~Feminine Energy comes Roaring IN~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 11:18

SaLuSa ~ Fantastic Update



Hello, lightworkers. This is SaLuSa connecting to you through a close friend. I have been so happy to witness Ikao’s awakening, from afar. He has had very rapid success, and is now ready to go into heavy detail about many things confusing humans on the surface of Gaia. I will start by announcing that we will be having mass reunions, soon. Many humans on the surface of Gaia have had a full remembering of their life outside of earth, in the eternal. This means, a wave of remembering is soon to sweep across the whole planet. Not a single soul will be free of this remembering. It is mandatory. That being said, if you find the truth truly unbearable, the appropriate measures will be taken to preserve your wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.



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Joshua Ledet: A Change Is Gonna Come


Yep.. Love The Earth Allies


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Update From Gaia ~ How things are Going


Hello my wonderful lightworkers! How have you all been doing? I have been doing utterly fantastic, thank you. For the first time in eons, I can actually carry myself as one entity in the higher vibrations. Before, for a very long time, I was unable to collect myself due to illness. I'll get into the details a bit later.



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Bankers Face The Law In South Africa



Press Release: 24 April 2012

Michael Tellinger Launches Constitutional Court Action Against

Standard Bank; and

The South African Reserve Bank; and

The Minister of Finance.


After a slight technical hiccup last Friday at the Constitutional Court, regarding the binding of a substantially long legal document, Michael Tellinger made global history on the 23rd & 24th April 2012, in Johannesburg when he filed his 1100-page NOTICE OF MOTION against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court of South Africa, accusing the bank of unlawful and unconstitutional activity. The case number allocated by the Constitutional Court is CCT 28/12.


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Dear Friends, Sometimes using parables and metaphors for teaching purposes can be really effective. Sometimes they can lead to grand mis-understandings. As one who likes to use metahpors as teaching tools, I can only hope that they hit the mark for some of those who read them. Yet, not everyone is capable of understanding things in a deep and meaningful way. So, in order to set the record straight, because there was at least one soul who got lost while reading the Parable of the "row-boat", I am taking the extra time necessary to explain it clearly so that it's meaning can no longer be taken out of context or imagined as something else. In order to explain the metaphor of the row-boat (see my blog post entitled: What happens on Earth (does not) stay on Earth. I will use an example that is much less of a metaphor and place this in a concrete setting. Let's say that 12 different people are given title and ownership of an empty lot that is one quarter acre in size. They all own it equally, and are told they have use of it.

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Love is a CHOICE. It is a conscious flow of choosing a higher tone, level or frequency, in all of ones daily acts and affairs. Yes, it can be felt as a calming and beautiful energy,, but..., that does not mean that LOVE once in awhile will not take a swing at someone (or act) out of necessity. LOVE does NOT mean allowing others to walk all over you. It can be just as loving to oneself to say to an agressor..., HEY MAN DONT TREAD ON ME! This is also love. It is self love. Many people think that self love is un-important, however self love is the most important love there is, because one can never give away that which one does not have. (If you dont have a million dollars, you cant give a million away..., it's that simple) In order to love someone else..., anyone, at all, ever, period, etc...you MUST FIRST be able to love yourself honestly and openly and that means not in an egotistical way, but a humble and honest way that knows your value. There are many who think that "LOVE" is blind to everything. That it sees nothing as bad, and forgives everything WITHOUT taking any action EVER! This is patently and blatantly false! Love is firstly REMEMBERING WHO I AM. LOVE is also remembering who OTHERS ARE! If I were to find a rapist in the act of harming a 12 year old girl..., I would do the only LOVING thing possible to do at the time, and that would be to grap the rapist off the girl and beat the crap out of him. THIS IS.....LOVE! Now why is this LOVE? Firstly, I have made a statement about who I am..., a defender of the helpless. BY REMEMBERING WHO I AM.., I have honored the CREATOR WHO MADE ME IN HIS IMAGE. By saving the young girl from the rapist, and not just walking by, I have REMEMBERED WHO SHE IS..., a child of GOD, made in his image of LOVE. BY beating the crap out of the rapist, I am helping him to REMEMBER who he is, although this at first may seem far from loving.

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"Let them deal with it"


Sounds a bit like "Let them eat cake"!


"Let them deal with it", was the answer given to reporters, when high ranking officials were asked about the looming global nuclear crisis, that would dwarf anything the world has experienced in history.


This is the attitude produced by the "me first" mentality, engineered by the myopic leadership of this world.  Should the prognostications written in this article materialized, that option would not be open....


