Letters to the Editor: Conntecting to the Higher Self

Submitted by will on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 16:59

Our of our readers writes:

I know this is a important thing to do but as a human there is no literal chamber to walk into or look at. Is there some way that makes sense to connect to our higher self and find those truths we don't realize we know? Please don't say look into your heart, I'm talking something literal. It doesn't help to write poetry, we need real help with this.


The problem with taking too literal an interpretation is that the words themselves don't have a concrete meaning. A word is only a finger pointing at something, not the thing itself. The Higher Self speaks a language that is so much bigger than what the mind can hear. Words designed to described 2D and 3D consciousness cannot really capture the Higher Dimensions.

Our language can't even properly describe a 3d experience. They can get close enough that a person can imagine what an actual experience is like, but the experience itself is so much deeper. No two objects have quite the same color, quite the same shape, and it's not something you can full describe with words, or even describe with something so literal as math. The closest thing to what's true, what's real, is only available through direct experience.

There aren't any words for the Higher Dimensions, so we use the ones that come closest, like God, Love, and Joy. A strictly literal interpretation would be impossible, it's something you simply Feel. It's more than what any mental understand or belief system can encompass.

Truly hearing your Higher Self is easiest when you let go of all of your beliefs. Most people have far too many thoughts in their heads, which distract them from really being able to Listen. You have to move through, to process, the emotions built up inside of you, before you can see what lies beyond.

I can say Love is a Multi-Dimensional state of Bliss, but without really feeling it yourself the words are empty. They sounds nice, but they're more like a carrot on a stick, not that that's a bad thing. People were given the Answer to their deepest questions long ago, and the answer is Love. If that sounds limited, or just corny, then it's your understanding of Love that's limited or corny. One's understanding of Love must grow, and continue to grow, and never stop growing. That's a sign you're on the right track.




Guest (not verified)

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 17:56

Happiness and joy are "re-actions"... I am happy I got a new car, I am joyous because I I know it will take me where I want to go... I am happy because I just ate a great meal, etc.


Bliss is that inner glow, holding onto no beliefs, as Will stated above, with no judgements, attachments, no worries, nothing is held onto.  Bliss just is for no reason. It is the state that's required of a Firewalker.


So each one decides how to let all those things go... some are internal, like letting go of a house, most are internal, like freeing ourselves of guilt and shame.  Our biggest challenge now is to forgive ourselves for it all.... then we have no beliefs of what we "should" have done.


Blessings to you, always

My Dear Will,

     I've been at a quandry at this same subject myself.  I have touched the 5th only to remain in the 3rd.  That state of being in the 5th was truely overwhelming, something that cannot be explained unless you've been there yourself.  I want to return, and there's not much else that's been on my mind other than that.  But, here's my quandry.  From what I've gathered as information, while meditating, I can "remember being there" which brings up my vibration.  And, while there I use my imagination to finish the scenario of being there so that I can stay there.  So far, that has not been sucessful.  But, I think I know the reason why.  Everyone has a path and a certain time-frame as to when you actually ascend.  That's predestined.  It was  decided by me before I incarnated here on Earth.  For me, my mission is not done, therefore my attempts are futile.  I can visit, I can imagine, but it's not my time yet.  Does that make sense?  

     When I touched the 5th, which was an actual ascent met by two beings of which I don't know or didn't see, it's my understanding that when "that" happened, I joined with my higher self.  To this day, I'm not quite sure of that.  No one has the answers I seek, and furthermore, I won't know until the time is right and my work is done here on Earth to find my answers and return to where I long to be.  What I do know is that the love I felt when those two beings put their arms around me, it was nothing I've ever felt before.  Corny as it sounds, it truely was like "going home".

     Worrying about it won't help.  As a matter of fact, worry will only hinder your results, because worry is a 3D thought.  Perhaps your imagination will take you to places you long to be too.  But, you're here for a mission too, and perhaps it's not your time either.  You, I, and everyone else who have not ascended yet have a great deal in common.  We all long to go home and are very anxious to get there.  Patience is a virtue, I'm told, and I don't think it'll be too much longer until we all find our answers.

Love and Compassion.


Vendo (not verified)

Sat, 04/28/2012 - 05:45

In my experience, the fastest and most effective way to "get it" is to connect with or hang out with someone who's got it. Be a bandwagon jumper, ... hitch a ride. It's just like an activation. ....


How can you tell someone what milk tastes like who's never had it? .... Words go only so far.


Make the intention to hop a ride and act. .... This is a proven effective way I would say, ... and can vouch for.

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