~ InSide a Geomagntic Storm~ Wind Speed Picking up Rapidly~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/24/2012 - 10:30




St. Germain and the Truth about the "Declaration of Independence"


"God bless America, land that I love, 
Stand beside her and guide her 
Through the night with the light from above, 
From the mountains, to the prairies, 
to the oceans white with foam, 
God bless America, my home sweet home,  
God bless America, my home sweet home."
(Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin)


St. Germain addressing the June 28, 2008 workshop at Bushwillows, Los Angeles, CA:


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Roses in the Snow



Roses in the Snow by Glynn

Serenity Resident

When I was young, Not yet old enough to realize

I would ask my Mom, Just what is rarest prize

She'd wink then reply: You must wait until the fallen snow

And then as you walk, Look for the roses that bloom below


Last night I was awakened by a brilliant hue.

Not the sky but the heavens were shakened by this cerulean blue

Across this path of nocturnal shade was you in the corner of the room

Bathed in a light that will never fade was my cherished blossom in full bloom


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4.23.12 The Marvelous Power of YOU


4.23.12 The Marvelous Power of YOU



Photo By Dawn Christine You are Beautiful Just Like you Are

4/23/12 Love~Light Message from the celestial team

Hello, Beloved.  We are here.


We remind you that we are here because we know the intensity of the energies that your sun is pulsing to you in this period of your “time.” We know, through our Judith, how overwhelming and confusing these energies can feel, unless you stay grounded in your body and centered in your heart in every continuous NOW. We remind you that you are not alone. Nor do you work alone. Nor are you as “lost” in all of this energy as it can sometimes feel as if you are. At the deepest/most expanded part of your SELF, we assure you that you DO know what you are doing, and not only that–you are running the whole show!


You are simply not used to identifying with the deepest/most expanded YOU that you are, that is all. Oh, it is easy enough when “nothing” is happening, we know! It feels easy to do when all is still, and there is nothing to “do” but meditate, dream, and “bliss out,” does it not? But when the energies are intense and coming in waves that seem unending, when all of your “old stuff” is coming up in your present, triggering ancient memories and forcing you to DEAL with them in your present, as well, that ease can suddenly feel very far away, can it not?



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Cut your Cords


Clear away old attachments

When you allow another to get close to you there is an etheric thread of light attached from them to you. Ask Archangel Michael to wave his mighty sword of light and cut the cords that bind you to the past, to lower frequencies, past relationships and thoughts that no longer serve you. This can help you break an undesired cycle that you now feel it is time to get out of. You have the gift and it is time to move on.
Watch your thoughts as you clear yourself of old toxic energy. Be sure to replace it with positive thoughts and visions and keep focused on bringing in the new and the wonderful. The more you expect the new and the wonderful, more will come your way. See the beauty and the wonder that surrounds you and be in each moment with joy in your heart.

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Giant UFO seen by four thousand villagers in China - We're HEEEERE!


Giant UFO seen by four thousand villagers in China 

from: http://members.beforeitsnews.com/story/2058/084/Angel_Hair_Seen_At_China_UFO_Sighting_By_Four_Thousand_Villagers.html


A UFO sighting by four thousand Chinese villagers was seen in mid April 2012. Villagers were awaken by a huge hovering craft only 50 meters from their rooftops.Witnesses watched it vanish in the night sky. They observed the craft emitting a kind of floss or cotton substance.

A UFO/Alien event has taken place in China that is being hailed by some scientists as irrefutable evidence that Earth is occasionally visited by alien beings.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: John Ward – Euroblown : The Evidence Against Lagarde : Rounding Up The Usual Suspects – 23 April 2012




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FREEDOM PROJECT: CIA plane crash lands with four tons of coke | The Arnprior News... THIS WOULD BE FUNNY IF IT'S NOT HILARIOUS...




CIA plane crash lands with four tons of coke | The Arnprior News



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Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be In Harmony With Each Other ~ 23 April 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be In Harmony With Each Other ~ 23 April 2012

April 23, 2012

Yeshua & the Company of Heaven:


From time beginning, there has been confusion. That is not necessarily a bad thing. It precedes change. And change brings upliftment and Light. It has always been that way and it is no different now, except that change is much more dramatic and the Light much brighter in these drastically changing times you find yourselves in now.