I am not posting this to generate fear.  I am posting it to raise awareness of something that I think people should be aware of.  God knows the news won't say anything until they have no choice...  So now that we know, what can we do about it?  That's my question...



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EXPANDING to encompass EVERYTHING! By Lee-Anne Peters



By GLR Lee-Anne Peters
Usually when we get into a space of being overwhelmed or scattered we are disconnecting ourself from who we are - even if we have things to do for example. Often we see our tasks that need to be done from the viewpoint of them being external from us. I have been feeling like this for a few days as I become busier and expand further. 


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4/26/2012 -- Severe weather UPDATE -- IL, IN, OH, KY, TN, WV, VA, NC be aware and alert


Possible tornado detected west of Elizabethtown Kentucky, heading east/southeast Towards Bowling Green, Somerset, Glasgow (Kentucky) ...... further southeast Knoxville Tennessee should be alert to this storm as well. Illinois has one cell in south central IL near Mount Vernon.. heading ESE towards Evansville IN at the KY border.... its small but strong.

also.. Ohio.. just northwest of Columbus.. heading east/southeast towards West Virginia .. storms in West Virginia.. heading east/southeast towards North Carolina, and through west portion of Virginia.

Eventually the strong cells in Kentucky, will pass through east Tennessee, and then through North Carolina, and Virginia.... these states should be aware of the possibility of severe to hit within several hours.

Use the links here to monitor severe weather in your area:



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Heavenletter #4171 The Kingdom of Heaven


Heavenletter #4171 The Kingdom of Heaven, April 26, 2012 

God said: 


How can you possibly be without Me for one moment? I cannot be without you. I would not be without you, for you are My love. I love you as Myself, for you are Myself. You cannot be anything else. Oneness is Our relationship. Oneness We are. Oneness I AM, and Oneness you are, and, so, it has always been so. I am One. Oneness alone exists. Come now, sit on My lap, as if you were a child. Of course, you ARE a child. You are a child of God. You are Myself who knows it not. Therefore, I sit with you on My lap, and I tell you about Oneness, and so you come closer to Me until you recognize that you are the same Oneness I am. You meet Yourself.


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4/26/2012 -- No NWS warnings for WV, VA, OH, NC, SC.. BE ALERT = tornadoes, hail, damaging winds


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Going Within Versus Religion


People need not feel guilty for looking within for answers. They were planted there by Creation so that we may learn in a natural way, connected and at the same time, be more responsible.


It is time for us to leave the nursery and proudly wear our new clothes for the first day of our new class.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~25~12 Blasts of The Highest Light Energy Incoming~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~25~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Blasts of The Highest Light Energy Incoming~

 Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader~ Our Craft and Angels In the Sky Coming Into Planet Earth Equal Heart~


Greetings Love Beings, Interesting developments have occurred in the Past 24 hours. We also held our Transitionary Government meeting today with a total of 67 beings with us at one moment. This makes a record Breaking Amount of Focused Light On Planet Earth=Heart. As a result, for what we collectively as a Family accomplished today, Incoming Blasts of The Highest Light Energy From from All Directions, will be arriving into this Planet for the next 72 hours. This is going to Be A Huge Energy Influx, Stay Centered in Love As The LightHouse You Are and Hold Onto Your Hats......



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mont blanc sale the joys and excitement
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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~24~12 All Events to occur, By Divine Decree~


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Lightworker


You are a lightworker



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Heavy Breathing in Santorini Volcano


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FREEDOM PROJECT:ZeroHedge Blogger outlines how Bernanke and the Fed could finally go Bankrupt!


Follow us @

Welcome to Capital Account. The Federal Reserve came out with its interest rate decision today. They voted to keep rates at essentially zero, and hinted that they expect them to stay there until at least late 2014.

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How Marijuana Fights Cancer


Dr. Jeffrey Hergenrather explains how marijuana fights cancer.

Antitumor Properties of Cannabinoids - Dr. Jeffrey Hergenrather MD

Antiproliferative, Antiangiogenic, Antimetastatic, Apoptotic, Apoptosis, Autophagy

Dr. Jeffrey Yates Hergenrather, MD: http://www.healthcare.com/profile/jeffrey-yates-hergenrather/

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Transcript of Ashtar on An Hour with an Angel, April 23, 2012



Transcript of Ashtar on An Hour with an Angel, April 23, 2012

2012 APRIL 25
Posted by Steve Beckow


Thanks to Ellen for our transcript of Ashtar. Ashtar talks here of himself personally, of the Ashtar Command the Galactic Federation, of how terrestrials should be with galactics, and much else. BTW, Ashtar did not say “Sean” in the transcript, for all readers named Sean who have been writing in. He said “Shan,” another name for Earth, Gaia, Terra.

