Happy Earth=Heart Day~The Fun alarms are gonna start going off~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/22/2012 - 10:50


Greetings Love Beings~~~ AS the Frontrunners of the New Energy, we are here to Bring You Joy... Anyone who is still very stuck in the old paradigm will be experiencing their Fun Alarms going off, as we bring more and More Joy Love Energy into the Planet. We will Have More about this In our Next Update~ Love The Earth Allies

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~21~12 There are no Seatbelts~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~21~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ There are no Seatbelts~


Photo By http://www.shaktibotanica.com/photographs.html

~The Winged Ones Are Here~


Greetings Love Beings~ We come with a Short Update as Alot of Energy is on the Move!~ We have Entered some Very Accelerated Energies in this New Moon, as we have shared would occur. We would say buckle your seat belts, but there aren't any. This Accelerated Energy is Pouring down from the skies into every man, woman, and child on this Planet. No one and nothing can stop this from unfolding. All is on Schedule and all has Been Divinely Decreed. Love is The Law On this Planet, Feel this and Be Free.





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Love is Truly The Answer


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/21/12



You've been interested, now let's step more into the role you will be playing in these future events. You will be learning new skills and you will be applying what you have learned over many consecutive incarnations, and you will apply these skills where needed and in areas that can benefit from your expertise and your leadership abilities. All along your journey you have learned important skills that were deemed important enough to base much of your incarnate lessons upon. Your skills were being developed purposefully for the time period that you now find yourself before. Taking the skills that you have learned and applying them to the tasks at hand today is something that you will have to take upon yourself to do.


We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are not going to come down to you and lead you to the task that you are better suited for and explain to you what it is to do. This is all for a reason and a higher purpose, and it is up to you to discover what it is you do well. It is up to you to find how you can apply these skills and assist your fellow man in their time of ascension. We understand that many of you at this time are experiencing confusion and doubt as to what it is you can be doing, and we ask you what is it that you want to do. What is it that you can do? What is it that you do well? In what areas can you make a difference? In what areas do you feel attraction to? These questions are what will lead you to the answers that you seek. We will help you find these answers, this is what we will do, but we will not give you these answers, this is what we will not do.



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When a Homeless Man Used Twitter


(I love a great "feel-good" story. This one is especially meaningful because it demonstrates the POWER OF LOVE!

There are those who use the internet to "Like" cute pictures of babies sitting on dogs; there are others who use the internet to re-connect with long lost family members, and to reconnect with the world.  

~All my Love, Boo)


A few folks in New York City wondered what it's like to be homeless. So they gave four men cell phones and Twitter accounts to help them share their stories with the world.

For Daniel Morales, these gifts would change his life. Three weeks into the project, Morales used the social neworking tool to find his 27-year-old daughter, whom he hadn't seen in over a decade.


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Cancer: Follow The Money


Probably everyone reading this has had some kind of personal experience with cancer. Breast cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, lymphomas, and leukemia. 


We hold fund raisers, walk-a-thons and tel-a-thons. Hospitals have built entire wings dedicated to "treating" those afflicted with cancer.


Why is there no cure? Why are the treatments still so barbaric? Why do people cling to hope so steadfastly that they will allow their bodies to be slowly poisoned by chemotherapy for the last three months of their lives rather than spend quiet quality time with their loved ones and their souls?


Follow the money. Billions upon billions are spent on drugs, equipment, lab tests and analysis, advertisement for cancer treating facilities, all selling that illusive "HOPE."



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Now we Are Sailing Thanks For Joining Us Into Always, Always Land


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If you truly want to find any difference with your actions, start watching what is happening now, and stop digging the past events... these were standardly used as distractions, something like: look over-there so we can over-here do the same thing done over-there...


Please, pay attention to your postings, as by posting them you are taking responsibility on your own back for all the ills and lies of these info manipulators... Bring your kind thoughts in these deceptive informations [like what I am doing with this commentary... simply bringing writers attention to the present...], and you suddenly change the negative energy of the post in to something very prosperous and with greatest vision...


 Pay attention how you can encourage more We the People to see through these deceptive lies and illusions, and to see real present picture: Let us jointly bring the truth on to the surface... it was covered with mud for centuries... way too long...




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You are the universe - David Wilcock


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4/22/2012 -- Florida Tornado watches, hail -- damaging winds detected in GA, SC, NC


Be aware in the states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina... Damaging winds, and hail have been detected with several of these cells associated with this system centered over Florida.