This was meant to be so and you have all been readied for this momentous time in ways you may not yet fully comprehend. From this may bring confusion, and a feeling of suspended moments of clarity, each quickly following on the heels of the other. But this is to be expected, as you make your way through the quagmire of change, dear ones.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~23~12 We have Pushed the Go Button



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~23~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ We have Pushed the Go Button


Greetings Love Beings, We have pushed the Go Button for a Series of events to reveal themselves.  This will be So Humanity's Transitionary Government can make the announcements and Full Disclosure of Our Presence, Here with all of You. These events rolling on out, will become apparent in the next days and weeks ahead. In Sheldan Nidle's Webinar, which the Entire Transitionary Government attended yesterday, he was asked when the removal of the old controllers would occur. He Quickly said in a Couple of weeks. We will see How this all Unfolds.



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~EarthQuake Report for April 23rd, 2012~


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I am the Horned God, Anti-Patriarch, Awakened


Yesterday I awoke/remembered who I am and what I am supposed to do. My Facebook page now reads: "I am the Horned God, lover of the Goddess, who has awakened at this time to be an archetype for men."


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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE 04-23-12



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE




Greetings Love Beings,

please say a big Thank You to our Groud Crew Team Member Lucas who helped me in this research today doing great work for all of Us.

In fact, I did find little time to finish this update and he came as a sweet helping hand!


Love You

Keep sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Corpse of Economy (E278) ... HOLOGRAM IS SHUTTING DOWN...


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Calling the Soul


A beautiful new Diamond Light Code Transmission featuring the exquisite music and voice of Marcome. Engage with the vibrational truth of the consciousness of the Light Codes as you journey to reclaim and embody the full essence of your soul. 
Combining the energies of geometry, colour and sound to assist in shifting consciousness and providing an electromagnetic environment to restore your perfected state of being.


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Police UFO Sightings / Open Lines – 04-20-2012 – (Coast To Coast AM) – YouTube


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Joy 2011 Diamond Light Code Transmissions~


Diamond Light World gifts you with a special diamond encoded transmission to align you with the inherent joy of your soul. Using the vibrations of sacred geonetry, solar encodements, vibrant colour and the ultimate power of the diamond, this energy experience will lift your spirits no matter what may be going on around you. Align with your true essence.

The Diamond Light Grid and the Diamond Light Codes are our bridge to multidimensional consciousness and our connection to source.
Find out more at http://www.diamondlightworld.com where there is a wealth of resources to support you through this incredible Shift of the Ages - Articles, Diamond Development, Light Codes, Workshops and fre downloads.


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Benjamin Fulford 4-23-12…”Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits


Benjamin Fulford 4-23-12…”Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits”


Commentary and HighLights from Kauilapele's Blog ~This Benjamin report seems to describe something like a world-scale soap opera being played out to it’s final act. I’m not going to say anything more about it. Just read on and, if you’re a cabal member, perhaps keep the Kleenex tissues handy.




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How We Communicate with You~ By GLR~ Steve Beckow


How We Communicate with You

2012 April 23
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

SaLuSa of Sirius

In an article which told us much about the nature and performance of the galactics’ sentient ships, Wes Annac’s Pleiadians also shared interesting insights into how the galactics communicate with us. I’d like to look at what they – and other galactics – say on that subject.

The Pleiadians revealed that “we have not come to a full discussion of much of what we speak with you about.” They explained why.

“This is because there is so very much intricate and detailed explanation to go into that would at present perplex you and boggle your minds, which is why we are and have been sticking to the more general and easy-to-understand discussions that can be absorbed in a more measured way by humanity.


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~All for One~


Sunday, 22 April, 2012 


Greetings on this beloved Earth Day! For you know that all days are earth days like all days are mother’s days and father’s days and sacred days, but there is great power in the alignment of consciousness between your brothers and sisters. There is great power in the unification of one thought, one desire, one intention. And so today honours the magnificent Mother Earth and all that she provides and how deeply she is embedded into your experience.