An Hour with an Angel, April 23, 2012, with Commander Ashtar

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, and Steve Beckow, editor of the2012scenario.

I’m Geoffrey West, filling in for Graham Dewyea. Today’s guest is Ashtar. And with that, I will turn that over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Geoffrey, and welcome to our show, Ashtar.

Ashtar: Oh, thank you for inviting me. I am honored to be here! So I welcome everybody, above and below. I welcome those who are of the fleets, and I welcome those who [wherever?].

SB: I’m not sure if you remember, but we talked back in August of 2009, through Suzy Ward?

A: I have a very long memory.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ron Paul wins Iowa ...


Sixteen weeks after Iowans hit the polls to vote for their GOP nominee, Ron Paul has officially been named the winner of the pivotal state. Initially Mitt Romney was declared the victor, and then later Rick Santorum, but it turns out now that the Texas congressman has claimed the most delegates. Paul has also won over the delegates in Minnesota. Mary Willison, volunteer organizer and Ron Paul supporter, joins us for more on the victories.

Like us and/or follow us:


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FREEDOM PROJECT: ECUADOR ~ Correa denounces plot against his government


Please, watch this article very carefuly... read between the spoken words... 


With All our love, GFP


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My brothers and Sisters, In these days of change, love becomes our only refuge! Tuning into this highly charged and transformative energy is not only recommended ( see every channeled message written ), but tuning into love becomes imperative. In order to feel cleansed, uplifted, happy, healthy... Etc The ONLY frequency that now works is love. Hate, distrust, anger will only drag you down. Not only that, it will lead you into illness and depression! The support system has been removed for these frequencies, so not only will they feel really bad to you, they will if left unchecked kill you! Surprise, surprise..., the game is over..., the light has won ( as was predicted ) It simply took somewhat longer than intended. Regardless, those who are centered in love will KNOW what I am talking about. The great author Walt Whitman wrote is his brilliant "Leaves of Grass" this statement... " ... I sing of the body electric...." Anyone who is feeling the new and uplifting energies, is feeling a soft and joyful electrical energy flowing into their body from all around them. This energy is not only intelligent, but feels powerful, protective, joyful, and familiar. How to get this feeling? Fully invest yourself in Love, constantly and consistantly. Reach out to it, it will come to you! All my love

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Transitional Council Meeting Experience


In light and love, I would like to explore something about the council meeting that was very surprising to me -- the level of diverse interpretations of the shift among the lightworkers. The different  levels of development and the different ways of developing are vast.


I saw some of the Julian Assange show on the RussiaToday YouTube channel. He attempted to bring together two extremes in a way that could lead to peace. I loved what he was attempting to do, but with extreme points of view came extreme egos.


I keep wanting to ask how do the Galactic brothers and sisters do it, but I know the answer -- unconditional love. There's no judgment among them.


Now, I think I see the importance of connecting with soul families and those whose interests serve one another best. If you're happy working together, then you will have high energy and you will work together to keep it.


There were extreme technical difficulties due to solar emissions so many people communicated through chat messages. As an observer, I noticed that interests split. People who resonated with one another chatted easily together so there were several conversations at once. Everyone seemed so happy just to communicate with one another.


I'm looking forward to next week. Perhaps the solar conditions will be more favorable.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Murdoch denies using power to sway politics


Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has denied that he tried to influence British government policy for decades. 

He has been giving evidence at a British inquiry on media ethics.

Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee reports from London.






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Aluna Joy ~ Earth Grid Update



Aluna Joy ~ Earth Grid Update

Aluna Joy  | April 20 2012

The Star Elders ~ Since the beginning of 2012, the energies have gone from feeling stuck, to feeling like we are in an out-of-control spaceship. This pace is literally taking our breath away. Yet we when we tune in deeply to our hearts, we are excited and feel like we are finally about to arrive. There is an excitement in the air that we have been missing for some time, and it feels good.


