~Riding the Waves Of Change~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 10:48

YELLOW BUTTERFLY butterfies slow motion


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Incoming Code's~ The Divne Decree's In Manifestion ~


~Love Wins~


Love The Earth Allies~


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Oh My Gun! (E281)


Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss how shouting 'fire!' in a crowded economy may be the only thing left to save us from our unpayable debts and, failing that, Barack Obama's 'revolving door' could be another GDP booster. In the second half of the show Max talks to David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5000 Years, about weaponized debt and the origins of May Day.

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~Incoming Codes~ Trust Love~ You are a Child of This Universe~


~You Have a Right to Be Here, The Universe is the Authority~


~Be At Peace, In Love~


Love The Earth Allies


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Israeli Police to Activist Reciting Names of Destroyed Palestinian Villages: If You Keep Reading You Will Be Arrested




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~Incoming Code's` We Know there is a Better Way~


~Truth is Truth, Love is The Way~ You Have a Right to Your Dreams~


~Starships Entering Process's have begun~


Love The Earth Allies


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~Incoming Code's` We Walk Together~


~Freedom is Occurring, In Love Everywhere Present~ Enter Love into All Consciousness on Planet Earth =Heart.We Are With You, and you are no longer Alone. Let's Break the Chains. We Are Free.


Love The Earth Allies


~Spend Every Moment in Joy~


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~Incoming Code's~ The Harvest~


~Love is Awakening in All~ This is The Dreams Coming True For All~


Love The Earth Allies


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Perhaps you were planning to join the Manic May Day traffic cues and go away for the weekend? Or maybe you were planning the traditional DIY store trip so that you could spend the rest of your precious free time working at home?

There are a lot of Protests and Global Actions organized for the 1st two weeks in May . . . so in the Spirit of ‘Occupy’ but with the emphasis on Money-Free- Social -Interaction, you’re cordially invited to try something different?!

A Free Shop – an ‘on the spot Freecycle’, where you can bring your stuff and give it away, and pick up anything you want that’s there, completely Free of charge!

Bring food to give away/share? And hopefully we’ll have some donated to give to you if you want it? So turn out those cupboards, get rid of your unwanted clutter and put a smile on someone else’s face . . .

Come prepared to stay awhile, bring something to sit on and an umbrella, (in case it rains?)

Bring your musical instruments and your creative ideas!

We want Bright Smiles, Friendly Handshakes, Warm Hugs and lots of Sharing and Conversations leading to a fun-filled weekend that costs absolutely nothing!!!  (WARNING – this may be contagious!!!)

Only two rules:

No Anti-Social Behavior – treat everyone with the same respect you want to be treated with yourself

Don’t leave any litter – please clean up your own mess?


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~Incoming Code's~ Love is walking with you,~Are You walking With Love?E?


~Don't You "Think" It's Time?"

Love is The Power and Only Love can Build the Bridge into Forever~

Love The Earth Allie's




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~Incoming Code's~ Picture of Jesus~ All Love in Balance Coming In!~


~ We Are Forever Blessed~




Love The Earth Allies


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~Incoming Code's~ There is a Light coming in, and This is Here~


~Dreams Do Come True~


~Planet Earth is Transforming Into Light


Love The Earth Allies


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Breaking News April 24, 2012




April 24, 2012

The people versus total war incorporated



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~Incoming Codes~ There is a Happy Ending~



~Just Jump Into Love, It's safe Here~


~Love The Earth Allies~


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The Wave of Love


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The Awakening Man: A Portrait of Possibility For Humankind


The Awakening Man: A Portrait of Possibility For Humankind

By Jeff Brown, originally posted June 30, 2011 Thank You to Vina



The awakening man is conscious, heartfully defined.

Through his eyes, being conscious is not a cerebral construct, nor an intellectual exercise bereft of feeling.


It is a felt experience, an ever-expanding awareness that moves from the heart outward.

It is feeling God, not thinking God.


The new man is always in process, awakening through a deepening interface with the world of feeling.

He continues to strive for a more heartfelt and inclusive awareness. The awakening man has shifted his focus from a localized and ethnocentric perspective to a world-centric framework of perception.



