~Is This the Calm Before the LightStorm?~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 18:38

Is This the Calm Before the LightStorm?

2012 April 19
 by GLR~ Stephen Cook


Is it just me, or is there an incredible stillness in the air; in the atmosphere today? (Or tonight, wherever and whenever you may be reading this.)


For the past couple of weeks – actually I think it is way, way more than that – there has been a real energy increase; a buzz, an excitement, an electricity, a zapping, massive vibe running through – and to – me.


Some days it’s been tangible. Sometimes it’s been overwhelmingly in my face. Sometimes it’s left my ears ringing and ringing.


On certain days – and nights – the tips of my fingers have been literally alive with internal currents bouncing around within them.


My chest has felt tight. My back has been aching. And my head has been almost about to explode. But never in a bad way.


Strangely,  my vision has been both blurry and yet focussed. Sometimes I’ve felt like I’ve been in between two completely different worlds as the vision in one eye – or the other – has become fractured by a jagged, colorful lightning-bolt like spectrum, wherein I can see the world I’m in and another I don’t recognise (or remember?). Yet both are existing simultaneously. This has occasionally made me feel incredibly light-headed and, at times, downright dizzy.


On top of this, the past two weeks especially have seen pieces of information coming at me from up, down and sideways. So much so, that it’s been increasingly difficult to process – and recall what I just processed. And process what I do recall.

But I have felt energised, wired – or even, re-wired.

As I’ve done for years, I have usually been up before the birds and walking the local pavements, desperate to preserve my 3D body -  for the moment.


But this week, for some strange reason, I’ve struggled to get out of bed. Lethargy – and possibly some apathy – has flattened me to the sheets. Left me struggling to rise and kept me snuggling into my pillow, sleeping as much as I can – yet waking and tossing. As always. My back still aching.


Right now, though. Right here today. Something just feels…well, different. Right now – all is quiet. Eerily quiet. And so, so still.

Can you feel it, too?


Stop for a moment. Sit in it and I’m sure you will…

Even a quick scan around the world to see what’s been going down over the past few hours has proven to be fruitless. And I haven’t found a single article or news item that will enhance or further the conversation here.


So, yes, my gut is telling me that something is about to go down. My senses can sense it.


So many pointers – both Earthly and Galactic -  have been saying it’s all going to happen within weeks, months. “In April”, some have even said.


I don’t know the answer. I don’t know the when, how, where or what. But I think I do know the why. And I feel that something  BIG has shifted.


Is this simply the calm before the storm – the LightStorm – we’ve all been waiting for?

Oh, I DO hope so.



Devi Cholet

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 19:00


Yep, I am feeling this too!  For the last 2 days a big buzz and lots

of energy coming in and then now today, completely silent and still.

I keep searching for a sign in the alternative news sites that I visit

and they are all eerily quiet.  I felt that something big was going

to happen on the 16th and 17th, and when nothing happened I did

feel somewhat questioning, like what happened now?  As though

once again the energies dissapated.  Also was watching the time wave

zero graphs which showed the deep decline to singularity that appeared

to be going to happen on the 17th or 18th.  So here we are at the

19th and still nothing.  I find my self going from one cluster of days

to the next cluster, thinking okay, well maybe it's going to happen

then.  And I also become upset with myself for not being able to

stay in the now moment of perfect timing.  LOL.

The next dates set for planetary alignments are seeming to show

April 21st to the 25th???  Argggg, please something break before

I really lose it!

King David (not verified)

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 20:10

Oh yea, dizzy, nealy fainted Tuseday, been in deep meditations, body is changing, couldn't run cuz of motor cycle wreck in 1990, BAD BACK, for the first time in 22 years I ran 2 miles last Sunday and agian Wed. I will be 59 this june 10th,,,,,,,,,,,,I think?

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 05:38

I am just awake and Im still shaking from a dream i JUST had.   A meteor shower.  Its warm outside so its spring or summer.  Im telling somone in my dream that the sun has many spots that are very active, (which is happening right now).   Roads have caved in and buildings have crumbled.  (Without going into detail as I think this was a message for me to be prepeared, to keep my daughters close more than how the earth is going to take the transition.)  One signifigant thing, that is, what I think is what shook me up, is my dad, in the dream.  He is unable to see the disaster or me or my girls, its like he is blind to all the things happening around him.  He and a crowd of people are just chatting as if it was a "pretty decent rain storm"  while other scatter looking for shelter for the night.  I cry because he can no longer see me. 


Yes I feel it too.  Excited and afraid at the same time.  I will work on removing this fear today and that just leaves plain old excitement. :)

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 05:38

I am just awake and Im still shaking from a dream i JUST had.   A meteor shower.  Its warm outside so its spring or summer.  Im telling somone in my dream that the sun has many spots that are very active, (which is happening right now).   Roads have caved in and buildings have crumbled.  (Without going into detail as I think this was a message for me to be prepeared, to keep my daughters close more than how the earth is going to take the transition.)  One signifigant thing, that is, what I think is what shook me up, is my dad, in the dream.  He is unable to see the disaster or me or my girls, its like he is blind to all the things happening around him.  He and a crowd of people are just chatting as if it was a "pretty decent rain storm"  while other scatter looking for shelter for the night.  I cry because he can no longer see me. 


Yes I feel it too.  Excited and afraid at the same time.  I will work on removing this fear today and that just leaves plain old excitement. :)

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