In Florida directly.. the NWS has issued tornado watches throughout 3/4 of the state.. extending from the FL panhandle south/southeast to the Florida Keys.

The storm is moving ENE across Florida.. pushing storms counter-clockwise northward onto the east coast USA.

Until this storm passes fully east -- be aware of the possibility for damaging storms with this low pressure system.

use the links assembled to monitor weather in your area (USA and global coverage):



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Heavenletter #4167 Will You Kindly Reveal the God in Your Heart,


Heavenletter #4167 Will You Kindly Reveal the God in Your Heart, April 22, 2012 

God said: 


I am all for giving, you know that. I prompt you to give. I prompt you to be a giver. Yes, you give to another for the sake of the other, and, yet, you are the true beneficiary. You are the one who gains. All gain, yet you are the one who gains the most. This is the truth about giving.

It is good to give. Even better than giving is where your giving comes from. What I mean is that, in terms of money, the person who gives $5.00 may be giving more than a person who gives $5,000 or $5,000,000. The world will, of course, quite naturally, applaud the giver of the bigger figures, yet, in My book, the one who gives $5.00 may be the one who gives the most.

What matters is how much of yourself you give along with what you give. What matters is what the giving means to you.


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The wonders of a Genuine Smile!

Hello brothers and sisters! I just wanted to share with you the bliss and satisfaction that comes with a Genuine Smile. I have found that once you truly love yourself and have awakened, that a smile is a great way to spread or ignite the light in others. It is much easier to Open the door for others to look within themselves and find the Light that We all have via The Law of Attraction!! People become curious as to why I am so happy and at that time simply be honest and "paint" a picture verbally as to why you are happy! For example, I am grateful for what life has offered me and I have learned so much from my various life experiences that I have a "knack" for relating to people and their illusionary problems that I smile and say I am blessed for This Moment right Now. This will usually get the person into a deep thought and open their eyes to the beauty around them:) Or I will give a compliment of some sort to avert the lower frequency energy. When you Love yourself, you emanate Love to others and thus You will shine even brighter! Utilize Archangel Michael, the ascended Masters, Mother and Father God, your Guides and your Higher Self as they have helped me in so many ways. We have so many resources! Doesn't that bring a smile to your face? It does mine. Thank you for reading and from my heart to yours, Much love!!

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~ We Promise~ Love Is Here~


~Humanity was born with the Truth~ Love~ Love The Earth Allies


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~ Very Important Message from Humanity's Earth Allies~ Please Share~







And so it is. Our BIGGEST Wish is Your FREEDOM. Once you remember Your Reality, You go back to What You Really ARE.

And what You Really Are is Joy, and Love.

Made of the most wonderful Light, so bright that if you’d allow yourself to see it when you look at yourself, you might as well get scared at first, as there’s no such bright Light here on Earth. Thus, there are no mistakes... YOU ARE THAT VERY LIGHT.


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!!! BRACO !!!






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BREAKING NEWS - Suns Poles To Become Quadrupolar In May (21st April 2012)


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Introduction to Ascension ~ Part 1/2


Introduction to Ascension ~ Part 1/2

2012 April 21
 by GLR~Steve Beckow

Relatively few people in society know about Ascension, the event that lies at the center of the changes occurring this year, SaLuSa tells us.


“Ascension … is only known to a relatively small percentage of Humankind. Many more have heard about it but it has no real meaning for them. In fact it is often denied as the fanciful notions of dreamers. It is most important that every soul understands what Ascension stands for [so] that each one is able to make an inspired choice.” (1)


Matthew Ward gives us a compact a description of what will happen.


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Are News trying to say something?


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Letting Go- The day the EGO died-TIME TO WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN!


Ziggy Marley : True to Myself





As I read Ann Albers' post it really resonated with what has been happening lately to me and probably many of us in our current relationships.  Since early to mid-March I have noticed somewhat of a frantic, frenetic energy coming out of my partner.  He has been trying to fix and make perfect so many many things.  He has been selfish, self-absorbed and very needy.  The difference is - I totally let go in March!  I am FREE - I literally am I AM.  As my spirit and soul get stonger and stronger as the EGO died, I am noticing this EGO fight out of people - the EGO is trying so hard to survive and be satisfied.


I feel myself pulling away as I am not willing to participate in this completely off-balance uneven exchange.  I find myself looking upwards and asking "Really???  How much longer do I have to deal with this 3d world and EGO...this is so boring I am ready to move on to TOTAL LOVE, LIGHT and ABUNDANCE OF SPIRIT with all of the I AMs who are also ready to go.