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FREEDOM PROJCT: US 'intelligence war' triggers 'Occupy spy base' in UK


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Assange Episode 2: Left & right in 21st century


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Disclosed docs reveal MI5 & MI6 supported Gaddafi


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FREEDOM PROJECT: HOLLAND: BREAKING NEWS - Dutch Prime Minister + Cabinet Hand Resignation To Queen



From the Heart


While reading love reports this song came into mind so here it is


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***INTEL*** GFL Schedule of events for Mid Spring & Summer 2012 Through Sheldan Nidle


***INTEL*** GFL Schedule of events for Mid Spring & Summer 2012 Through Sheldan Nidle



This data obtained from Sheldan Nidle Webinar #26 April 22, 2012


You can find this and more Thursday, April 26, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Sheldan Nidle Updates



Mid ~ Spring 2012

* Mass Public Arrests
* Announce New Banking System
* New Government In Power
* UFO Disclosure


Summer 2012

* Trial Dates Set
* Release Of Secret Technology
* New Business & Financial Infrastructure In Place
* Meetings With Earth - Based Members Of Space & Spiritual Families


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Heavenletter #4169 Thrilling to the Light of God


Heavenletter #4169 Thrilling to the Light of God, April 24, 2012 

God said: 


Hear Me, oh, hear Me. I long to be heard. I long to be understood. Rather, I long for you to understand Me. It is not that I have to be understood. It is you who bears understanding. It is you I want. Let's walk down a lover's lane together, hand in hand, heart in heart. We are long-standing Friends. We have known each other forever. There never was a moment that We did not know each other. We have been around a long time. We have gone around the block together, and We are deep deep friends.

Our hearts call out. "Hear Me. Let's connect."


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2MIN News: Volcanos, Spaceweather, Planetary/Lunar Position


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4/24/2012 -- Mount Etna - Italy - Erupts violently




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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Energy Work


Life's essences is energy



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-24-2012 ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-24-2012 ~



EQs are increasing again, both in quantity and in intensity.

Water keeps being an issue in many parts of the Planet.

Solar activity is Hight, even if they seem to try to cover it up, we're having solar storm.

Solar Wind is at now 450km/s

Thus, signs appear that scientists are starting to get out of the box and start getting their info on the media.


Love You All, ANdReA




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Mother Earth=Heart wants your attention... Give Her Love



Strong earthquakes in the past 10 years as much as during the entire 20th century


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CANNABIS - one of God's Gift


CANNABIS - one of God's Gift


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Indonesia Mount Lokon Volcano Erupts


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~Solar Update and Seagulls Moving into Oklahoma~


Also a Solar Update.
Links @ http://www.mrcometwatch.com


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Angel Anime


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~Comic Relief for The Non~ Believers~ Are There REALLY Men In BLACK?


Mirrored with permission thanks to J7409. His YouTube channel is below. Please check him out when you can. God Bless...


A UFO investigation team has claimed to have filmed "Men In Black" on hotel's security camera.



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Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be In Harmony With Each Other ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.23.12


April 23, 2012

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:

From time beginning, there has been confusion. That is not necessarily a bad thing. It precedes change. And change brings upliftment and Light. It has always been that way and it is no different now, except that change is much more dramatic and the Light much brighter in these drastically changing times you find yourselves in now.


This was meant to be so and you have all been readied for this momentous time in ways you may not yet fully comprehend. From this may bring confusion, and a feeling of suspended moments of clarity, each quickly following on the heels of the other. But this is to be expected, as you make your way through the quagmire of change, dear ones.


We are here to tell you that the amount of change taking place just underneath and beyond your current state of consciousness is immense. While you may not fully be able to quantify it, it is seeping into every bit of your being.


Dear friends, we prepare you now for the manifestation of that seemingly illusive change, a kind of change that by following a period of confusion explodes on the scene and nothing is ever the same afterwards. Be heartened by this now and leave no room for the fear or trepidation that sometimes accompanies great change.


You have been building up to this. This is your rightful gift, bestowed on all who have come to be in this glorious developing Golden Age. We of the Company of Heaven are here in full force and presence, to accompany you down the precipitous path of Ascension with Mother Earth.



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To My Beloved ANdReA, Master Lady Portia... 

What is following is a Masterpiece of true Freedom...

Tears rolling my cheeks remembering me in uniform holding gun in my hands, because it was an order...

Something flew off my heart, while gulp in my trough gave me a sign that we always have a choice... 
To be Free by simply dropping guns from Our hands...