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Start get rid of your beliefs - Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun


Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun in the way we were taught More to do with Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth series. Here we find an understanding of Why the Earth & our solar system do not actually orbit the Sun as taught, "Rather", We follow or better still, are dragged by the Sun in a Spiral Pattern through the universe & time.

This video offers explanations how, besides spinning on its axis and rotating as if going 'Around' the Sun, the Earth is shown to 'Follow' the Sun's movement through the Milky Way galaxy, in a continuous Spiral, not a Flat elliptical plane, thus we find a 3D universe as opposed to the accepted 2D.

** Believe it or not, there is no empirical evidence that the Earth actually orbits the sun ! **

This compilation of videos runs thus:

"The solar system's motion thru space by The Resonance Project / Nassim Haramein"

This simple animation was created by Nassim Haramein and The Resonance Project Foundation 
This is a video clip that every human should see. 
Many of us have been taught about how the solar system works by viewing a physical model that has the sun in the middle with the planets going around and around in a simple circular orbit without properly accounting for the motion of the sun (aprox. 450,000 miles per hour). 
Because the both sun and the galaxy are moving through space, the Earth spirals an incredible distance through space in a year's time. How far the Earth moves depends on the reference point you are using for something "stationary" or "background" even though all objects in the universe are in motion. 

The Earth rotates at 0-1040 mi/hr (depends on latitude)
The Earth orbits the sun at aprox. 66,629 mi/hr
The sun orbits the galactic centre at aprox. 447,000 mi/hr

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-28-2012 – Walking barefoot~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-28-2012 – Walking barefoot~



WOW... for the first time for a long long time I lookd up the EQs and found only 12 >4.0 Mag, and though we did have a 6.7 in Tonga nothing was damaged. Amazing isn’t it?

Weather keeps riding the rollercoaster... only to tell you where I live, northen hemisphere, Europe, we had snow 48 hours ago, we have 26°C (80°F) today, and as far as I see and read and watch it’s like this all over our Wonderful Planet.

This wonderful Sun today gave us the chance to get our entire body re-charged and to walk on Mother Earth=Heart bearfoot, to ground and release, talking to birds and butterflies. And getting ready for more wilde weather as our Beloved Planet gets through Her most wonderful Path of Ascension.



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The Astrology of May 2012 ~ for Everyone


An amazing month. Tons of mutable energy, several six-pointed stars - including two different kinds, a five pointed star and a solar eclipse. A huge, overwhelming turning point of a month. Do not expect clarity. But you can expect a lot of help. As weird and wild and crazy as the vibes are, May is loaded with positive synchronicity.


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DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny


DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

 Original Written by David Wilcock Friday, 09 March 2012 18:23



Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets' expectations.



Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.


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4/28/2012 -- Tornadoes , Hail, and Damaging winds = MO IL IN OH KY


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~28~12 A Mass Awakening Has Begun~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~28~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ A Mass Awakening Has Begun~


Photo Of One of Our Craft connecting with Another One


Love will Keep Us Alive




Greetings Love Beings,



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/28/12




This has truly been a worldwide effort, where beings from many different countries have come together in an effort to bring to your world a better way. We of the Galactic commands have done our part as well to assist those of you who wish to see changes in your world, to make it a better place for all of you to experience the physical realm. All along your journey you have benefited greatly from the assistance of your universal families and friends. Never were you left on your own, and never were you forgotten or denied any assistance that you may have needed.


We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: NORWAY ~ The entire top leadership of the Justice Department with Secretary Morten Ruud resigned Friday 27.4.12...



The entire top leadership of the Justice Department takes
Secretary Morten Ruud resigned Friday

GOING OFF: Departmentsråd Morten Ruud in the Justice Ministry announced Friday that he goes off. Now, assistant Secretary Hans Olav Ostgaard the same. Here's Ruud photographed at their temporary office at the Police Academy after 22 July. 


Photo: Robert Oak
Published 27/04/12 - 10:08, edited 04/27/12 - 16:25 (AP)
By Alf Bjarne Johnsen and Anne Stine Saether
  GÅR AV: Departmentsråd Morten Ruud i Justisdepartementet varslet fredag at han går av. Nå gjør assisterende departementsråd Hans Olav Østgaard det samme. Her er Ruud fotografert på sitt midlertidige kontor på Politihøgskolen etter 22. juli. Foto: Robert Eik
(AP) The entire top leadership of the Justice Ministry has sought dismissal.Also assistant secretary Hans Olav Ostgaard goes off before the summer.