I have experienced what Ann mentioned in the past - that total sadness and emptiness when you let go of a relationship but that was the EGO - the EGO was sad - not the spirit.  It was the attachment and the memories and all of that that we miss.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Magic


Galactic Free Press Daily Update 4~20~12 We Are Getting Ready to Give the Go Ahead~


Greetings Love Beings, We Have Shifted into a New Vibrational Space. Now, we are getting ready to give the Go Ahead for some major events to occur for Humanity. Your Missions Have Begun. We will now be moving very, very quickly, at Lightening Speed as The Unity Consciousness Unfolds quickly across the Planet. The Veil is almost completely lifted and when this happens, all will be completely revealed. These events have been Years and Years in the Making, with Help from Millions of Us on the Ground and everyone from throughout Creation. We are almost there and we ain't Kidden". You Can Assist us through Spreading the Message that The Earth Allies are Here and we have reclaimed Our Planet to Give Back to The People. This is Pure JOY!



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Amazing UFOs Analysis


Yes, this video is old. Thus, our intend is to spread the Truth, and as such it does not become less real if it's shown in a 2009 video. 


I still say: Yeehaww!


Love You


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"I AM" the Movie Pt 1 of 3


This video was created with the express intent to educate and inspire. If this did not occur with you, WTF? (Where's The Focus?) Any use there of is at the opposite end of Polarity are subject to different results. If this video has improved your perception, you are invited to share 'it' with others 'like minded' in an effort to increase TBI Awareness.


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And so it is. Our BIGGEST Wish is Your FREEDOM. Once you remember Your Reality, You go back to What You Really ARE.

And what You Really Are is Joy, and Love.

Made of the most wonderful Light, so bright that if you’d allow yourself to see it when you look at yourself, you might as well get scared at first, as there’s no such bright Light here on Earth. Thus, there are no mistakes... YOU ARE THAT VERY LIGHT.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider.mp4




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Cosmic Vision News by InLight Radio in Spirituality Sat, April 21, 2012

Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio

April 20th show summary with links: http://bit.ly/IcbuEH 1. Iceland Debt Forgiveness (12:04) 2. Liens on US Fed Reserve Banks (3:05) 3. Bank Resignations (1:25) 4. War Being Stopped/Earth shifts (5:10) 5. Mainstream News Ratings Down; CVN ratings high (1:25) 6.


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4/22/2012 -- Florida Tornado watches, hail -- damaging winds detected in GA, SC, NC


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4/21/2012 Solar poles to flip next month (1yr early) TWO north poles = Quadri-polar


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NASA photoshopping the SUN, again...


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2MIN News Apr22


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Stretching Science: XNAs - Alternative Genetic Polymers




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Arcturian Group 4~22~12 All Is Proceeding According to the Plan~


Arcturian Group 4~22~12 All Is Proceeding According to the Plan~



We come once again to inform you that there are many changes about to take place in your world. Be not afraid as you observe changes to that which you have always known to be a certain way. Be not afraid when edifices of power begin to crumble, for the time is drawing very near to when you will be seeing truth come bursting forth onto your planet in many forms--forms of informational news, forms of talk among yourselves, and forms of the visiting of planetary brothers and sisters who now await the correct time to enter into the picture. This is all part of spiritual evolution which will not be fully complete by the end of this year as many have been led to believe, but is well on its way.



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Another Blast of Joy reaching Earth




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End of Galactic Wars - Light Overcomes Darkness



End of Galactic Wars - Light Overcomes Darkness


by GLR Cobra
The light will overcome the darkness and banish it. The darkness will be like something that never was, and the source of darkness will be dissolved. Deficiency will be pulled out by its root and cast down into the darkness, and the light will withdraw up to its root.




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Massive civic cleanups in Albania, Austria, Croatia, USA, Latvia, Lithuania and Egypt this weekend



Massive civic cleanups in Albania, Austria, Croatia, USA, Latvia, Lithuania and Egypt this weekend

This weekend will see massive civic cleanup actions in three different continents and in 7 different countries. The cleanup actions are aiming to bring out altogether half a million volunteers, dedicating their day to clean up illegally disposed waste from land and sea on 20th, 21st and 22nd of April. The cleanup actions are all part of the World Cleanup 2012 civic action series, taking place from 24th of March until 25th of September this...