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Marcus Mason ~ Solar Annular Eclipse – 20th May 2012 (Global Planetary Alignments With Sacred Sites)



Marcus Mason ~ Solar Annular Eclipse – 20th May 2012 (Global Planetary Alignments With Sacred Sites)

Maximum Eclipse at 23:47 UT/GMT

This Eclipse begins west of Hong Kong, then it passes north of Taiwan and over Tokyo and Mount Fuji. It arcs up just south of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska at Maximum Eclipse (at 23:47 Universal Time = 14:47 AHDT / local time), then makes landfall at the northernmost edge of the San Andreas Fault. It passes over Mount Shasta, then crosses Nevada, Utah and New Mexico, and ends just inside Texas.

Path of May 20th Eclipse, with planetary alignments

Annular Eclipse and Earth’s Energy Grids

This is an Annular Eclipse, which means that the Moon is positioned further away from the Earth than at a Total Eclipse, so it does not completely obscure the Sun, but leaves a ring (annulus) of sunlight visible around the Moon’s dark disk. According to NASA’s Fred Espenak, “annular eclipses have a special charm all their own. During an annular eclipse, sunbeams turn into little rings of light. The best place to see this is on the sun-dappled ground beneath a leafy tree. Hundreds of circular shadows can be found there.”


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FREEDOM PRJECT: Benjamin Fulford -Emergency Committee- English Transcript 24.April.2012


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Popcorn, it's not for everyone


(Re-posted from October 2011)



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Even the Light is New... The Way



Beloved of the Light, as you know, even the Light that created this system of Worlds, that is the Light pouring through Suns beyond Suns, beyond Suns is New.

This will give yo-us a greater Idea of just how new this New Age really is.

Here is one to contemplate, and you will find that to decree or mantra this will bring immediate results. As the little self (ego) has been dethroned (but still welcome to be here on Earth as a student) Feel this Solar Statement


"I Am empty of the affairs of the little ego /self.

I Am one with the Way.

The Way is filled with Cosmic Virtue, with which I desire to bless the World"




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~Space Weather Update~ FarSide Blast~


SPACE ROCKS FOUND: Meteorite hunters have found fragments of the minivan-sized asteroid that exploded over California on April 22nd. Meteorites landed in the vicinity of Sutter's Mill in El Dorado County, CA, the same place gold was discovered in 1848, triggering the California Gold Rush. Astronomers plan to study the fragments to learn more about the asteroid, specificially its composition and origin. News reports: #1, #2, #3.


AURORA WATCH: Earth's magnetic field is reverberating from three days of buffeting by a high-speed solar wind stream. Since April 23rd, auroras have been photographed in more than a dozen US states including Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Colorado, Washington, and of course Alaska. Kameron Barge sends this picture from the North Fork of the Flathead River in Glacier National Park, Montana:


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Dalai Lama: World belongs to 'humanity,' not leaders


(CNN) -- The Dalai Lama says he supports the principles behind Arab Spring protests.

"The world belongs to humanity, not this leader, that leader, kings or religious leaders. The world belongs to humanity. Each country belongs essentially to their own people," he said in an interview Wednesday on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight."

Politicians at times forget that, even in democratic countries like the United States, he said.

"Sometimes they are short-sighted," he said. "They are mainly looking for the next vote."


When asked about the Arab Spring, the exiled Tibetan leader said he thought it was "in principle, very good."

"Now they achieved the basic goal, now time come they must be united, all forces, no matter what their political thinking or something, now they must work together, that is very important," he said.


Full Story (CNN)


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Dear Hearts, LOVED ONES, and Friends, Believe it or not..., there is a difference between human and spiritual love. Let's start with the basics. Take the emotions of a young teen who is smitten with the newest boy or girl in the class, and you have the perfect example of what LOVE is not. Most thoughts that involve these kinds of emotions are about LUST..., i.e how to get to second base with your date. Then there is what most of the world thinks of AS LOVE..., which is HUMAN LOVE. This is not really love either but in TRUTH a bargain or a business deal that states quite clearly "I will love you if you love me back." How many marriages have ended when one party or the other stopped getting what they wanted from the other person? Whether it was money, protection, attention, etc, the "love" they had for their mate was predicated upon some kind of reciprocal return. This kind of love is basically a "contract" where the rules and the laws of the contract are clearly stated, and if broken..., are grounds to terminate the contract. This is also an example of what love is NOT. The problem we are having here is a language one. In the english lanuguage we use one word..."LOVE" to describe hundreds if not thousands of feelings which have nothing to do with each other! The far northern natives of North America have over 200 different words for snow! Depending upon "what kind" of snow it is. There are words for wet snow, dry snow, dirty snow, packed snow, loose snow, powdered snow...etc. All of these words are different! And they describe something different. The English language has one word, which tries to describe many things and falls horribly short. Thus the problem. Thus all the confusion. When spiritual people, Channeled Masters or Angels, use love..., they are talking about "DIVINE LOVE"..., not human love. Well, what is Divine LOVE?