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Turn to the Light




Turn to the Light

Turn your face to the light
feel the healing
of the light
flowing out to you
Open your heart
to the light within you
Let the light
lift the veil that keeps
you from knowing
the light of love
Feel the light in your
own soul
Have faith in the light
of the greater Soul
that is flooding
the world with light



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Natural Remedies: 7 Practices to Cultivate Compassion




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A Note from the Bix Weir… “Turning The Tables on the “Doubters”…PROVE IT!!!”



A Note from the Bix Weir… “Turning The Tables on the “Doubters”…PROVE IT!!!”

I now receive email updates from Bix Weir (www.roadtoroota.com), and just received the one I am posting below.


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~Space Weather Update~ Geomagnetic Storm~ WInd Speed 514~


SUNSET CONJUNCTION: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. Venus and the crescent Moon are shining side-by-side through the twilight. It's a beautiful way to end the day.


GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Earth is passing through the wake of a CME, and this is causing geomagnetic storms at high latitudes. Last night, auroras were spotted in more than a dozen US states including Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, and Colorado. Here is what the sky looked like over Grand Portage, Minnesota:


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FREEDOM PROJECT: A Note from the Bix Weir… “Turning The Tables on the “Doubters”…PROVE IT!!!”




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Visionkeeper ~ Beauty All Around



Visionkeeper ~ Beauty All Around


Posted  by GLR 

One World Rising | April 23 201

I find it hard to imagine anyone wasting their precious energy worrying about dark possibilities that could unfold when there is so much beauty all around to be mindful of. Yes there are all kinds of evil, horrible things that could possibly occur but I for one do not wish to give these thoughts any energy to grow off of. As you think so shall your reality be. Is that the kind of reality you wish to live in? The two main sources of energy producing emotions are love and fear. You cannot experience both at the same time so the choice is always ours which way we choose to feel. 


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The Benefits of Cosmic Genetic Purification Ripple Throughout the Cosmos: A Message from the Pleadies


Cosmic genetic purification has a rippling benefit throughout the Cosmos. It is one of the ways to balance karma quickly because it effects so many souls and cleanses the future for all humanity, effecting all the cosmos. It is one of the reasons humanity is held in such high regard by the Galactic Community on both sides of the fence. Those on the shadow side of duality fear your power, fear the changes you will bring to their consciousness. They do not wish to face Creator. They cannot even imagine Love. They know only manipulation and control. They are intelligent, but dead inside.They use the life force of humanity to power technologies they themselves cannot use.


And so introduced to the planet Earth through the physical manifestation of body came the lowest of lower forces and the dark side bound itself to what it perceived as the enemy: the Light, the Love in which humanity was originally created. This distorted the inner knowing of the human, who could no longer differentiate the Divine Self from the genetic animal self in which these societies planted their own coding in an attempt to own the unownable: the Source within the human– the Source of Love, Light, Healing and Power– a Source that they were not created with as an innate and central core of their being.



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Like riding a bike


So what is it really?  Oneness.  What does unity look like “where the rubber meets the road”?  You and I are one?  Really?  We don’t look alike, do the same things or even think alike.  It must be something I can’t see.  Our unity must be expressed on a different field.


It’s like riding a bike.  You learn once and never forget, regardless the years between trips.  Remember your first time?  It was my father’s hand who held the two-wheeler upright, running along beside me while I chattered and pedaled.  He neglected to mention he’d be letting go.  When I noticed, three things happened in rapid succession – my mouth dropped, a fly flew in and I crashed to the pavement.  But I can ride a bike.


The decision to ride happens in your head.  Your hands rest on the handlebars, turning while squeezing and releasing the brake.  Your feet push the pedals, your legs pump, and your eyes direct while the muscles in your torso maintain you vertically.  Each body part contributes a unique and vital component that results in a bike ride.  You’d never go anywhere if your head didn’t first decide to do so.  If you ask your hands what they are doing, they’d respond “gripping and releasing” while your feet will tell you they are “pushing these pedals”; all true.  Only your head knows the bigger answer – you are riding a bike.


We are connected there – beneath every action and non-action the collective us is doing something, making a statement. We speak with one voice and if you step back far enough, our voice can be heard.



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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, April 24, 2012




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This, my dearest friends, is the secret. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



Our message today is for you to maintain your center during the coming three weeks.  Very powerful alignments and energy waves are going to occur and change you more rapidly than anything you have experienced thus far.


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