Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 07:56




I am Ezekiel and it is with great pleasure that I am here today to deliver this message of great hope and great love to all humanity.

There is a great energy being felt upon the earth today. This great energy is the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God. This is also the energy of change. Many humans have felt this energy and it has brought some confusion to many. As your Soul begins to reawaken you will begin to question many of the ideologies you have learned in the past. This is you, this is your Soul working with you to help you answer your questions. The answers to all of your questions have always been within you, all you ever had to do was ask and then to listen. On the Other Side we understand that this can be difficult for some. You have let your mind become so powerful that you no longer listen to your heart. Your heart will always tell you the truth. 

We wish for you to be present in the “Now” moment, put the past behind you where it belongs. Do not be concerned about the outcome or the future, just live in the “Now” moment. As you learn to live in the “Now” moment Your perception will begin to change. You will begin to see things more clearly and you will see things for what they truly are. You will begin to see the great beauty in all of Mother and Father God’s creations. There is truly only one time and that is right now. 

This is how you become a Conscious Reality Creator, by being in the “Now” moment. You are constantly, and I stress constantly, creating. This creation comes about through your thoughts, words, and feelings. The way to create your wishes and desires is to see them as if they have already happened. Perceive yourself as if you have already accomplished your wishes and desires. By bringing your wishes and desires into your consciousness you will create that reality. 

Learn to take ownership and responsibility for all of your creations, for all of the experiences you have created, you are creating, and will create. When you learn to take ownership or responsibility for your creations you will more clearly see that there was, is, and always will be a purpose for these creations. Listen to your Soul, for your Soul is always urging you to be more. To be who you truly are. Your Soul is always helping you to achieve your desired growth. When you listen to and answer your Soul’s urgings and bring this into your consciousness, then your Spirit will bring into manifestation your wishes and desires. 

All human beings are great creators. This has always been the case. Many human beings wish to blame the situations they are in on outside factors. In other words they will blame their parents, they will blame their bosses, and sometimes they will even blame God for their experiences. When you reawaken to your Soul you will understand that these experiences, that these situations have all been created by you. Through knowing this and understanding, taking responsibility, for your creations, you can now learn and begin to change these experiences. This change will come about through releasing yourself from the past, and this is done through forgiveness. Forgiveness brings about the letting go of the thoughts, words, and feelings you have had from past experiences. Through this forgiveness you will gain a greater understanding of those experiences and this is compassion. Compassion is simply understanding. When you understand you do not judge. 

As you move forward in your earth time, into the future, more and more human beings will reawaken to their Soul. This is a great and wonderful time for the earth. As we on the Other Side watch this come about, it is like watching newborn children opening their eyes for the first time and seeing the great beauty around them. Feeling the love as they are being held by their Mother and Father. These are the feelings that you will have as you reawaken to your Soul. You will feel the great love that is coming from your Mother and your Father. This is the Divine Energy and the great energy of love. You will see the great beauty around you and you will see the great beauty within you. 

Believe me when I tell you that how you perceive things now will certainly change when you reawaken to your Soul. Much negativity will be released from you. As you reawaken to your Soul you will begin to see the great creator that you are and the great power that you have. You will know who you truly are and you will wish to be in service to others, to be in service to yourself, and to be in service to Mother and Father God. You will be driven by a purpose. A purpose that you never knew you had within you. New skills and abilities will open up within you and you will clearly see the direction you wish to take in your life. This is already happening for many right now, in this “Now” moment. Those who are reawakening right now or have reawakened are being shown just as you will be shown when you reawaken to your Soul.  

Take this “Now” moment for what it truly is, be happy to be alive, be at peace within yourself, and find and bring joy to yourself and joy to others. Receive this Divine Energy. Allow it to flow through you and give it to others. For it is truly a wonderful time for all who are incarnate on earth. It is a great time of change, of reawakening to who you truly are. Accept this change with great anticipation and joy for the changes that are coming about will help to bring about what you call Heaven on Earth. 

With  great love, I am Ezekiel.



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