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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 25.4.12... Rupert Murdoch admits phone-hacking ‘cover-up’: ‘I failed’ ... AND HERE WE GO... Press TV Banned, YET NOT FOR LONG...



AND Here we Go... MS Media is no More... When Heads are removed, observe how body become convoluted, twitching, choking, not knowing its direction... 



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Imagine being your perfect, beautiful self...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine being your perfect, beautiful self...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)

FREEDOM PROJECT: Press TV Banned, the New Democracy




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13, how funny....


you know these new laws that state if you protest you will be arrested and such? or something like that?
well , ive come to the complete understanding that they are necessary to keep the angry, in between, and peaceful
demonstrators at bay. i look at it like this...you have beings on this planet who actually enjoy going to work.
being able to walk the streets and take in the scenery. having to walk through a crowd of beings who are ranting
and raving, on megaphones, assemlbing in large areas period and protesting what theyre sick and tired of seeing.
viva la revolution eh? what about viva la evolution? studying all that is taking place, within and around you.
being willing to take it all in and learn from it, constant, gradual, shift in perception. one that includes
that complete integration of truth as it stands in the here now. thats ultimately the true offering to those
who are, by contract, here to exprience self realization.

i for one dont want to have to be detoured during a drive, just because theres some egos on the streests
focused on simply the monetary system , and it having been built to perpetuate debt.
how about taking that awareness , and looking at it some more? like ethics for one. starting for yourself
from the ground up. ethics about you and how to go about ultimately living a life that will not only
benefit you, but benefit everyone else simultaneously. applying that learning knowledge to how you spend money.
how you go about your experience when you arent spending money, but simply being present in the love you are.
taking it all in , gaining insight towards how to live ethically, treating yourself as a child, because thats
what you are afterall. its just the unaware in society that see you as an adult, and its also the aware
who are covering their asses around snooping beings who are seeking to shut you down any chance they get.

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Message From The Angels And Ann – 25 April 2012



Message From the Angels Wednesday, April 25, 2012

by Ann
There is a symphony being played in the natural universe that is extraordinary dear ones. All of nature works in cooperation. You too are intended to live this way, guided in each moment, moved by the very force of love that creates you and breathes life into you.


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April 26 - Pay-It-Forward Day


"Give like a rose gives its perfume... effortlessly, unconditionally because it is its own nature."

-Swami Vivekananda


Today, April 26th, is Pay-it-Forward Day, and to get fired up to celebrate it, here are ten great, real-world stories. Each demonstrates a different way of expressing kindness -- anonymously, just because it is in our own true nature.


1.  The tried and tested - pay for the coffee for the person in the line behind you.


2.  Anonymously pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant.


3.  Gift something from your home to someone who might appreciate it.


4.  Get your friends together - organize a ‘Pay-it-Forward’ activity with people in your community.



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Natural Remedies: Watercress And Workouts


(editor's note: In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



Leafy Greens Help Prevent Damage Caused by a Workout, Study Suggests


Researchers have found that antioxidant-rich watercress can alleviate the natural stress put on our body by a workout. And they found that participants with no watercress in their system who ate the leafy vegetable just two hours before high level exercise still experienced the same level of protection.



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Stretching Science: Regenerative Biology & Tissue Remodeling


(editor's note: In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)


Facial Defects Shown to Self-Repair


Developmental biologists at Tufts University have identified a "self-correcting" mechanism by which developing organisms recognize and repair head and facial abnormalities. This is the first time that such a mechanism has been reported for the face and the first time that this kind of flexible, corrective process has been rigorously analyzed through mathematical modeling.


"This suggests that what the genome encodes ultimately is a set of dynamic, flexible behaviors by which the cells are able to make adjustments to build specific complex structures. Such understanding would have huge implications not only for repairing birth defects, but also for other areas of systems biology and complexity science."



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Healing Earth News: The Amur Leopard May Be Returning To China


(editor's note: Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.)


In 2011 for my birthday, my husband arranged a "behind the scenes" tour of the Amur Leopards that reside at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo here in Colorado Springs. It was an amazing experience and I learned so much more about a big cat species I have always admired! At that time there were only 37 Amurs known to exist and we are so fortunate to have 2 of them at our zoo. This report from China suggests that the Amur may have numbers closer to 40! This extremely fragile species will only survive in a healthy ecosystem; here's proof that we indeed live in a Healing Earth!

