Power Path ~ New Moon Update April 21, 2012 Beginning anew, Updating our Software

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 17:57
Report through Pat Lile's
~Beginning anew, Updating our Software~

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Saturday, April 21 at 1:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time. For this new moon we suggest spending a few hours in the power of silence. Feel the power of the still point of the new moon and honor the still point in yourself that allows for things to be reset if needed. This is the great void where all possibilities exist. See if you can become aware in your silence of the void and its power. From this place, anything is possible and that is a powerful place to be.


Recently the earth has shifted her assemblage point. The recent and very deep earthquake activity has created an opportunity for the earth to reset certain patterns that will be taking us in a different, more conscious direction. As the earth supports us, we should also do what we can to reset our own personal assemblage point, our priorities, our points of reference and our patterns. All you have to do is be willing.


Blessings, Lena

Written by Patricia Liles.
Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
New Moon: Sun and Moon in Taurus 1º
Saturday, April 21, 2012, 1:20 AM MDT


It’s time to lie down in the fields, smell the flowers and see just how beautiful life is at this moment. The Sun moves into the feminine, earthy sign of Taurus on Thursday, April 19 and is joined by the Moon just days later. Our energies are more grounded, focused and accepting under this Sun archetype. Taurus is ruled by Venus, (as is Libra) and this Earth power sign drinks in life through the senses – tasting the richness of what nourishes it, smelling the richness of the delights of Spring, drinking in with the eyes all the wonders of beauty provided by the miracles surrounding us, deeply experiencing and appreciating the gifts of a physical existence more acutely than any other sign.


With Venus’ guidance, Taurus supports us on the physical plane to learn what really matters to us, to gather resources, to find security, to appreciate and enjoy to the fullest the unique delight of a physical existence. Taurus points us in the direction of a powerful tool for adapting to these times. GRATITUDE! So many sources speak of the incredible effects of just the simple act of focusing one’s attention on deep appreciation for what is. Acknowledging regularly the gift of your life, this day, the Sun, the living elementals around you, your own miracle of a body… will bring you into alignment with the shifting energies that our collective existence is coping with in these incredible, transitional times. Taurus has just the focus we need to ground the new spiritual influences of awakening into the physical plane. Our physical and emotional bodies certainly need the support for all the change and growth being asked of them. When there are three major earthquakes within hours of each other circling the Ring of Fire as we have just seen in Indonesia, Oregon, Mexico, you can count on the entire Earth shifting and rearranging her alignment. Our own subtle bodies and physical bodies must do the same.


In the New Moon chart, asteroids Vesta and Ceres flank the Sun and Moon at 1º Taurus. Ceres is Harvest Goddess, Goddess of the Grain, the Great Mother that supports and nourishes us with her gifts. With Taurus, we are being called to honor and bless the Earth and drink deep from the natural world. It’s the perfect time for the global celebration of Earth Day. We are honoring our mother Gaia and taking responsibility for the planet like never before.

The pace of ‘the Bull’ is slow and steady; concerns are for the basics. To benefit from the New Moon: Dig in the garden, hike in the woods, sing from the heart, cook up a feast, chop wood, make love, put your finances in order, share your warm hospitality. If you need the qualities of determination, perseverance, dependability, contentment, patience, you’ll find them under this Taurean influence. But avoid getting stuck, digging in your heels or letting the inherent stubbornness, possessiveness, and resistance to other’s ideas bog you down.


We have been blessed with Jupiter in Taurus since early June 2011 (unlike its quick 4 month journey through Aries) and it will remain in Taurus until mid June 2012 providing us with a grounding, stable Grand Trine with Mars in Virgo and steadying some of the more threatening aspects of Pluto in Capricorn in these first months of 2012. Jupiter’s recent journey in the night sky with Venus was truly spectacular to watch.


We continue to hold the pattern of the Grand Square with North and South Nodes being sharply squared by Mars on one hand and Neptune (and Chiron) on the other. The North Node, our point of learning stretching and growth, is joined exactly with asteroid Juno, Goddess of Marriage, and all partnership and committed relationship and contractual and legal agreements. Juno also champions the powerless. It’s heartening to see so many releasing old patterns at such deep levels of victim/powerlessness left over from the Age of Pisces. Courageous clearing work comes before the evolution of our relationships into balanced expression. We will hold this Grand Square pattern into the next Full Moon cycle of May 5-6 giving us a total of two focused months (March-May) to deeply look into our patterns of relating, equality, healing and forgiving of inner warrior issues. The Trayvon Martin case is indicative of public outcry by the people rising up to be heard in defense of the powerless (Juno). Lynn Hayes writes an astrological analysis of the progressed charts of the two men involved compared to the chart of the USA at:


We are readying ourselves for the next energy surge and growth period that lies ahead that will begin with the Annular eclipse of the Sun 0º Gemini that will pass through China, Japan, and the Western United States on May 20. This will be the first annular eclipse visible in the USA in 18 years (and 10 years until the next one). It will be powerfully aligned with the Pleiades star system. May and November are the times when the influence of the Pleiades is most strongly felt on Earth. If we are receptive, wisdom and transmission from this powerful source will be available to all. Many sacred temples all over the planet are aligned with this star system - the pyramids at Giza, Teotihuacán, Tikal, Palenque, Stonehenge, etc. Many ancient stories and cultures such as the Lakota, Hopi believe the Pleiades or Seven Sisters to be the source of life on this planet. Would you call this an opportunity or portal to be guided by our ancient ancestors?

The Solar eclipse will be paired with the Lunar eclipse of June 4 at 14º Gemini/Sagittarius. These eclipse windows are a time of re-set, beginning anew, updating our software.


Then on June 6, we have the second Transit of Venus across the Sun – occurring in pairs 8 years apart, the first of the pair occurred in June 2004. We will have the rare sight of the small silhouette of Venus against the bright background of the Sun. These arisings of Venus in cyclic fashion occur in rhythmic intervals of: 121, 8, 105, 8, 121, 8, 105, 8 year cycles. It just so happens (?) that one pair of eight-year cycles happens in our lifetime and is complete in 2012. The Venus cycle was very important to the Mayans and they ended their calendar in 2012 with the completion of a Venus 8-year cycle. All issues of the feminine will be intensified along with her power and energy. Even now Venus is very active. She is gathering her power. She is what is called “out of bounds”. As of April 2nd, Venus has risen so high (north declination) in her orbit that she is way out of bounds from the path that the Sun normally follows and subsequently, she has a magnified energy, wild and unpredictable as she is essentially out of the influence of the Sun. This can be for the positive or negative and her intensified venusian energy can accomplish much more than normal. Venus rules the realms of the social, financial, beautiful, and pleasurable – what we are attract, what we desire, what we love and value and she is the ruler of this New Moon…


“…You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others….”


Received by Gillian MacBeth-Laothan

05/05 Full Moon in Scorpio (closest & largest Moon of the year)


SuperMoon, 9:36 PM MDT

05/20 New Moon/Solar Eclipse 0º Gemini conjunct Pleiades, 5:48 PM MDT

06/04 Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse – SuperMoon

Neptune retrogrades

06/05 2nd Transit of Venus

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