~…~The Time Of Revelations And Truths Is Now~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/22/2011 - 18:43

…~The Time Of Revelations And Truths Is Now~

Our Lord’s[LOVES] Mys-Tery Of DiVine Grace…
Hidden In God’s His-Tory Of East-er:

TRULY – “The Greatest Love Story Ever To-BE Told…”

This is to be but a brief post to provide some additional food-for-thought, if you will, as we Recognize the Christian Easter this weekend. It does NOT matter your religious or Spiritual affiliations, nor whether you have any… nor your nationality, race, creed, background, etc… The Truth of This Story is for all Beings of Light.

Also, at the risk of frustration some of you, this post is not going to address the Bulk of what it’s headline suggests. Why? Why would I write that headline, or title, if I’m not speaking directly about it? Because. As all Awareness is brought in for the purpose of future higher Awareness… our acceptance and open-minded-ness is required. The headline is not without High meaning. And Know, I do not write, say, do anything that is not first chosen by Our Lord God Almighty. The last thing I want for anyone is more confusion, frustration or delay. It Is Done.

I can say, that this post is about the “first half” of “The Greatest Love Story Ever To-Be Told.” I’ll also say that Mystery is all that’s behind His-tory, and both are One, soon to Be Seen. Also, it is not always mine or anyone else’s job to tell it all when maybe something written or said will take you to Your Truth With-In.

As the Easter Tradition of the “Egg” (Hidden by the child - Found by the child), so is the Higher Truth of this Biblical documentation. In fact, the revelations of this Christian Celebration reach far wider and Greater than this post, which is to simply address the modern day tradition of It, taking a deeper, more Meaningful look at the “egg…” And, much more is to be revealed in a series of ebooks to be released on this site very soon. However, Now is the Time to take just another peek at Easter…

…Why an “Egg?” Why color it? Why the hiding and the finding?

My Grandson, Christian, came to visit a few weeks ago, and quite curiously, he was all about Easter that weekend. He showed up at the door all decked in his Easter finest – Handsome and beaming… I knew something was to go on that weekend. (Sometimes being “connected” 24/7 has been a bit odd and uncomfortable, especially dealing with worldly matters and people, but with time, this has become a learned dealing, AND sometimes, it has been a whirlwind of fun!)

Well, something(s) went on that weekend, all right! But, the majority of all that is another Story to be told. This is about one short afternoon spent with my beautiful grand-child and what he and I “shared” from All That Is… And, what this very Aware little boy’s Wisdom and Love could Heal… and reveal.

Well, we decided that we would have a little early Easter celebration, if you will, by dying eggs. Since much of the “crunched” weekend was spent doing other family fun things, Our “Experience” did not take place until Sunday afternoon.

Spirit miraculously Created the circumstances that day, where Joe was “distracted Wholly” and all others were out elsewhere, so me and The Grand Son decided to hang out… do eggs! So, off to the store for egg dye we headed. “Boog,” as we’ve called him for a few years (Short for Boogie-Woogie… ?? just one of those crazy nick names that come about for no “apparent” reason…) decided that he wanted camouflage coloring rather than the kind he had originally made a B-line for. Of course, it mattered not to me what kind of coloring he wanted… I’m just the NaNa, as he’s always called me, and just being with him was what I cared about… not to mention the fun of following him around and taking in the Spiritual Truths he has and continues to reveal to me. We went home and boiled “13” Eggs. Suddenly, Boog becomes enlightened and aware of his Great Grandma, NiNi, my Mother-in-law, and declares that he should probably wait for her visit later that day, and we’d do the egg dying all (3), together.

I was delighted and amazed at his overly-mature and loving insight! His NiNi, being 80 now, has had but a handful of occasions to see him, and has never had the opportunity to spend any real time with him. In fact, prior to this visit, he was usually fairly stand-offish with her, as he just didn’t know her that well. This has left her with a little bit of a heart-break, as she figured it would just be that way until she passed. So, upon his suggestion, I immediately suggested that he and NiNi do the eggs together… without me… and he and I would do the hiding and finding and other stuff. He, surprisingly, gave me no debate agreeing completely.