This was confirmed by Justice Minister Grete Faremo (AP) to AP this afternoon.

This morning it was announced that the administrative CEO, Secretary Morten Ruud is the day that Secretary of the Justice Ministry, and that the former Hub Manager Tor Saglie take over temporarily.

- Both have sought honorably discharged. I take note of the job cuts, says Defence Minister.



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About World Liberation Day







My dear friends,


Nowadays almost all of us, even the most blind ones have heard who and how are controlling the world populations, you and me. Few bloodlines called Cabal and their organisation Illuminati and sub organisations such as Bilderberg, CFR, U.N. etc..


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When something disturbing sweeps into your awareness, just let it flow



When something disturbing sweeps into your awareness, just let it flow



The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer.  Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement.  Any doubts about it that you may be harboring are completely without foundation.  Release them, and focus your attention on what you truly desire to happen, and bring it to fruition.  That is your task, ably assisted by all of us in the spiritual realms who are constantly offering you advice (but only when sought) and encouragement.


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Note Regarding “Operation Green Light” and Response from FreedomReigns.us (It’s not quite ‘Green’, Yet)



Note Regarding “Operation Green Light” and Response from FreedomReigns.us (It’s not quite ‘Green’, Yet)

by GLR Kauilapele

Earlier today there was a post at RMN that stated, in part,

“My friend is a member of Maine’s De Jure Grand Jury, as well as being privy to other information not released to the general public … His sources sent him this information, which he has passed along to me, which I am passing along to you, which I hope you will MAKE VIRAL !!
“This is our 24 hours notice !!


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Stretching Science: Biologists Create A New Possibility Of Life - But Not As We Know It


(editor's note: Earlier I brought you the news of the exciting field of XNAs. Today's report continues as science keeps their definitions of "life" fluid as they expand their understanding of possibilities in other parts of the universe.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)


Biologists create a new possibility of life - but not as we know it


Blurring the lines between life and inanimate matter, biologists said they have created six alternatives to DNA and coaxed them to undergo evolution.


The work on these code-carrying molecules, called XNAs, adds to a growing field of test-tube evolution, in which scientists are nudging code-carrying chemicals to evolve into drugs or other useful compounds.


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Healing Earth News: Singapore Boosts Green Buildings


(editor's note: Singapore has historically been one of Asia's most intensive energy users, followed by South Korea and Japan. But that distinction is quickly coming to an end. Today's news details major plans being implemented to greatly reduce the carbon footprint as the population of Singapore is expected to continue growing.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)


Singapore boosts 'green' buildings


From the bone-chilling air conditioning that pumps through Singapore's malls and offices to lights that burn all night, the city state is one of Asia's most intensive energy users.



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Natural Remedies: The Era Of Healing Lights Has Begun To Hit "Mainstream" Medicine!


(editor's note: I am thrilled beyond description today!! A study has just been released by the University of Colorado describing the effects of light therapy to  prevent and treat heart attacks! Be on the look out for more "new" sciences of the healing properties of light and sound.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Intense Light Prevents, Treats Heart Attacks, Study Suggests



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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-29-12




Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

few sighting today... or few cameras outside... though we still got some good pics among them. 

Enjoy it.


Keep sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.



‪Avvistamento serale di UFO a Calcinatello (BS), Italia


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Imagine building your OWN dreams...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine building your OWN dreams...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)


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An Angel on camera


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The surf is up. – Michael by GLR Ron Head





 It is time to talk about the month which is about to begin, dear friends.  There has already been a lot of information given to you about the alignments and energies and about the possibilities for change.  It is all good information for you to consider.


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REG - Royal Bk Scot.Grp. - Brian Hartzer to Leave RBS






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The View From Down Here: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Spots Searchlight Beams From Preplanetary Nebula


(editor's note: The Hubble Telescope has enabled us to gain better understandings of the life cycle of stars, planets and other cosmic bodies. Today's report includes an amazing photograph of the short "preplanetary nebula" phase of an aging star.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)


NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope spots Searchlight Beams from Preplanetary Nebula



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Enlightened Presence into Now



Enlightened Presence into Now

by GLR HilarionRa - Posted on 29 April 2012


And enlightened being is supposed to be. whether its focus on the positive man!
or the complete opposite, or in between the two. honestly, you dont even have
a focused intent on any of it. because you realize theres no need for that.
You dont intend on being this or being that. you can plan though, but thats
from the place where youre being present within the love you are and seeing
that theres a window of oppourtunity, to perform specific actions, like
doing the dishes or walking your animals, the variations range obviously.

