~Pleiadian High Council~ ARE YOU READY?~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/22/2011 - 08:08

April 20, 2011~

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We are with you. You are not alone. It might seem as if the world around you is falling apart but we assure you that it is only the illusion of the material world that is going through its perturbation process.

Too much of what you hear in your media is negative. It affects your consciousness in disastrous ways. We recommend that you free your minds from that type of clutter as much as possible. Glean what you need to know and don’t dwell upon what you hear. In your hearts you know the truth even if you don’t realize it. Your hearts know what is real and true.

We see you coming and going looking for directions about what to do next in your lives. Sometimes it is unclear. This is a part of the ascension process. You can feel directionless like a ship without a keel. Honor this process, dear beings of Light. You are doing an excellent job during these confusing and challenging times. Stay steady on your feet and keep your spiritual stronghold in your lives. When it is time for your next steps the powerful energies now will make it clear. You will have to rely on your own good judgment along with help from others when necessary. This is about coming together to find wholeness and Light.

We shine our Light upon you. We are everywhere present in your skies. We have our fleets monitoring the earth underneath your feet. We check your atmosphere and your preparedness for our arrival. Are you ready? Is your consciousness ready to add your space family and friends into your lives? When all is ready it will happen. The Creator holds the keys to the timing of our arrival. We work constantly towards this eventuality.

Many of you are highly sensitive and are reacting to the solar activity that is most prevalent in the past couple of months. The Earth’s geomagnetic fields are going through a lot also. From our perspective we see huge accelerations with your physical bodies that are being enhanced by these energies. They are purposeful and are helpful to the Earth. Everything is working in tandem for the emergence of the Earth into the higher dimensions. The plan is complex and each of us is participating in the great unfolding.

We are working in the area of Japan along with other planetary fleets. The area is still problematic, as you know. We make suggestions telepathically to scientists who are working diligently to resolve some of the major catastrophes. There is also a lot going on in the ocean and wildlife has been moving away. They know where it is safe for them to be. We have other ways to assist also. Your energy and prayers are helpful. Healing the Earth is a joint co-operative effort.

During this time of unrest we ask that you remain true to yourselves, that you keep your minds and your hearts open. Expect to see what you have never seen before. Expect to remember what you have already known. Release your fears. Love your enemies. Beam Light into the darkness. Clear what is in the way. Expand your force field of Light so that you are infallible.

Each time you take the necessary steps to strip away the illusion in your life you are closer to your ascension. This is your ultimate goal. It is why you are on the Earth right now. Pay attention so that you are where you need to be.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

In Conclusion

We are in the process of co-creating our new reality and new Earth. First we must change our internal reality, clear our blockages, fears, etc. so that we can receive all of the Love and Light energy that is coming to the planet. It has been said that “Everything has to fall apart so that we can come back together.” This feels like what is happening. When it comes back together we will be in higher consciousness and we will help each other through it.

I align with you that we continue to elevate our awakening so that we can all rise above the third dimension and be at peace.

Blessings, love and Light,

Valerie Donner

©2011 The Ground Crew


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