More so, Boog than stated that he was going to go put back on the suit he was wearing when he had showed up on the doorstep two days earlier… The “easter” suit. And, that he was going to “Hide” when Grandma NiNi arrived, so I was to play the “iggy,” part in his game, and he would come out of hiding to surprise her. Whatever you want is fine with me, I told him. But before he changed clothes, he methodically walked me through the house “drawing” out a line in the carpet of the exact steps I should lead his NiNi. (Had no idea what that was about, just child’s play, I assumed. After all, regardless of Awareness, does every single detailed “thing” have to mean something more than it seems…? Can a banana just be a banana sometimes…? ahhh)

About 20 minutes later, Nini and her long-time boyfriend, Bill, showed up at the house for a visit. He successfully pulls off his hide and seek game, and thoroughly surprises, and impresses, both NiNi and Bill in his dapper outfit! He immediately hits up NiNi with the egg dying, and the Healing was instantaneous before one egg was dyed. A Beautiful thing to Behold, indeed!

All the eggs were beautiful, almost UnEarthly, colors… but, the last few were the most interesting and revealing of all. Without possible Knowledge of Joe’s and my Awareness and Experiences, especially most recent, Boog mixed the dyes together in such a way as to actually Create the (3) dominating colorations of our Planetary Conscious Awakenings and Happenings. I will explain this more fully in other writings and/or books, but for now, I must say that these colors I would have thought impossible to replicate. Not only due to their extremely unusual nature, but who would have a clue how to create them, what combinations, what depths, etc…? He did. On the spot.

The (3) colors were representative of the just Past put on one egg half and half – orange and purple. The second egg was the color of the New Beginnings. (I witnessed the Moon actually do only weeks before, as I watched the feminine/masculine pass through the Door, meet again, embrace, and continue on their Journeys. The last color shown to me was one I could not name, but can state is representative of the Planet when all is done… Revelations fulfilled… New Beginning, New Earth, Heaven/Earth combined…)

The colors revealed to me then were a swirling of purple, blue, teal, orange, green, and whatever else…This egg was that. So unusual, no one could figure it out. The third egg was the most beautiful Red that anyone has ever seen. So beautiful, deep, unreal… ~~This color’s significance is Known, but not to be revealed at this Time~~ I will say that the Red Egg was one Boog would not give up… he spoke much of it… even wanted to make it REAL… and, no. It is not his favorite color. (Again, I will be sharing more in later writings)

So, I skip forward… Boog and I head out back to hide and find eggs. I let him take the lead, as we took turns hiding an egg and finding it. During the course of this fun… “I AM Presence” came in complete… as my Right Mind Re-Membered the following, as best I, Jen, can describe here:

1) The Egg is representative of New Life; New Beginnings, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ as He was Birthed on Easter… Risen from the “dead,” in order to dis-prove the illusion of Death. No death is real. The Message to the Apostles, and to the world, as it chooses to accept or believe. The Polar-Opposite significance being that – This egg was not to become life in birth, it was “dead,” yet was so for the nourishment and food.

2) The Egg is “Dyed” -The Egg comes in many colors; white, brown, green, and other… however, many cultures and societies, such as the US have determined that a “good” egg is Snow White (Pure), and of particular size and shape. Also, the misconception that eggs much be refrigerated is incorrect. As many will attest to, however, eggs are better for you, taste better, and “keep” longer Not being refrigerated. Also, their shapes, sizes and colorations are very diverse… all quite “yummy!”

So, the Egg being “Dyed” is representative of these: First, the biggy. Just as Jesus was “seemingly” Died/death on the Cross, is the egg dyed. Am I saying that He did not physically die on the Cross? No. I’m saying that ALL is Hidden in illusion until the Time it is to be revealed. We “see” what our awareness and understanding allows for the Purpose of Divine Plan.

