Submitted by AnaShyNa on Mon, 04/23/2012 - 20:44


To My Beloved ANdReA, Master Lady Portia... 

What is following is a Masterpiece of true Freedom...

Tears rolling my cheeks remembering me in uniform holding gun in my hands, because it was an order...

Something flew off my heart, while gulp in my trough gave me a sign that we always have a choice... 
To be Free by simply dropping guns from Our hands...

We have choice to truly Be Free, by not hiding behind orders, fears, military patriotism, uniform, lies, greed...
We have choice to give Freedom to ourself, by simply giving everyone else the same... 

By simply forgiving self all we had done... 

By being Me in the moment of Now, with no guns...

Love you dear Andrea, you open my heart for True Freedom... 

You are Lady Liberty of my heart... 
So Honored... So Humbled... So much Home....
I AM FREE... Predrag Saint Germain







Dear Ones, it’s Go Time.

It’s time to accomplish your Divine task... it’s time you do what you promised to do: Serve and protect the People. Serve and protect Freedom.

And Freedom is Love.

So far, you’ve not been able to do it, as the term Justice and Freedom have largely been deceived for the purpose of a few, turning your missions into peoples slavery.

No more. The Planet has to be given back to the People.

And to Mother Earth=Heart itself.

And the Time is Now.



And I Am not speaking to those serving under the stars and stipes flag only, I AM speaking to All who have choosen to Serve wearing uniforms, from no matter what country or what part of the Planet. You are in Service to Freedom not to slavery. Nor to fight against one another. Your Mission is to Serve the People. Your Mission is to Serve Life. No Country matters as boundaries are nothing once you burn the paper on which they’re drawn.

~ One Planet, One Freedom ~ One Love ~



That’s the only Truth.

Air does not bother where it’s been breathen, if on one side or the other of imaginary lines that divide countries and people one from another. Birds do not need passports or permissions to fly under the Sun. Why should the People that walk and live on it be limited in this?

You’ve been trained to save and protect Life, thus you are send to kill and destroy... no more.

Put down your weapons and raise together as One Nation, The Nation of a Free Planet Earth=Heart. Praise Life in all it’s expressions and stand up in front of those that tell you to listen to those that wear more stripes than you.



There’s only One you have to listen to, and that is the Voice of Creation.

If it helps Life, it’s True, if it’s against Life, it’s not True.

You have been used and abused in the name of something that was a lie. Many already know, many are scared, and many are confused, as they thought they believed in something and found themselves in doing the opposite.

You are The ones, you have the power to restore Freedom on Earth=Heart. You have the complete power to stop all lies and to stand up in front of your True Mission.

Taking lifes and destroying countries and the Planet is not a Mission of Freedom, and All of you know, for you all know what you do.



Police, stop going out looking after those that after a bailout had to steal a meal for their children and go and get those that issued the bailout, as they are the ones that took Peoples Freedom away from Earth.

Stop persecuting those that come from another country thinking they might be dangerous for you and go and get those that ARE in your country and ARE dangerous for All.



Military, stop believing you go abroad to help your country or others to gain or keep freedom. When you kill... where’s the freedom gone? And where’s the Freedom in having no house, or food, or children without parents. And I know you see and saw all this. This is a game for the illusionary power of a bunch of beings that completaly lost their Path.



Stop feeling guilty! Start Being Free! You’re the only Ones that can BE this Change! We Sustain You ~

Go out and Show the Planet that you do Care for Freedom, Go out and show the Planet that you really Courageus. Not in killing those that cannot defend themselves, and that did not do anything to you or anyone exept having somethingthey want, but by standing up in front of them and saying "NO, I WON’T DO IT ANYMORE. PLEASE, NOW COME WITH ME AS WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET, HAD ENOUGH OF ALL OF THIS".


And then BREATHE... breathe the new air of The True Freedom you just helped to restore. Go out with your child and your friends and laugh to the sunshine untill all your so long kept tears wash the past away. Until the only thing left is True Freedom, your Real Mission. And then Smile, Smile at your New Life and at your New Freedom. Smile at how Brave you have been. In Truth. In Life. In Freedom.



Can you feel it? It’s the People of the Planet looking at you, with their Heart waiting to Beat again as they wait to see what you’ll decide. It’s billions of Hearts, from California to Chicago, from Dakar to Lima, from Bahia to Madrid, from Moskov to Ankara, fomr Merlbourne to Tokyo, from Soweto to London, from Hawaii to Berlin, from Oxaca to Bejin, from Beirut to Madagascar, from Mumbay to Toronto... and on and on and on... for there are NO People not involved in your decision.  For The Planet, every leaf and every tree, every animal and every air atom, every child and every grandpa, every cloud and evry flower are involved in your decision.

Every time you pull the trigger, you do not kill a being, you kill the very freedom you promised to protect. And thereby, you also kill a part of yourself.

The most Beautiful one... your True Self.

Are you not tired? Yes you are, I know. I can hear you. I can see the nightmare you have when you get some sleep. I can see the tears that come out of you when you think noone can see you.

And I see how committed you have been to your mission, believing in it, believing you’d help freedom.



One thing more... when you decide to go and get them, for I already Know what your decision is as I can see your Heart, do not raise your gun. Do not treat them as they treated the Planet and the people. Show Compassion, as you’ll see that what they did, already killed the truth in them.

There’s no need to do it again, and remember, each soul you try to harm, you finally only harm yourself. They’ll be looked after. You, you have to look after Heaven on Earth Now. And that the Entire Planet Earth=Heart will BE Free once again after millennia.


Talk, speak out the Truth, and All will understand. Be the Light for All to See the Truht. No blame for what has been will come to you, only JOY for what IS NOW.~




Thank You Great Souls. Be Freedom and Love=Joy your Eternal Blessing.

God speed you to the Victory of the Golden Age and the fulfillment of the Will of Love


Your Loving Goddess of Justice, Portia.’s-go-time-it’s-be-time



Dare to Share... Never to Late... to practice giving... 
even if only Love thought is all you have...





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