~All my Love, Boo


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The View From Down Here: Spectacular Star Cluster a Wing-Span Away from Eagle Nebula


(editor's note: I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)



Spectacular Star Cluster a Wing-Span Away from Eagle Nebula


The star cluster NGC 6604 is shown in this new image taken by the Wide Field Imager attached to the 2.2-metre MPG/ESO telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. It is often overlooked in favour of its more prominent neighbour, the Eagle Nebula (also known as Messier 16), that lies a mere wingspan away. But the framing of this picture, which places the star cluster in a landscape of surrounding gas and dust clouds, shows what a beautiful object NGC 6604 is in its own right.


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Vous êtes le bienvenu sur mon blog


Vous êtes le bienvenu sur mon blog. Je suis très heureux de vous faire savoir mes idées et mes tendances de vue à travers ses textes. Je suis un grand fan de casino en ligne et ce blog est très impliqué à ce sujet. Durant mes jours de repos, je me connecte sur les différents sites parlant de casino en ligne à la recherche de bonus exclusifs. Comme nous le connaissons tous, les  bonus de casino sont très intéressants pour chaque joueur. Ils permettent de gagner des tours gratuits ou de l’argent gratuit qui vous aident beaucoup à gagner aux jeux. Alors, je suis très occupé à les chercher tous et je vous les communique ici sur mon blog. Mais je joue également au jeu de casino en ligne, histoire de se divertir et d’améliorer mon intelligence. Si vous connaissez le blackjack, vous saurez que c’est un jeu qui demande beaucoup d’adresse et d’intelligence. C’est pourquoi j’aime bien le jouer.


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Long Duration LOVE Eruption - Far Side April 26, 2012


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In The Air Tonight


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A Message from Somewhere…What’s Going On Here?? What’s My Part in all of This???



A Message from Somewhere…What’s Going On Here?? What’s My Part in all of This???

So I’m just sitting here after the last post and wondering, indeed, “Who the H— am I?” and “Whatthe H— am I?” and “Where the H— am I?” and “What the H— am I doing here?”

Feeling like absolutely nothing fits anymore. Nothing resonates anymore, at least the things from the past. Even living here on the Big Island does not resonate like it used to. I used to be Hawaiian. Now it’s just, I live here. It’s my place. But I just live here.


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“Keep your eyes on the prize.” – Michael and Raphael by GLR Ron Head



The manuscript of survival – part 126



The manuscript of survival – part 126



by GLR Aisha North

 •April 26, 2012 • 


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Golden Arches, Warriors of Light and Home ~


serenity tulip

Let's begin with gratitude to all of the fast-food restaurants who right now are making changes to their menus and service in ways that advance the light. We've been sharing truth messages about genetically modified foods, fats and their connection to McDonalds food chain of restaurants. But I'm sitting here doing this work with the sounds of a team of staff laughing and playing jokes on one another, multi-tasking and greeting customers with big smiles. Someone can walk in off the street and with only a loonie buy a fruit smoothie, read a free newspaper and even get free Internet should they have the technology. Here is a place where a weary earth ally can come sit and work live via video with others members of the transitionary government council and meet guests of the Galactic Free Press. What a wonderful, uplifting and warm place to be on a rainy day and with only a buck. Thank you to all restaurants who are moving into the light. Thank you to my friend Heather for firing up this discussion. Follow your yellow brick road and celebrate those golden arches that come your way!


Sea-side statue from the citizens of Nanaimo "dedicated in memory of Frank James Ney affectionately known as Black Frank - 'Six bells and all is well in Davey Jones Locker'"


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-26-2012 – No stopping changes~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-26-2012 – No stopping changes~




Today our Belove Earth=Heart is in a high volcano activity... All over the Planet steam, ashes and lava are being released.

Yesterday we reached almost an 800km/s Wind Speed wich is very High and today we’re still at more than 600.

EQs are extremely calm in activity, we olny had 17 in the last 24h which is indeed quite unusual these times.

Eyes are on the Popo  volcano in Mexico and in the Santorini volcano which are not stopping their tremors.

Keep being centered in your Heart. No one is meant to go through anything they did not choose to in advance for the best good of all.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The Koch Brothers – Exposed! – by Julian Brookes




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Thank you Jean for being fully transparent and true to yourself, knowing there is not wrong and right, there is no negative and positive where we are heading... 
toward Unity of All...

you courage is very shiny for US all to see... 

Thank you for who You are... Pure Heart...



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