Also, this Coloring is representative of our Diversity in Go/odness. Not ALL is of one color, shape, size… and, these features do Not represent what is discovered inside, or how good it is. Second, it represents the “illusions” we all have, how they change, and how these illusions slowly begin to fade from our Awareness as we become More Aware.

3. The Hiding of the Egg is representative of these: First, Christ was buried/hidden within the cave for the days between “death” and Re-Birth, Resurrection. The best of anyone’s Knowing, at that time, was just that. Who, yet, Truly Knows where He was, if he had consciousness, etc… This is Hidden, and assumed. It is UnKnown. The egg is hidden and UnKnown for us to discover/find. Also, the larger meaning of Hidden Truths to be revealed, to be KNOWN… just as All we’ve Known.

The Time of this Hidden, UnKnown is the Time where our Awakening takes place. Our Awakening and prepatory Ascension of “Death and Re-Birth,” that is. The Ascension… let’s just say, for now, that has yet to complete. The finding of the egg is for the child representative of just that. When we Know ourselves, we immediately UnKnow Ourselves. We Know/Die… then UnKnow/ReBirth. Only the Child is UnKnown… Only the Childlike, innocent, unknowing… the fool, as it is “0”, all trusting and of Faith. Only by Unknowing, being the child, may we Know God.

And, as Boog told me, the Egg must be found right away! Right Now! All weekend, in fact, he would say about much… “It must be right now.” This was not being said by an impatient child. He was making a clear point. One many of us may be Aware of. One I’ve been “Come To” of…

“…The Time Is At Hand…” Any Who are to be Known in this Great Coming… The Second Coming… any hidden eggs… need be found NOW.

The other phrase he would continually say… to the point of me constantly taking great note… When speaking of something he had done before, “ I did “this or that” once, but it did not go very Go/oD.” But, when he was packing to leave and we were “rapping,” He shared a Spiritual Truth (That I must hold for but a while…) and he started to complete his sentence… I interrupted him, looked in his eyes, saying… “not very Go/oD, right?” He looked deep in me with the eyes and Awareness of an Ancient and said, “No, Nana. Listen… Not too well”

NaNa Knew this child was Re-Minding her… As there is not just the “death and Resurrection” of Christ. The Real Message, the one we are All soon to Know… The final Message of Jesus Christ is in the Ascension.

Many don’t Know yet… but Jesus was not finished in His Message with the Resurrection. Yes. This Message was for the world, and it is Truly in the fact that He did rise from the “dead,” but not in Spirit. Jesus rose in His physical Mind/Body. Just as the story of “Doubting Thomas,” where Jesus encourages Thomas to touch him, his wounds, etc… in order to give Thomas the proof he needed, at that time… Jesus was really using this to prove to all following generations that Believing… Faith… is all needed for now.

Unfortunately, many still miss even that message. They also tend to overlook the Resurrection in the Flesh. That’s the Reality.

What Is only Now being Known is that Christ’s Hidden Message of Easter is Known in the Second Coming. Yep! I must not go into details here and now, but I will tell you that Jesus continued with Great Works on this Planet after the Resurrection. He made Known to but a familiar few… over a Time of Great Teachings and Knowledge being bestowed to them that the Final act is the Ascension. Yes. Those that shared, witnessed, recorded and Experienced with Christ in those days, literally Witnessed the ASCENSION of Christ into the understandings of Heaven. And, This is the making of the Gospels.

There is SO much more to say and write… but I must save and keep for other writings and books. I do not Know the exact reasons for what I can or can’t write. I never know when, where, how, or where, either. I simply do as Told. Did I overlook Go/od Fri-Day, bunnies, lilies, etc…? Not at all, Loves. I declare the most beautiful of Easters to you ALL… With Loving Grace and Peace.

J – Post written/prepared April 4th, 2011.
Divine Posting Go/oD Fri-Day April 22, 2011



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