Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/25/2011 - 07:49





 I am Lord Kuthumi. It is a great honor for me today to deliver to you a message of great hope and great love. I have great honor and respect for all those who are incarnate on earth today as human beings. 

This is a time of great celebration on the Other Side, for there is a great energy being sent to the earth today and many are beginning to reawaken to the Soul. This new energy as we call it, or the new energy of the earth, will continue to grow over the next few years. This is the Divine Energy. The great energy of love. This is an energy that has been felt by only a few on earth up until this point in time or this “Now” moment. During this “Now” moment many, many human beings are feeling this energy. To some it is very confusing. To others it is overwhelming and to some it is the gentle nurturing energy of Mother and Father God. 

This is an energy of change. Change is always a positive energy. As you become more and more familiar with this energy you will begin to realize the great power and the great importance of this energy. You will feel this energy in the solar plexus and the heart region of your body. This is the reawakening of the Soul. This is the realization of who you truly are. This is the beginning of the creation of what you refer to as “Heaven on Earth”. Many of you already know this. Many of you have already learned to align the intelligence of the mind with the greater intelligence of the heart. For your heart is truly your greater intelligence. It always has been and always will be. 

There is much knowledge and wisdom available to you through your greater intelligence of the heart. It has always been there just waiting for you to open up to this energy. Through the greater intelligence of the heart is your connection to Mother and Father God. This connection has always been there for you. When you open up this connection or become conscious of this connection you will remember many, many things. A greater knowledge and a greater wisdom will be there for you. You will truly begin to see who you truly are. The identity that you have chosen for this incarnation is not who you truly are and you will know this through your faith and consciousness. This is an identity that you have chosen for this lifetime on your spiritual journey of growth. 

This is a great time for many for there will be great growth for many. You have all chosen this lifetime because of the great opportunity for growth. Spiritual growth has always been your main goal each lifetime that you have lived on earth. This has always been your greatest wish and many of you have succeeded.  

As we now move into the Age of the Soul, with each “Now” moment, we see that many of you are achieving this spiritual growth much more quickly than we here on the Other Side ever imagined could be possible. Many of you are learning to become the observer. To be able to look at yourself through an observers eyes and to begin to see the true reality and to understand that your main purpose here on earth is to achieve this spiritual growth through serving yourself, through serving others, and through serving Mother and Father god. 

Many of you wonder how you can serve others. Many of you ask this question of yourselves. You will be shown this and it will become very clear to you once you open up and align the intelligence of the mind with the greater intelligence of the heart. You will begin to see more clearly the path that you have chosen during this lifetime. Many of you have already seen this path and are walking this path and yet you have many questions. Questions like, “How can I do this”, “How can I get started”, and what you don’t realize is that you have already started. Opening up to your heart, to this connection to Mother and Father God, is a big, big step. So you are already started. You now just need to learn to follow the guidance that you are being given. This guidance will come to you in many, many ways. If you look for the signs and learn to read the signs, it will be shown to you. 

The signs are there for you if you just learn to look for them. Know that nothing is coincidence. One of the things that will help you to see these signs is to change your perception. Things that you see every day, day in and day out, can be seen in a new way through changing your perception. Begin to look through your eyes and see as you would as a child. When you see something that you see every day, look at it in a new way. Look at it from a new angle. Look at it as if you are seeing through Mother and Father God’s eyes. You should look at people this way, at your brothers and sisters. As you master this, as you begin to see through a child’s eyes, or as you begin to see through Mother and Father God’s eyes, you will begin to see the great beauty in all of Mother and Father God’s creations. So please try to change your perception and look at things in a new way. 

There are great things coming to earth, great changes, great achievements, this will happen as more and more people reawaken to the Soul and remember who they truly are. Through your faith and consciousness all things are possible. Many of the limits you have put on yourself, you will begin to see fall away. You will see that you are a Divine Being and you will know that you have great capabilities and that many of the things you have limited yourself to in the past no longer apply. Learning to live in the “Now” moment will help you to see this. Our mind always wishes to look at the past and to make decisions for the future from the events and experiences that you have had in the past. This is why many of you continue to repeat cycles in your lives. Learn to live in the “Now” moment, forgive the past, let it go, release it. 

In the “Now” moment you will see that you are a great creator. You will see that all things are possible. You will see the great beauty around you and the great beauty within you. In the “Now” moment you are connected to the Divine Energy, to the great energy of love that Mother and Father God are. 

When you connect to this “Now” moment, when you just sit quietly and close your eyes and just sense and feel all things around you. Sense and feel all things within you, you will feel a great peace come over you. You will also feel joy. For you will feel this nurturing energy of love that Mother and Father God are sending to you. Please try this and do this often, as often as you wish. This will help you to know the connection. This will help you to begin to align the intelligence of the mind with the greater intelligence of the heart. This will help you to remember who you truly are. It is so simple yet so many want to make it so difficult. Just sit quietly and feel the energies. Feel the energies within you. Feel the energies around you. You can feel the energies of the whole earth, of the whole world. There is a great energy. This is a great practice for all of you. Please practice this and do it as often as you can. This will help so many of you. You all have it in your minds that today you must rush here and rush there, accomplish this , take care of this and you never take the time for yourself, for your inner self where your true beauty lies. This is not a practice that takes hours a day. This is a simple practice that takes only a few minutes and you can sit in a quiet, peaceful, relaxing moment for as long as you wish. This will also bring great energy to you. Practice this as often as you can and you will see the great truth to this. 

The Age of the Soul is a great time here on earth. As we have said, it is a great time of celebration on the Other Side. We see many and many of you beginning to remember. We are beginning to see the Love/Light that shines so brightly in so many of you. This is what Mother and Father God see. They see the great Love/Light that you are. You are their children, you are all equal, and you are all loved equally. 

I thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak with you today. As I say, it is a great honor for me to be allowed to give this message of great hope and great love. I am Lord Kuthumi.


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