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~Incoming Code's~ Ready


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John Smallman – Jesus – You Will Find Yourselves Steeped In The Wonder Of Who You Truly Are



John Smallman – Jesus – You Will Find Yourselves Steeped In The Wonder Of Who You Truly Are – 29 April 2012

Humanity is on course to awaken as divinely intended. So open your hearts to receive the Love that is constantly on offer to help you move out of your state of deep sleep.  You want to; you know that life is much more real, alive, and exuberantly vibrant than what you are presently experiencing, and yet there is a sense of anxiety or even dread – that to move forward towards that state is to face judgment and possibly condemnation for behaviors in which you have at times engaged.  But those behaviors never occurred, and they could not.


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Expanding our connection with our *STAR* home by Lee-Anne




Expanding our connection with our *STAR* home
By Lee-Anne Peters
Expand your connection with your HOME


April the 28th


The *STARS* remain a hot topic, with many questions and emotions surfacing for readers from my recent blog -The *STARS* are my home! So I felt like I would expand on this and especially focus on how to Expand our Connection with our *STAR*home.
You may know which *STAR*home you belong to, or you may not, either way it’s okay, you will find out if and when you need to. These are some characteristics I see for myself and others from the *STARS* who are incarnated on the Earth at this time:


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Heavenletter #4174 The Imagined World


Heavenletter #4174 The Imagined World , April 29, 2012 

God said: 


How lovely is this imagined world I created. I created imagination. I manifested imagination. The individual you is imagined, imagined down to every last detail. I imagined male and female, and I gave each to the other. I imagined a Garden of Eden which was very like the reality of what was imagined. Imaginations took over, and then there was confusion, and stories were begun, and the stories continue still. There is a bump in the road. There has to be a bump in the road that you pass or jump over. Stories require this. There has to be suspended breath. There is such excitement.


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 29 April 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 29 April 2012

Beloved Ones,

We see from this vantage point many transformations taking place within the hearts of a greater number of Humanity than ever before. As they awaken and transform within themselves, the energy they create grows exponentially to encompass an ever greater field around the atmosphere of the Earth which in turn ignites more hearts to awaken and transform. Be aware, Dear Ones, of the great power that you hold and wield, as you live your daily lives. “I AM present, here, now.” Say these words often to align yourselves with your higher aspects which are now beginning to come closer to you.


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its such horseshit that you cant even get a job because of the person you have to go through
is afraid of the new. that theyre consumed in their thoughts, and their emotions, and less
with their actual feelings. they identify with their thoughts and emotions of how they
perceive you. oh the human condition as it stands today. yes its changing, but theres
also others who are contracted to be in resistance for a while.

does it bother you that i swore? good. get offended. maybe itll wake your ass up a little.
im sure everyone who likes reading from the enlightened perspective prefers it to be
curse word free, you know, like a cloud! but, if you focus on the cloud, you miss the
fact that you even understand the beauty that resides in the cloud, from the fact
that we deal with accidents, or even anger, that life isnt this pretty
cloudy, floaty , cuddlebug existence that you like to paint for yourselves.
or the fact that you like to focus on the future events, that you hope for a better life
someday, somewhow. im not saying that we arent going to have a better life in the long run
because we will, but first we have to deal with all the turmoil, the muddy waters.
have to go to the abyss of being  and deal with all the SHIT that lies in there.

for example, the reason why marriages fail, why boys and girls breakup. we beings
get into arguments in the first place. identifying with the egos fear of death
being the root cause of all of this turmoil in the first place. im not saying that
you the reader are in fear, but i am saying that the conditioning itself,
the fact that beings identify with their unconscious reactive state of being
or their conditioning, their egomind , is the reason why were even having to deal
with all this upheaval in the first place, its stuff like this, that keeps
me awake at night, or even for days.