  • 51



This weekend will see massive civic cleanup actions in three different continents and in 7 different countries. The cleanup actions are aiming to bring out altogether half a million volunteers, dedicating their day to clean up illegally disposed waste from land and sea on 20th, 21st and 22nd of April. The cleanup actions are all part of the World Cleanup 2012 civic action series, taking place from 24th of March until 25th of September this year, uniting more than 90 countries.


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(In order to spread these words, I give my permission for my blog posts to be re-posted anywhere, as long as they are not edited in a way that takes away the origional meaning and intent.) MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, We are almost there, and our long, long wait is almost over! When I say WE are almost there..., it is becuase we are a collective. FAR from the mind based illusion we have been programmed with..., our journey is not an individual one. How would it feel if you were under some sort of temporary amnesia..., and in a room full of strangers, only to find out later that they were not only your friends..., but your BEST FRIENDS! Yea, yea..., you say..., I've heard it all before... This is not some sort of cosmic tale or myth however..., it seems WE need to keep hearing it, so I and others will have to keep repeating it. WE took this journey together and are coming to a point where we are recognizing that is the case. There was a DIVINE PURPOSE to this journey and it involved CREATING together. Imagine millions of people in a row boat, all equiped with an oar..., and all rowing in different directions. Where do you think our one boat would get? Well this example is a metaphor for exactly what is happening..., because the EARTH is our row boat. We all have an oar which is our mind's ability to create. And up till now we have all been rowing in different directions. (Directions which seek to serve our little individual selves). Where has our EARTH BOAT been able to get with this kind of activity? NO-WHERE. What do you think WE could achieve IF WE ALL ROWED IN ONLY ONE DIRECTION??? Is this not the greatest lesson there is? UNITY is not as easy to learn as one might think. There is usually alot of wasted effort at first. In fact..., if you can..., imagine several small children in a row boat..., all with an oar in hand, and trying to row the boat for the very first time.

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Colombia's flood - share Love for all




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Mass media has worked wonders in perception management


 Schapelle Corby case still in dispute (big news in Australia when it happened)


Are we tired of all the Bali drug cases in the news? After the Corby case I certainly had heard enough, however, new evidence indicates that we were gravely misled. Over the passage of time, suppressed evidence has come to light which has now been laid bare for all to see in the online documentary movie Expendable.

The movie is certainly not hollywood, as it has been made on a limited budget by a group of concerned private individuals, but this does not detract from the trail of undeniable evidence it uncovers.

Archived videos of official goverment statements coupled with copies of official Australian Government documents form the basis of the case with all of this evidence available for download at the dedicated website WWW.expendable.tv

The movie is not for profit and it's free to download and re-circulate.

you dont need to be wearing a tinfoil cone hat to watch this one but you will need to put your political bias aside and watch the complete movie to see how the mass media has worked wonders in perception management to protect the Australian Government.

Sure, Schapelle Corby may not fit into everyone's socio-economic or ideal peer group but should that exclude her from receiving justice as an Australian citizen?

I urge every Australian to get online and watch it. Then see if you are not incensed into action by the deceptions revealed.

Not only will our combined action free schapelle from her current slide towards insanity and possible death in that stinking hell hole of a prison Kerobokan, but it will also make a very loud statement that the people of Australia will no longer tolerate corruption.


Geelong Advertiser, Journalist Linsay Smith



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Dalai Lama on twitter


I Signed up to twitter today and on it you have your tweets which are your messages you want to post to people

well on your Screen there is a Box which has how many tweets you have sent, how many people you are following for their tweets and then there is how many followers you have


well the Dalai Lama Has tweeted 753 tweets  0 following 4,026,779 Followers


And When I Signed Up To get to the tweeting I had to choose 15 people or organisations to Follow


how did he get through that process without choosing people to follow thats so cunning like a Fox :)



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European revolution announced by Pierre Jovanovic within 2 weeks


Lilou intervies a French writer/journalist, who shares his view of theEuropean financial market and describes it as "a pyramid"...


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Dear Pierre and Lilou,

So Grateful and honored what you are doing for France and Humanity... 






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Healing Earth News - Happy Earth Day!


(editor's note: YOU are the Healing Earth News today! Everyone who is participating in an Earth Day event or activity are the heroes of the day.

~All my Love, Boo)



On April 22, more than one billion people around the globe will participate in Earth Day 2012 and help Mobilize the Earth™. People of all nationalities and backgrounds will voice their appreciation for the planet and demand its protection. Together we will stand united for a sustainable future and call upon individuals, organizations, and governments to do their part.

