Cancer: Follow The Money

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/21/2012 - 18:33

Probably everyone reading this has had some kind of personal experience with cancer. Breast cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, lymphomas, and leukemia. 


We hold fund raisers, walk-a-thons and tel-a-thons. Hospitals have built entire wings dedicated to "treating" those afflicted with cancer.


Why is there no cure? Why are the treatments still so barbaric? Why do people cling to hope so steadfastly that they will allow their bodies to be slowly poisoned by chemotherapy for the last three months of their lives rather than spend quiet quality time with their loved ones and their souls?


Follow the money. Billions upon billions are spent on drugs, equipment, lab tests and analysis, advertisement for cancer treating facilities, all selling that illusive "HOPE."


Our environment was made toxic, our foods tainted. We were given cancers as yet one more way to keep us preoccupied with our very survival. Few people can focus on spiritual ascension, on moving towards the Light, when you day revolves around radiation treatments, losing your hair, trying to put clothes over your bloated body, or puking your guts up from the chemo. 


If a cure for cancer is revealed, those hospital wings will close down. The Oncology Specialists will have to find another field. Equipment and drug manufacturers will go bankrupt. There is more money in being a cancer patient than there is in being a cancer survivor.

~ Boo Walker, RN, BSN (Ret.)


Cancer industry total fraud exposed: Nearly all 'scientific' studies fail to be replicated


The vast majority of so-called scientific studies focused on cancer research are inaccurate and potentially fraudulent, suggests a new review published in the journalNature. A shocking 88 percent of 53 "landmark" studies on cancer that have been published in reputable journals over the years cannot be reproduced, according to the review, which means that their conclusions are patently false.

It appears as though researchers are simplyfabricating findingsthat will garner attention and headlines rather than publishing what they actually discover, which helps them to maintain a steady stream of grant funding but deceives the public.
Published research for other conditions also found to be invalid



...found the same inconsistencies in published research studies on Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Just like with cancer, it appears that the foundation upon which drugs for these conditions have been developed is fallacious as a result of phony research.



Ironically, the only thing all these scientists have been able to successfully reproduce over the years is research showing that much of modern science is unsound. Whether it is funded by drug companies or by agenda-driven federal grants, the so-called "gold standard" of science has been debunked as a greed-driven myth.

Indeed we are staring at an industry, the cancer industry, like any other industry needs to stay alive and making money; no one at the top will allow the industry to stop; therefore cancer patients need to stay in full flow so the industry may remain operative. It is no wonder those at the top are also associated with chemical companies,etc that are blamed for causing cancer. Keep the patients coming, keep the money rolling in and best of all, keep the public in awe at our compassion so more money is brought to us by way of fund raisers.


It is the best crime ever committed and the public endorses it everyday and supports all they are doing. Why? Brainwashing is the eaiest method of control over any sector of people you wish to have complete control. You must first make people believe you are doing the best you can, and providing compassionate care; make it look really good and plausible; next make villians out of anyone that is truly treating the disease and exposing the truths, calling them quacks, conspirators, whatever name fits. Have huge fund raisers and get people in a state of shock of loss of a loved one, stand up for you, be spokespeople for your cause; everyone loves a good fund raiser with poster people that have lost lives due to cancer. Make sure new organizations are created to bring in more 'feel good' money, all filtered up to the top where it is all spent on the board members and anyone doing a job to create more money. Little of the money ever goes to the cancer patient or to any treatment that could kill the cancer. Billions and billions of dollars spent for years and years, decades and decades, still we only get more 'feel good' ads and organizations with walk-a-thons raising more money. The biggest scam ever created.


I have seen cancer patients suffer and I have lost a loved one. I watched my mother-in-law die of recurrent breast cancer; given the wrong drugs, too much radiation, watched her give up but all the while bow to her doctors like they were lords. I saw my daugher told lies about her breast cancer, saw how they missed one tumor, allowed it to grow, spread before they listened, then treated it with the wrong chemo, let it grow, jumped from one drug to another, until she finally woke up and saw clearly this was an industry geared to process people, not to cure them. Some make she said, they are the lucky ones, others lose. We went for the integrated treatments, received the fear threats from the doctors, but we did it and discovered, treatments outside the U.S. work, kill the cancer and do not hurt the patient. Her cancer was dying; but too late, the chemo the conventional doctors gave her attacked her liver like a huge tumor.


I lost my daughter but her death will not be in vain, she will not be used as poster woman for a feel good fundraiser. Instead, we stared an organization that opens the doors to integrated cancer treatments, we expose the truths and if we are called conspirators or quacks, so be it; we are trying to make you feel good we are trying to give HOPE; where there is hope. Jesicha, my daughter, wished that the lies be exposed so no one else ever need be hurt by them again. We cannot help all but we can help those that sincerely seek Hope and we will deliver hope.  Not all cancer can be cured, or brought into remission, or even controlled, some are so invasive, bodies cannot fight it, but we know that in such cases, even those cancer suffers deserve respect and enjoy their life as short as it may be, and never be given a death sentence. Life is what we have today, tomorrow we do not know, enjoy it today, hope for tomorrow and know the truth sets us free.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story! It's so wonderful how you have continued to honor and cherish your darling Jessica's living memory in such an honest and compassionate way.

I am truly blessed from your energies~

All my Love, Boo

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