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~Space Weather Update~Sun Harboring M Class Flares


MARS-DIRECTED CME: A minor CME that left the sun during the late hours of April 28th is heading for Mars. En route, it will sweep past the Mars Science Lab spacecraft, which is carrying Curiosity to the Red Planet. According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the GSFC, the cloud will reach the rover on May 4th. Fortunately, Curiosity is equipped to sense and study solar storms: video.


VENUS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: The brightest planet in the solar system is reaching its peak luminosity. On April 30th, Venus will shine at astronomical magnitude -4.7. That's 190 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star, bright enough to see in broad daylight if your eye lands right on it.


Yesterday in the Czech Republic, something drew Martin Gembec's eye directly to Venus. His guide was the International Space Station:


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My Brothers and Sisters..., Many of we who are working hard toward the upliftment of ALL..., are listening and "tuning" into the very air that surrounds us. Now why is this necessary or even recommended? These days..., you'd have to be really asleep not to have noticed a certain "electricity" in the air. If you are ABLE to tune into this on a sublte level you are going to sense an "intelligence" at work. More so than has EVER been present on the world before..., the nature of the very air is now intelligent and responsive to you. True..., you must be quite "sensitive" to energy, or simply be "open" to this possibility to have noticed. But I'm going out on a limb here and going to surmise that many, many, people who have never felt anything before of this nature have noticed something and wonder what it is. The world just does not "FEEL" the same. That is what most will tell you. Of course if you "tune" into the television..., the corporate propoganda machine will puke out a pretend version of why you feel so tense..., so different. It's this, or that..., they'll say. Now if you read and understood what I posted yesterday.., you'll know that to BELIEVE what you are being "told" on television is foolhardy. At least for the moment. There may soon come a time when there will be real reason to "tune" into the televsion, but that day is not quite here yet. At least not until the ARRESTS of those who are the real problem begins. Until then..., take a break from the propoganda machine and "TUNE IN" on your own to the air! Breath it in and then talk to it! Yes..., silly as it may seem the air is intelligent. It now has the ability to "rinse" your cells and cleanse them and uplift your energy so much you would be amazed. It wants to be asked..., BY YOU! It wants to be directed...., BY YOU! It wants to serve YOU! What is it that you choose?

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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-04-28 New Financial System to 1st Contact Timeline



Published on Apr 29, 2012 by 


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4/29/2012 -- Severe Weather continues -- watch OK, MO, KS, IA, IL, IN, OH, WI, MI


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-29-2012 – Sleeping Beauty~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-29-2012 – Sleeping Beauty~



As incedible as it may see, this is our update for today.

Mother Earth=Heart seems to have taken a sunday off as well!


Use these days to See how it’s going to Be to Live in a constant Harmonic Planet.

Though keep your focus, changes are not over yet and your Love is still needed, and it will be needed until it Becomes simpy what you Are.

Loving Harmonious Joy.


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COMEDY CIRCLE: President Obama - White House Correspondent's Dinner 2012, Part 1&2




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Unit E - Living in a world of illusion


Light is Information. Darkness is lack of Information! As the Light shines bright in the Many, We are beginning to see beyond this illusion, We are Awakening, and we realize. . . We All Want Something Better!


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube


by GLR Ute

Dearest Ones,

we are the Arcturians!


As you move forward in your effort of what you call "occupy your world", this is indeed a very necessary undertaking in the process of your evolution. The more of you are consciously participating the more power, the power of light, will be received and facilitated among you and in the energy field of your Mother Earth.


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Jimmy Kimmel - White House Correspondent's Dinner 2012, Part 1


And Who said there is no Truth In the White House....

Please, Listen to Jimmy, enjoy every moment of his speach, as Real Truth is here... No more BS, media coverup's, hidden agendas... 
Jimmy exposed it all... Especialy Media...





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The Vibrant New Human Expressing on The New Unified Earth! But First….




The twists and turns really do come up fast these days coupled with some really intense emotions.  On April 27th the sun unleashed a massive CME on its southwestern (The fullness of your lifes garden into the harvest area) limb and seems to be hitting a lot of us directly in our own vile duct!!  It was at top-notch yesterday and I could feel it thru every single reading.  Ya know that feeling when you pluck a taunt wire and you can see and feel the energy of it reverberating?


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