Attend a local Earth Day event and join one of our Earth Day campaigns as we collect A Billion Acts of Green® and elevate the importance of environmental issues around the world.


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Natural Remedies: Bronchitis




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Imagine a Journey to Hollow Earth...




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Dear Ones, it’s Go Time.

It’s time to accomplish your Divine task... it’s time you do what you promised to do: Serve and protect the People. Serve and protect Freedom.

And Freedom is Love.

So far, you’ve not been able to do it, as the term Justice and Freedom have largely been deceived for the purpose of a few, turning your missions into peoples slavery.

No more. The Planet has to be given back to the People.


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Serpent Energy Forcast: Giving thanks to the MOTHER


This is the time to take the time to place your energy with the mother. The mother is the source of all life, of all things. Think about the soft loving energies each and every one of your mother's give. Think about the Mother Earth which provides so much to you. In becoming the mother, you become the source, the provider for life. Know that you are safe, loved and comforted by the mother, trust in her.


In your moments of anxiety, fear or when you feel you are crumbling apart. When all things are against you, it is the eternal mother that will hold you in her arms and kiss you on the cheek and smile and tell you all will be fine.



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Introduction to Ascension ~ Part 2/2


Introduction to Ascension ~ Part 2/2

2012 April 22
Posted by Steve Beckow

(Continued from Part 1/2.)

SaLuSa reminds us that “this opportunity where there is a mass ascension does not come round very often.” (1) It’s by no means “a give-away, but something that is earnt through your application of Universal Laws.” (2) It marks our victory “in overcoming your perceived separation from God. You will have identified with your true Self, a magnificent Being of Light.” (3) When we finally ascend we may be absolutely certain that “you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master.” (4)


Having reached the end of the cycle, we bring to a close a long journey of exploration, SaLuSa tells us.


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~Space Weather Update~ Incoming Plasma Clouds Today~


INCOMING PLASMA CLOUDS: On April 18th and 19th, a series of minor CMEs puffed away from the sun. Three of them are heading in our general direction. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have prepared an animated forecast track of the ensemble:



According to the forecast, the clouds are going to hit Mercury, Earth, Mars and rover Curiosity en route to Mars. The impact on our planet, on April 22nd around 00:50 UT, is expected to be minor with auroras likely only at higher latitudes. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


John Smallman – Jesus – You Are The Wonder-Children Of God



John Smallman – Jesus – You Are The Wonder-Children Of God – 22 April 2012


Waiting to awaken is difficult for you because it seems that you have been waiting for a very long time – and so you have – and yet you have no option but to continue waiting.  It is frustrating and challenging for you, and those in the spiritual realms are doing all they can to assist and inspire you in these final moments before the great event happens, as it most surely will.


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John Smallman – Saul – You Still Have Doubts And Anxieties About The Inevitability Of This Great Event



John Smallman – Saul – You Still Have Doubts And Anxieties About The Inevitability Of This Great Event – 22 April 2012


As the moment of your awakening approaches, many of you are feeling that continuing to hold the Light is draining your energy, because despite your faith you still have doubts and anxieties about the inevitability of this great event.  This is very understandable because you have become accustomed to the disappointment of missed opportunities, missed meetings, and unrealized events or occurrences to which you had been looking forward with eager expectation. And you fear that you will once again be disappointed.


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Lee-Anne Peters – Being Stung By The Past! – 22 April 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – Being Stung By The Past! – 22 April 2012

Have you been feeling stuck, blocked or held back? Maybe you have this unspoken shadow over your mind and emotions that is hard to find words to describe! Perhaps your past wounds are so sensitive that you struggle to think of anything else. During this time of, what I like to call – THE END OF KARMA – these sorts of things are becoming louder. 


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Visionkeeper – Happy Earth Day! – 22 April 2012




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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 22 April 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 22 April 2012

Beloved Ones,

The peeling away of the layers of the subconscious patterns that have been carried within you are now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated. All that disempowered you before is now leaving your auric field and is being replaced by more Light which in turn brings up more layers that have been deeply hidden within you. This is the way that the Light works its magic, Dear Ones, and being willing to experience the uncomfortable feelings and pain involved in this process says much about your inner strength and resolve to see this process through to the victory celebration that comes when entering the higher dimensions of thinking and doing. The layers are now very thin and are easily dissipated with the tools that you have learnt work best for you.


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Japan forgives $3.7 billion of Myanmar's debt - thank you White Dragons!




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