthcoming and as a result, the truth will begin to tumble out of the genie bottle with no way to put it back inside. While this possibility is exciting and finally the proof many of us have been waiting for, chaos could ensue for a short time as the plans for what comes next are set in place and things resume working again. It will be our time at last to spread calm across the planet and instill faith in anxious hearts and minds. People will look for answers and we must be there for them. It is time to walk our talk and be in our hearts.

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