Greetings from Galactic Heart...Spreading Love Not Fear

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 20:32

Greetings from Galactic Heart...Spreading Love Not Fear


I love this message. Everyone I talk to now is excited about the unfolding of events that we have all held near and dear to our hearts for oh so long. I am honored to be among you.....yes, Victory is at hand. PAO/PAG members and friends had the tenacity, the steadfast conviction of our heart-knowing. Soon the entire world will be spinning from the Truth and they will need our compassionate, loving assistance. So be it. And so it is done!

In Sheldan's upcoming webinar: Spreading Love not fear, he will go over the latest time schedule from the time after announcements, to the releasing of technologies, to disclosure, to mass contact and reunion with our Galactic and Spiritual families (First Contact), to being invited to Agartha, to our transformation to fully conscious Beings (Galactic Humans). As we come together during one of PAO's webinars, we enhance the energies to manifest Heaven on Earth. We are making history~~Join us!

Selamat Ja!



Message for 4-14-12

Greetings from the Galactic Federation:

There is a great sense of hope developing on your world today as your collective thoughts focus on the arrest of the Illuminati and the restructuring of your financial systems. These are as have been intended. They are being played out all over your world in an orchestrated manner that would overwhelm you in its strategic development if you could know its depth and breath. We are here to speak about that which we can without jeopardizing actions already in play that you will see come to fruition over the coming weeks.

Prepare for great movements of information all over your globe that will focus those who are not in tune with what you have been accomplishing all this while. This will be the next, and greatest to date, mass awakening of individuals who have been asleep through the process thus far. This information will come from many sources, including your media, which has even now begun to unravel the Illuminati control about it. Truth is rolling over those that resist, and those who have always wanted this information to “get out” now see no impediment to their actions to make it so. This trickle will now become the floodgates of information that are a precursor to disclosure.

Indeed, we have had our hand in the rocket launch recently making news and it is now abundantly clear that there can be no reprisal from rogue military operations on our actions in the world. While fear mongering will cause many to focus on nuclear weapons and their potential use in terrorist activities, we say, as we have always advised, that there is nothing to fear at all.

Your nation of Iceland is being used as a testing ground for the rolling out of financial strategies for the betterment of your planet. It would be wise to follow their progress in this respect, as it will be the fate of all nations in a very brief period of time. We have always advised you that such an action would never come from the larger powers and nations of the world, but they will follow in lockstep once the actions begin their domino effect.

The time of doubt is at an end. The time of hope has begun. Now, you will begin to see real change occur, palpable and observable by all. These matters will come on so quickly it will spin your head. Hold on now for the beginning of the beginning. And as these changes come, so will Gaia react to your hope and love. She is already making changes that will benefit all. There are several more massive earthquakes yet to occur, all with minimal damage to life, as these changes continue.

We are forever with you, our family. We look forward to our reunion and the chance to share with you our love and excitement for your future.

Be at peace.

Channeler: Wanderer of the Skies


SPREADING LOVE not fear....

April Webinar with Sheldan

Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of fear?

The power of LOVE will free us to prepare for the
landings and our shift to full consciousness.

Sheldan discusses:

• Dark Cabal's agenda to manipulate us with fear
• How our 3D system is built around fear
• The Galactics: benevolent beings of Love
• Waking up to Love: How our Love can overpower fear and move us toward 5D


Sunday, April 22, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time~California Time)
Thursday, April 26, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight time~California Time)

For your convenience~~Time Converter

Register Now! You won't want to miss it!

Cost $15.00 US


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